
Iowa Corn and Porn



First off, I must tell you that I’m rich and young. I’ve done it all, seen it all; well almost. Being young, sex is never far from my mind. In fact it’s always on my mind, especially when I see a buxom teen prancing around in tight clothes pretending they know the ways of the world. I guess you could say I have an issue with control; I never had enough sex in high school, I got turned down by a girl I had an undying love for, et cetera. I am all those horrible, bumbling sexual idiots rolled into one.

Now that I have money, and no “attachments”, so to speak, I feel it is my duty to conquer the opposite sex, to lay claim to what is rightfully mine, to avenge my horrible life’s experience. So how do I plan to become king of the mountain? Simple, offer lots of cash to down-on-their-luck actress types, who are looking to become the next Gwyneth Paltrow, but were not born with a sliver spoon up their ass’ like she was. Obviously, it’s quite a simple plan.

Chapter 1:

Jennifer was one of those corn-fed Iowa girls that shows like Dawson’s Creek were made for. She was a cheerleader in high school, the biggest cock-tease/wet-dream you have ever seen. It’s hard to imagine her having trouble getting a job in Hollywood, but her type are a dime a dozen here. So she worked at the local street corner café to make ends meet until her “big break”, whenever that would happen. Being rich, and young, and without the need to have a real job, I often frequent such locales looking for such game.

As she walks over to my table to take my order, I take a nice long look. She looks to be around 5’10”, she’s a natural blond, naturally; she has those crystal blue eyes guys just get lost in. Jenny, as her nametag said, was wearing the typical café getup: black pumps; knee-length black skirt; white, button-up, collared shirt; and a black apron over the shirt. Her hair is done up in a twist, but I can imagine her casually flipping it off her shoulder as she mingles with other Hollywood-types. She notices my 20-second appraisal, and gives me the cold smile that says ‘I wouldn’t give you the time of day, so you better enjoy this while it lasts.’ I instantly knew she was my next project.

After ordering latte and an appetizer, she quickly made her exit. I knew if I was going to reel her in it would have to be in the 20 seconds that it would take her to deliver my order. I thought pensively what I was going to say; I was snapped out of my thought when she said, “Will you be needing anything else?”

“No I’m fine. But I was wondering if you are an actress.”

“Of course; in this town, what girl my age isn’t?” she said almost defensively.

“Are you working on anything I know? Or are you just in between jobs?”

With a slight blush she said, “Well I haven’t exactly gotten a acting job yet; but I’m taking acting lessons.”

“Well I run a small, and I must emphasis the word small, production company. We do mostly low-budget stuff. Were are actually looking for young people like yourself because you all are cheaper to pay.”

I had her from the word ‘looking’; her beaming smile told me this would be her last shift at this particular Escort Ataşehir café if the offer were good enough. I was practically drooling, just thinking about what was under that chaste, white cotton shirt. I’m a breast man, and I could tell, even from the mere outline of the apron, that she had to have at least a C-cup chest. I gave her my card and told her that if she quit her job after I left, she would be paid by me for the rest of her shift. I also gave her instruction on how to get to my office on the top floor of an older building in the Encino part of LA.

Chapter 2:

It always amazes me how trusting some of these people are. I’m originally from the Midwest, and I grew up with a Midwesterner’s common sense and skepticism. But all that goes out the door when these would- be starlets move out west. Maybe that’s why the thought of raising kids here is kind of frightening to me.

Jennifer arrived at my office at 8 am like I had instructed her over the phone the previous afternoon. She looked very much an Iowa farmboy’s fantasy, in a loose-fitting, blue sundress that flared out at the thighs when she walked up the steps. I also noticed how the tied bodice clung to her chest as it lightly bounced up and down like a slow-motion wet dream; her chest was indeed very ample, and most likely a C-cup or larger. ‘My God’ I thought, ‘How am I going to get through the day without stroking myself?’ “Sure is hot, even this morning.” She said.

“All that smog doesn’t help either.” I said, making small talk. “Well, welcome to my little business. As you can see we don’t have many employee, just my assistants, Kristin and Jim. You’ll meet them later. Come with me and I’ll show you the place.” “Ok.”

“Well if I haven’t told you all ready we are in the business of making and distributing movies. Not just any movies as you see. Pornography can make even the smallest business quite a few bucks. You probably saw the 2002 Mercedes S-class outside. I paid for it in cash with the money I made here. Some people back where I’m from don’t approve of this, but if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have made any money; there are only so many people in California who are willing to buy this stuff on the street corner. Web customers from my home state, alone, make up 7% of our total orders.”

“Wow. I had no idea that business could be that good. And you sure don’t look that sleazy. I’m sorry but that came out wrong.”

“No need to be sorry. Like I said, this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But I feel I serve a need in the world.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, how do you find enough bimbos to be in these movies?”

“Well, I don’t call them bimbos for starters. They’re just like you, looking to be a star but not quite able to reach it. Everyone has to eat, so they do jobs for me, and I pay them.”

“You couldn’t pay me to sell my soul to the devil.”

“Well I’m not the devil; and I must pay them well enough since I never hear complaints, and I almost always get repeat performances.”

“How well do they get paid?”

“For working a three hour session they make more than most people make in a month.”

“Wow. That Ümraniye escort does sound like a lot.”

I knew I had her so I pounced, “Your interested aren’t you?”

She blushed scarlet, “My God, there is no way I could ever do that. What would my parents think?”

I heard that line one too many times, so I went for the kill, “Think about this: You work 3 hours a month, you take the rest of the time to take acting lessons, go to auditions, and party. If you still don’t find a better paying job, you can come back again as much as you need to. Don’t worry about your parents finding out, that is why we apply the Hollywood touch to our actresses. We dye your hair, give you fake tattoos, piercings, anything to change your appearance if you’re worried.”

“But I’d feel so funny having sex with a guy I don’t even know.”

“Well, you’re in luck, we don’t actually employee any male members, so to speak. We deal in solo stimulation, machine stimulation, and lesbian-themed productions.”

“Really? And people actually buy that stuff?”

“You saw the Mercedes right?

“My God, there is no way I would have the nerve to do that. And I’m not into girls.”

“Well, how about you watch a new movie being made, and maybe you’ll change your mind.”

“There is no way; but I guess it would be interesting to watch. It’s been a while since I’ve had any.”

“What if your dad just heard you say that? He’d probably have a coronary!”

If possible, she turned an even brighter shade of red and held her hand to her face. The inevitable was starting to happen, and I would get to see all of it happen live.

“We have a girl named Alyssa coming in at 2 pm to make the next movie. You can join Kristin, Jim, and myself for the making of it.”

Chapter 3:

Two o’clock didn’t roll around quite fast enough. I took the time to show Jennifer our extensive catalogue of over 500 films. I also impressed her with a quick ride around the block in my car. Some women can be easily impressed with fast, sexy cars, Jennifer seemed to be one of them.

The talent had arrived shortly before two; while Kristin was doing Alyssa’s makeup and hair, Jim was testing out a new zoom lens on the hand-held camera. Jennifer assisted me with the lighting and furnishings while I further explained the technical details involved in even a minor production. Finally it was show time.

“Okay Alyssa, I think we’re all ready for you. We’ll start out with the on-line masturbation sequence. Followed by the romp on the bed.”

“Sounds good.”

“Okay and… Action!”

Alyssa is a college student in her dorm room, surfing the net. She is wearing the typically college fantasy outfit: A white, skin-tight tank top, with no bra, a pair of light-blue cotton shorts and no panties. She is idly using a search engine when she stumbles on a porn site while looking for information on James Bond. Her computer displays a dominatrix whipping her sub who is spread-eagled against a wood rack. Alyssa nervously looks at her door to see if it locked. Then clicks on a thumbnail picture.

“Oh my God. Why is she doing that?”

“Why am I looking at Bostancı escort bayan this. I must be sick, or really horny.”

“What if my roommate caught me? She’d freak out.”

“Just one more picture won’t hurt.”

Alyssa clicks another thumbnail to reveal the dominatrix poking a needle through the sub’s very rigid nipple. The sub appears to be in considerably distress. Alyssa subconsciously rubs her right nipple through her tank top, her pointy nipples and dark aureoles can clearly be seen through her top.

“Wow! I’ve always fantasized about doing that, but I think the pain would overcome me. These pictures are really making me horny.”

With that she gets up out of her chair and heads for her bed, leaving the computer on the website with the picture still plastered to her screen. Alyssa wastes little time in pulling her top over her breasts as she flops back onto the bed. She moans her approves as she frantically pulls her erect nipples and caresses the undersides of her breasts.

“Oh. MMMM. Oh God that feels good. I wish I had Pete’s hot cock to bury inside me right now.”

I looked over at Jennifer. She was utterly, and totally into the scene before her, her eyes glazed over with what looked like shear animal lust. This was it, the moment of truth. In a whisper I said, “Jen, her name is Gwen, you’re her roommate Sadie, go in through the door and interrupt her.”

Jennifer looked at me and said, “Um. Okay, I’ll go interrupt her.”

With that she made her way to the side of the set and opened the fake door.

Alyssa knows about the plan ahead of time. Alyssa’s character, Gwen is dipping her hands below the waistband of her shorts as ‘Sadie’ bursts in. Gwen looks up startled as Sadie enters the dorm room.

“Oh my God Sadie. I so sorry, I had no idea you’d be back so soon. God I’m so embarrassed.”

Sadie’s breath catches as she stares at Gwen’s heaving breasts. “I… ah… forgot, ah…”

“Please don’t tell anyone. It won’t happen again.”

Sadie startles her with what she says next, “You’re so hot looking with your tank top pushed up like that.”

“Well, ah… thanks. I think.”

“Have you ever, you know, thought about girls before? Like, in a sexual way. Ever?”

“I didn’t use to think so, but since we became roommates, I’ve had these strange fantasies.”

Sadie sits on the foot on Gwen’s bed. She openly stares at Gwen’s impressively large and perky breasts. Gwen is still lightly stroking her left nipple.

“Tell me about them.” Sadie says as she slowly takes off her jacket and shoes.

“Well I dream that I wake up in the middle of the night, and I sneak to your bed and I pull down your covers.”

Sadie whips her top off with the help of Gwen.

“I put my nose next to your thighs and I breathe in your aroma. These fantasies are so real, I can’t believe I’m dreaming sometimes. Then I slowly, ever so slowly, easy down your white cotton panties. I remember how silky smooth your thighs are and how warm to the touch too. As I get your panties down past your thighs I realize you are completely shaven down there.”

With that Gwen reenacts the scene with Sadie. She gasps (and I gasp too!), as she sees that Sadie is as smooth as a baby’s butt, and she has no visible tan lines. Could I possibly have picked a better girl than her? Gwen rubs her cheek against Sadie’s thigh, as her hands splay over her bare bottom.

To Be Continued???

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