
Lesbian 101


Brooke Adams and Tyler Sorenson sat shoulder-to-shoulder on a wooden bleacher within their high school’s gymnasium, each of the seniors staring at their cell phones and occasionally tapping them with practiced thumbs. It was the afternoon work-out for the girls’ volleyball team and on the far side of the large gym bouncing balls echoed loudly as the boys’ basketball team began their warm-ups as well. Many students were scattered around the bleachers and gymnasium floor, athletes and spectators both.

Tyler studied her phone intently, “Jenny Anderson just posted something about a rave on Saturday, downtown in the warehouse district. It’s eighteen-plus. Wanna go?”

“Oh goody,” Brooke was sarcastic, “Trance music and date-rape. Sounds like fun.”

“I like trance music,” Tyler said, unoffended by Brooke’s all-too common sarcasm, “And I haven’t been dancing in like, forever.”

Brooke swiped a few times on her phone’s face, “Sure, let’s go. Maybe we can score some ecstasy.”

Tyler glanced aside at her best friend, “You want to do ecstasy?”

Brooke seemed casual, “My cousin said she tried some at college and that it was awesome.”

One of the Volleyball coaches, a middle-aged woman in drab sweats, blew her whistle signaling the beginning of practice. Tyler stuffed her phone into the duffle bag beside her and zipped it shut as she rose from the bleacher, “Whatever. Are you going to hang out?”

Brooke nodded, “Yeah. I’ll give you a ride home.”

Tyler reached to clasp her hair into a ponytail, “Cool. Thanks, hon.”

“No problem, babe,” Brooke replied, still mesmerized by her phone as Tyler trotted out to the gym floor.

The two girls had grown-up together in Crystal, Minnesota; a middle-class suburban neighborhood of Minneapolis. Their houses were just three blocks apart and they had known one another since before grade school, when they attended the same daycare as toddlers. For as long as either of them could remember they had been best friends – as inseparable as twin sisters. But for all they had in common, they certainly had their differences.

Tyler was fit and athletic, 5’9″ with long, straight black hair, blue eyes, and a tanned body toned from exercise. She preferred a sporty, functional wardrobe and often wore her hair clasped into a ponytail in the style of Ariana Grande – one of her favorite pop music artists. Tyler enjoyed sports, dancing, and could usually be found during the early morning hours jogging through the streets of Crystal.

When volleyball practice began, Tyler stripped off a light track jacket and was wearing a pair of blue sweats with white leg stripes, a white sports bra, and black Nikes.

Brooke was slightly shorter, 5’8″, with golden blonde hair that she liked to curl into meticulously styled ringlets. They framed her heart-shaped face and fell just past the shoulders. Brooke had green eyes, tan skin, and a slender frame with soft curves in all the right places. Brooke had no interest in sports, though she often supported her best friend by attending Tyler’s games and practices, but was more interested in fashion, celebrity gossip, and shopping.

She was wearing a salmon-colored above-the-knee skirt, a clinging white buttoned blouse, and strappy heels. Brooke wore far more make-up than Tyler, who barely wore any, and loved jewelry of all kinds.

As Brooke continued to hypnotize herself with her phone, one of the boys from the basketball team lost control of his ball and it bounced in Brooke’s direction. Rob was an African-American boy with a head shaved bald and a toned muscular body, wearing baggy shorts and a tee-shirt. While retrieving his ball, Rob got an eyeful of Brooke’s bare crossed legs as she sat on the front bleacher.

Rob plopped himself onto the bleacher beside Brooke, “Hey, beautiful,” he greeted her with a charming smile and leaned against her.

“Ew,” Brooke recoiled playfully with a giggle, “You’re all sweaty!”

“I’d like to see you all sweaty,” Rob spun the basketball on his finger, “If you know what I mean.”

Brooke snorted, “Keep dreaming, mister.”

“Aw, you’re cold – you’re cold. But you won’t be able to resist my charms forever.”

“And where are these charms of yours, hmm?” Brooke played hard-to-get, “I’ve yet to see them.”

Rob enjoyed the flirtatious games he and Brooke often played, “Are you going to the rave this weekend? Maybe I can show you then.”

“Tyler mentioned there was a rave. Any chance you could help me score some ecstasy while we’re there?”

“I might know a guy,” Rob smiled at the prospect of Brooke on ecstasy, “Hit me up on text when you and Tyler get there. I’ll see if I can hook you up.”

“JOHNSON!” the boys’ basketball coach suddenly yelled towards Rob, “This isn’t social hour, goddammit. Get your ass back here before I have you running laps!”

“Looks like you gotta go,” Brooke’s smile reached her eyes, “See you Saturday night?”

Rob stood and began deftly dribbling his ball, “Looking forward to it, beautiful.” Canlı Escort Bayan

Brooke rolled her eyes at his obvious advances before glancing towards the volleyball action. She spotted and Tyler jump high to spike a ball over the net. She clapped in support of her friend and cheered loudly, “Woo-hoo! Give ’em hell, girl!”


After practice, Brooke drove the two high school seniors home in her Ford crossover SUV. Its interior was littered with sunglass cases, make-up containers, school notebooks, gossip magazines, and empty soft-drink bottles. The heavy bass of a pop song thudded from rear speakers and Brooke’s hand tapped along to the beat against her steering wheel.

“Rob totally hit on me again during your practice,” Brooke grinned.

Tyler’s face was lit from the glow of her phone, “Do you want to go out with him?”

“Yeah, right,” Brooke laughed out a scoff, “Can you imagine my dad’s reaction? ‘Hi, Daddy. Meet my new boyfriend. Oh, by the way – he’s black’.”

“I don’t get why your dad is such a racist. I mean, it’s 2018 for fuck’s sake. Shouldn’t humanity be more enlightened by now?”

“I don’t know if he’s racist,” Brooke mused, “I think he’s just stuck in the days when inter-racial relationships were still taboo, you know? Like, the only the only guy a white Lutheran girl should date is a white Lutheran boy.”

“Uh, that’s racist,” Tyler informed Brooke dryly, tapping at her phone.

“Rob is cute, though,” Brooke grinned, “Right?”

Tyler lifted a shoulder, “I guess. He kind of reminds me of Michael Jordan. You know, when he was with the Tar Heels.”

Brooke rolled her eyes, “I have no idea what a Tar Heel is, but get this – he said he could score us some ecstasy tomorrow night.”

“Who did…? Rob?”

“No,” Brooke snorted sarcastically, “Michael Jordan. Of course, Rob!”

“I can’t believe you want to try ecstasy,” Tyler teased, “When did you become such a druggie?”

“Whatever,” Brooke defended herself as she turned onto Tyler’s street, “It’s not like I want to go behind the cafeteria and smoke-up with the meth-heads. It’s just a little ecstasy. My cousin said it’s harmless, but a total trip. Besides, it’s a fucking rave for crying out loud – everyone’s going to be doing it.”

“Fine,” Tyler didn’t really have a problem with her friend doing ecstasy, it just surprised her. Brooke had never shown any interest in drugs before.

Brooke pulled to the curb in front of Tyler’s house and came to a stop, “So will you try it with me?”

“I’ll think about it. Thanks for the ride, hon.” Tyler opened the passenger door, “Pick me up at eight?”

“You got it, babe.” Brooke blew her friend a kiss, “Hey! Do you want to stay over, tomorrow?”

Tyler got out of the car, “Yeah, I’ll tell my parents.”

It wasn’t unusual for either of the girls to spend the night at the other’s house – it had been a common occurrence since childhood sleep-overs. Tyler felt as much at home at Brooke’s house as she did her own, and vice versa. They were like sisters, after all.


The rave was located in Minneapolis’ downtown warehouse district, a location that held several trendy dance clubs and smaller bars. The girls had to produce IDs at the door to prove they were both eighteen and received colored neon bracelets that signified they were under 21 years of age and unable to buy alcohol.

Brooke had her golden hair twirled in a magnificent mess of clasps and tumbling ringlets, with big silver hoop earrings dangling from her ears. She wore a pair of white skinny-jeans so tight they looked painted onto her curvaceous legs over open-toed shoes. A whit spaghetti-strap top showed her mid-riff, much of her ample cleavage, as well as the entirety of her tanned shoulders and arms.

Tyler was no less modest in a black micro mini-skirt which bared almost the entire expanse of her long, tanned legs. A blue tank top stretched around her torso, tightly covering her from the belly-button to the top of her small breasts. As usual her hair was clasped up, but her ponytail cascaded down behind her head in a styled triangle of dark wavy tendrils.

“I’m going to text Rob,” Brooke produced her phone once they were inside the club, “Let him know we’re here.”

Tyler pointed to a vendor bright with neon merchandise, “Tell him we’ll be by the counter selling rave sticks.”

Brooke nodded and her thumbs became a dexterous blur as they walked.

The girls entered a vast, expansive area filled with a mass of writhing people at its center. Pounding, bass-fueled electronica drowned out almost all other noise and flashing strobes lit the club from every corner. Tyler practically had to yell for a server to hear her order a pair of fruity beverages. Brooke pulled a flat wad of money the girls had pooled out of her back pocket, since Tyler’s skimpy skirt afforded no storage, and paid for the drinks.

No more than a minute passed, while Tyler was sucking some of her drink through Canlı Escort a straw, when she spotted the approach of Rob. He was wearing a pair of overly baggy jeans, crisp new sneakers, and a white muscle shirt that showed off his perfectly sculptured arms. “Look,” Tyler pointed, “There he is.”

Brooke lifted an arm and waved until Rob spotted the girls and moved their way.

“God damn!” Rob eyed them up and down while rubbing his chin, “You two have got to be the sexiest bitches here!”

Brooke beamed a bright smile at the compliment.

Tyler gave Rob a quick hug in greeting, “Looking good yourself, hon. You been working out?”

“Yeah, you know how it is.” Rob flashed his pearly white teeth in a smile, “Gotta look good for those college scouts coming to see the state’s number one shooting guard.”

“And here I thought you only wanted to look good for me,” Brooke teased. “So what’s up? Did you score for us, or what?”

“You know I be looking out for you, beautiful.” Rub plunged his hand into a pocket and produced a plastic baggy containing small white pills, “I got you six hits, but you’re only going to need one. This is the real shit, right here.”

“How much?” Brooke wondered.

“This is on me,” Rob offered, “But only on one condition.”

“This was your idea,” Tyler deferred to her best friend, “I’m not sucking his cock.”

That made both Rob and Brooke laugh.

“Nah, nah,” Rob waved his hand, “I’m way classier than that.” He leveled a look towards the gorgeous blonde, “Brooke here has gotta let me take her out next weekend.”

“Deal,” Brooke quickly agreed, holding out a hand.

Rob dropped the baggy into her waiting palm, “Next Friday night? I’ll take you to a nice restaurant, maybe hit up a movie after?”

“You better bring that charm you’ve been promising,” Brooke playfully warned him.

“You know it,” Rob had a large smile, “I’ve gotta bounce, my homies are waiting on me. You girls have a fun night. Don’t do anything I’d do, and be careful – one hit and you’re on a five hour ride.”

“Oh my god, that was so easy,” Brooke said, opening up the baggy once Rob had left.

“He wants to pay for your drugs and buy you dinner,” Taylor shook her head, “Boys are so gullible.”

“Show a little skin and they melt in your hand,” Brooke agreed, plucking two pills from the baggy, “You ready to try this?”

“Why the hell not,” Tyler took one of the pills. Both girls put them in their mouth at the same time and washed them down with their drinks.

“Woo!” Brooke hollered, ready to have fun.

“I want to dance!” Tyler spun towards the crowd.

A DJ in an outlandish purple suit and top hat glowed in the black light on his stage, fueling the hungry mass of partiers with his beats. The energy on the dance floor was electric as two hundred people slithered and writhed in unison, connected by the music. Tyler and Brooke trotted out to claim a small space for themselves, lifting their arms and wagging their hips to the steady thrum which transfixed the crowd. The best friends had danced together many times before and were not uncomfortable doing so in close proximity, gyrating against one another with dirty, sexual movements. Time became a distant concern amidst the fun of dancing.

Tyler smiled brightly as the effects of the ecstasy kicked in, watching the strobe lights seem to flash in slow motion all around her. Her body started to tingle and buzz; she felt incredible, as though she was exactly where she was supposed to be and doing the only thing she wanted to do. Lifting her arms above her head and bending low on her knees, Tyler stuck her ass out and swung her hips with seductive motion.

Brooke watched and became completely transfixed by Tyler’s movements, her best friend’s alluring body flashing in the strobe lights. Brooke was certain she had never seen anyone move so provocatively. Moving closer, she reached out to put her arms over her best friend’s shoulders, wanting to be a part of Tyler’s steamy dance.

Tyler was inviting, wrapping an arm around Brooke’s waist to pull their bodies together. Their movements became joined by the music in synchronous harmony. They thrust their hips against one another and Tyler shook her head, letting her ponytail swing wildly behind her. It was wanton and sexual, the ecstasy removing their inhibitions. Brooke wrapped her arms around Tyler’s neck and the two girls pressed their torsos together as they danced, their bodies becoming one.

“I feel incredible,” Tyler purred, entangling their arms and curling hers around Brooke’s head.

The two had drawn close enough for Brooke’s whisper to be right at Tyler’s ear, “Me too.”

“This is so hot,” Tyler breathed, “You feel amazing.”

Brooke shifted so that her forehead was pressed against Tyler’s.

The two danced that way for several minutes, their heads touching and their breath on each other’s lips. Tyler could feel her arousal growing. She didn’t think about any sexual Escort Canlı boundaries; Tyler only wanted to keep feeling what she was feeling and sharing the experience with the one person she was closest to in the whole world.

Neither of them realized they had stopped dancing. They stood in the center of the dancefloor, entwined in an embrace and enjoying the contact of their bodies. When their noses grazed, Brooke’s clinging arms tightened about Tyler’s neck signaling that she wanted something more. Their lips were only a breath apart and Tyler dared a nibble, her mouth pecking at Brooke’s lower lip. Brooke parted her mouth invitingly and the two teased at one another, soft lips grazing in several more brief contacts.

Finally Tyler took the plunge, tilting her head to kiss.

At any other time, in any other place, Brooke would have second-guessed her instincts. But the ecstasy was driving her desires and she hungrily returned her best friend’s arousal. The kiss quickly accelerated and the girls started to make-out. Brooke curled one of her legs around Tyler’s and made muffled noises of pleasure against Tyler’s mouth.

No one noticed. No one cared. The writhing mass of people simply continued dancing around them. But for them the world seemed to stop. The crowd vanished, the music faded away; Tyler and Brooke were only aware of each other’s bodies. Nothing else mattered.

Tyler felt like electricity was surging through her lips the way they tingled, as though she was being kissed for the very first time in her life. She could feel Brooke’s soft breasts against her own and the feeling excited her.

Brooke was no less passionate, shoving her tongue into Tyler’s mouth briefly. Brooke felt as one with Tyler, like they were connected by the tangle of their limbs and some unseen sexual force which had suddenly appeared. Their kiss had broken a barrier within her and she couldn’t get enough of Tyler’s lips.

Eventually, the couple had to come up for air. Still holding on to her best friend, Tyler glanced around and was reminded they weren’t alone.

“Oh my god,” Brooke said breathlessly, “I’m so turned-on right now. I can’t believe this is happening. Are we really doing this? I’ve never felt this way before.”

Tyler put her chin over Brooke’s shoulder and hugged her close, “Don’t leave. I don’t want you to leave me. You feel so amazing.”

Brooke hugged her friend back, “I’m not going to leave you. You’re my entire fucking world, right now.”

“Let’s go to the bathroom,” Tyler suggested, “I want to be alone with you.”

Brooke nodded and Tyler took her hand firmly, pulling her out of the crowd. Brooke let Tyler lead the way, clasping her hand tightly and afraid to let go. Neither girl wanted the physical connection between them to be severed.

The music dulled to a muted thud as they entered the bathroom and found an open toilet stall. Tyler pulled Brooke inside and quickly latched the door shut. Once they had found their sanctuary they simply stared at each other for several moments. Their hands were still joined and Brooke could feel Tyler’s thumb caressing her palm, sparks of electricity seemingly arcing from the contact.

“That was so hot,” Brooke finally spoke.

Tyler swallowed and nodded her complete agreement.

“Is it the drugs?” Brooke wondered.

“I don’t know,” Tyler admitted, “Do you want to kiss me again?”

“So badly,” Brooke’s voice practically begged.

Tyler was on her in an instant, her body pressing against Brooke’s and pinning her against the bathroom stall wall. They started sucking on each other’s lips, their mouths hungry with passion. Tyler slipped a forearm between them and clutched at one of Brooke’s plush breasts. Brooke wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipple immediately stiffened through the material of her thin top and pressed against Tyler’s palm.

Brooke moaned softly against Tyler’s mouth and grabbed her friend’s wrist, pulling it lower. Tyler felt the soft skin of Brooke’s tummy and continued downward, sliding her hand under the hem of Brooke’s pants just as Brooke was undoing them. Tyler continued into Brooke’s panties, eventually cupping her best friend’s sex.

A gasp escaped Brooke’s mouth as she broke their kiss, her mouth hanging wide open. Tyler’s middle finger had slid between Brooke’s labia and created contact with her clitoris. Tyler began masturbating her and watched as Brooke’s expression twisted with pleasure. Aroused moans began escaping Brooke’s lips as the feeling between her legs quickly heated. Her knees went weak and the back of her head bumped against the bathroom stall. Tyler began kissing Brooke’s cheek and nibbling on her jaw while Brooke wrapped her arms around Tyler’s neck.

“You’re going to make me cum,” Brooke whimpered.

Tyler wriggled her finger faster, the inner curl of her digit rubbing against Brooke’s clit.

Brooke had experienced many orgasms through masturbation before, but nothing could have prepared her for an orgasm on ecstasy. It began as a warm tingling sensation between her legs but quickly intensified, spreading down her legs and up her abdomen. “Oh god!” she exclaimed, her body tightening against Tyler’s. Brooke writhed and bucked her hips against her best friend’s hand, her arms clinging around Tyler’s neck.

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