
More than Friends Ch. 03


I put the water down and grabbed a dish towel off the counter and held it in front of my softening cock as Julia gaped at me. I had no idea how long she had been standing there. Had she heard Mandy and I fucking? Had she heard the filthy obscenities that poured from our mouths when we consummated our new romantic relationship for the first time?

Regardless of whether she had heard or not, seeing me walking comfortably naked around her house surely told her where things stood.

“Julia, I’m . . . I’m really sorry. We didn’t know you were home and . . .” I trailed off, not sure how to finish the sentence in a way that would be in anyway ok.

“And so you stripped down and screwed my daughter? Called her those names?” she said, her words like darts. “I had no idea you two were . . . I feel like such an idiot! I trusted you with her and you…”

I was surprised by her anger. Granted it was surely an unsettling moment and a situation that would be hard to wrap your head around, but Mandy and I were both of legal age. Did Mandy’s innocent exterior blind her mother to the fact that she was now an 18-year-old woman? Or did she think I was somehow taking advantage of Mandy?

I wanted to talk to Julia, to put my arm around her shoulder and tell her that no matter how it may have sounded, that I had nothing but love and respect for her daughter. That this was new to us too, but wonderful and exciting. That there hadn’t been any deception, just two teenagers fumbling their way towards each other.

Instead, I said, “Um, I should probably go put on some pants.”

I side-stepped down the hall to Mandy’s bedroom before Julia could reply, and opened the door to a gorgeous sight: Amanda lying naked on her bed, her sexy body on full display, her fingers slowly tracing along the folds of her pussy. I wanted to throw myself on top of her and do filthy things to her again and again, but even this luscious sight couldn’t erase the embarrassment I’d just experienced.

“Um, Mads? Your mom is home. And, well,” I gestured to my naked body.

“Oh no!” Mandy sat up, reaching for her a short silk robe hanging on the post of her bed and pulling it on hurriedly. “Oh, Joel, let me go talk to her. Get dressed.”

“I . . . I think I’m going to hop out the window. Shit! I’m so embarrassed!”

“What? No, dummy, it’s going to be fine. I’m sure she’s just surprised. It’s not everyday you find a boy you’ve treated like a son wandering your house naked. Especially when the boy is as cute as you.” She kissed me on the nose.

“I don’t know. She seemed pretty pissed. God, this is not how I wanted to announce our new relationship!”

“I’ll go talk to her. It’ll be ok. You know my mom, she’s really open about everything. She’ll be excited for us once she realizes what’s going on.”

Despite Mandy’s reassuring words, I still felt self-conscious as I pulled my pants on. I decided I’d wait in Mandy’s bedroom while she talked to her mom. I sat on the bed and looked around the room. I’d been hanging out with Mandy in this room countless times over the years, but to look at it with new eyes-as her boyfriend, not just her friend-it seemed different. There were the Katy Perry poster and the Goonies movie poster she’d had on her wall since eighth grade, but the photo of the two of us at my graduation and the Hamilton musical poster she had tacked above her dresser were new. There were more feminine items than I remembered too: hairspray, perfume, and makeup on the dresser, a jewelry case overflowing with necklaces and bracelets, a couple of bras slung over the arm of the chair in the corner. The stacks of books piled all around the room were expected, the record player and stack of vinyl albums at the foot of her bed were new.

She had changed more than just physically while he was away at school, I realized. She was hotter, obviously, but she was also more feminine, branching out into new interests, more mature.

I was excited to get to know this Mandy as well as I’d known my best friend Mandy the year before.

And to fuck her as much as humanly possible. I was excited about that too.

I was anxious, not sure what to do with myself so I sat down at her desk and logged onto her computer, thinking I could check my email while I waited for her to come back or to call me to talk to Julia or whatever would come next. Her logon password was the same as it had always been: mandala99. I had used her MacBook a million times while we were hanging out in the past, so I didn’t think it would be a problem now.

I moved the cursor to type in the gmail web address when I noticed the bookmarks bar. Several folders along the bar had been labeled: School, College Apps, Music, Games, Exercise-but the last one on the toolbar was just labeled with a colon and a parentheses smiley face, and I didn’t remember it being there before. I clicked on it out of idle curiosity, and my mouth fell open. Apparently, with no one sharing her computer with her anymore, Mandy had decided she didn’t need to hide her porn bahis siteleri anymore.

And my ideas of “Wholesome Mandy” continued to change.

There were a lot of links, and while some of them were pretty standard (pornhub, redtube, xhamster), she also had links to specific videos, which I guessed were some of her favorites: “Horny Slut Begs for Cock,” “Big Tits Wet Threesome,” “Dirty Talk Compilation 4,” “Cum Slut Wants it Hard” and more. Even with my mouth hanging open I had to chuckle at one of the last links in the list: “Dr. Screw: A Dr. Who Porn Parody.” She’d loved that show as long as I’d known her.

I heard the door open behind me and silently prayed it wasn’t Julia behind me-to be caught looking at porn at this moment was the last thing I needed-but when I turned around Mandy was standing there alone, her cheeks already turning red.

“Oh my gosh, Joel, close that! Do you have sexual radar or something? I’m so embarrassed!”

I wanted to tell her it was nothing to be embarrassed about, but I thought I’d better find out where things stood with her mother first.

“Sorry, babe. I was just. . . . we’ll come back to this later. How’d it go out there?” I closed the laptop.

She grabbed at a strand of hair and brought the ends toward her mouth, brushing it along her bottom lip. It was a nervous habit she’d had even when her hair was shorter, in the bob she’d worn for the first years of high school. I hadn’t noticed before how innocently sensual it was.

“Um, pretty good. She left her checkbook here so she came back to grab it and, well, she kind of heard us. And then, you know, saw you walking around totally naked.” Even though I could tell Mandy was still embarrassed, the corners of her mouth curved up a little when she mentioned her mom catching me with my cock out. And maybe later I’d be able to laugh at it too. Right now I was horrified of the prospect of seeing Julia again. Which made it even worse when Mandy said, “She’s got to get to work, but she wants to talk to you for a second first.”

“Mandy, I don’t think I can face her right now! I’m so-“

“No, no, no,” Mandy said. “I mean, she’s ok. I think she wants to apologize for embarrassing you! She’s ok with, you know, us. You know she and I talk about everything-she knew how much I was wanting to get together with you. She’s excited for us!”

I had no desire to talk to Julia right then, and I wondered if Mandy’s definition of “excited” was the same as her mother’s, but I also knew that if Mandy and I were going to get together then we would be spending time over here all summer long. It would be better just to push through the awkwardness now and hope we never had to talk about it again. So I took Mandy’s hand and walked down the hall back to the living room.

Julia was now seated on the couch, her legs together, back straight, chest pushed out. Her dancer’s posture really was sexy, and any other time I might have admired it. She stood up when I walked in and gave me an appraising look.

“Well, this is a little better, don’t you think?” she asked. I must have stared at her blankly, so she gestured to my clothing. “You know, pants.”

I blushed and said, “Julia, I’m so sorry I-“

But she held one hand up and cut me off. “Joel, no, I should be apologizing to you. I had no right to speak to you the way I did, even if I was surprised by what was happening in Mandy’s room. I could have handled that situation about a million different ways, nine hundred thousand of them better than the way I chose to respond.”

I shook my head, “No, Julia, I get it. I have no idea what you heard-“

“Quite a bit,” she said, one eyebrow rising in what I hoped was amusement and not dismay. “My worried mom alarms were ringing very loudly, believe me. But Mandy has assured me that everything was entirely consensual, so I guess I’m ok as long as she’s ok. Hell, I’m no stranger to, shall we say, enthusiastic sex?”

“Mom!” Mandy cried, her cheeks turning bright red.

I didn’t know how to respond to that. Julia looked at the two of us and laughed.

“You two look like I just slapped a baby. I just mean I’m not a prude-I don’t mind you two being together, I was just caught off guard. The reality is I’m happy for you two. I know how much Mandy cares about you, Joel.” She reached toward me and pulled me to her in a tight embrace.

“I feel the same about her,” I said as I stepped back, trying to regain my balance in the conversation. “I didn’t mean to disrespect her or you or this house, Julia. We just got carried away. Dating, being physical like this, it’s new to us both. It won’t happen again.”

That eyebrow rose again. “Please, Joel, you two are both young and in the prime of your life. Getting carried away is what you’re supposed to do. I have no intention of dampening that. I’m excited for you and excited for Mandy, and I can give you a little space to find yourselves in this new place. And I would still like to have you over for dinner soon. Especially since now we have canlı bahis siteleri more to celebrate than just your homecoming!”

She collected her purse and her light designer scarf and walked back toward the door. Just before exiting she turned around one more time and said, “I’ll call when I’m on my way back, so keep your phone on. Maybe you can both manage to be dressed next time you see me.”

I blushed again, but this time it was Mandy’s turn to laugh. “Hey, he’s pretty cute naked if you ask me.”

We were both surprised when Julia said, “I don’t disagree” as she shut the door behind her.

Mandy threw her arms around my neck, “See! I told you it would all be ok! My mom totally loves you!”

I nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek as she held herself against me.

“Your mom was . . . amazingly cool about all this,” I agreed. “I’m kind of reeling.”

“She’s a pretty great mom,” Mandy agreed. “I’m pretty lucky to have both of you.” She stood up on her toes and kissed the tip of my nose. “Hey, I’m not done with you today, but that whole interruption has kind of made me realize how starving I am. I guess I worked up an appetite back there. You want to put this on hold for a few minutes and grab a bite to eat?”

I shrugged. I knew seeing Mandy naked again would put me in the mood in about 0.2 seconds flat (hell, just thinking about her naked again was getting me a little hard), but I also wanted to let Mandy set the pace. I had a feeling her libido would not leave me hanging for long anyway, and maybe if we were going to be a couple we should do a few couple things besides just fuck each other’s brains out.

She threw some clothes on and we drove down to the Lakeview Shopping Complex, an outdoor mall with a big Barnes and Noble (one of our favorite stores), a movie theater, and a couple dozen other shops and restaurants, most of them on the high-end side.

We got a table at Three Little Pigs, one of her favorite brunch places, and Mandy ordered Strawberry banana belgian waffles. I ordered a veggie omelet.

“Oh, look at you being all healthy,” she said, a hint of complaint in her voice. “Maybe I shouldn’t have gotten something so sweet.”

“Mads,” I said, lowering my voice. “You just lost your virginity this morning. You get to eat whatever you want! Besides, would you have felt self-conscious about your order before we started dating?” She shook her head slowly. “So don’t get self-conscious now. I’m the same guy who you’ve been hanging out with for years!”

She murmured softly back, “Well, not quite the same. Now I get to see your dick.”

I laughed and whispered. “No, your mom saw my dick. You got fucked by it.”

She blushed and looked around to see if anyone else in the restaurant had heard-I think half hoping and half fearing that someone had-but the place was pretty empty.

It was great just talking again. We started making plans for our summer trip-we had talked about getting away together in the past, but that was when our friendship was still plutonic, so it had centered around things like a road trip to the Grand Canyon or Universal Studios. Now that we were a couple, the options seemed to open up infinitely.

“Camping?” I suggested. “You, me, the woods, a tent?”

“Um, maybe, but I’d rather go someplace with a big soft bed, you know? And lower chances of ticks in places I don’t want them.”

“And where would you want a tick?” I asked.

She threw a balled-up napkin at me. “What about renting a beach house?”

“Hi, remember me? Your old friend Joel? Paying my way through school?”

“My mom could probably spot us some money. Or I could ask my dad. He’s always offering.”

“Your mom, maybe, since we know she’s happy for us. Your dad, though? He might not feel the same about providing a sex palace for his 18-year-old daughter.”

“Oh, a sex palace, is that what we’re looking for?” She laughed.

“Some place where we can be loud and where we won’t be disturbed. That’s really what I’m hoping for.”

Her eyes went wide. “Oh, Joel! Of course! I should have thought of it earlier! My dad’s lake house! He rents it out most of the year these days. I’ll call him up and see if he’s got any unrented weeks this summer when we could use it. It’s like a mile from the nearest neighbor. Will that be far enough for you?” she asked, teasing me.

“For you,” I said. “You’re the loud one.” She blushed again. I went on, “Still though, my previous concern about your dad stands.”

She said, “Number one, it’s not like he’s going to be around. He lives halfway across the country, remember? And number two, I’ll just tell him I want to go away with one of my friends before we leave for college. It’s true, after all. I just won’t say which friend.”

I had to admit, the prospect was exciting. Even a few days (let alone a week) alone with Mandy-with no chance of my mom or her mom interrupting us-sounded like paradise.

We settled the bill and decided to walk around the shopping güvenilir bahis center a little bit. The district was fairly new but the buildings were done in a faux-Parisian style, with a miniature Arc de Triomphe at one end and a small scale Eiffel Tower at the other. We walked for a little while, chatting, when as we circled a fountain Mandy grabbed my hand.

“Oh, I didn’t even think of this when we came here! This is too perfect!”

And she pulled me inside Victoria’s Secret.

As a Freshman in college, lingerie stores were just not places I visited very much-ok, ever-and I felt a little rush of naughtiness as I stepped into its cool interior.

Mandy squeezed my hand and said, “Ok, just you and me here. Show me some things you’d like to see me in.”

I was like a kid in a candy shop. I wanted to run my fingers across all the silk and satin, to feel the lace between my fingers. And I wanted her to try on everything. Well, not everything, I suppose. Just the lingerie that would make her feel like the slutty little sex queen she was becoming to me.

I grabbed a few negligees that were practically see-through, several bras that were extremely low cut, a corset, underwear from thongs to boy shorts. It was quite a stack, and while I found things Mandy talked animatedly to the sales lady, making sure they had pieces in the right size (38DD). The woman was Asian and slim, with small breasts, but her shirt was undone several buttons, revealing the edges of a pink and black striped bra. She was cute, but next to Mandy in my eyes she just looked average.

I brought my last selection-a fishnet bustier with garter straps-to Mandy just in time to hear her say, “OK, that sounds perfect. Thank you!”

The saleslady smiled demurely and led her to a large dressing room at the back of the store.

I stood awkwardly near the register, but then I felt like a creep when other women, from their teens to their forties or fifties, brought their underwear up for purchase, so I moved over and leaned against a bare spot of wall. I pulled out my phone and began looking at it intently. I thought maybe I should go outside to wait for Mandy, when a text popped up on my phone.

“Look up.”

I did so, looking right down the dressing room hallway, where Mandy had the curtain to her dressing room partially open but pulled across her front. She motioned for me to come back and join her. I looked around awkwardly, not sure what to do, when I saw the Asian sales associate make eye contact with me. She waved her fingers in a “go on” gesture and winked. I walked down the hallway and whispered to Amanda, “Do you need something? The sales associate told me I should come down here.”

Mandy threw the curtain open, revealing that she was decked out in a pair of black, silk panties and matching corset. She looked incredible and I could feel my dick start to thicken up immediately. The corset accentuated her slim waist, allowing her round hips and ass plenty of movement and emphasizing her hourglass figure. The panties were a small swath of fabric pulled tight over her mons pubis. But as always it was her tits that blew me away. They were lifted up in the bust of the corset, the creamy globes of her flesh pushed together to create a mouthwatering valley of cleavage between the two. I immediately wanted to plunge my face into her chest and just live there forever.

“Jesus,” I choked out.

“You like?” she whispered, grabbing my waist and pulling me into the dressing room with her as she flipped the curtain shut behind her.

“God, yes,” I said. “You look incredible! I can’t tell if I want you to wear that forever or if I want to tear it off you right now!”

She giggled, striking a pose, one leg bent in front of the other, hands up to the back of her head and lifting her hair.

“I’m so glad,” she said. “I feel really sexy in this, but I wanted to make sure you liked it too.” She rubbed her palm along my crotch slowly. “And it looks like you do.”

I pushed my groin against her hand, loving the pressure she was putting on my cock, and whispered, “I’m not sure I should be back here.”

“Stay quiet,” Mandy whispered, “So you don’t disturb the other customers. But of course you’re supposed to be here. What do you think the two chairs are for?” I tore my eyes away from my gorgeous girlfriend and noticed that the dressing room was large, three mirrored walls with a curtain on the fourth and two wingback chairs along one side. “Besides, Sayoko knows me. She had to resize my bra when I grew during the school year. I told her I’d need your opinion on everything.”

As she talked, Mandy was tracing one finger along the tops of her breasts, and I had to struggle to pay attention to what she was saying. Her tits yielded a little to her fingertip as she dragged it from one breast to the other, and I was mesmerized, my cock now hard in my pants.

“My opinion is yes. Definitely yes. Yes, buy this. Buy it and wear it and live in it. God it’s sexy.” I ran my hand along the silky stiff material at her waist, stopping at the small of her back and pulling her toward me. I kissed her long and deep, our tongues twisting and coiling around each other like two snakes. She pulled back. “Well that’s a good start,” she whispered. “But let’s make sure you mean it.”

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