
Moonlit Night on the Lake


Tossing and turning uncomfortably, Barbra lay on her bed, unable to fall asleep. In a thoroughly unsuccessful attempt at relief from the sweltering heat, the bed-covers were thrown back, exposing her naked, sweat-covered body. As tiny rivulets of perspiration trickled down her skin and dripped onto the sheet beneath her, the wet, clammy feel of her bed only added to her discomfort.

Glancing at the wide-open window beside her bed, Barbra tried to will a cool breeze to waft through her room to ease the oppressive heat which lay upon her nude body like a leaden blanket. The stiflingly heavy air, however, remained silent and motionless, both inside her oven-like room and outside her open window.

As she gazed through her window, praying for a breath of cooling air, Barbra noticed a strange, orange glow, low in the sky, silhouetting the tops of distant hills. Intrigued, Barbra sat up to gaze out her open window, her chin propped up on her palms as her elbows rested on the windowsill. She wondered if she was witnessing a forest fire advancing up the backside of the distant hills.

After a few more moments, Barbra saw a sharply defined, crescent-shaped edge appear within the orange glow above the hill-top. As it slowly grew larger and brighter, Barbra finally realized that she was watching the moon rising behind the summit of the hill. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the moon crept higher, until, at last, its full yellow-orange disc was clear of the peak. Awed by the beauty, and grateful for the distraction, Barbra quietly watched for a long time as the moon gradually rose higher, its ruddy face gradually fading to a bright, silvery white.

Barbra finally tore her eyes from that lovely silver orb and glanced around at the yard outside her window, amazed by the transformation the rising moon had wrought there. What had been shrouded in total, inky blackness when she had first sat up to look out, was now bathed in pale, pearly-white light and she could see everything, almost as if it were daylight.

Having taken her eyes from the silvery face of the moon, the hypnotic trance it had induced was broken and the stifling heat in her room again closed in on her. She glanced up at the moon again and imagined she saw a face there, beckoning to her invitingly.

“Okay,” she whispered, “here I come!”

Barbra got up and pulled on a pair of very short, cut-off blue-jeans, faded and worn, with a fringe of white around the leg openings. She fastened a brief little halter-top over her breasts and slipped on her flip-flops. She got up onto the bed and carefully climbed out of the window, dropping to the ground a few feet below the window sill. She stood there for a few moments, undecided, then walked to the garage and got out her bicycle, trying not to make any noise, so as not to arouse her family.

Barbra walked her bike down the long driveway to the road, then climbed on and pedaled off, her long, blond hair fluttering in the breeze behind her. She sighed with relief as the cooling air flowed over her hot, moist skin, happy that she had decided to leave the oppressive heat of her bedroom.


Riding along the quiet, rural road, Barbra watching the low-hanging moon blink on and off behind the trees along the side as she passed. That bright, silvery orb seemed to be following along beside her, like a silent companion, as she pedaled down the empty highway.

On the side of the road, Barbra noticed a sign indicating the turn-off to her town’s lake. She decided to ride out that way. She turned off the highway and proceeded along a gravel road for about half a mile, where, through the trees, she spotted the glint of moonlight on the smooth surface of the lake. She pulled off the road and walked her bicycle through the trees for a short distance. Reaching the tree-line, she leaned her bike against a fence post and locked it there, then continued across the beach.

Kicking off her flip-flops, Barbra walked through the soft sand to the shoreline, where she wriggled her toes in the water, watching the ripples she caused to propagate outward across the glassy-smooth surface.

Ooooooh…that sure feels good! Barbra thought as she gazed across the tree-lined lake, the bright light of her silent, silvery companion glinting on its smooth surface and the ripples she had created. Feeling hot and sticky with dried sweat, she looked back down at her toes and thought, It sure would feel great to feel like that all over!

Barbra smiled as she was struck by a delightfully tempting thought. She glanced up and down the deserted beach, then reached behind her back, unfastened her halter-top, and dropped it in the sand. She unbuttoned her cut-offs and slipped them over her shapely hips and down her thighs. Stepping out of her shorts, she tossed them aside as well. Raising her arms, she twirled around, her long, blond hair swirling and fluttering behind her as she reveled at the freedom she felt as she danced in the moonlight on the beach, feeling deliciously naughty at being completely adiosbet yeni giriş naked in a public place. A shiver of excitement raced up her spine, leaving her heart beating a bit faster beneath her slightly heaving breasts.

Barbra gingerly took a few steps out into the lake. The water was clean and clear enough that she could easily see the sandy bottom in the moonlight. She waded out until the water reached her waist, then she dove in. As she cut through the surface, she was delighted by the sensation of the cool water flowing across her hot skin. As she swam under-water for a few moments before coming back up for air, she thrilled to the even more delightful sensation of the cool water flowing over and around her unfettered breasts, through her curly love nest, and along the lips of her pussy. After a breath, she dove in again and skimmed along the bottom, dragging her taut, erect nipples through the sand and scraping her pubes along the sandy bottom, sending delightful thrills shooting through her body.

Barbra paddled around in the shallow water for a little while, feeling delightfully refreshed after her long, uncomfortable, and fruitless attempt to sleep in her stifling bedroom. Pausing after a time, she stood in the waist-deep water and gazed all around the lovely, moonlit lake. Her eyes alighted upon the two-level diving platform, moored a hundred yards offshore, and she decided to swim out to it.


Arriving at the platform a few minutes later, Barbra swam to the ladder and started to climb up.

“Uhhh…you’d better hold on there a second…” she heard from above.

Barbra let out a yelp of surprise and dropped back into the water, quickly paddling back away from the raft a few yards. Looking up at the platform, she cried out, an accusing edge to her voice, “Who’s there?”

The head and shoulders of a young man appeared, extending over the edge of the raft, peering down at her.

“Uhhhh…I hope I didn’t startle you too badly,” he began, hesitantly. “But I thought I’d better warn you I was here before you climbed up. I…uhhhh…I saw you take your clothes off up there on the beach. I hope I didn’t frighten you…I just didn’t know what else to do…” the young man stammered.

Slowly treading water, Barbra gave a nervous laugh and said, “No…I’m all right…I guess. Just a little embarrassed at getting caught out here in the middle of a public lake with no clothes on…” She gazed silently up at the young man’s face for a few moments, and decided that she liked what she able to make out in the pale, silvery moonlight. “Well…it was certainly considerate of you to warn me,” Barbra said. “Most guys probably would have let me climb on up there so they could get a look at me!”

“From what little I could see in the dim light from way out here,” he said, “you would be well worth a closer look…and don’t think I didn’t have a hard time convincing myself to do the right thing…but I decided that I just couldn’t take advantage of you like that…” he paused for a moment, “especially since I have the same problem…”

Barbra looked up at him, puzzled, then it dawned on her. “Oh!” she gasped, “You mean that you’re…uhhhhh…”

He smiled guiltily. “Uhhhh, yeah, I am…l left my clothes up on the beach, too!”

Barbra laughed merrily at their mutual predicament. While treading, she had gradually drifted closer to the raft and she was able to get a better look at the young man’s smiling face. She still liked what she saw. “Well, l guess we’re even then…I’m naked, and so are you. And since all our clothes are way over there on the beach, I guess there’s nothing much either one of us can do about it very easily at the moment…and I’m getting kind of tired just treading water out here. Do you mind if I come on up there anyway?”

The young man’s mouth dropped open in surprise, then he smiled broadly. “Hell no, I don’t mind that at all!” he replied.

Barbra paddled over to the raft and climbed up the ladder. The young man stood back a little way, watching the beautiful young girl emerge from the water like a mythological nymph of the lake. With sure and unselfconscious grace, she climbed up onto the platform and stood there, water streaming from her exquisite young body, illuminated by the soft, silvery light of the full moon. Seemingly comfortable and unembarrassed by his presence, she didn’t bother to even look up at him as she scraped the dripping water from her body with her hands, then tossed her head back and wrung out her long, blond hair.

“My god…you’re really beautiful…” the young man murmured softly as he stared at her slender young body.

Barbra stopped and slowly brought her head back down to look straight at him. A broad, delighted smile spread across her pretty face. “Well, thank you…” she drawled. Then she giggled. “And I can see that you’re probably quite sincere!”

The young man knitted his brows in puzzlement at her cryptic comment, then, following her gaze, he looked adiosbet giriş downward. He gasped as he saw that his penis was standing stiffly erect, angled slightly upward, pointing straight at the young girl. “Oh, fu–!” he gasped, stifling his exclamation as he realized what he was about to say. He threw his hands in front of his crotch, trying to hide his hard-on from the girl’s eyes. “Damn, I’m sorry, I…I…uhhhh…”

Barbra chuckled at the young man’s flustered embarrassment. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” she said, smiling, as she tilted her head to the side and continued wringing out her hair, while keeping her eyes on him this time. “I’m flattered that I could have such an immediate effect upon you!”

“Jesus…the way you look right now, you could give Michelangelo’s ‘David’ a hard-on!” he said.

Barbra laughed again, then, for a few moments, they just stood there, half-way across the platform from one another, silently looking each other over. He shifted about nervously, still holding his hands in front of his crotch, while she appeared comfortably relaxed, wearing her nudity with complete confidence before this stranger, idly combing her fingers through her hair, straightening out the tangles.

“My name is Barbra,” she said, breaking the silence. “What’s yours?”

“I’m…uhhhh…Mark…” he murmured.

“You don’t sound too sure of that,” Barbra said.

“Oh! Well, yeah…it’s Mark, all right,” he said. “I’m just having a bit of a hard time concentrating right now…”

Barbra giggled. She turned and stepped over to the side of the platform. As she sat down on the edge, letting her feet dangle in the water, she turned to look back at him. “Do you live around here?” she asked. “I haven’t seen you around town before.” She patted the deck beside her and said, “Com’on and sit down, Mark.”

Mark hesitantly walked toward her, his hands still in front of his crotch.

“No, I…uhhh…don’t live around here,” he said.

He awkwardly sat down next to the girl, the process made difficult as he continued trying to shield his hard-on from the girl’s eyes.

“I…uhhh…just got out of the Navy a few months ago, and I’ve just been hitch-hiking around the country, having a little fun before I settle down and try to get a job,” he explained. “My last ride let me off out there on the highway a few miles down the road. As I was walking into town I saw the sign for this lake, so I came on out this way to see if I could find a place to bed down for the night. The lake looked so inviting, and it had been a while since my last shower. I couldn’t resist the opportunity to do a little skinny-dipping!”

“Yeah…me, too” Barbra said. “It was so hot and sticky in my bedroom tonight that I just couldn’t sleep. I decided to take a little bike ride to get some air and I ended up out here. I couldn’t resist taking a swim! The water felt so wonderful after my stuffy little room!”

She leaned back on her elbows with a contented sigh. “Ahhhhh, yes…and it feels so wonderfully comfortable sitting out here like this, too!” she breathed, throwing her head back and shaking it so that her long, damp hair swished back and forth across the deck behind her.

Through slitted eyes, she watched Mark as he sat beside her, huddled over, his hands in his lap. She saw him surreptitiously checking her out through the corners of his eyes as she sat there, lying back, propped up on her elbows. She arched her back a bit, thrusting up her pert little titties. Her nipples were hard and erect, tingling with excitement despite her relaxed demeanor. She let her thighs fall apart slightly to allow Mark to get a little peek at the dark cleft that extended downward from the neat little blond bush at the apex of her slender thighs. She smiled with gratification when she saw the young man’s eyes open a bit wider, his head tilting, as he tried to get a better look at her without appearing too obvious about it.

“So…you were in the Navy…” Barbra said. “Did you get to ‘see the world’?”

“Oh, yeah, a good part of it anyway,” Mark replied. “Mostly the Far East…Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, the Philippines…places like that.”

“Sound’s exciting! I’ve hardly even been out of the state!” Barbra said. She gazed at him with what she hoped was a sultry air. “Did you have ‘a girl in every port’?” she asked, her lips curving upward in a little smile.

Mark laughed. “Sure…everybody did. Hookers are always available wherever a ship pulls in.”

“Were they pretty?”

“Oh, yeah! At least, some were…but none of them were as pretty as you!”

Barbra giggled, her upthrust little titties jiggling.

They were quiet for a few moments as he thought about it. Then he said, “I had a lot of good times over there…and some not so good. I try to remember only the good ones.”

“Don’t you miss all your foreign ‘girlfriends’?” she teased.

“Yeah…at least I did…until tonight!” he said “I’d been wondering if I did the right thing by getting out. But sitting here with you like adiosbet güvenilirmi this, sure makes me glad I did!”

“Oh, that’s so sweet of you…” Barbra said, pushing herself upright again. She leaned close and gently kissed him on the cheek. As she did so, her taut, hard nipple brushed back and forth against his upper arm. She slowly ran the tip of her tongue up his cheek to his ear, where she gently tickled his earlobe, then she whispered, “I’m glad you did, too…so that you could be here with me tonight!” Her pert, firm little breast pressed against his biceps as she stretched to reach his ear.

Barbra laid her head against Mark’s shoulder, keeping the hard little nub of her erect nipple pressed against his arm. She could feel him trembling slightly, his body stiff and tense. After a few moments of silence, Barbra put her hand on his forearm and slid it down to his wrist, where his hands were still covering his crotch.

“Why don’t you relax, Mark?” she said softly, gently squeezing his wrist. “You don’t have to hide this from me,” she said, wiggling his arm, “I’m not hiding anything from you…am I? You know…being out here like this is pretty exciting for me, too…it just doesn’t show, like it does for you. Com’on…” she said, tugging on his wrist with a little more insistence, “seeing how excited you are, makes me excited, too!”

She pulled back on his arm, moving his hand away from his crotch and revealing his penis, still standing stiffly erect in his lap. She heard him gasp softly and his body trembled. He tried to cover up his hard-on with his remaining hand but quickly realized how inadequate it was, and how silly he looked in the attempt. Giving in, he let his other hand drop, leaving the young girl an unobstructed view of his erect organ.

“Ahhhhhh, yes…” Barbra breathed heavily, a thrill of excitement shooting through her as she stared at the young man’s erection. “Now just relax!” she commanded, placing her hand on Mark’s chest and pushing him down so that he was leaning back on his elbows. Partially reclining now, his stiff prick stuck up from his lap much more prominently than it had a moment ago while he was sitting up, hunched over his lap, trying to hide it. “There! That’s much better! Aren’t you more comfortable, now?” she asked.

“Uhhhh…yeah, I…I guess so…” Mark replied, his voice cracking nervously.

Barbra rolled onto her side, facing Mark, alongside him, propping herself up on one elbow, while laying her other hand on his chest. They were silent for a while, taking in the beauty of the placid, moonlit lake. Barbra’s hand slid slowly around on Mark’s chest, her fingers playing with the soft, curly hair there, and pausing occasionally to caress the hard little nubs of his tiny, erect nipples.

Mark slowly rolled his head around on his shoulders, while gazing out across the lovely, tree-lined lake. “God, it’s really beautiful…” he murmured softly.

“Yes…it certainly is…” Barbra murmured dreamily.

Mark turned to look at the girl, noting the husky edge to her voice. He realized that they hadn’t been referring to the same thing when he saw that her eyes were staring fixedly at his upthrust penis.

“Uhhhhh…I meant the lake, the trees…the moonlight…” Mark said.

Barbra started, tearing her eyes away from Mark’s hard-on and glancing around. “Oh, yeah…that, too!” she said, then she giggled. She looked slowly all around at the quiet, moonlit lake for real, now. Then she laid her head against the side of Mark’s chest and sighed contentedly. “Ohhhhh, yes…it really is beautiful out here like this…” she murmured. “It’s so romantic…the smooth, quiet lake, the trees, the moon…just me and you, outdoors…in the middle of the lake…naked!”

Barbra’s slowly circling hand gradually moved lower, from his chest down across Mark’s stomach, until her fingertips were brushing through the fringes of his pubic hair. For a time, her palm circled slowly around and around his navel, lightly caressing his flat, hard abdomen, her fingertips just brushing through the edges of his pubes. Then she slid her hand lower and touched the tips of her fingers to the base of Mark’s upthrust penis. She heard a slight gasp from him at her touch, and felt a tremor run through his body.

Barbra slowly and carefully encircled the base of Mark’s upthrust shaft with her fingers, while leaving her hand lying there, covering his pubes. His straining hard-on stood stiffly upright within the ring formed by her thumb and forefinger while her remaining three fingers extended downward between his thighs to lightly touch and caress his balls. Mark groaned softly and his buttocks contracted, thrusting his prick upward a bit.

Barbra just held her palm over his groin like that for a time, then she slowly raised her hand, sliding her lightly encircling fingers up his rigid shaft all the way to the flared edge of his engorged glans. Mark gasped and a shiver raced through his body. Then she slowly slid the ring formed by her fingers back down to the base of his upthrust organ. Again, she just left her hand lying atop his pubes, her thumb and forefinger encircling the base of his erection while she gently caressed the front of his wrinkled scrotum with her remaining fingertips.

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