
Japan – Kitagawa House Pt. 01


Tokyo, Japan.

Money changes everything thought Alex looking around the room. He was on the balcony of a penthouse suite overlooking the night skyline of Tokyo.

Originally he had looked on the internet for the information he was seeking. Searching Tokyo for escorts, brothels or sex brought up the Shinjuku district, but that, according to the internet, was an area fraught with danger. Alex had no experience with buying sex so he had been at a loss of what to do next until he talked to Hotoshi the concierge the hotel had assigned to him. That’s where money changes everything. A small tip of fifty thousand yen and Hotoshi had quickly arranged a late afternoon meeting in the hotel bar with a local expert on the subject. Alex had been shocked to find the expert was a woman.

After spending an hour with the woman Alex had also been surprized to find the cost of the meeting had been covered by the hotel, as had been the bar bill. Alex had explained his goal and the woman had provided him with some details a list of three names. All Alex had to do was inform the concierge which he preferred and the hotel would make arrangements for a meeting. Staring out over the city Alex was reviewing the options and reflecting on how he came to be here.

Three years ago Alex’s wife Denise had died. She was only thirty five. He had just turned thirty eight. They lived just outside Toronto, had no children and life had been tough but good. Money was tight but they did alright.

To Alex, Denise had been the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Almost as tall as him, with long beautiful blond hair and curves Alex had never understood how a woman such as Denise could have chosen him. Best of all Denise had loved sex. She matched his desire for sex as often as he did. He had never strayed, she had never given him cause for worry and life was good.

Then came the cancer and in less than a year she was gone. Alex was a broken lost man.

A year later he had won the second largest lottery prize in Canada. When he won the sixty-five million dollars Alex found out quickly that women would throw themselves at him and most were willing to spread their legs very quickly. He had no interest in getting married again but getting laid often became his way of forgetting the pain of his wife’s death.

It helped that Alex was a reasonably good looking man. He quit his job and spent the next year getting back into shape at the gym. In fact he felt and looked better now than he did at twenty five. Six foot one, two hundred pounds of muscle and blonde hair starting to pepper with light grey around the edges, his friends said he looked distinguished.

He finished his drink, turned back into the penthouse and called the concierge.

“Good evening Mr. Brown, how may I help you this evening?”

Alex got straight to the point. “Kitagawa House, I think I will try Kitagawa House. Can you arrange a meeting tomorrow early afternoon, say just after lunch?”

“Certainly sir, a most excellent choice, I will leave confirmation and directions at the desk.”

Alex smiled, Brown was not his real last name and he was sure the concierge knew that. He went to bed.


The next morning Alex showered, shaved and put on a tailored pair of dress pants and shirt. The lottery corporation had provided a seminar on how to invest his winnings. He had decided to pay the advisor for a week’s additional training session which had included how to dress for success. When you have money a three hundred dollar shirt is petty cash.

Downstairs he picked up an envelope from the front desk and was again surprized when a hotel employee popped up beside him informing him his limo was waiting out front. The day was bright and the sun was shining. The bellhop opened the door of a black Mercedes just outside the hotel’s entrance and instructed the driver to take Alex to Kitagawa House.

Inside Alex opened the envelope and pulled out several sheets of paper. The top sheet showed a picture of a pretty Japanese woman with a short bio below it. Ayano Ichiki was the woman he was going to meet. The picture showed a beautiful woman about his age, dressed in a modern day grey business blazer and skirt. She was the owner of Kitagawa House. Alex sat back and read the rest of the papers in the folder.

Twenty minutes later the limo stopped at the gate of a large walled compound. His driver spoke into an intercom beside the gate. It opened and the driver continued up a long driveway to an old three story turn of the century mansion. The driver stopped at the front door and jumped out to open the door for Alex. He strode up the stairs but before he could knock the door it opened revealing a young woman dressed in a business pantsuit. She smiled at Alex.

“Greetings Mr. Brown, welcome, you are expected. Madame Ichiki will see you immediately. Please follow me.”

She turned and Alex followed. The girl led Alex down a short hall which opened to a large room. The far wall of the room was entirely made of glass Avcılar travesti that opened to a garden, to his left and right were sitting areas with large Victorian style couches and chairs. Sitting on them in various stages of dress were a number of young very beautiful women. All of them turned as he entered and smiled at him.

Alex stopped and starred. His guide interrupted his thoughts.

“This way Mr. Brown, please.” She led him up a staircase to the left then knocked on a closed door. Without waiting she opened the door and stood aside to let Alex pass.


Ayano Ichiki stood behind a desk looking through an open window into the garden below. She turned and looked at Alex, then moved to a sitting area on the opposite side of the room.

“Konnichiwa Mr. Brown, I understand from our friends at your hotel you have a request to make of my establishment. Please, have a seat,” she said pointing to a couch.

“Please call me Alex,” he replied.

Alex starred. Ayano was about five foot four, maybe a hundred and ten pounds and had large beautiful breasts the tops of which could be seen because the top buttons of her blouse were undone. The dark green silk blouse she wore complimented a black skirt that started several inches above her knees and had a long slit up one side showing black stockings with just a touch of lace showing at the top. He realized she was much more beautiful in person than in her file picture.

He sat quickly keenly aware his cock was beginning to stir in his pants, shifting in his seat to hide the result. God, not now please, he thought, keep your cool Alex. He wondered where to start.

Ayano solved the problem for him. She sat in a chair across from him and crossed her legs. “Hotoshi never recommends someone to us unless he is sure the person he sends to us is,” she hesitated a moment then continued slowly. “Appropriate…. Kitagawa House offers only the best to a select few clients. How may we help you?”

Alex sucked in a deep breath and raised his eyes from her body to look directly at Ayano.

“I am on a bit of a quest, a fantasy if you will. Several years ago my wife died”. He spoke slowly. “But now she is gone and I’m tired of playing with women who are only interested in my money. Now, I’m looking for some variety in my life. But I am not interested in any, shall we say, entanglements. The oriental female has always been a fantasy to me. I would like to explore that.”

Ayano uncrossed and re-crossed her legs slowly. Her skirt slid slightly up her legs and Alex caught a quick glimpse of black lace stockings and a flash of thigh. He shifted again in his seat aware of the growing erection in his pant leg.

“May I speak plainly? My language may be a bit crude but I know of no other way to explain, myself.”

Ayano nodded, “Do not feel embarrassed Alex, sex is a natural thing between men and women and the ability to talk freely about it without reservation is a specialty of Kitagawa House.”

Alex took another deep breath.

“Alright, my goal is to travel the world and fuck some of the most beautiful women I can find at each destination. Japan is my first stop. But I don’t want to just fuck these women. I want to create a fantasy with each one. I want a unique and memorable experience.”

Ayano remained quiet and watched Alex’s face turn red. He broke eye contact briefly, then shook his head a second gathering his thoughts before he resumed eye contact.

He continued, “I’m not sure exactly what I want yet, maybe pretending to seduce some of them, or just fuck them in exotic and exciting locations, or maybe some light BDSM. I’ve had a vasectomy so birth control is not an issue, health’s checks by all should be standard and all sex must be bareback. Nothing feels better to me than the feeling of a woman’s hot wet flesh squeezing around a hard cock.”

Ayano’s eyes lit up at this demand and her mouth open slightly. Her tongue lightly licked her lips and she shifted in her seat.

AIex continued, “I also want to document my trip in pictures. I want to play the part of a Playboy photographer taking classy, but sexy explicit pictures of them. Maybe even find a discrete photographer to document my fantasies and take pictures. I’m still trying to work out those kinds of details.”

Alex hesitated a moment but when Ayano said nothing he continued.

“There is just one more thing. It’s kind of embarrassing for me, a problem that a few women have had since my wife died. It was never a problem with her.” Alex stopped and stared at Ayano.

“Please continue Alex. I have heard many strange things in my time here, we do not judge.”

Alex nodded, cleared his throat and spoke slowly, “Some woman find me too big.” He waited for her reaction.

Ayano smiled, “Men come in many different sizes Mr. Brown. We have seen them all. How big are you?”

“May I have a drink,” he stammered.

Ayano stood, “Of course. What may I offer you?”

“Just a cold water please,” Avcılar travestileri Alex replied. “Ummmm. To answer your question my doctor says scientific studies say only one man in several hundred thousand men have a cock as big. It’s almost ten inches long.”

Alex rushed on. “My wife never complained, she was tall. My doctor said it was a good fit for her but the average woman is a foot shorter so,” he said his voice tapering off in embarressment.

Ayano looked at Alex and smiled. She seemed unconcerned. She picked up a phone at her desk and spoke rapidly to somebody for a moment then hung up and walked towards a door at the other end of her office. She stopped, looked over her shoulder with a grin and seductive look then cocked a finger at him indicating he was to follow. Alex followed.

Ayano took him downstairs and outside to a garden courtyard. He stared at her ass and legs as she walked ahead of him along a path that followed a stream. Her long hair flowed freely down her back almost touching her narrow waist. Alex struggled for control, barely managing to walk straight line.

Ayano was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. I would like to fuck her he thought. She sat on a bench near a noisy waterfall and indicated he should sit beside her by patting the seat.

“I find this an excellent place to discuss such matters without interruption. You must give me more details of this exciting fantasy,” she murmured. “How long do you plan to stay?”

Over the next hour Alex explained four ideas he had been considering. Ayano wanted as much detail as possible. In general terms he explained the four fantasies. The first was about meeting and being seduced by a successful business women looking for a revenge fuck after discovering her cheating husband. Another was about meeting a masseuse who thought of herself as a sex therapist. The third was a younger college aged girl from a private school who was looking for a sugar daddy. His last fantasy revolved around a single mid-thirties shy neglected mother looking for new experiences. Each experience could be a single day or several days. He had no timetable.

As he finished his explanation the young female guide who had first greeted him appeared and began to speak to Ayano in Japanese. Ayano interrupted her, “Yuki, speak English for our guest please.”

Yuki flushed and nodded. “They are ready in the lounge now.”

“Thank you, tell them we will arrive in a few minutes.” Ayano turn to Alex and said, “Before we go any further I must ask you, such fantasies have a cost, have you considered the cost of such services?”

Alex looked blankly at her. He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. Ayano looked several moments at him, and then quoted a figure in Yen. When he looked perplexed she translated, giving him the figure in dollars. The figure she explained was an all-inclusive approximate guess, a ball park in laymen’s terms.

Alex thought for only a few seconds. It was expensive, but then again money was not really an issue anymore. He nodded acceptance.

The lounge was just that, a large room filled with big comfortable chairs and couches. Deep plush carpets covered the floor. On the walls were pictures of men and women fucking. Each picture was a different woman in various positions. It was a gallery of how to positions, a Kama Sutra display. The picture backgrounds were all black, the only other items in the pictures obviously props like a single chair, bed or just the floor.

More striking was the fact that in each chair and couch sat one or more half naked women. All they wore were panties and tall stiletto cum fuck me heels. A few wore lacy stockings and jewelry. There was, he counted a dozen women. Alex’s cock began to stretch down his pant leg. It was then then he realized, the women sitting before him, were the women in the pictures.

Ayano came up behind him and took his arm. She whispered in his ear, “There are more if this choice is not to your liking but all these ladies speak some amount of English.” She guided his body gently, turning him to face each one individually as she introduced them by name.

Alex was overwhelmed. He stood looking around. The women all appeared to be in their twenties and thirties. Like most Japanese women they were short compared to the women he saw every day back home but there the difference ended. They were all gorgeous. They all looked like movie stars.

And they were all staring at his crotch. His cock could no longer be contained by his boxer shorts and its hard long outline showed clearly down his right leg. It had never been this hard. Several of the women giggled and one particularly large eyed beauty whispered aloud. Alex looked at the beauty perplexed then turned to Ayano.

Ayano politely grinned. “She said, my god it’s huge. It seems Alex-san that you will be not only filling out your fantasies, but that of some of the girls as well. You see, our clients are mostly older local business men Travesti avcılar and well… bluntly put as you have said, Japanese men tend to be much smaller. It is a common fantasy in my country for a woman to dream about fucking a well-endowed Gai-jin such as you.”

“Sore wa dore kurai ōkīdesu ka?” The girl who had spoken said to Alex.

“Ryiko, speak English to our guest please” said Ayano.

Ryiko blushed and nodded facing the floor. “My apologies Alex-san. I was most rude. Please forgive me.” She hesitated then said, “I asked how big is it?”

Alex could not convert money but he knew how to convert lengths.

“A bit under ten inches or twenty five centimetres,” he replied. “I am also told it’s a bit thicker than most.”

Ayano took over quickly and pointed out the attributes of each girl. Yuki standing beside Ayano handed her a small folder. It contained a page with notes and pictures of each girl.

“It’s getting late Alex. Perhaps we should continue your selection over dinner. Do you like sushi?”

Alex nodded, he was still having problems containing his hard on in a room full of half-naked beautiful women.


They sat at a counter behind which a chef was preparing whatever Ayano had ordered. After confirming he liked sushi she had ordered for them. It was apparent to Alex that Ayano was well known here. Upon arrival they had been greeting by a small man who animatedly had spoken to Ayano and directed them to a booth. She shook her head no and directed him to seat her and Alex at the end of the counter. From this seat they could see the rest of the restaurant. The counter ended near the back wall. Nobody could be behind them. Once Alex was seated she excused herself, pointing to the woman’s room sign.

While she was gone the chef inquired in Japanese if Alex wished a drink. Alex shrugged his shoulders not understanding a word. The chef smiled then mimicked a drinking motion while holding out a bottle of Saki. Alex nodded.

Ayano returned a few minutes later. Alex immediately noticed something was different. His mouth dropped open when he figured it out. Ayano’s jacket was now buttoned up but she clearly was no longer wearing a shirt. In fact he could see no sign she wore anything under the jacket. Her stockings were also missing. Almost immediately his cock grew inside his pants pushing out past his boxers and down his leg. He knew she could see his reaction.

Dinner arrived and they ate quietly discussing the girls. After they finished eating. Ayano opened the folder Yuki had provided her with, and she spread the girl’s pictures on the counter in front of him. “Have you decided which girls suit your needs?”

His erection was still throbbing and throughout the meal Alex had found himself staring at the deep V between her breasts and as well as her bare legs. She caught him looking several times but said nothing. Glad to look someplace other Alex turned to the pictures.

“This one,” he said. “She would fit my business-women fantasy.”

“That is Saeko. She is a very good choice, very large breasts, five foot four inches tall in your Imperial measurements and one hundred and twenty odd pounds. I am told she is very flexible. She speaks excellent English and has a very healthy sexual appetite. She also has an aggressive streak that would play well into your women seeking revenge on a cheating husband role.”

Alex shifted the papers on the counter. “Perhaps this one for my masseuse or a sex therapist fantasy?”

Ayano leaned forward brushing against Alex. She lingered a few seconds then leaned back, sorted the papers a little before pushing forward a different picture. “I would suggest Nanami instead. Nanami started at a competitor of ours but was unhappy with their rules and clients. She is in her late thirties but as you can see still exceptionally fit and beautiful. She is also very smart and knows how to please a man.”

Alex nodded acceptance. Then he pushed forward a third photo.

“For my student fantasy I think this girl would work. She looks young though, I do not want any underage issues. In my mind this role is a college aged girl.”

Ayano laughed. Her eyes twinkled. “Do not let Ryiko’s looks fool you Alex-san, Ryiko often plays the younger girl fantasy with our clients. As you can see she too has large firm breasts for her size, and great legs that look very nice in a short pleated school skirt. She will surprize you.”

Again Alex nodded acceptance. Turning back to the remaining pictures he finally pushed forward his last choice. This was his pick for the single shy mom.

“Ahhh, that is Micu, do you believe in karma Alex-san? I ask because Micu is a single mother. She is five foot three and very inexperienced compared to our other girls. She came to us just recently looking for a way to work part time to support her child and because she recently discovered as many women do after giving birth that sex can be much better. Her son is now three. She is a charming gentle woman. If you select her you will have to take the lead in your role play. One could call her submissive.”

“Could she be persuaded into some light BDSM? Not the type that hurts. My definition of pain would be to tie up a women then make her orgasm repeatedly before I even had the chance to enter her.”

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