
Help Me Ch. 02


“Help me

Figure out the difference

Between right and wrong

Weak and strong

Day and night

Where I belong and

Help me

Make the right decisions

Know which way to turn

Lessons to learn

And just what my purpose is here”


Ben waited nervously for the young man’s answer

“I… well, yeah. Sure.” James laughed.

“Just so you know I normally don’t ask out patients, but I think you’re darn cute.”

“Well, thanks, I guess.”

“So…” Ben encouraged.

“Yeah, I’m free on Friday actually.”

“Cool. Well, I’ll get some paper to write down your phone number at some point, but you can go back to sleep if you want. I’ll bother you again in a couple hours.” Ben turned and walked away to the triage desk. James shook his head. He never would have guessed that the short muscular man was gay. Course, his gaydar had never been great, so he stopped trying to guess anymore. Sleepy from the pain meds, he drifted off again.

Ben watched James fall back asleep after a few minutes. Suddenly, the phone rang. Cindy answered it.

“Ugh, multiple car accident heading our way, one critical, two stable. Sounds like they suspect the critical might be a drunk driver.”

The next two hours flew by as they were able to stabilize the driver, and make sure the other two were comfortable.

Ben quickly stopped by James’ bed.

“Hey… James, wake up dude.”

James sleepily opened his eyes.

“Whoa, what did I sleep through? And how did I sleep through it?”

“Car accident.” Ben said as he checked over James.

“Everybody okay?”

“Yeah. Well, go back to sleep, I’ll let you go an extra hour this time I think, and then we might be able to get you home after that.”

“Cool. Thanks. Hey, did you find a pen for me?”

Ben reached into his pocket, but the piece of paper was long gone.

James grabbed the pen, and pulled Ben’s wrist over. He removed Ben’s watch, and wrote his phone number onto his wrist, then replaced the watch.

“There. Just be careful washing your hands now.” James said.

Ben laughed.

Ben called James later that week, and they set up a date for Friday night. As confident as he seemed, Ben was nervous for their date. It had been awhile since he’d been out on one, specifically since college because of his schedule. Not easy to go out and meet someone when your schedule changes and you mostly work nights. But he actually had Friday off, so he was going to make the most of it. And James was freaking cute with his scruffy facial hair. Without the facial hair, he would probably fall under the ‘twink’ category, because he was so lean and short. He made sure to dress in a dark green shirt to bring out the color of his eyes because he knew guys loved the green. He grabbed his keys and went to go pick up James.

James watched out the window waiting for Ben to arrive. He was really excited to go out with Ben, not just because he was hot, but because he was also very nice. Their conversations outside of the hospital solidified that thought too. He spotted a black mustang pull up outside his apartment. Ben stepped out of the driver’s seat. James stepped outside, and locked the door to his place. He met Ben at the three steps at the start of the walkway up to the building.

“Hey, ready to go I take it?” Ben asked.

“Sure. Where are we heading?” James replied.

“Well, maslak escort I wasn’t sure, mostly because I’m a vegetarian, but I wasn’t sure what you’d prefer to eat.”

“Well, huh… you might be surprised at this, but I’m also a vegetarian.”

“Cool. Good, then I know a small café downtown that has awesome coffee and great sandwiches.”

“Sounds good. I love coffee…”

“Oh, that’s good. I might not be able to date someone who doesn’t like coffee.” Ben laughed.

“I know how you feel,” James said as he slid into the passenger seat of Ben’s mustang. “I feel I must mention I love the car too.”

“Hard not to like a mustang.”

“True. At some point though, you’ll have to let me drive it.”

“I’ll think about it.” Ben said.

They arrived at the café.

“So which sandwich do you normally get?”

“I like the one with cream cheese and cucumber, but the other one has hummus and a ton of veggies, so that one’s good too.”

The boys ordered their food, and Ben shoved James out of the way to pay.

“Hey, I can pay for my own!” James protested.

“No dude, you’re my date. I pay.”

The cashier laughed.

“See, she agrees with me.” Ben pointed to the cashier.

“Don’t encourage him.” James said. The cashier just laughed harder.

“Thanks guys, you made my night.” She said still chuckling.

They sat down to wait for their food.

“So, James, what do you do for a living?”

“Well, school and I work as a waiter.”

“Ooh, fun.” Ben said

“Right? Pays the bills.”

As they ate, they told each other funny stories of happenings at work, generally having a great first date, and neither wanted it to end.

Ben pulled up to James apartment to drop him off.

“Want to come up? I don’t have alcohol on hand, but I make a mean hot chocolate.” James said slyly.

“Hmm… Sure.”

James opened the door and motioned for Ben to walk in first. Ben stepped into the kitchen, and turned around to ask James a question, but James grabbed him and kissed him, hard. Before Ben could comprehend what had just happened, the started leaving a trail of clothes to the bedroom. By the time they reached the bed, they were only wearing their underwear. Ben picked up James and set him onto the bed and then crawled up over him, leaving a trail of kisses along his left thigh, bypassing his boxers, continuing up his side to his neck.

“I’m normally not this slutty.” James said.

“Neither am I. I’m really attracted to you though. I want to be slutty for you…” Ben said before matching his lips to James’. The kisses grew in intensity until they could hardly breathe. James brazenly reached for Ben’s hard cock, trapped in his boxers. He rubbed it through the cloth, jacking it slowly. Ben’s hands went to James’ sides, causing him to gasp softly.

“Shit, I forgot about your ribs.” Ben said stopping James from rubbing his cock.

“Look, we already know I have a high pain tolerance. We both want this…” James said.

“I don’t want to hurt you…” Ben whispered.

“So, what then? Do we just wait? Or?”

“Well… hmm. What do you prefer?”

“Dude, I want to fuck.” James said.

Ben laughed, “No, I mean top or bottom?”

“Oh… well, bottom, but I’m versatile.” James said.

“Huh. If you were a top this would be an easier decision. Actually, nothing aksaray escort says you can’t be on top…” Ben said with a wink, as he flipped James over on top of him.

James sat up, straddling Ben’s waist.

“Go for it…” Ben said.

James slowly kissed his way down Ben’s body to the edge of his boxers. He tugged them off gently. Ben was so hard, his cock snapped back to his abdomen. James grabbed his cock, and bent down to take it into his mouth, but hesitated briefly.

“Ugh, I suppose we should have the condoms talk…”

“I get tested quarterly since I work in the ER, I’m negative for everything…”

“I had myself tested after college, but I was always pretty careful. So if you want,”

“I want to skip it.” Ben interrupted.

“Okay by me” James said as he slipped his lips over Ben’s cock.

Ben groaned and threw his head back as James expertly worked him over. Using his right hand, James slowly jacked up and down as he suckled around the head. He dropped into a maddening rhythm, slow soft licks up and down the shaft, then a few quick jerks while sucking like his life depended on it. Ben was helpless under James’ onslaught. His hands dropped back and grabbed at the head board. Suddenly, it was too much too fast, and he grabbed James’ shaggy hair and pulled his head back.

“Why’d you stop me?” James kept his hand on Ben, but didn’t move.

“You are way too good at that… I was too close.” Ben pulled James up even with him.

“Hey hot stuff…” James said, kissing Ben.

Ben gently rolled James over, and slunk down his body, kissing his ribs delicately. James squirmed.

“You okay?” Ben asked stopping.

“Just a bit ticklish there.” James said.

“Hmm… filing that away for later…” he said moving down further to the waistband of his boxer briefs.

“Hmm… what do we have here…?” Ben said pulling down the boxer briefs slowly.

“A little friend for you?” James lifted his hips to help Ben slip the underwear off him.

“Little? I don’t think so. Jeez, for such a little guy…” Ben slid a hand up James’ 8 inches.

“You aren’t bad either… And yeah for us being so short…” James cut off with a gasp as Ben lowered his head to James’ penis.

“Oh… my… god…” James groaned out.

“Nope, just Ben.” He said with a quirky smile.

“Ha ha ha ha. Get to work.” James wrapped his hands around the back of Ben’s head, guiding him.

Ben tried to one-up James’ blow job technique by using what he always referred to as the ‘ice cream’, swirling licks starting around the base, working up until he reached the tip, where he then deep throated James’ entire 8 inches.

“Holy……” James bucked his hips as Ben swallowed, the back of his throat working the head of his penis like nothing he’d felt before. Ben slipped off, slurping up the extra saliva.

“I need you in me right now, oh god, I’m dying…” James said, pushing Ben away from his cock. Ben rolled them over again so James could be on top. James was a puddle of mush though after Ben’s expert blow job and could only drape himself over Ben.

“You have lube?” Ben asked.

“Drawer…” James motioned weakly to the bedside table.

Ben reached into the drawer and pulled out a bottle. Reaching between their legs, he slicked himself up. He lifted his hand to James’ cute little butt, and globbed some lube escort istanbul between his cheeks.

“Ah! Cold!” James sat up straight.

“Perfect.” Ben worked a finger into James’ tight hole. James rocked his hips in time to Ben’s sliding finger. He worked quickly to two, then three fingers, stretching James out.


“God yes…” James whispered.

Ben lifted James up, and positioned his cock at his entrance.

“Whenever you want to, you start moving. I don’t want to hurt you.” Ben said.

James slowly started impaling himself on Ben’s cock. Ben groaned as he felt his dick being engulfed by the warm heat of James. His hands gripped James’ waist tight, willing himself to go slow. James bottomed out and hesitated, sighing in pleasure. Ben reached up and pulled James down for a kiss. James cried out into his mouth, and started to rock his hips. Ben laced his hands into his hair, and lifted his knees. James buried his head into Ben’s neck, working his hips up and down with the occasional hip rotation.

“Don’t stop, oh… god…” Ben groaned. James sat up to take deeper thrusts, riding Ben’s hips like there was no tomorrow. Ben sat up as well, moving them up so he could lean back onto the headboard. James hesitated, and sunk down even further onto Ben. The both moaned in unison. James stopped moving and giggled.

“What?” Ben asked a bit

“You are absolutely the best ever, I swear.” James said.

“I’m glad you feel that way, but I would appreciate you keeping your giggles to yourself until we’re done, and oh, by they way, move your ass!” Ben said, punctuating with a thrust of his hips. James cried out, and returned to taking deep long thrusts. Ben rocked his hips in time with James’ movements. In no time at all James’ moves became erratic.

“You ready?” He panted.

“Close. Keep moving, keep…” Ben threw his head back as James rotated his hips on a down thrust. He clocked his skull on the headboard.

“Ouch…” He said but kept moving.

James came on a startled cry, spurting cum all over their chests as he kept bouncing on Ben’s hard cock. Ben grabbed his hips and thrust hard one last time as he came deep inside. James slumped onto Ben’s chest, panting hard. Ben lifted his hand and cupped James behind the head and held him close. They caught their breath, and James giggled.

“Best,” He said. “The absolute best…”

“That was fantastic.” Ben said.

“Stay the night?” James asked.

“Yeah. Definitely.”

James dismounted and walked to the bathroom and returned with a damp washcloth. He had wiped himself down in the bathroom, but brought the washcloth to wipe off Ben’s chest. He tossed it into the laundry basket near the door. He crawled up Ben, and laid his head on his chest. Ben wrapped his arms around him, cuddling him close.

The next morning the boys got up early and James made some scrambled eggs for them.

“So what’s your plan for the weekend?” James asked.

“Well, nothing today. Church tomorrow morning.” Ben replied.

“Church… Really?” James said incredulously.

“Yeah church… why is that weird?” Ben asked

“Well, its church, and you’re gay.”

“Why is that weird?”

“Really? I mean do the people at church know this about you?”

“Well, yeah, Dad’s the preacher.”

“Wait… what the fuck are you talking about?”

“I don’t get why this is weird for you.”

“Maybe because most churches hate gays, and the fact that your father is a preacher and didn’t disown you the moment you came out?!”

“Oh. I forget that other churches are like that. You should go with me tomorrow. Let’s spend the day together and then go tomorrow morning. You can meet my dad too.”

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