
Marlene and Steve Ch. 03


I hope you’ve enjoyed the adventures of Steve, Marlene and Tiffany as much as I’ve enjoyed trying to give them life. Thank you for your time and thank you for reading. If you like the stories, or hate them, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks, again.


Steve and Marlene started dating a few months ago but kept it a secret from their co-workers. Neither of them felt it was any of their business. When the opportunity presented itself, and they were alone, they fucked in the office, but for the most part, were limited to stealing kisses every chance they had. Marlene would hug him every chance she got, and Steve loved the way she hugged as if she were trying to propel her breasts through his chest.

Marlene exhaled a gentle puff of smoke and placed the cigarette back in the ashtray as she continued to type with her right hand. She could feel Steve’s eyes watching her, and she smiled to herself. She kept working to keep the shrews sitting next to her off her back.

Steve was watching from the water cooler, mesmerized, as she put the cigarette down, and tendrils of smoke drifted lazily from it. He was well and truly hooked. Steve found it challenging to take his eyes off her. He wanted nothing more from life than to marry this girl and father kids like rabbits.

Marlene had much more experience when it came to sex, but since she’d started the relationship with Steve had stopped thinking of it as ‘having sex’ or ‘fucking,’ and had started thinking of it as ‘making love.’ Sure, it was old-fashioned, but everything about the way Steve treated her, in bed or out, made her feel adored.

Seeing that he was working alone one day, she came up to him, dancing suggestively with a cigarette in her right hand. Steve stood, gently took it from her and stubbed it out. “I can think of so many better things to do with your lips, Marlene,” he said.

“Oh, like what?” she smiled and loosely hung her arms around his neck.

Steve kissed her gently, “Like this, for starters.” The couple kissed for several minutes until they heard a co-worker coming up the stairs.

“I like where your head is at,” she said as she smiled and ran back downstairs to her desk.

He thought to himself that he needed to get her to quit, regardless of how fantastically sexy she looked doing it. He wanted their life together to be as long and healthy as possible. His need to buy a ring was never far from the center of his attention.

One day, he pulled the trigger. He came into the office and saw her standing hunched over her desk. “Hey, Marlene, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.” She straightened and turned towards him, and he realized it wasn’t Marlene, but someone who could have been a taller twin sister.

“Hi, I’m Tiffany,” the newcomer said, “I’m Marlene’s cousin. I just stopped in to say hello.”

He realized he hadn’t seen his diminutive lover sitting at her desk. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were alone. We can talk about this later. How about getting some dinner after work?”

“Sure thing, I’d like that,” she said.

Tiffany said, “I’m interrupting, I’ll talk to you later, Mar. Nice to meet you, Steve. I’ve heard so much about you,” and left.

At quitting time, Steve went to get Marlene. “Hey, why don’t we invite my cousin along. She’s going through a rough time, and I think she could use a night out.”

“Well, I wanted to talk to you alone…” he said. But, seeing the look on Marlene’s face, he felt the need to please her. “Sure, why not?”

“Thanks,” she said, extremely pleased, “Besides, anything you want to talk about, you can bring up in front of her. We’re like sisters, and she’s my best friend, too.” She’d seen the small box and knew something was up.

He escorted her to her car. “Tiffany’s at my house. Pick us up there. She’s looking forward to getting to know you.”

Fifteen minutes later, he arrived at her house, and as he approached the door, both girls came walking out to meet him.

“Hi, thanks so much for letting me tag along,” Tiffany said, “I hope I won’t be a third wheel.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Steve said, “Glad to have you join us.”

Marlene beamed at how accommodating her soon to be fiance was. Sensing that Steve was nervous, Marlene suggested the casual pub they’d gone to for their first lunch date. She thought it would put him at ease. She also realized that the romance in how Steve looked at her far outweighed that of a fancy restaurant.

“Sure,” Steve said.

They arrived at the pub, and the host greeted them, “Three for dinner? Smoking or non-smoking?” Years later, Steve would thank all the stars in the heavens that restaurants prohibited smoking, but for now, he had to roll with the choices he had.

“Smoking,” Marlene quickly said, with a sheepish grin.

“She’s smiling, she loves that,” the host said as he guided him to their table.

“And he hates it,” Marlene laughed, and gently elbowed Steve.

Heads turned as they made their way to their table. Steve knew it was the girls. He was well Anadoluhisarı Escort aware he was punching above his weight with Marlene., and Tiffany was her equal in beauty. He wasn’t a cave troll by any means, just a decent looking guy with blue eyes, dark hair, and an open, honest face.

Steve held the seat out for both Marlene and Tiffany, and the girls both smiled at his chivalry. Marlene shot her cousin a glance that said, “See, this is how men are supposed to treat you.”

Marlene was seated across from Steve with Tiffany to her left. They had a pleasant conversation while they surveyed the menu. Marlene was pleased their relationship was drawing Steve out of his shell. Tiffany enjoyed that he didn’t treat her like a third wheel despite Marlene’s having suggested earlier that he was going to propose. She’d been reluctant to come, but Marlene said they were closer than sisters, and if it was going to happen, she wanted to share the moment with her cousin and best friend.

Dinner came, and they enjoyed a pleasant, casual meal. The three companions had settled into comfortable conversation exceptionally quickly and easily.

While waiting for the dessert menu, both girls lit Marlboro Lights and casually wafted plumes of smoke up to the ceiling.

“So, what did you want to discuss? Did it have anything to do with that small box I saw you with?” Marlene offered.

Steve nearly spit out his drink. Tiffany held a hand in front of her mouth in an attempt to disguise her amusement at her cousin’s boldness. Marlene just smiled mischievously.

Recovering quickly, Steve said he hadn’t been aware she’d seen that. Marlene assured him she had and told him to spill it.

“Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag,” Steve said, and withdrew the small box from his jacket pocket, and held it out to her. “I know it’s a cliche, but I was hoping you’d make me the happiest man on Earth and agree to marry me. I know it’s not very creative or original.”

Marlene, enraptured by the ring, exchanged another amused glance with her cousin. “First,” she said, “yes, I will marry you. But, second, whatever creativity you lack you more than compensate for with sincerity. Since we started dating, you’ve made me feel like the most beautiful and important woman in the world.”

She got up, gave her cousin a quick hug, and then leaned into Steve for a passionate kiss. “Let’s skip dessert, and take care of that at your place. Sorry, Tiff, we’ll drop you off.”

Tiffany was excited for her cousin and understood they needed alone time. She had enjoyed the dinner and was particularly impressed by how Steve had made her feel welcome on what was undoubtedly the most important night of his and Marlene’s life so far.

Marlene directed Steve to Tiffany’s place, and he stopped to let her out. Steve hopped out and opened the door for his fiancee’s cousin.

“Thanks for letting me tag along,” Tiff said and gave him a friendly hug.

“Don’t mention it,” he said, “It was my pleasure.”

Marlene rolled down the window, “Okay, you two, wrap it up. I need to have some serious sex with my new fiance. Let’s get going.”

Tiffany laughed out loud at her cousin’s boldness, and waved and went into her home. Steve looked mortified and blushed furiously.

He hopped back in and drove over to the new home he’d recently purchased. It had several bedrooms with ample space for a future family, and a large yard with plenty of room for their kids to romp around in safely, and a built-in pool that Marlene had always craved. She loved sunbathing, and Steve enjoyed watching her so that it would work out for both of them.

He opened the car door for Marlene, closed it behind her, and then scooped her hot, little body into his arms and carried her into the house. She was light enough that he was still able to open the door without difficulty. He kissed her with barely restrained passion. “I love you more than air,” he breathed into the kiss and carried her into the house and up the stairs.

He let her down near the bed and continued kissing. She undid the buttons on her blouse, revealing her spectacular globes of flesh. She was a tiny girl, only four-eleven, but her breasts were perfect. She had recently gotten a pixie haircut which only emphasized her cuteness.

Steve looked at his wife to be. He loved everything about her. Her hair, her round face, her quick, impish smile, and the cute way her nose crinkled when she smiled. But, most of all, it was her eyes. They were so soft and brown; he could look at them forever. When she was happy, the joy radiated from them and brightened a room. When she was angry, they flashed with a heat that was like a weapon. And when she was sad, they filled him with a need to do whatever it took to change that.

He caressed her breasts, kissing each in turn and the lovely, soft valley between them. He took a nipple in his mouth and gently bit down. “Harder,” she whispered, “I want to feel them in the morning.” He bit just a little harder, but because Anadoluhisarı Escort Bayan he was loath to hurt her, not as hard as she wished.

He stopped kissing and caressing her breasts, and tried to push her down on the bed gently. “Not this time,” she said, This time, I’m getting you off first. Get on your back.” Steve complied, and she lowered herself on him. They fit together as if created as the perfect partner for each other. His penis was just thick enough that it stretched her pussy and made her want to cum almost immediately, but not so big she feared he’d tear her apart.

She rose and fell on him, grinding sensually. Her hands pressed down on his chest providing more support as she increased her pace. She leaned forward, and he craned his neck up to kiss her breasts. His hands roamed her body, finding her hips and steadying her as she bounced on him. Smiling, she reached down and took his hands in hers, intertwining their fingers and then using his hands as support as she rocketed up and down on him.

Marlene started to squeal as her climax swiftly approached. She wiggled her hips back and forth as she rose and fell, and then with a moan that was almost a roar, she collapsed flat on him, her breasts pressing against him. Steve thrust upwards at her for a few strokes and then erupted, shooting his load into her. She laid on top of him, and they kissed.

“God, Mar, what did I ever do to deserve you?” he whispered hoarsely, stroking her hair.

“Don’t be silly. I love you,” Marlene said between kisses, “and you love me. It’s written all over your face every time you look at me.”

He blushed and savored her weight on him. She was so small and soft compared to him that she could lie on him all night. She nuzzled his neck, and whispered, “I need a cigarette.”

He frowned, and let her roll off him to get her cigarettes. “I wish you’d quit, Mar. Cigarettes are terrible for you, and I want to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary someday.”

She lit up and exhaled with satisfaction, “You’ve thought about our 50th wedding anniversary? Already?” She looked at him, “You have. I can see it on your face. And you wonder why I love you.”

She sighed, “Okay, I’ll try, but it’ll take a while. Quitting is hard, and I love smoking.”

“I’m hoping for a house full of kids,” he said, as his hand roamed over her belly, and drifted lower to her snatch.

She looked at him with love as he talked about their future and his hand played with her pussy. She smiled as his hand worked its magic and gently blew clouds of smoke.

“Hey, I was thinking. Why don’t you move in before we get married?” Steve asked as his hand started to move more intensely across her clit.

Her breath caught as her arousal rose, “Good idea,” she said between gasps. She continued to smoke while Steve pressed, prodded and probed her pussy with his fingers. Finishing, she stopped his hand and stubbed out the cigarette, and let him renew his efforts. Soon, she was cumming on his hand. “Oh, God,” she sighed, “your fingers play me like a fiddle.”

Seeing that he was hard again, she got on all fours. He didn’t need to be explicitly told what to do, he got behind her and entered her. He grabbed her firm, delicious breasts with his hands as he fucked her. He caught her nipples between her fingers and treated them much more roughly than he was willing to do with his teeth, and Marlene cooed with pleasure and delight. She moved back against him in time with his pace and their bodies collided to their mutual enjoyment. Marlene raised one hand off the bed and supporting herself with the other began to frenetically stroke her clit. Steve continued to maul her nipples with his fingers as he pounded her more aggressively. He thrust so vigorously that she was cumming once more, moaning, “Fuck me, Daddy.”

Steve grinned because she had never called him ‘Daddy’ before and it gave him an illicit thrill. He spurted voluminously into her and continued thrusting, and she came shortly after that.

They both fell on the mattress next to each other and cuddled and kissed. “Aren’t cuddles and kisses better than cigarettes?” Steve asked.

“Ok, you win. I’ll try to quit. Please be patient with me,” Marlene relented.

By the end of the next week, she’d moved in. Her parents approved wholeheartedly. They very much approved of the way he treated their daughter. Tiffany was a frequent visitor, and the three of them formed a mutually enjoyable friendship tripod. Steve took to calling her “kiddo.” Tiffany didn’t object because she could see it was genuinely a term of endearment and warm affection rather than a dig at her youthful inexperience. Unlike Marlene, he also didn’t ride her about the stream of losers she seemed doomed to attract. Steve would listen, then shrug and tell her she deserved better. She appreciated that he cared, but even more she loved that he didn’t butt in.

About four months later, Steve and Marlene were married. He was awestruck as she was escorted down the Escort Anadoluyakası aisle by her dad. He’d never seen anything so lovely as Marlene in her wedding gown. Tiffany was a bridesmaid and thrilled for her cousin, while secretly wishing she could find a similar romance.

About eight months after the wedding, Tiffany was driving over to visit them. Frustrated with traffic and her relationship, she lit a cigarette. She was looking forward to leaning on her older cousin and friend for some support, even though she knew it would come with some unsolicited relationship advice.

She arrived at their home and was mildly disappointed that Steve was going out to play poker, but realized that some girl time for Marlene and her would be good. Marlene broke out a bottle of wine and even though Tiffany wasn’t of legal age, she poured her a glass. “No one will know,” Marlene said, “and I’ll monitor your drinking so you won’t get drunk.”

The wine helped put Tiffany at ease, and she shared the difficulties in her latest relationship with her cousin and best friend. Marlene assured her it wasn’t her fault and that she was a ‘catch.’ Tiffany’s favorite song came on, and she jumped up with girlish delight and started dancing to the music. Amused, Marlene joined her, and their bodies moved in rhythm with the music. Tiffany was struck by how sexy Marlene was when she moved. She’d never noticed before and thought to herself that it must be the wine.

The song ended, and the girls plopped back down on the couch. “That was fun,” Tiffany gushed. Marlene gave her a quick, playful kiss on the cheek. “So, how are things with you and Steve?” Tiffany asked, a little embarrassed by the kiss, but also the butterflies she was starting to feel in her stomach, “I’d do anything to find a guy like him.”

“Anything?” Marlene asked assessingly.

“Sure, but where do they keep them?”

“I’ve got an idea,” Marlene offered, “but first, let’s go upstairs, I want to show you my new bathing suit.”

Tiffany agreed readily, and the girls went upstairs to the bedroom. Since they were cousins and had been close friends since before either of them could honestly say they remembered, neither of them was uncomfortable when Marlene undressed to put on the new suit.

“God, Mar, I wish I had tits like yours,” Tiffany complained.

“What are you talking about?” Marlene answered, “Your tits are bigger than mine, mine only seem bigger because I’m so small. Take off your top, and I’ll show you.”

Thinking nothing of it, Tiffany complied. Marlene moved closer, pressing her breasts against her younger cousins, “See? When you look at them up close next to each other, you can see that yours are a little bigger. Mine are nice, but they seem bigger than they are because I’m so tiny.”

Tiffany quietly agreed because she was also confused by the feelings in her stomach and now between her legs. That was when Marlene swooped in for a passionate kiss. Alarmed, Tiffany took a step back. “What are you doing, Mar?” she exclaimed.

“Well, you said you’d do anything to get a guy like Steve, and I think I’ve got an idea how to make that happen,” Marlene said as she moved forward and kissed Tiffany again. Tiffany’s lips parted reluctantly as Marlene’s tongue pressed against her lips. She put a fist up against Marlene’s shoulder to push her aggressive cousin away but defeated, Tiffany’s hand opened, and she embraced Marlene as she slowly melted into the kiss.

“Marlene, what’s going on? Why are you doing this?” Tiffany asked between kisses. She was confused but didn’t want them to stop.

“I’ve got an idea. What if we shared Steve?” Marlene asked earnestly.

“What? Like a three-way?” Tiffany asked skeptically.

Marlene continued to kiss her younger cousin while maneuvering her toward the bed, gently pushing her down. “Yes, but not a random one night stand deal. I love Steve, but I love you too, Tiff. You’re my best friend and always have been. We’ve all become great friends, and I think we three can become lovers. I’d like to have you both.”

Tiffany’s mind swam. Confused, her heart raced as her beautiful cousin continued kissing her. “Marlene, I don’t know. Until five minutes ago, I never even considered that I was attracted to a woman, and now, I want nothing more than for you to keep kissing me. Am I bi? I’m confused.”

“Tiff, relax and let me show you. If you don’t like it, we’ll stop,” Marlene assured her. “But, I think you’ll like it, and my idea will solve your guy problems for good.”

As Tiffany sprawled on the bed, Marlene helped her shimmy out of her pants. She playfully pulled Tiffany’s panties aside and gave her confused cousin an exploratory lick. “Do you like that?” Marlene asked.

“I… I think, think so,” Tiffany stammered. “How is this happening?”

Marlene continued to lick at her cousin’s barely revealed pussy. Tiffany was overwhelmed, and unsure of herself, but her body betrayed her. She could feel growing wetness between her legs. “Mar, are you turning me into a lesbian? I didn’t think I’d like it, but I… I do. Please, don’t stop.”

When she’d stopped in for a friendly visit, Tiffany had no idea that her cousin and best friend would seduce her so quickly and easily. But, Marlene had awakened a curiosity deep within her, and she was determined to explore. In a flash, she decided to let Marlene have her way with her.

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