
In Service of the Queen Ch. 06

Great Ass

In Service of the Queen

by Davina Lee

An alternative future of women and their adventures


Author’s Note

As we concluded our last chapter, Adelaide had just been serenaded by Tiara’s band with a song that Tiara wrote. But any dividends received from having a song written for you have to wait when your girl’s in a band and they’re booked as the entertainment for the Mabon festival’s after party. But don’t worry too much, friends, it’s not all work and no play. And good things come to those who wait.

* * *

Chapter 6: Deus Contra Machina

Beneath Empyrea City, deep within the old wartime shelter

“Friend Adelaide,” said Cosette, standing next to the acrobat who was leaning on her baton like a dancer with a cane in a Vaudeville show, “this is Friend Beatrice.”

In the distance, angsty strains of Deus Contra Machina’s set list echoed through the tunnel.

“She knows where to find the cheese cave,” added Vivienne.

Beside Vivienne and Cosette, Beatrice turned a tight circle with her baton pressed to the floor under her left hand. She stopped to face Adelaide, raised her right hand, fingers straight and palm facing outward. Beatrice placed her hand next to her cheek, smiled, and dropped her hand to the side in an arc.

Adelaide stared for a moment, her head cocked, before straightening up and mimicking Beatrice’s gesture.

“I’m Deaf,” said Beatrice.

“I know, me too,” said Adelaide. “Tiara’s band is really loud.”

Beatrice watched Adelaide’s lips and then shook her head. She pointed to her ears. “No. I was born Deaf.”

Adelaide cocked her head again.

“This is how I say hello.” Beatrice raised her right hand again, with her fingers straight and palm facing outward. She repeated her earlier gesture.

“Oh,” said Adelaide. “Oh. Got it. Sorry, I’ve had a few beers. I’m a little slow.”

Beatrice watched Adelaide’s lips and grinned.

“Nice to finally meet you, friend,” continued Adelaide. “Your acrobatics are amazing, by the way. And if I can ever figure out where you people are getting those giant pretzels, I’d like to try that trick you did with your baton earlier.”

Adelaide raised her hands like she was holding an imaginary baton by both ends and pretended to lower it across Beatrice’s shoulders to pull her in.

Beatrice shook her head. “You’ve already got a girl to share pretzels with.”

Adelaide shrugged. “And no pretzels.” She leaned in to kiss Beatrice on the cheek and then stepped back. “Sorry. I should have–“

“I enjoy the attention from hot druid babes as much as the next gal.” Beatrice grinned and took Adelaide’s chin in her hand. She lifted Adelaide’s face and smirked before planting a kiss on each of Adelaide’s cheeks. “It’s nice to meet you too, friend,” said Beatrice.

Adelaide lowered her head to stare down at her druidess robe while her face cycled through three shades of pink.

“Now that we’re all acquainted,” said Vivienne, “I’m dying to find some of that legendary cheese.”

“I’d settle for a pretzel,” mumbled Adelaide. “And maybe another beer. Definitely another beer.”

Cosette stepped forward from behind Vivienne with a large bow-shaped pretzel in her hand. She tore a piece off and held it up.

“Where in friend’s name are you people finding those–?”

Adelaide never got to finish her thought. Before she could get the words out, Cosette jammed the chunk of pretzel between Adelaide’s lips.

“Come on, Addie,” said Vivienne. “We’re off to find cheese.”

Adelaide chewed while she nodded. Vivienne took Adelaide by the hand while she dropped in line behind Cosette and Beatrice. The four women fell in step.

In the distance, the amplified voice of Deus Contra Machina’s lead singer rang out.

“You gotta fight! Fight! Take the power back!

“Fight! Fight! Take the power back!”

With the next repetition, the crowd had joined in.

“Fight! Fight! Take the power back!

“Fight! Fight! Take the pow-errr baaack!


A cacophony of drums, guitar, and bass rose to drown out the noise of the crowd. When everything finally fell silent, the lead singer’s voice once again cut through to address the crowd.

“Empyrea City! Let’s keep the energy flowing! Are you ready for more?”

A cheer echoed down the tunnel.

“I said, are you ready for more?”

The roar of the crowd swelled.

* * *

Deeper in the tunnels, a few minutes later

“Seriously? A torch?” said Adelaide. “And not like what some people call a flashlight, but an actual flame. No, this isn’t creepy. Not creepy at all.”

“It’s not a torch,” said Vivienne. “It’s a miner’s safety lamp.”

“Oh, a safety lamp. Right. Do I even want to know what we need safety against?” said Adelaide. “And since when do you know about this stuff?”

“The lamp is to warn us of dampf. Bad air.”

“For someone in the culinary program, you suddenly know a lot about mining,” said Adelaide.

“This is not our first excursion.”

“So you don’t Ümraniye travesti actually know where this cheese cave is? We’re just wandering around down here, looking for Limburger?”

“If the lamp goes out, we need to head the other direction. Quickly.”

“This is not making me feel better.”

“Perhaps a story,” offered Cosette, dropping back to walk next to Adelaide. “To keep our minds from the wandering thoughts.”

“Or we could just forget the cheese and find some more of those delicious pretzels.”

“I think you will find this story intriguing,” said Cosette.

“If it’s about a wicked old witch who guards the cheese cave and grinds the bones of hapless passersby into her bread, I am turning around right now.”

“It is not.” Cosette tore another chunk from her pretzel and handed it to Adelaide. “It’s about the queen.”

“Is this one of those stories they tell the kids?” Adelaide mumbled around the pretzel piece in her mouth. “I feel like Eniola should be telling it while we all gather in a circle ’round the old miner’s lamp. Where is the priestess anyway?”

“Addie,” said Vivienne. “Do you want to hear the story? Because I do.”

“Oh,” said Adelaide. “Yeah. Sorry.”

Cosette tore another piece of pretzel and pushed it into Adelaide’s mouth. “There is another legend,” said Cosette. “about the caves and about the queen, but it has nothing to do with cheese.”

Adelaide rolled her eyes as she chewed, but made no attempt to interrupt.

“It is said the woman residing overhead in Elysium is not the true queen of Empyrea. That she is an impostor.”

Adelaide snorted and then quickly covered her mouth. “You’re drunk,” she said.

“I am not,” said Cosette, shaking her head.

Adelaide stopped walking and stood dead in her tracks. Cosette reached out to tap Beatrice on the shoulder. She stopped as well. The group stood still in the glow of the mining lamp.

“The queen’s an impostor?” asked Vivienne.

Cosette nodded and leaned in. Lowering her voice, she said, “It’s said the real queen is imprisoned down here in the tunnels. Guarded day and night by elite members of the fake queen’s self-defense force.”

“Okay, I’m not sure where you’re going with this, but if you told me the head of the guard detail was that cringy woman who keeps hitting on me every time I see her, I might believe you.”

Cosette cocked her head.

“One of my sister’s squad mates. I don’t think you’ve met her. Probably for the best.” Adelaide shook her head. “Where did you get this information anyway? About the impostor queen?”

The group, led by Beatrice with the mining lamp, started moving again. Cosette walked next to Adelaide, shoulder to shoulder. “La résistance,” whispered Cosette.

“La what?” said Adelaide.

“La résistance,” repeated Cosette, louder this time. “Everyone from Paris is a member of la résistance. From birth, we are all taught in the ways of subversion. In primary school, even as we practice spelling our names, we learn the proper way to assemble Molotov cocktails that we ignite and throw during physical education classes.”

Adelaide stopped in her tracks again. “Are you kidding me? You’ve got to be–“

“I still hold the record in my school for both distance and largest explosion.”

“Okay,” said Adelaide, her lips twitching into a grin. “Okay, now I know you’re full of shit.”

Cosette laid her hand on Adelaide’s arm. “Oui, Friend Adelaide,” she said. “Am I full of la merde, as you say? Maybe so, maybe not. But your mind is no longer wandering, is it?”

“No. No, I guess not.”

“Good.” Cosette gave Adelaide’s arm a quick squeeze and let her hand drop. “Then as a member of la résistance, I have succeeded in my mission.”

Adelaide smirked before throwing her arm over Cosette’s shoulder and leaning in to kiss her on her cheek. “Thanks for the distraction.”

“De rien,” said Cosette.

No sooner had the words passed Cosette’s lips, than the flame of the mining lamp went out with a muted thump that echoed around the dark tunnel.

“What the…?” said Adelaide. In front of her, Beatrice spun around. In her hand, Beatrice held a small flashlight with its beam aimed at the floor of the tunnel.

“Turn around,” said Beatrice.

“Quickly,” said Cosette, producing her own flashlight from the pockets of her trousers. “Follow Beatrice.”

Adelaide stood, unmoving, her eyes fixed on the twin beams from the flashlights held by Beatrice and Cosette.

“Addie?” said Vivienne.

“You had flashlights this whole time?”

Vivienne reached out to grip Adelaide by the elbow. “Addie, honey, we’ve got to go.”

* * *

Fifteen minutes later

The group consisting of Beatrice, Cosette, Vivienne, and Adelaide stood huffing at the mouth of the tunnel.

“Let’s not do that again soon,” said Adelaide.

“Agreed,” said Vivienne.

Adelaide bent forward with her hands gripping her knees. “I don’t really like running, even when I’m not in fear of getting Ümraniye travestileri blown up.”

“Probably just a pocket of carbon dioxide,” said Cosette. “The lamp tends to go bang when it’s explosive gas.”

“You know what?” said Adelaide, still hunched over and now shaking her head, “Thanks for that tidbit, but I really did not need to know that.”

In the distance, Tiara’s band roared.

“The good thing is we’re all okay,” said Beatrice. Vivienne and Cosette nodded in agreement.

“Yeah,” said Adelaide, straightening up. “I’m definitely going to need a beer after that little adventure. Anyone else want a beer?”

Beatrice, Cosette, and Vivienne shook their heads.

“You sure? Druidesses get to cut to the front of the line.”

Again, the remaining three shook their heads.

“Suit yourselves,” said Adelaide. “I’m going to find one of those pretzels, too.”

On stage, the band fell silent. Tiara and the lead guitarist both ducked out from the straps around their necks and turned to place their instruments on stands behind them. The drummer stood and stretched.

“Thank you, Empyrea City! We’re going to take a quick break,” announced the lead singer. “Don’t go anywhere. We’ll be right back.”

While this was happening, Beatrice reached out with her hand to grab onto Adelaide’s arm. “It was lovely to meet you, friend,” she said, pulling Adelaide in and kissing her on the cheek. “Now go get your beer.” Beatrice pointed to the stage. “And go get your girl.”

Adelaide placed her hand next to her cheek, fingers up and palm out. She smiled and dropped her hand to the side in an arc. “Can this be used for goodbye, too?” she asked.

Beatrice touched her fingers to her chin for a moment before sweeping her hand away, turning her palm outward, and ending in a wave.

Adelaide repeated the gesture. “Goodbye, Friend Beatrice. I hope you find your cheese cave one day.”

Beatrice lifted her baton and pointed one end toward the band in the distance. “Go, Friend Adelaide. Go get your girl,” she said, before tossing her baton into the air and turning a cartwheel toward the mass of people crowded around the stage, before reaching out to pluck the baton from the end of its arc above her.

“She’s so nice,” said Adelaide, turning to Vivienne and Cosette.

Vivienne and Cosette both held their fingers up, pointing to the stage. “Go,” they said.

* * *

One minute later

Adelaide stood waiting, with her hands stuffed deep in her pockets, while Tiara was being hugged by Eniola, the Mabon Priestess. Eniola released Tiara from her grip and turned to Adelaide. “She’s all yours, friend,” said Eniola, smiling.

As Adelaide stepped forward, Eniola moved to the right to hug the lead guitarist. “Thank you for making this year’s after party such a success,” said the priestess. She reached out to hug the band’s singer next. “All of you.”

“Our pleasure.”

While Eniola wrapped the pair in a hug, Tiara reached out for Adelaide’s hand. “So…” she said.

“So…” replied Adelaide.

“Do you want to–?”

“I’m going to get a beer,” blurted Adelaide. “You want one? Druidesses get to cut to the head of the line. I want to get a pretzel, too. If I can find where they are.”

“Friend Adelaide?” Tiara picked up Adelaide’s hand and gazed down at her fingers.

“Friend Tiara?”

“We have pretzels backstage. Beer, too.”

“You do?”

Tiara nodded.

“You’re my hero!”

“You’re drunk.”

“Am not.”

“Mmm. Mm-hmm,” replied Tiara, tugging at Adelaide’s hand.

“No, really. We’ve been searching for the legendary cave of cheese. You know the acrobat who’s been doing cartwheels and tossing her baton all night?”

Tiara nodded.

“Well, she knows where it is. But we didn’t get any cheese, because we almost got blown up. There’s some kind of gas pockets down there. Cosette called it damp, or dampf, or something. Anyway, Beatrice’s got this old mining lamp, and…”

Tiara stopped walking and turned to Adelaide.


Tiara smirked as she planted a kiss on Adelaide’s cheek. “You’re cute when you get excited.”

“You should see how excited I get when I have a beer in one hand and a pretzel in the other.”

Tiara chuckled and tugged at Adelaide’s hand.

* * *


“Hey,” said a muscular brunette, slouched in a club chair with a pair of women, each wearing next to nothing and each straddling one of the brunette’s thighs, causing their skimpy skirts to ride even higher. Next to the chair was a hand rolled cigarette sending a diminutive curl of smoke to the ceiling as it lay smoldering in an ashtray on a side table.

“Hey, Camina,” said Tiara. “Camina, this is Adelaide. Adelaide, this is Camina, our drummer.”

“Cool. Cool. And this is… uhh…” Camina looked to her left and then to her right. “Uhh…”

The woman perched on Camina’s right thigh giggled. “Daphne,” she said, turning her head to face Tiara and Adelaide while putting Travesti ümraniye on an exaggerated frown.

“And Chloe,” said the woman straddling Camina’s left thigh. “I can’t believe you forgot.”

“Sorry, love,” said Camina, “but we just met.”

Chloe shook her head and reached out for the smoldering cigarette. She touched a lighter to the tip and took a long drag before setting it back down. Instead of exhaling, Chloe turned to Daphne, locked lips with her, and pushed her breath into Daphne’s mouth. A wisp of smoke curled up from the corners of their lips as Daphne inhaled.

“Sharing is caring, girls,” scolded Camina, leaning forward. Daphne grinned and hunched forward to press her lips against Camina’s. While this was happening, Chloe took a swipe with her tongue up against Daphne’s collarbone and painted a trail all the way to her ear lobe.

Squirming on Camina’s thigh, Daphne released Camina’s lips and turned to paw at the back of Chloe’s head. With one hand, she wove her fingers into Chloe’s hair. With her other hand, Daphne pulled up her top to free her left breast and guided Chloe’s mouth to her nipple.

“Beautiful, love,” said Camina, as she alternated her words with blowing smoke in rings from her mouth. “Absolutely beautiful. Be sure you save some for me.”

Daphne tugged her top higher, setting her right breast free to descend with a pleasant jiggle.

“Hey, I’m Taylor,” said a tall, lanky blonde with dark roots, stepping over and extending her hand to Adelaide.

“Taylor’s our vocalist and sometimes rhythm guitarist,” said Tiara.

“Oh. Nice to meet you, friend,” said Adelaide. “You’re a really talented singer.”

“Thanks.” Taylor raised a glass of water and took a sip.

Adelaide stared at the clear glass for a second.

“We’re not all proponents of the hardcore rock and roll lifestyle like Camina here, if that’s what you’re wondering.” Taylor leaned in. “And between you and me, I don’t think it’s tobacco she’s got rolled up in there.”

“I heard that, Taylor. Don’t be jealous, love.”

“Umm…” Adelaide shifted her gaze to Camina, who now had her hands under Chloe’s top while Chloe leaned over, still slathering Daphne’s nipples.

“So you’re Tiara’s muse,” said another woman, whose teased out hair might have started as blonde, but was currently showing several shades of pink. She stuck out her hand. “I’m Danielle.”

“You play the guitar,” said Adelaide. “Oh, I like your hair. It’s even better up close.”

“Thanks. Hey, can I get you something to drink?”

“Actually,” said Tiara, “We’re on a mission for pretzels.”

“And beer,” said Adelaide.

“And beer,” repeated Tiara.

“Don’t let me get in the way of your foraging, friend.” Danielle gestured to the low coffee table stacked with pretzels, alongside a selection of cubed cheeses, sliced raw vegetables, and little round chocolates.

“Beer tap’s over there,” Danielle said, pointing to the counter along the wall. “Want one?”

Adelaide nodded, “Yes, please.”

“Tiara?” asked Danielle.

Tiara shook her head and moved to the sofa with Adelaide in tow.

“You don’t want a beer?” asked Adelaide.

“We still have half a show to do. I can have something at the party after the show.”

“Party after the show?” chuckled Danielle, now holding two beer glasses in her hands, “No one ever invites the bass player to the party after the show. Who invites the bass player?”

Tiara stuck her tongue out in Danielle’s direction, while Danielle extended a foam topped beer glass to Adelaide.

“Thanks, friend,” said Adelaide. And as Danielle wandered off, Adelaide turned to Tiara. “How come you don’t get invited to the party?”

“It’s a running gag tonight. The girls have a bet going. Whether I’ll go to the party or skip it to go home with you.”

“Do they think we’re dating?” Adelaide raised her glass and took a long pull. “Are we dating?”

Tiara chuckled. “Friend Adelaide. I wrote a song for you. We’re dating. They sang the song. So yeah, they know.”

“Oh.” Adelaide chewed her lip for a moment. “You did, didn’t you? You wrote a song for me.” Adelaide set her beer on the coffee table and threw her arms around Tiara. “You’re the best!”

“Hate to break up the party,” announced Taylor, clapping her hands together sharply, “but we’ve got a show to finish up.”

Adelaide whirled her head around, her cheeks flushed pink, but Taylor’s gaze was fixed squarely on Camina. And as Daphne and Chloe slid off Camina’s thighs and tugged their tops back into position, Tiara planted a quick peck on Adelaide’s cheek and stood up.

“See you after the show,” said Tiara, “Make sure you grab a couple pretzels.”

Adelaide grinned as she reached out toward the coffee table with both hands.

* * *

Ninety minutes later

“So what did it cost you to lose?” asked Adelaide, as she walked hand in hand with Tiara under the orange glow of the sodium vapor lamps that lined the sidewalk.

“Hmm? Oh, the bet?”

“Yeah. The one where your bandmates bet you’d skip the party to take me home.”

“I have to lug all their gear for the next gig.”

“That’s it?” Adelaide stopped short, tugging at Tiara’s fingers until she came to a halt as well. “I thought a night with me might be worth more than that,” she said smirking.

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