
Morning in Tampa

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Stephanie sleepily slid her arm down her smooth, naked back, struggling through the sleepy fog in her brain to figure out what sensation was tugging her out of a sound, peaceful sleep… and why was she naked, was the blanket not covering her, why was the cool air caressing her back?? Still half asleep, her arm bumped into soft, messy, tousled hair; feeling blindly on, an ear and then a smooth, warm cheek. Slowly, still confused but enjoying the sensations she was feeling, she awoke to what she was finally able to identify as the continued soft pressing of warm lips to her smooth, firm buttocks. She looked down to see the man whom she had been so excited and delighted to have fucking her last night, busy kissing her ass. As she stirred, he looked up at her and smiled. “Good morning, beautiful!”, he said with a grin, then went back to kissing her ass. His eyes never left hers, though, and as she looked into his blue eyes, with their hint of gray, she was reminded again of how soft they could be, and also of how hard. His intensity always excited her, even when it was a little intimidating, and yet his tenderness was always there, even when it was temporarily underneath. The thought of his intensity, of his passion, and in particular his passion for her as she had experienced it last night, combined with the tenderness and affection of his kisses, stirred something inside her.

She reached down with her hand and ran it through his hair, then softly and gently began to guide his kisses down toward the center, deeper and then forward. As each kiss landed on more and more sensitive skin, tingling sensations started in her pelvis and ran through her body, and she began to squirm with pleasure and anticipation. No longer trying to subtly disguise her intentions, she swung one of her smooth, toned legs over him, so that her soft, shaved crotch was squarely in front of him, and at the same time her hand reached down behind his head again and pulled him in. Without hesitation he sprawled down on the bed and began to lick softly around her vagina, kissing at the edges of the labia, and then occasionally brushing his lips roughly across hers and pressing his tongue against her clit. She pressed herself back into the pillows and arched her back, pushing her hips into his wonderfully inquisitive tongue. The night before this had lasted all of a few second before she impatiently decided she wanted to feel him inside of her, but now she luxuriated in the attention he was lavishing on her. She was still tired and sore, both from life and from last nights vigorous, almost violent, sex, and his touch seemed to be melting all of the soreness away. She was already wet, she had been within seconds of waking up and seeing him kissing her ass… or perhaps she’d woken up wet, she wasn’t really gaziantep escort sure… but she enjoyed the feeling as she got warmer and wetter every second that he played with her. She reveled in it, and wasn’t ready to move on, so she let him continue to go down on her, minute after minute, and as the pleasure and relaxation spread through her and made her wonder if it was possible to melt in to a constant state of relaxed-cumming, she simply let him have his way with her, let him worship her from between her legs.

And then that stage ended, abruptly… she suddenly wanted nothing in the world more than to feel his cock thrust deep inside her, and to have his arms around her. She reached down and pulled him up to kiss her lips, the other set which suddenly felt neglected, one hand behind his head to guide him to the target, and the other greedily reaching down to find his cock, hard, eager, throbbing. She kissed him hard on the lips, enjoying the feel of his warm mouth on hers and the faint hint of her own taste that she detected on him, the taste she new so well he enjoyed. As her one hand cradled his broad shoulders while he hovered over her, the other hand stroked and fondled his penis, then reached down to find his balls, caress them, and stroke across his perineum.

Part of her wanted to stop… she had an urge in the back of her head to take the time to go down on him, slide his shaft as far into her mouth as she could and please him until he started to throb, to let her lips play across his balls, run her tongue over that sensitive strip of skin below, then work her way back up, put his balls entirely inside her mouth and suck on them until he groaned, then take his cock and lick and suck it until he finally came and she got that warm, pleasing surprise that let her know that she had made him completely and utterly lose control, she had made him hers…

But that urge was in the back of her head, and there would be time for that tonight. No, now there was a far more primal urge inside her, the urge to have HIM inside her. All his time spent softly and vigorously pleasing her suddenly made her desire nothing more than to please him, to take him inside of her and have him fuck her until he came. Sex was wonderful, orgasms were intensely pleasurable, but sometimes she just wanted to be fucked, to have him take her and make her his object of pleasure, and to know that she was his alone, and he wanted her and her alone.

She pushed him away and sat up in one swift motion, then spun her lithe little body around toward the wall, rising to her knees . She could tell from his breathing that the motion had aroused him even more, and she knew that he loved to look at her from behind, that he worshiped the sensuality of her little body. She arched her back again, presenting her ass and pussy to him, and leaned toward the wall, bracing herself with her hands. He slid forward, and one hand rested on the curve of her hip, reaching around toward her flat stomach, and the other arm reached around her body to embrace her, his hand cupping her breast and pulling them together, his abs and chest roughly pressing up against the smooth softness of her beautiful back. She reached down to find his cock and guided him inside of her. She was so wet now there was barely a need to ease him in… just a few short strokes and her wetness had completely lubricated the shaft of his penis, and she groaned with pleasure as he felt her become completely open to him and quickly and demandingly thrust his cock as far into her little pussy as he could. They both moaned, together, and then began to pant as he thrust faster and faster.

Almost immediately, she began to orgasm… all the foreplay, all that time of him going down on her, had brought her so close to climax that it took almost nothing to send her over the edge. She screamed, quietly, catching it in her throat so that only a shadow of the sound escaped, and then she moaned his name over and over again, “Peter.., Peter.., Peter.., PETER!!!”, and her little body shook from his hips pounding into her ass from behind, from his cock thrusting deeper and deeper inside her each time, and from the throes of her own passion and ecstasy. Then, between the ferocity of his fucking and the utter rapture of the orgasm that tore her breath from her and left her moaning softly, it was almost as if her strength evaporated and she felt almost like collapsing. But his arm around her body held her upright, and his hand on her hip kept her pinned against his body, impaled on his shaft as he continued to fuck her while she trembled and swayed almost like a rag-doll in his arms, with waves of ecstasy coursing through her body, emanating from his cock pounding inside her pussy.

Then her strength began to return, and just in time, because the contractions and clenching of her pussy on his dick as she orgasmed had quickly brought him right to the edge, and she felt him begin to tremble, felt his cock begin to surge inside her, and she began to respond to his thrusts with renewed energy. Her own pleasure already seized, she now wanted what had possessed her thoughts when she first slid his cock inside her: she wanted HIS orgasm, she wanted to give him that feeling of ultimate pleasure and conquest, she wanted to be the one to take his cum and hold him inside her while he climaxed, moaned, and then collapsed himself, into her arms, still inside her, spent but still completely united with her own body in the aftermath of the passion. He began to moan again, and his arms came up to brace on the wall. He placed them over hers, pinning her hands to the wall and trapping her with his body, and she loved the feeling of him taking her and possessing her, using her. She encouraged him as he began to moan incessantly, switching to longer, deeper thrusts. She began to buck underneath him at each thrust, pushing back into him so that his hips slammed even harder into her tight little ass and so that his cock pressed even deeper into her pussy, as deep into her tight, wet, welcoming little cunt as he ever had, and with that, he began to cum.

Against her small back, she felt a rumble begin in his large chest that was released as a long, protracted, groan that seemed almost to bridge the gap between unbearable pleasure and intense pain, and then he exploded inside her. His cock began to throb and pulse and a load of his of hot, thick cum was ejaculated from his cock inside of her. His thrusting continued as his body began to collapse against her from the sheer pleasure, and she felt the waves of pleasure that wracked his body and made him almost twitch. The pleasure overpowered even the desire to simply go limp, though, and he continued to moan, thrust, and cum for longer than she’d ever known him to before. She reveled in all of it, in the sound of his ecstasy, in the feeling of his penis trembling and throbbing inside of her, in the sensation of his thick fluid filling her up, in the waves of pleasure she could feel him experiencing from the sensation of her pussy enfolding and caressing his cock until he couldn’t take it any more.

Then he was spent, his body could take no more, and he collapsed against her. Her strong little body held him up and then she allowed his large frame to slowly press her down to the bed. He wrapped his arms around her, his head nestled into the back of her neck, with the light, sweet sweat of both of their bodies dispersed in little beads over them. His cock was still inside of her and she could feel the last throbs and pulses of the pleasure she had inflicted on his whole body through his member; it was almost a surrender, a cry for help, saying that she had given him everything his body could handle and more, and now he just needed to rest, to surrender to the pleasure and passion she had ignited that had consumed him until there was nothing left. She loved the feeling of him inside her, his cock lingering in the pussy he had just fucked into ecstatic orgasm and which had in turn taken him completely over the edge of pleasure to climax, so without moving her hips or dislodging his penis from inside her, she turned her shoulders toward him so that his head rested on her shoulder and her breast, and she stroked his brow and played with his hair while he lay with his eyes closed and simply loved her.

The day was still young, but it was a beautiful morning… and it would only get better, she thought, as she kissed his forehead.

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