
Marine Boy Ch. 01


I’m 5″ 8′, 190 pounds, and a toned slim fit body that I’ve had girls and guys running after me in high school and now in college. I live in a off campus studio apartment since my family is a well-to-do family. I’m going threw school with my trust fund that my dad sat up for me when I was born. My dad wasn’t a wealthy guy, but since he sat up a trust fund for me and my sister when we were first born. He was a marine, businessman, and family man until he died of a heart attack six months ago. I loved my father and I miss him so much since his death.

I returned to college a few days after the funeral because dad’s passing happened when semester finals are about to start, the most unfortunate timing. Like the saying goes “life goes on” and in this case my finals are just around the corner. It’s going to be very hard to keep my mind on my studies with the funeral and dad’s passing still fresh in my mind. The first couple of days when I returned I kept myself closed up in my apartment trying to study that wasn’t easy. I did succeed thou and passed my finals of course I do think some of my professors had sympathy for me because of my loss but I’ll take whatever I can get.

One day at a family gathering held at my grandparents’ house for a couple reasons. First in memory of my dad (her son) so other family members could have their goodbyes that were unable to come to the funeral. Secondly, my grandparents house is really huge and on a large piece of property. Finally, so everyone could see each other since some large families don’t get together very often, but in this case everyone’s going to talk to about my dad. Most of the family members I’ve talked to recently others I written to keep in touch. There are a few that I’ve not seen since I was a youngster that I was glad to see who also recognized me. We talked about my dad what they remember of him and since my mother is also dead they left my sister, grandparents, and I some money to help with any unexpected expenses caused by my father’s passing.

I knew everyone there or knew of them, but there was this one guy whom I’ve never seen. I kept eyeing him every time I saw him cause he’s fuckin hot. Especially in his dress marine uniform that seemed to fit his body like a glove, but not too tight. He always shook everyone’s hand and kissed the women. This Marine seemed to know everyone there, but the one thing I found interesting he talked to the males of my family more than the women. I kept watching him cause no matter what, where, or when I walked into a room or just anything. I had a couple of close encounters with this marine, but we didn’t talk for half the day. He’s a little older than me probably in his 30s or around there.

I finally got to talk to him around noon or a little after when we bumped into each other outside my grandparents’ house he turned to me stuck out his hand ,with the white gloves on, and said “Hi Jason haven’t seen you in quite sometime”. He seemed to know me but I still didn’t recognize him and I just said “Hi…I didn’t catch you name”. He just looked at me confused like he couldn’t believe that I didn’t recognize him. “It’s Mike….Jason” he said as he shook my hand. He almost squeezed the juice out of my hand when he grabbed it. Mike is my dad’s middle name I thought to my self as he squeezed my hand. I had to grip tightly to prevent him from killing my had completely since now it was obvious that he’s tremendously strong.

I had thoughts of what he might look like “out of uniform” but never hinted to anything remotely like it since he obviously knew my dad and me. Still not knowing who he was accept for his name. I tried to fish for information without seeming too ignorant of who he was. “Mike did you know my dad?” I asked him as nonchalantly as possible, but I was unsuccessful so it did make him realize that I didn’t know who he was.

“You really don’t know who I am” Mike asked me as he released my hand. I rubbed my hand on my stomach from the squeezing from his strong hand.

“No Mike I’m sorry, there’s a lot of family members that have surfaced since my dad’s passing” I told him. With no warning he gripped me in a bear hug that startled me not knowing who he was.

“Jason, I’m your marine” Mike whispered in my ear while he hugged me then patted me on my ass. I was so shocked with this abrupt move that I was momentarily speechless. I hesitated a little before I returned his big bear hug then I wrapped my arms around him and felt a massive muscular body. I was now more than ever wanting to see more of him and his firm body. Just thinking about that got my cock stirring then before we released each other I could feel his cock poking me as mine was poking him.

“Your father knew about us, but kept us apart due to your family” he whispered in my ear also. I didn’t want this our embrace end it was so familiar to me now. Then as abruptly as it started it ended.

“I’m Lieutenant Mike Louis” he announced in a normal tone once our embrace ended then continued. “You and I Çeliktepe Escort met once or twice when we were quite young. Your dad kept me apprised of what you were doing in your life especially when you started college. He was so proud of you and bragged all the time. Your dad loved you as much as I’m sure you loved him. Joe and I talked a lot it was his hopes that we’d meet again sometime he wants the best for you. I have something for you of your dad’s that he wanted you to have”

“Lt. Mike Louis” I said questionably still a little unsure of his identity. He stuck a piece of paper in my hand and left. I opened up the folded piece of paper and it read “Call me later, I have to return to the base in a few days” with his phone number on it. I watched Mike as he walked to his truck never looking back therefore I had a great view of his ass. His slacks moved perfectly with him while he walked as did the muscles in his back. Time seem to stand still as I watched him then a tap on my shoulder startled me and I quickly turned around. My sister was standing there with a smile on her face.

Stacy is at least five years older than me and now engaged to be married. I’ve never met her fiancée but been told that he’s in the military. Then it crossed my mind that “is this masculine marine my sister’s soon-to-be husband”. Stacy looked at me with a surprised look and said “He’s one hot marine isn’t he?” Stacy said.

“Is your fiancé here? I thought you said he’d be here and I could meet him” I ask Stacy.

“Yes you were just talking to him. He never told you?” She responded. I had a dumbfounded look on my face when she said that and quickly shoved the note in my pocket before she saw it. I didn’t want to get caught with it since the marine that I was just locked in a bear hug with is going to be my Stacy’s husband.

“No he didn’t he said he had to go” I lied to Stacy not feeling good about it, but necessary I didn’t want to get him in trouble at least not yet. I wanted an explanation first why he didn’t say he was going to be my brother-in-law. I was happy for Stacy but I was also pissed at Mike for not telling me. The rest of the day before I returned to my apartment went normal or as normal as it can at a family reunion. As I left my grandmother gave me a huge tight hug similar to the one that Mike and I were locked in. She gave me an envelope that held some checks from people at the reunion and them.

The next morning I called Mike after waking up. He answered sounding a little sleepy still, but I wanted him to explain to my why he did what he did and why he lied to me. Was he just playing me or does he not want to marry Stacy? This among other questions had to be answered.

“Yo Mike here” he said when he answered the phone. His deep and sexy voice made it hard to be mad at him. I told him what Stacy said and why he lied to me and I wanted his explanations. He said that he’d be at my apartment alone in thirty minutes. Before hanging up I told him to make sure he’s honest no more lies.

I was so angry at Mike that while I waited for him to arrive his lies are all I could think about as I made my coffee. I could barely think as I got dressed and all the other things that I do in the mornings. Thirty minutes later, when Mike arrived I looked out the window and seen he was dressed in his camies. “Still prying on me sexual preference and my family, hu” I thought to myself as I watched him walk to the door. Even though he did look hot in his camies and my sister was right he’s one hot marine. I was still mad when he knocked on the door.

“Get in here” I ordered not knowing what would happen, but my anger got the best of me over-powering my desire for his body. I wanted answers first. He had a shocked look on his face when I abruptly ordered him nevertheless he did as ordered. Walked in the door as I slammed it and barked “sit down”, which he also followed.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were Stacy’s fiancé for one? Why did you pry on me being gay? Now tell me the truth who are you really or I’ll tell Stacy the truth. That you have the hots for me. Now Lt. Mike Louis tell me the truth or you’ll suffer the consequences” I ordered Mike as I stood in front of him hoping to intimidate him.

He sat there stunned for a moment then “Yes Sir!” Mike barked as he saluted me as if I were is commanding officer. “I am going to be your brother-in-law although the date of the wedding as yet to be determined. We did meet as youngsters, but your dad never told me anything of your life. It was your sister. I did know him while I was dating your sister, but he was proud of your achievements. He always talked about his son in college so I felt as if I knew you. I’m sorry if you feel as if I lied to you or was using you” Mike explained.

“Why the tight hugging and the hard cock business what was that? If your marring Stacy” I asked Mike who sat on the sofa with his legs spread apart looking as macho as he could. Mike seemed to still be Escort Çeliktepe holding something back even with his macho exterior. Since he is a marine I decided to pull some of those strings seeing if I could get results that way.

“ATIN-HUT” I barked like a commanding officer of his and he did respond immediately standing up solid as a pole with his hands behind his back awaiting inspection. I was going to pull on these strings and see what becomes of it.

Lt. Louis stood at attention being 6″4′ tall he stood taller than me, but followed my barking orders. I walked around him smacking his ass on my way around him. He flinched as if he were not expecting the sudden smacking so as I returned to the front side of him. I stood there looking at him in his eyes as if I were trying to pry into his soul. Then I abruptly grabbed his cock tightly to use it as a lever or his handle that started to harden.

“WHAT?! A MARINE GETTING AROUSED BY A MAN” I yelled into his face while I still tightly clutched his stiffing cock in my hand. A painful and disgraceful look on his face made me realize that he hadn’t expected this occurrences of events so now I had this macho marine in the palm of my hand.

“Sorry sir” Mike whinnied in pain.


“Sir?” Mike said confused not being able “read between the lines”. I unbuckled his belt and pants and abruptly yanked them down along with hiss underwear. His big stiffed cock bounced once free of it’s constraints and leaked precum. I could see the muscular hairy legs he has as he stood at attention. He was definitely getting off on being disgraced as a marine and exposing his hard cock.

“Sir please don’t” Mike pleaded as he stood there with his 7′ throbbing cock leaking and bouncing fully on display for all to see.

“Macho Marine huh? I don’t think so more like a pussy, liar, and a marine fag. You’re a disgrace to that uniform pussy” I degraded him. I sat down on the sofa patted my lap ordering him “lay down on my lap” without any words that he did promptly also without words. I immediately laid into his hairy muscular ass “SMACK, SMACK!” with my hand. Mike screamed in agony as kept my constant of smacking his ass up switching between his solid ass cheeks. Feeling his muscular cheeks tighten combined with his agonizing pleas for me to stop as I continued to smack his cheeks.

“AWWWHHHH please stop sir please” Mike cried out as my hand continued to meet his hair covered skin of his ass as my constant smacking seemed to give him even more pain. Whipping my soon to be brother-in-law was getting me so aroused and even though he was crying out in pain pleading for me to stop his cock saying something different like he was enjoying being disciplined breaking him down a couple pegs. As I continued to beat the macho, arrogant attitude right out as well as his lying to me cause he needs to learn that “marines don’t lie”.

“If Stacy could only see you now. Maybe I should call her to see if she could come over to see her “macho marine”. I wonder what she’d say don’t you? She might even join in and you’d get twice the beating.” I threatened him as my constant spanking is beginning to make his ass red as I’m sure his face is with the freighting thought of Stacy coming over to see her fiancé getting an old fashion over-the-knee spanking that is long overdue.

“NO, NO please don’t! She’d breakup with me thinking that I’m a fag and not the macho marine she believes me to be” Mike implored me not to call Stacy as I kept my constant spanking now on his red ass.

“AAAHHH so you’re a marine fag then huh” humiliating him as I continued to make his ass a bright red. SMACK, SMACK with great strength harder than I have before.

AAAAWWWHHH AAAWWWHHH SHIT STOP, STOP PLEASE STOP SIR PLEASE! I’ll tell you the truth now please sir just stop please and don’t call Stacy…AAAAAWWWHHHH please sir” imploring me to stop his beating with the faint sounds of sobs while he pleaded for mercy. I’ve been enjoying this immensely but I wanted the truth from him this time so I stopped my beating of his ass. I let him up, but to kneel in front of me to explain himself.

“Get off me and kneel in front of me and explain yourself, or at least try” I ordered Mike after stopping his ass spanking.

“YES SIR” Mike obediently barks and got up off my lap enough to kneel in front of me as I ordered him. “Sir, I’m dreadfully sorry sir that I displeased you sir by lying to you at the reunion. Sir, I lied to you hoping that I could get to know you better since I’m going to be you brother-in-law. We should know each other better sir, but this isn’t what I had in mind. Stacy told me your gay and wanted to know if I’d have a problem with it. I of course told her no because I love her so much. I only told you that “I’m your mach marine” to get your curiosity up and to call me.” Mike said hoping that I’d understand and remaining Çeliktepe Escort Bayan silent after his explanation not wanting to make things worse for himself.

An impulse rose in me and out of reflex I unexpected smacked him across his face then ” you expect me to believe that bull shit” I asked him.

“Please sir it’s the honest truth! I’m telling you now because I…I…I…I Lo…I love…I love you sir” Mike hesitantly conveyed to me. I was dumbfounded and momentarily speechless when he said that. I honestly didn’t know what to think of what he just told me since he’s engaged to marry my sister. What would she say if he told her that he fell in love with me and broke it off with Stacy deciding not to marry her.

Before I could say a word the phone rang still a little dumb struck I didn’t want to answer it. I looked at the caller ID and it was my sister calling me so I answered it.

“Hello” I said after I picked it up.

“Hi Jason is Mike there?” she asked at a most unfortunate time.

“Yes Stacy, Do you want to talk to him?” I responded in the phone. Looking down at Mike he had a unusual look on his face knowing it was Stacy calling.

“No Jason just listen to me. I know about how Mike feels about you. I really had no intention of marrying him it was just an attempt to get you two to meet and see if you guys would be compatible. I know you called him today and wanted him to come over.” Stacy said over the phone that left me even more dumbfounded than a few seconds earlier when Mike told me he loves me.

“HUMMM OK thanks sis. You want me to tell him want you said” I said into the phone as I stared down at Mike.

“No Jason, We’ve already talked about this. If dad were here he’d want you to be happy as do I. We’ll see each other soon kid hope you guys are having fun. Bye Jason” I listened to Stacy say. After hanging up the phone I looked down at Mike who is still on his knees. Not quite knowing what to say to him in response to his “I love you” statement. This would change everything between Stacy, Mike, and myself from now on. Why he just didn’t tell me sooner would’ve spared him the ass spanking he just got due to my anger of his dishonesty. I sat back in the sofa still in disbelief of what just transpired here. I never thought that this macho marine who seemed straight as a pole would express that he loves me after letting me beat his ass.

“Sir, you ok? Who was that on the phone if I may ask sir? I do love you Sir” Mike inquired. Still in a amazement of being told by mike “I love you” who was going to be my brother-in-law. If that wasn’t shocking enough my sister calls moments after that and before I could respond telling me “she had no intention of marring Mike plus it was only an attempt to “get us together” that did work. How she knew that I called Mike is still a mystery, but I’m sure that I’ll learn all the details if not from Mike then later from Stacy. My head still trying to process the information that has been inputted in over five minutes isn’t easy.

“Mike, who orchestrated this little plan to “hook us up” and why didn’t someone just come out with it at the beginning that you had the hots for me. Not that I’m not flattered by your attraction to me, cause I’m attracted to you too. You could’ve stopped me long time ago from beating your ass, why didn’t you? Tell me or you’ll get an ass pounding that you’ve never had before by anyone not even the one that I gave you previously” I told Mike in a mix of anger, disbelief, and lust.

“OK sir, I brought it up with Stacy last month on one of our dates. She wasn’t that attracted to me after I told her that I’m attracted to you not her. She and I both orchestrated the plan that “hooked us up” and the family reunion was the ideal bait for lack of better word. I didn’t want to come out with it because of USMC pride that was drummed into me by the marine corps and my dad so I was a little shy when I realized that I was attracted to you or men in general. Stacy and I both also knew that you’d be mad when some of the truth surfaced so you’d want to take it out on me. I’ve never been whipped before nor have I ever been dominated by anyone let alone done any master/slave stuff. I was curious about it as well as how far you would take it. I do love you Jason even if you don’t feel the same for me. Is there anything else you want to know and may I get up sir or are you going to spank me again? Please sir I’ve been a bad boy covering up a lie with another lie not to mention teaming up with Stacy to trick you sir” finally honestly explained to me.

“What kind of relationship do you want? A master/slave or a more mutual relationship? I would’ve been willing talk with you honestly there was no need for all this deception between you and my sis. Your right you have been a bad boy” I responded to Mike’s statement. I wanted to spank him again, but I wanted to get to know him now a little better. When he told me that he’s never been dominated I suddenly got an yearning to fuck his muscle cherry ass. I am mad though as I stared down at this Macho Marine who is a closeted fag and just came out of the closet in the most unusual way but it was successful. I began to see Lt. Mike Louis in a whole different way now and not as a soon to be brother-in-law, but as a possible life companion for me instead.

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