
Last Months in the City Ch. 06


Hey Guys! Here’s the final chapter of Last Months in The City. Sorry that I took a little break from it to work on my other ongoing story. Hope you enjoyed Jamie and Chris. Let me know what you guys think- I read every comment and am thankful for all the ratings and favorites- they really help encourage me to keep posting.

Chapter 6: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Boy.

“Are you sure about this J?” Marissa asked as she and Jamie sat at their favorite little cafe downtown.

Jamie had messaged her earlier in the day that he needed to meet up and it just couldn’t wait until dinner. So he got on a bus and headed down to the same district that Marissa worked in, hoping to steal the girl away for a little coffee break on this Friday afternoon.

“Everything’s changed Riss. Well, the important things at least.” Jamie insisted as he nursed his extra sweet latte. He swallowed down, seeing Marissa folding up her arms like she was hanging onto a point that had yet to be made.

He chuckled, “I had a job interview last week.” Jamie said, almost quietly as if it was a secret to the rest of the world.

“Shut the fuck up!” Marissa said, loud enough to be heard by all of the San Francisco business execs nearby. “Holy shit, where?”

Jamie shushed her, pressing his finger against his lips which had her rolling her eyes. “At Elev8. You know that firm that we pass by on the way to get boba?”

Marissa nodded, “Oh the one with the cool handmade models on the window!” She made a face, “Jesus why didn’t you tell me you interviewed?”

Jamie smiled, “I wanted to wait until I heard back from them before I told anyone.”

“The guy who interviewed me basically by-passed all the stuff I did at my last job and went straight to those projects we did in college. He was fascinated by them- telling me how a fresh face with a new set of ideas is exactly what they’re looking for. He had to talk to HR, but he finally called me today.”

“Wait” Marissa said, holding her hand up, “So what did they say?”

A shy smile swept across Jamie’s face as he leaned into the girl across him. “He offered me a job Riss- a good one! I’ll finally get projects of my own where I can actually design things that matter- spaces I care about. It’s like everything I hoped I could work up to at the last place has been neatly wrapped up and presented to me.”

“So you’ve said yes, right? That means you’re staying?” Marissa asked, still on the edge of her seat and grabbing onto the small wooden table like her life depended on it.

“I’m still waiting to hear back from one more thing before I fully change my mind.”

Marissa grunted, “Jesus what else would you need?”

Jamie smiled and took a sip of his now cold coffee. “An apartment.”

Marissa was clearly in disbelief, so he continued, “After I got fired and things went south with Chris, I was pretty set on leaving. And so, I told Genevieve, my Landlord, that I was moving out come December and within a week, she already had a new tenant lined up.”

Marissa nodded, “That San Francisco rental market works quick.”

“You’re telling me” Jamie replied. “And so, I knew I needed to find a new place. My apartment now just makes me feel like I’m the last survivor on this desert island and I just don’t wanna feel like that anymore.”

His friend knew exactly how he was feeling. How, at one point in time, that place was full of their old friends and all the people they hung out with in college. But after everyone left, Jamie was the only one there to wallow in its emptiness. He’d been the only one in their group of friends to still stay at their old college apartment, almost like he was still trying to hold onto that part of his life.

“And so I started looking for a new place and eventually I found this apartment in the Sunset. It’s nice and has more than enough space that I’d need for much cheaper than what I pay now.” He looked over to Marissa, “It’s only a few blocks from you, so I can be at your doorstep for my next mental breakdown.”

“You’re up for your next one pretty soon, anyway.” Marissa said, holding onto her cup.

Jamie took a rolled up napkin and threw it at her, hitting her square between the eyes as they laughed about, “The landlord called me this morning to say that everything checked out with the bank and so I’m headed over there after this to go sign the lease.”

“I can’t believe it” Marissa said. “A week and a half ago when we were at Kevin’s, it really felt like that would be the last family dinner we were gonna have.” She choked up a little to Jamie’s surprise who didn’t often see her get emotional. “What changed, J?”

“One night I was lying in bed and I kept thinking about why I really came here in the first place. Part of me really wanted to better my life somehow- like going to a good school and getting a good job would change that.” He sighed, “And another part of me just wanted to prove to myself that I could make it out here.”

“And going back home meant that you hadn’t?”

Jamie nodded, Çankaya Escort “I realized that this fear that I was wasting away here would be nothing compared to the regret I’d feel if I move back home too soon. And maybe it took all of those talks with you and the guys, and Chris ,to finally realize that I’m just not done here.”

“So he’s a part of this too- you staying?”

Jamie shrugged, “As much as he doesn’t want to be, yeah he is.” Jamie drank up the last of his overly sweetened coffee, “But I’m not changing my mind just based on a boy. There’s so much promise here that I’m excited for. I think for the longest time I was holding onto these remnants from college, thinking that maybe I could find that happiness I used to feel back then. But we’re not in college anymore.”

Jamie felt himself finally letting go of that self-doubt, “I need to move on from that and not base my happiness on how things were last year.”

“I’ve always supported you, J- even when that meant having to put on a brave face when you decided to leave. And so I’m probably the happiest person that you’re giving it another shot.” Marissa grabbed a napkin and dabbed at her watery eye, careful not to mess up her mascara.

“I fucking hate you for making me cry when I have to go back to work.”

Jamie laughed aloud, handing her another napkin. “I’m glad I get to stay too because God knows what’ll happen if we’re apart.”

Marissa blinked repeatedly, “I sure as hell wouldn’t be getting afternoon coffee with Kevin and have to listen to him go on and on about his new girlfriend.”

Jamie sat back, hearing Marissa continue her playful spiel on their friends. They were like siblings who all had little quirks that annoyed each other to no end. But they were a family at the end of the day, and Jamie couldn’t leave that behind right now.


A week later, Jamie and Garrett were just getting down from the rented moving truck. Garrett had been giving him shit for the past ten minutes at the boy’s inability to parallel park- despite the fact that the space was only really big enough for a sedan. Still, Jamie made it work, casting off the boy’s criticism as he opened the door and got down.

Kevin and Marissa were just outside the new place with a large bag of bagels and some iced coffee in hand. “I swear I thought you were gonna hit that car.” Marissa said, shaking her head.

“That’s what I said!” Garrett agreed, “Island boy here doesn’t know how to drive.”

“Yeah, yeah, quit your nagging” Jamie said as he grabbed a cup of coffee from the holder. “I haven’t driven anything in like eight months.”

“Well I’m still freaking out that we’re here to help you move in” Kevin said while chewing on a bagel. “Part of me thought you’d live in that old place forever.”

Jamie shrugged his shoulders, “I outgrew that apartment a long time ago, but never had the guts to move.” He took a bite of Kevin’s bagel getting a growl from him. “The future’s scary, but you can’t just run back to the past because it’s familiar.”

“Did you just quote How I Met Your Mother?” Marissa asked, ruining any sense of poignancy or emotion in that moment.

He nodded, “This is why you guys are my best friends.”

Two hours later, they were finishing up the last of the unboxing. Jamie had spent most of the time unpacking his stuff and getting his bedroom in order, while the guys volunteered to put up the bookshelf and little desk he had delivered. Marissa had stationed herself in the kitchen, organizing the pots and pans in a way that made sense. Jamie figured that she’s a way better cook than he was, so he trusted her judgement better than his own. They moved like a well-oiled machine, until every piece of furniture was in place and none of the walls were naked anymore.

Garrett had been popping what was left of the bubble wrap as they all took a breather on the couch. Jamie looked around, seeing everything up and finally feeling at home in the city for the first time in five years.

“This place turned out really nice.” Marissa said as she finished the last of the pizza they ordered.

“I have you guys to thank for that.”

Kevin patted Jamie’s shoulder, “It’s the least we could do since you’re staying.”

Garrett and Marissa nodded as he replied, “I already feel like I made the right decision.”

“Have you told Chris yet?” He asked.

Jamie shook his head, “I need to do this right. I’m gonna try and get him to meet with me tomorrow.”

Garret asked, “So what’s the plan? Big romantic gesture?”

“No, I don’t think that’s either of our styles.” He said with a shrug, “I fucked up because I kept things from him, so the only way I’m gonna win him back is with honesty.”

Kevin chimed in, “Here’s hoping you do because I really liked him and frankly your prime years are fleeting bro.” He said with a punch to the shoulder.

“Agreed” said Marissa and Kevin as they all laughed together.


Jamie didn’t know how Keçiören Escort he’d get Chris to meet with him, or where. He was so angry the last time he cornered him at his place, and waiting around by his office was absurd. He figured the best way would be to get him to meet him at his new apartment- somewhere he could leave whenever he wanted to, which he hope he didn’t.

The younger boy ended up texting him about a half hour before he was due to get off work on Friday. Jamie didn’t want to do it in the morning, worrying that he’d spend the whole day mulling it over to see whether or not he’d hear him out. He also just couldn’t spend his whole day overthinking the whole thing and wondering what his response would be. He had a half hour to decide.

Chris ended up replying that he’d meet with Jamie- much to his surprise. Deep down, he knew it was because he thought Jamie was leaving and wanted to put all of his anger aside in order to have a proper goodbye. Jamie texted him his new address and waited downstairs, taking a seat at the little outdoor table and chair set that his landlords had put out.

After twenty minutes of sitting out in the overcast sun, Jamie had convinced himself that he wasn’t going to show. Chris owed him nothing at the end of the day, and Jamie’s optimism had started to run out as he ended up back in his old thoughts- wallowing away at how he’d fucked up. He looked back out to the main street in a last stitch effort of hope, and saw Chris slowly walking up towards the building. Even several houses down, he could see a timid look on his face- like the boy didn’t know what he was walking into, hoping it wasn’t a trap. Jamie tried his best not to seem too excited to see him- in an effort to keep his hopes down in case things would turn out terribly.

Chris got within a few feet of him, dressed casually in a Henley that was nearly a size too small with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Even with his incredible features and body, the one thing missing was that classic Chris smile- it’s what drew him to the boy in the first place and what was clearly missing now. He looked at the older boy, confused, as he gestured toward the empty chair to sit.

“Is there a reason you had me meet you at this random address?”

Jamie shrugged, “I’ll explain that in a bit.” He said, wanting to do this the right way.

“Look Jamie. If this is the part where we say goodbye, then just get on with it, please.” He was clearly still hurt, throwing those words at him without even looking into his eyes. Chris cast his glance aside to the planter box filled with flowers of all different colors.

“I’m staying, Chris. I’m not leaving anymore.”


Jamie exhaled, “I reevaluated everything- every shortcoming I thought I was having, every doubt. And I just realized that I’d been making myself unhappy this past year because I expected more out of everything, but I was too fucking scared to do anything about it.”

The older boy watched Chris’ eyes meet his, seeing the pain in his brown irises as he explained, “I stayed at a job I wasn’t appreciated at because I didn’t know anything else. I stayed at that shitty apartment because I was holding onto my college days. I acted like everything was okay with my friends because everything in their lives was great and I didn’t want to bring them down.”

He breathed out, feeling himself get caught up in the emotions.

“And I kept things from you, because I was so scared of messing things up with you that I ended up doing it anyway.”

Jamie reached for his hand and was thankful he didn’t recoil at his touch.

“I called United and was able to change the date of my flight. I’ve been away so long that I’m due for a visit. But I can’t just move back because I’m scared.”

“And what are you going to do for work?”

“I actually just accepted a job offer. I spent a few days really doing my research to find a firm that does projects that I care about- not just the first one that came up on an Indeed list.” He smiled, “And it’s a really good one, Chris.”

He nodded, “I’m happy for you, J. I know that getting fired wasn’t ideal but you seem to be in a better place now.”

Jamie nodded, “It just took me some time to realize that. I’m sorry for snapping at you that day- among other things.”

“And what about a place to stay? I thought you terminated the lease with your landlord.”

Jamie gave a small smile, turning back to the building behind them. “That’s actually why I asked you to meet me here.” He extended his hand to the modern Victorian, “This is my new place- well the outside of it anyway.”

“You found a new apartment already?” Chris asked.

He nodded, “I needed to get everything settled before I reached out to you. You said not to stay because of you, and I swear, I found all of these reasons why I don’t want to leave.” Jamie grabbed his hand, “But damnit I do wanna stay for you, Chris.”

Chris gripped him tight as the sky above them Etimesgut Escort washed into a shade of dark purple almost as bright as the blush that swept across the boy’s beautiful face.

“I’m really glad you’re staying, J.” He swallowed, “I’d been reeling over that text today, thinking that I’d have to come down here all so I could let you go.”

Jamie reached out and caressed his face, rubbing his thumb against Chris’ dimple. “Will you take me back?”

Chris nodded excitedly, “Yes. God yes.” He pulled him into a kiss with the both of them getting to their feet with only the small wrought iron table in between. Jamie looked into the boy’s deep brown eyes, seeing them filled with joy as their lips pressed together. It was like coming home, as cheesy as it sounded- how good his hands felt on him and how sweet his lips tasted.

The sky was now dark with only the scattered LED lights stretched across the lattice frame giving the two of them light. A few cars drove by, as well as a Muni that raced down Irving Street, reminding the boys that they weren’t completely alone.

“Wanna see the new place?” Jamie asked, breaking them from their kiss.

Chris was still lost in the boy’s lips, puckering his own as if wanting more. He pouted slightly, then smiled. “Yeah, let’s go.”

They raced upstairs with Jamie holding onto the other boy’s hand the entire time. He fiddled with his keys before barging in and walking around the living room like he was giving a tour.

“It’s still a work in progress, but it feels like home already.”

Chris looked around at the space- seeing little aspects of Jamie up on the walls. There were hand-drafted architectural floor plans and sections that were hung on the walls in sleek black frames, next to which were a couple smaller water-colored renderings, all done in the same style, telling Chris they were Jamie’s. The other walls had autographed posters of the boy’s favorite bands- everyone from The Killers to Young the Giant to The Goo Goo Dolls. The corkboard in the kitchen had little polaroid pictures of Jamie with people Chris assumed were his family, as well as photobooth reels with Marissa, Kevin and the Gang. The boy wondered why he hadn’t seen any of these up at Jamie’s old place, but was happy to see them now.

“This place is you, splattered on all the walls.” Chris said as he took a seat on the new couch.

Jamie chuckled, “I had all this stored away in the old apartment. Back when I had roommates, it just didn’t work with the old set-up. But now it does.”

“Even after they all moved out, it didn’t really feel like my place. It was like I was still sharing.”

The older boy joined him on the couch, slinging his arm over Chris and holding him for a few seconds. It felt right- to feel the boy’s warmth against his skin, to smell his shampoo, and to look around at all the remnants of him decorated throughout the apartment.

“”Are you hungry? I could order us some food- give us some time to catch up.”

Chris shook his head and jumped on Jamie’s lap. He sat back down on the boy’s thighs, pressing his weight into him as a sly smile stretched across his face. He leaned in and kissed the boy, relishing in their lips being able to touch again. Jamie’s hands slipped under Chris’ shirt, rubbing at his back tenderly. He angled his head up to kiss at Chris’ neck, pressing his lips against the boy’s sensitive skin as he gave it a few long licks as the boy got more vocal.

Needing room to play, Chris got up and walked them into the bedroom, holding onto Jamie’s hand the entire time. He plopped himself on the new bed, half expecting the same rattling that Jamie’s old cheap frame often gave them. The older boy looked over at him- lying in the middle of his bed and starting back up at him with so much affection. He tugged at Chris’ pants and pulled them off while the boy made quick work of his sweater as they made a pile of discarded clothes at the edge of the bed. Jamie stripped off his shirt then kissed along Chris’ foot as he worked his way up the boy’s tall frame. It was like a roller coaster slowly inching its way up a sharp incline, only to fall at record speed. He got to the boy’s thighs and leaned in to plant a soft kiss on each one. Jamie hooked two fingers into the black waistband and pulled them down slowly until the boy was naked in his bed with nowhere else to go.

“I’m gonna have so much fun with this.” He said, as he took hold of Chris’ hardened cock and gave it a few strokes.

Chris moaned a bit, trying to catch his breath, “Ease up, J. It’s been a while since I-”

Jamie stopped him, kissing Chris mid sentence. It’s been a while since he came too- with the last time with nothing more than his hand and memories of Chris. There was something in the boy’s eyes that told him the same thing. He went back down, and slowly licked up the boy’s shaft. He stopped his tongue at the slit, scraping it softly as he swirled around the head. Chris breathed slowly, feeling that wet tongue against the bundle of nerves as Jamie took his time. Eventually, he felt the boy’s lips close around his cock as he worked his way down the shaft. He had to stop himself from cumming as Jamie took him down to the base and held his head there for a few seconds just to prove that he could. The brown boy went up, plating a few sloppy kisses on the wet shaft as he looked up at Chris in awe.

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