
Is There a Doctor in the House? Ch. 02


Erik was released from the hospital a few hours after Dr. Janet Ellenson’s thorough once-over. He could still smell her perfumed chest and feel the warmth of her touch on his battered and bruised body. My God, he couldn’t help but think, if it meant seeing more of her I’d crack my car up every week! The orderly helped Erik into the wheelchair that would be his exclusive mode of transportation for the next couple of months and then pushed him down the hall where Erik’s fiancé, Tara, was waiting along with another surprise: Dr. Janet was there as well. Erik’s eyes lit up at seeing the two of them side-by-side. Wild fantasies of the two sexy ladies together with him in various sexual scenarios raced through his concussed but healing head. Erik had the orderly stop in front of the two women and Tara bent down and kissed him tenderly on his uncut right side of his mouth.

“Erik, Dr. Ellenson has some wonderful news! Isn’t that right, Doctor?” Tara turned to Dr. Janet as she spoke.

“Well,” replied the sexy doctor, “I hope Erik thinks it’s wonderful news. Erik, I’ve decided to leave the hospital and go into private practice. I have an office building that also supports a full physical therapy facility. I hope you’ll accept my invitation to be my first patient.”

Erik couldn’t believe his good fortune after the events of the past two weeks. He stuck his good hand out and grasped Dr. Janet’s. “I’d be honored to be your first, Doctor. You just tell me where and when and I’ll be there!” Erik stated with a half-wink.

“I can see I’ll have to keep an eye on you, Mr. Decker.” The good doctor joked. “My last day at the hospital is tomorrow and I’ll open the new office next Wednesday. I’d like to see you then, just to see how you’re progressing and to set up a physical therapy schedule and regimen when those casts come off. Your arm should be fine with some light lifting but your leg was badly broken. You’ll need to learn to walk again and hopefully we can get rid of the crutches and cane within a year.”

“A year?!” Erik questioned, clearly stunned by the doctor’s timeline for him. “I was hoping to walk down the aisle at my wedding in six months. Let’s shoot for that date instead.”

Tara spoke up, “Oh, Erik. I don’t want you pushing yourself too hard. We can postpone the wedding so you can heal properly.”

“With an accelerated schedule we might be able to get you to on that six-month timetable, but it will be time-consuming and painful. At least 4 to 5 days a week, 6 to 7 hours a day. Are you up for that, Erik?” Dr. Janet asked.

“When do we start?” Erik replied, determined to get back on his feet and anxious to spend more time in the presence of his new sexy physician.


“Come on, pansy! Get your lily-white ass across that mat and make it snappy!” The therapist shouted at Erik who was struggling to get his left leg to cooperate today. His thigh was burning all the way to his knee which, in turn, made his calf cramp up. His physical therapist, a large black ex-football player named David, was relentless and continued to push Erik to his limit and then push some more. Erik liked David a lot but he was tired and hurting a lot today and was two seconds away from telling David to fornicate with a family member.

“God Damnit, man!” Erik screamed at David. “My fucking leg is on fire! Ease up a sec!”

David knew how to motivate him. “That’s OK, man. We’ll just knock off for the day. Hell, we’ll just stop all together. Then I’ll be the one walking around with that sexy little redhead of yours. Mmmm Mmmmmm!! I bet she’d love to ‘take a walk’ with me, if you know what I mean.” David winked at him and continued, “And I know Dr. Janet has been on your mind too. I could ‘walk’ with her too. How you like that, boy?!”

Erik took another step then collapsed on the floor mat. David walked over to help him up but Erik slapped his had away. “Fuck you. I’ll do this myself!” Erik cried. He threw his crutches across the room and used his hands and good leg to get back upright. The pain in his left leg was excruciating but he finished his walk across the designated area then turned to go back.

“Whoa, big man,” David interjected, “You’re done for today. You made it, man.”

“I said Fuck you! I’m going back the other way. Tackle me if you want me to stop!” Erik dared his large therapist and continued back across the blue tumbling mat on the grey tiled floor. It took him a few minutes but he made it then fell in a heap once again. David rushed to help Erik back to his wheelchair.

“I knew some crazy white boys in my playing days, but you beat ’em all, son. Excellent job. Let’s get you cleaned up so you can make your appointment with Dr. Janet.” David said as he wheeled Erik to the locker room for a quick shower and change of clothes for his meeting with his sexy practitioner.


Erik was bed-ridden bayan escort for the first week he was home. Fortunately, his apartment was on the ground floor so there were minimal steps that Tara had to lug Erik and the wheelchair up. Tara had set up a bed in the living room so Erik could be centrally located in their home: Only a few steps from the kitchen and a few more to the bathroom. She got him settled into bed then crawled in beside him on his unhurt side and cuddled.

“I’m so glad you’re home, baby,” Tara spoke softly to Erik. When I saw you at the hospital the first time I thought I was going to lose you forever. I don’t ever want to feel like that again.” She said, crying softly. Then she perked up and said, “But, now you’re here and I think you need a little special attention!” She reached down and undid the button and zipper on Erik’s one-legged jeans and groped for his cock. Tara slid down on the bed and lightly licked around the swelling head of Erik’s shaft. “Don’t worry, baby,” she whispered, “The doctor told me about the catheter removal. I’ll make it feel much better than a little rub-down.” Whit that, she slurped Erik’s hard dick into her mouth and lightly scraped his balls with her long painted nails. Erik let out a slow moan. He’d felt so much pain the last few days that the pleasure was almost overwhelming. Tara licked his cock up and down then moved to his sack and lightly licked and nibbled on the sensitive skin. Erik loved his balls and ass licked, but because of the cast, Tara couldn’t flick her tongue to his anus. That notwithstanding, it didn’t take long for Erik’s balls to tense and jerk up toward his body when they let out a tremendous orgasm. Tara expertly gulped down Erik’s load while caressing his pumping nuts.

“I’m gonna need a nap after that babe,” Erik stated breathlessly as his eyes closed and he drifted off almost immediately. Tara licked the remainder of Erik’s cum from her lips then slid slowly off the bed so as not to wake her injured lover.

“Don’t worry, baby,” she whispered to Erik’s unconscious form, “You can pay me back when you’re healthy. I’ll take care of me for now.” And Tara silently padded to her bedroom, stripped off her clothes then spent the next thirty minutes bringing herself to no less than three orgasms with her Magic Wand. Best $100 I ever spent, Tara thought as she slipped into the subconscious.


“So, Erik, it’s been two months since we took the casts off. How do you think you’re progressing?” Dr. Janet asked her patient in the examination room.

“Well, if you’re asking if I feel back to my old self, Doc, the answer is not so much. But I’m getting there. I’ll be happy to get rid of my little helper.” Erik replied, pointing to the aluminum cane propped next to the door.

“Give it time, Erik. You’ll get there. David says you do just fine with the proper motivation,” the pretty doctor reassured him and gave him a slight wink. Erik caught a flash of her facial gesture and puzzled. Does she know about David using her and Tara as motivation for my therapy?! He blushed slightly, hoping his physician wouldn’t notice.

“OK, Erik, lie back on the table so I can check your mobility. We’re going to bend your leg at the knee then bring it up to your chest as far as you can,” Dr. Janet instructed him. He was wearing just an examination gown and was, for all intents and purposes, naked in front of the gorgeous doctor. Erik didn’t mind much though. He figured she was a professional and had seen it all. Still, he sure wished the pretty practitioner would return the favor and show him a little skin.

“Just relax and let me do the work.” Dr. Janet told Erik as she bent his knee then flexed his hip up toward his torso. About halfway up, Erik started feeling the pain gradually get worse until he could take it no more and let out a small yelp. At this, Dr. Janet brought Erik’s injured leg back down to the table, her hands sliding up his thigh as she brought it to its original flat position. Erik’s cock twitched as the lovely doctor brushed her hands across his balls and down his upper thigh. Another wink, this one much more noticeable, shot from Dr. Janet to Erik as he caught his breath from the pain.

“Sorry to get so up close and personal, Erik. Hope you don’t mind my hands all up in your business.” the doctor said to her horizontal patient. This time with a wink AND a smile. What’s going on here?! Erik thought. Is she really coming on to me?!

“Uhhhh… no problem, Doc. Put your hands where you need to put them. You’re the healer!” Erik replied, getting bolder and more flirtatious. Let’s see where this goes, he thought. He shot her his own wink and smile after he spoke. Dr. Janet smiled back then wrote a few things on her tablet.

“I think with the P.T. schedule you’re on you should be ready to walk down the aisle with Tara on your own without your little helper. You may need to lean on her a little and let her lead at your first dance but you should be close to 100% by then,” Dr. Janet reported to her patient. “Any questions?”

“Just one,” Erik replied, “Should we send your invitation to the office or would you like to give me your home address?” Another wink from Erik and a genuine smile from Dr. Janet ended the examination.


Erik replaced his crumpled 2009 Jeep Compass with a new Grand Cherokee when his insurance finally paid off. It sat, black and gleaming, in Dr. Janet’s office parking lot waiting for Erik to hobble back out and fire it up. Just a few steps from the SUV Erik dropped his keys. Instinctively, he started to bend to pick them up then felt the shot of pain through his left leg a quarter of the way down. He stood back up and pondered his predicament. His first thought was of the character in the movie There’s Something About Mary who was on crutches and had dropped his keys then flailed back and forth for a few minutes trying to retrieve them. Her started to reach for them with his cane to possibly snag them with the flat end when he felt a hand on his back. Dr. Janet was right behind him, leaving the office for the day. She stepped in front of Erik, then crouched down to help him retrieve his keys. When she did this, Erik noticed that his doctor was wearing neither her white coat not her scrubs, but a yellow blouse generously unbuttoned and a grey skirt that ended mid-thigh. When the good doctor stooped low to get the keys, Erik got a good look at Dr. Janet’s assets. Her ample breasts were barely held in check by a black bra whose cups ended just above her nipples so he could just make out the tops of her pink areolas. Dr. Janet turned without standing up and was face-high with Erik’s crotch. He could feel his cock tingle and begin to stiffen in his jeans.

“I was leaving for the day and saw that you might need another helping hand,” Dr. Janet said, still crouched down by Erik’s dick. “Anything else you need, Erik?” she queried as she handed the keys to him and stood up without straightening her blouse or skirt that had ridden up her thighs exposing the elastic tops of her black stockings.

“Well,” Erik responded, “I was heading over to the pub where Tara works for a beer. Would you like to join me? Tara is off in another hour or so and we usually have a bite to eat and a couple drinks there. Whaddya say, Doc. Wanna make it a threesome?” Erik propositioned his physician, being even more flirtatious than before after catching a glimpse of Dr. Janet’s spectacular tits.

“I thought you’d never ask,” replied Dr. Janet, finally straightening her skirt. “Lead the way, Mr. Decker.” Erik hobbled his way into the Jeep and started the engine. He saw Dr. Janet hit the fob on her keys and unlock her vehicle, a red Porsche 911, then observed her slide into the driver’s seat; her skirt riding up her leg once more giving Erik another good look at her stocking top and bare thigh above it. Dr. Janet fired up the little red sports car and followed Erik to the tavern where Erik’s fiancé, Tara, was finishing her shift.


Remy’s Pub was your typical midwestern sports bar: Pool tables and video games on one side, dart boards and a small stage for bands on the other side and in the middle a large circular bar with six flat screen TVs above the bartender’s area. Erik and Dr. Janet walked in together, the latter holding the door for the former as he limped through the entryway leaning heavily on his cane. The doctor and her patient found a small table near the glass double doors at the entrance and sat next to each other. Small talk was exchanged until Tara came by the table, her shift over in a few minutes.

“Dr. Ellenson!” Tara cried. “I didn’t expect you here. Erik sent me a text and said that he was bringing a friend over but I thought it was just one of his work buddies come to visit while he’s off. What’ll you have?”

“Jack and Coke double tall, Tara. And please call me Janet. We’re not at the office and I’d like us all to be good friends,” the doctor replied while giving Tara’s curvy frame the once-over. Tara had her requisite white Remy’s T-shirt, collar cut into a low V, tied above the waist so it showed a little skin and belly button, jean shorts short enough for the white pockets to peek out at the leg openings in front and just a hint of ass curve in the back, and white tennis shoes. She was a sight to behold and Dr. Janet took her all in.

“Coming right up. Jack and Coke double tall for the doc and a beer for the gimp,” Tara teased Erik, who just smiled and blew his fiancé a kiss. “I’ll place the order, go punch out, get our drinks and join you momentarily. Be right back” Both Erik and Janet watched Tara’s sweet ass wiggle as she walked to the bar to place the drink order then to the back room to end her work day.

“She’s a very beautiful woman, Erik,” Dr. Janet told him. “You’re very lucky to have a woman that’s both stunning and caring like she is.”

“I like to think that I now have two women like that, Doctor,” Erik replied while looking into Janet’s ice blue eyes. They stared at each other for a few seconds, neither able to speak, until Erik’s cell phone chimed his text notification. “Excuse me,” Erik begged and reached into his pocket for his mobile device. The text read:

Wow! She looks really hot out of her doctor clothes!

And I think she’s got a little crush on you

It was from Tara in the back room. Erik replied:

I think she likes you too. She watched your

ass all the way to the back. I think the feeling is

mutual from you, babe lol

As far as Erik knew, Tara had never had sex with another woman, although they had both watched porn together and it was mostly girl-on-girl that Tara had dialed up for them on the computer. Maybe a little alcohol and some smooth talk could make something happen, Erik thought. Tara came back to the table with Erik’s beer and two other drinks for herself and Dr. Janet. Tara had removed her waitress apron exposing even more of her porcelain midriff and took her hair out of its tie letting her long red hair flow down her neck and shoulders. She placed the drinks in front of their corresponding consumers and then, to Erik’s surprise, took the seat next to Dr. Janet.

“So, Janet, to what do we owe the honor of your company?” Tara started. “Did my future husband make a pass at you at his appointment today or is he waiting for me to do that?” As she spoke, Tara placed her hand on the doctor’s skirt-covered upper thigh and peered into her sky-blue eyes.

“I assure you, dear, I was a perfect gentleman,” Erik answered for his physician. “Although you couldn’t blame me if I did, could you, Honey? I mean, she IS the best-looking doctor I’ve ever had, right?”

“Thank you, Erik,” Dr. Janet replied before Tara could speak, “And he was a perfect gentleman, Tara. Which is somewhat refreshing in this day and age, but there are times that I like the direct approach.” Now it was the doctor’s turn to make a move as she brought her hand to Tara’s face and gently caressed her cheek then played with her auburn locks. Erik couldn’t believe the electricity flowing between the two.

“I’ll drink to that!” Tara exclaimed, clinking glasses with Janet then downing her drink while motioning the bartender for another round. Erik clumsily stood from his seat and excused himself to the restroom. When he got there, he sent another message to his fiancé:

OMG! Is this really happening?!

Thirty seconds later, Erik’s phone chirped back Tara’s response:

She has her hands on my bare back and

Is running her nails up and down. Better

Get back here quick so you don’t miss


Erik finished his business in the restroom and hurried back to the table as fast as his healing leg would let him. When he returned, he saw Dr. Janet whispering into Tara’s ear. She had removed her hand from Tara’s back and was now tracing her fingernail in light circles around Tara’s bare navel, dipping just below the fire-haired waitress’ waistband of her tight jean shorts. When she saw Erik return, Dr. Janet placed a light kiss on Tara’s earlobe then turned to him.

“How about one more drink then you we go back to your place for a nightcap?” The doctor said with an obvious wink and smile. Erik thought the whole bar heard his jaw hit the table in front of him when it dropped. He looked at Tara, whose eyes looked as though they may fall from their sockets, then back to Dr. Janet, who had moved her hand once more from Tara’s midsection to the back of her neck and was now grabbing the back of her hair delicately but aggressively. Erik finished his second beer in one swallow then drained the next one as quickly as he could in anticipation of the action that awaited him at home.


When Erik and Tara got in Erik’s Jeep to make the short drive back to their apartment, Erik questioned his hot and bothered fiancé. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? Is my smoking hot doctor coming back to our place? Was she really feeling you up at the bar a few minutes ago? What did she whisper to you?”

“Let’s see,” Tara replied, “No, I’m not kidding you. Yes, she’s coming over right now. Hell, yes, she had her hands all over me, and what she said was ‘Let’s take your man home and give him some REAL therapy.’ Any other questions?”

“Nope,” Erik answered, “I’m good. Let the games begin! But take it easy on my bum leg, OK?”

“Just try to keep up, gimp.” Tara kidded her man as they pulled into the apartment building parking lot. They got out of Erik’s SUV and watched as Dr. Janet pulled into the spot next to them then exited her Porsche one black stockinged leg at a time and slinked up the walkway. The trio made their way up the cement sidewalk then into Erik and Tara’s first-floor domicile where Erik opened the door and ushered the two women through.

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