


Gingerbread Boy Chapter 11 Check out photos of Jamie, Sebastian and friends on my WordPress site

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Thank you for taking time out of your life to read my story. I”ve taken time out of mine to share it. Please tell me if you read this. AndrewMThomas@protonmail I do my best to reply to all emails as quickly as I can. I also have Wickr.

This story is an original work of fiction ©Copyright 2022 Andrew M. Thomas. Please do not copy or post without permission

And now…

When Mac shared the photo of the cop that took Jamie with the group, Taylor reacted.

“Stop!” Taylor yelled. “Is this the fucker you”re looking for?” His face was turning bright red. “This is who took Jamie?”

“Yes, he”s a cop that we believe is behind taking Jamie and Sebastian.” said Jacob.

“He”s no cop, he”s a child rapist. That fucker used to beat me and rape me.”

The room went silent.

Liam immediately pulled Taylor in. The boy was physically and visibly shaking. Tears were just about to flow. Liam wanted to kiss him, but with the mixed group, he didn”t dare. He just held him. “Shh, Taylor, it”s all going to be OK. We”re going to find him.”

Things moved so quickly, Mac took Taylor and left Liam to stay with Sebastian”s parents. He knew he would be a comfort to them. He also had a communicator, so he could hear what was going on.

“I know this is a strange time, but how did you save Taylor, Liam?” Sebastian”s father asked.

“His father had just been killed in prison, and his mom wasn”t making ends meet, so he and his mom ended up selling themselves for sex. When I met Taylor, he was hiding from the pimp, so I offered him a job, a place to stay, and we figured out how to extract his mom from the profession.”

“Is that how you hurt your hand?”

“Actually, no, but the pimp did find us, and broke in to our house, but in the end, Taylor”s mom left, the pimp is off the streets, and he works for me and lives with me. I never had a family, so this has been nice.”

“He seems to love you. If we didn”t know better, we would have thought he was your son.”

“Thanks, he”s been great. The hand, though, well, Taylor told me about being raped and pimped out one morning when we were driving to work. It was making me so angry, and then, he told me that it was his mother that was helping facilitate the rape, and I lost it. I hit the steering wheel so hard it somehow set off the airbag and I broke my hand. I know you guys don”t know me, but Mark called me because he knew just how much I would protect Taylor and knew I would protect Jamie just as much. And now that Sebastian is involved, we won”t stop until they”re caught.”

Note: To read about how Jamie was found, rescued, and returned, please see izmit escort bayan Jiu-Jitsu Boy chapters 11 and 12.

Liam”s phone rang. It was Taylor. “Come to the hospital. Bring Sebastian”s parents. He”s here with me, and he”s going to be fine. Bring him some clothes too. If you have anything for Jamie, bring that too, but I”m not sure where they are.”

“We are on our way. I heard that they got Jamie out and that they should be there soon. See you in a bit. Love you Taylor.”

“I love you too, Liam.”

Liam and Sebastian”s parents gathered their clothes and went to the hospital. It was a happy reunion for all.

They had to stay through the night before the boys were released.

“I”m glad everyone is safe.” Taylor said as they got home from the crazy day, night, and morning.

“I know, and I”m sorry that Jamie was hurt, but it could have been worse. I know that Jamie is going to need you since he”s been through that trauma. Are you OK with talking about it to him?”

“Of course, how else is he going to heal? He needs to be able to talk to someone who can understand what he”s been through. I”ve been there.”

“I”m glad you feel that way.”



“I love Jamie. Not like I love you, but I love him like family. I felt so helpless waiting in the truck while they rescued him, but once I got to see him, I knew he was going to be OK. And little Seb, he”s a cutie too. I feel the same way about him. I hope we can all stay friends.”

“I don”t see why we can”t. We are all signed up for Bruce”s classes.”

“That”s true. I can”t wait to kick your ass, old man!”

“What”s with this old man crap? I”ll show you.”

Liam grabbed Taylor and started tickling him. He knew exactly where to go to find the spot that made the boy squirm and it worked wonders.

The two wrestled into the bedroom, where they tore off their clothes, slipped into the shower and just held each other. They cleaned up a bit, dried off, and went to take a nap. It had been a long night. They needed a nap.

A few hours later, Liam”s phone rang. It was Mark.

“Hi Mark. How are you guys holding up?”

“As good as can be expected. Jamie is really upset. He feels like he”s been used and that I won”t love him anymore. I appreciate you being there. Something told me to call you, but it turns out that Taylor was the star of the day. Jamie really looks up to Taylor. I think the fact that Taylor shared his experience with him helped.”

“Me too. Taylor is getting better at showing emotions and is one of the most loving and caring people, but getting through his shell has been tough. I think he saw Jamie as a victim like he was. When he found out it was the same guy, he became the protector.”

“He”s a great boy.”

“If he could have run in there and saved Jamie, I think he would have. He”s really opened up.”

“That”s good. I hate to ask, but do you think he and Jamie izmit escort are going to want to, you know, be that kind of friend?”

“Mark, I really don”t know, but watching Taylor as he is healing from his abuse, I don”t think that his bonding with Jamie is a threat to what the two of you have.”

“No, I…” Liam interrupted.

“Stop, Mark. I know what the two of you have. Trust me, I have that with Taylor. I don”t think that they will have anything other than brotherly love and support. Taylor was pimping himself out before he was abused by that cop, his mom, or the pimp, so he was in a different place when all of that happened. But Jamie, he”s probably only had you, so this could be hard. Let him be with Taylor however he needs to be, and don”t press him for details. I would bet that they don”t do anything sexual. They need each other to talk this out. Taylor will be a good help and a big brother.”

“I have to confess, he has been with Bruce, but he didn”t want that after he and I became close. I love that boy and would give my life for him.”

“I know, I see it. We all see it. Well, some of us see more, but that”s because we understand that bond, that love, that devotion. Cherish your boy.”

“Thank you, Liam. Talk to you later.”

“Bye, my friend.”

Taylor was quietly sitting there. He had heard the entire conversation with Mark. He had a stoic look on his face.

“Are you OK?” Liam asked.


“OK.” Liam didn”t want to press. He could tell Taylor was thinking about everything that happened.

How about we get a bite to eat?

Taylor just sat there staring forward. He was silent.

“You sure you”re OK?” Liam asked.

“Yeah.” Taylor got up and followed Liam.

They left the house, and Taylor drove them over to Jose”s for some tacos. They ordered and just sat there. Taylor was in his own world. Liam didn”t press it. He tried making small talk, but only got short answers from Taylor. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not now. I just need time.”

They finished their lunch and drove home.

Taylor locked the truck and entered the code into the front door. He went in, turned off the alarm, and stood there staring at the panel.

“You sure you”re OK?” Liam asked.

“Yeah.” Before Liam could say anything else, Taylor started down the hallway.

“Shower.” Taylor said as he walked to the bedroom and dropped his clothes along the way. He was acting like a little kid. Liam followed and watched as Taylor entered the shower and turned on the water. It was still cold, but Taylor just stood there with a blank stare, his forehead against the wall.

Liam stripped, and went in to hold his boy. Not a word was spoken. He didn”t have time to wrap his cast, but it was coming off tomorrow anyway, so he didn”t care.

Liam came in behind him and wrapped his arms around him, hoping this was the right thing to do. Taylor could izmit kendi evi olan escort react badly if it wasn”t. Thankfully, Taylor pulled Liam”s arms in tight and began to sob.

“It all came back.” He cried. “I felt the pain Jamie was going through when I watched that bastard fucking him.”

Liam just held tight.

“Mac”s truck had a monitor, and we were watching the live stream. When I saw the deputy enter and the cop grab his gun, I thought Jamie would be killed. That deputy was able to diffuse it until they dropped the flash bang and little Jamie did exactly what he needed to do, he ran out. He ran to me!” Taylor started sobbing more. “What if I wasn”t there?”

Liam broke his silence. “But you were.”

“But we just met him. What if we hadn”t met him and weren”t there?”

“But you were. That”s all that matters.” Liam didn”t want to bring up the fact that the reason that they met was really because of the hell Taylor went through, so he just kept reassuring him that he was there and that”s all that mattered.

“I was hugging Jamie. He was sobbing on me, Liam. He was wearing my shirt and I could feel the warm tears running down my back. I saw the shootout happen and made sure Jamie didn”t see it. I saw officer Patton go down.”

Taylor stopped talking and didn”t move.



“I felt bad seeing him die like that, but I also felt relieved. Is that strange?”

“No, it”s not. He hurt you and Jamie, but seeing someone die isn”t a pleasant thing. You won”t be able to erase it from your memory. I”m just glad you didn”t let Jamie see it.”

“Hold me. I can”t imagine a better way to make love to you than to be held by you.”

“That”s fine by me.”

They dried off and got out. Liam”s cast was not in good shape. It had kind of melted, but not completely. Liam had Taylor go get some metal shears from the garage, and he carefully banged the cast with a rolling pin from the kitchen. Once they had enough of the plaster away, they could cut the cloth. Thank goodness it wasn”t a fiberglass cast.

Liam had to pull the soggy sock off his arm, then wash his stinky arm. It was pretty foul and was kind of killing the mood, but it had to come off. Once that was done, they went to bed. Taylor wanted to be the little spoon, and he snuggled into Liam as they dozed, worn out from the day.

Initially, they both slept soundly, but Taylor kept tossing and turning. Liam assumed it was bad dreams or flashbacks. It was a restless night once that began. Thankfully, Taylor couldn”t remember any of the dreams the next morning.

End Gingerbread Boy Chapter 11 – Andrew Thomas If you haven”t already met Mark and Jamie, you can read about them in JiuJitsu Boy Published stories Gingerbread Boy Gay: Adult/Youth https://www.//gay/adult-youth/gingerbread-boy/ Andrew”s Misplaced TrustGay: Adult/Youth https://www.//gay/adult-youth/andrews-misplaced-trust/ Splashing in the streetsGay: Young Friends https://www.//gay/young-friends/splashing-in-the-streets.html JiuJitsu BoyGay: fty//gay/adult-youth/jiujitsu-boy/ The Test DriveGay: fty//gay/adult-youth/the-test-drive/ You can see what”s in the works here:Andrew Thomas, Nifty Author ess

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