
Movie Night Pt. 03


You probably ought to read parts 1 and 2 of this story although I have tried to make it ‘stand-alone.’.

I am using my husband’s account. I should have started my own but I only thought I was going to write one story, it’s too late now.

I wanted to write a story from a husband’s perspective. This is the culmination of a lot of sexy discussions I have had with my husband over the years. I hope I got the male response right. That’s as far as reality goes, the rest is fantasy.

If you want 10″ cocks, women who orgasm in 10 seconds flat, simultaneous orgasms or gallons of cum then I’m sorry, but this is not the right story for you. I like to write about ordinary people with ordinary sexual appetites in slightly out of the ordinary situations. I try to keep the plot lines as near to reality as I can.

I try to keep the sex as true to my own experience as possible. I love to write about kissing, stoking, how sex feels and sex as an encounter which involves all the senses. I do like to ‘get dirty’ but only in the height of my (and my character’s) arousal. All my stories have my own experience in them, but they are not autobiographical.

No one in this story is under the age of 18.

Constructive feedback welcome. I am from UK, so UK spelling applies. Thank you for reading my story.

Act 1 — the announcement

Harry left home, went through university, settled down in his first home and first job. He only ever had one girlfriend a lovely girl called Emma. They had known each other for 5 years when one day he dropped by to our house.

“Any coffee on the go, mum?”

“Yes Harry, sit down”

“Good there is something I want to tell you and dad about Emma and me.”

Maddy’s face dropped. “Oh no Harry, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing mum, quite the opposite. We are going to announce our engagement.”

Maddy stood up and threw her arms around him. I walked over and patted him on the back. “That’s a smart move son, she is a lovely girl,” I said. Maddy shed a tear of joy or two.

“Yes, but you can’t say anything as she wants to tell you herself. So, can you come over next Saturday, and we will make dinner. Stay the night so we can all have a drink or two.”

“Of course,” I said we will be delighted and don’t worry we won’t let on.

Maddy was more perceptive than me. “You didn’t come all the way over here to invite us to dinner though, did you?”

“I could never keep a secret from you mum even if I wanted to. I’m not sure where to start; this is a bit difficult to talk about.”

“Take a deep breath and start at the beginning son,” I said.

“As you know I have only ever dated Emma. I knew from the start she was the only girl for me. What I didn’t realise when I first dated her is that she was a virgin.”

“I hope you were gentle, Harry.” Maddy interrupted.

“I was and I am, mum, you would be proud of me. I had a good teacher.” They smiled at each other; the same vision was in all our heads. “Emma isn’t one for rough or dirty sex, which doesn’t bother me at all. That doesn’t mean she is a prude, far from it, sometimes I think she borders on the nymphomaniac. We have a very, very healthy sex life.” He smiled.

“Not sure what your problem is then, son,” I chipped in.

“I think Emma sometimes wishes she had ‘played the field’ a bit before she met me. She didn’t expect her first to be her one and only. Also like so many of our friends she assumes I have.”

“Well tell her the truth, Harry. You remember what I told you about keeping secrets.” I interrupted.

“Great dad. So I say ….oh Emma, actually, I wasn’t a virgin before we met, but only because I had sex with my mum twice with my dad watching. I’m not sure that’s going to work very well.”

“I see what you mean,” Maddy confirmed.

“But I want to help her get some experience.”

“Have you discussed that with her,” I interrupted him.

“Yes, and she says it would be nice if she had at least one other experience. We’ve thought of friends, but I must admit I don’t trust them. I don’t trust them to keep quiet and I don’t trust them not to pester her for more. We don’t want to hire someone as that would be too cold and we are not keen on a stranger. It all feels too sordid and a bit dangerous.”

“Well, I am proud you have the sort of relationship with Emma where you can discuss these things, but I’m not sure we can help, Harry.” Maddy said.

“I’m not sure you can mum, but dad can.” My chin hit the table and my cock grew 2 inches!!!

I spluttered “yeah right, like I would be comfortable making love to my sons’ girl friend and in any case, she wouldn’t want to with me, I’m too old.”

Harry frowned. “I’m not sure how that fits with the man who loved and trusted his son and wife so much he let them make love in front of him. When that turned into filthy language and animal sex, he still didn’t bat an eyelid. Plus, I know she finds you attractive she has said so many times with her ‘oh that’s where you get you good looks from’ comments.”

Maddy yalova escort said. “No Harry, you are both too young for this. Spend more time exploring each other before you try other people.”

“Well, if you won’t help, I guess we have no choice, but it does bother her and it makes her hesitate about marriage. Making a lifelong commitment with only one experience worries her. I sort of hoped it would be the icing on the cake of an engagement announcement. It would allow her to look to the future with more confidence.”

I chipped in. “Oh hi Emma welcome to our family. Oh, by the way why don’t you fuck your father-in-law.” Maybe I was a bit too sarcastic with that one. I always thought Emma was very attractive in looks and personality and I just couldn’t believe it would happen, so I tried to pour cold water on the idea.

Maddy chipped in to lighten the mood. “Your dad isn’t saying he won’t help, Harry.”

“I’m not?”

“No, you are not. I’ve seen the way you look at her and I don’t blame you; what’s not to like.”

Harry interrupted, “and how do you feel about that mum?”

“I can hardly object given Bob let me make love to you, twice. But even if I could object I wouldn’t. I’m quite interested in the idea of seeing Bob make love to a beautiful girl.”

“Good that’s settled then,” said Harry.

I shook my head (although secretly I was jumping for joy), “all bar actually making it work then Harry.”

“I have an idea, Dad”

“I bet you do.”

Act 2 — the actual announcement

I was extremely nervous leading up to Saturday, in fact twice I suggested to Maddy we call the whole thing off. I was worried for Harry’s relationship. What if it all backfired? Maddy calmed me down both times. She said we should trust Harry and in any case that I was a sensitive man; if I got any sort of negative vibe from Emma I would know how to back down. Harry was trusting us.

We couldn’t help admitting to each other that the sexual tension was building. I asked Maddy if she was intending to have sex with Harry. She said that if the circumstances were right that, she would, but if it happened at all, she would want it to be more loving.

The night arrived and we found outside at Emma and Harry’s front door. It opened and Emma welcomed us in. She looked fantastic. I again wondered whether Harry had chosen her for her resemblance to his mother when she was younger. She is only just under 5 foot with long brunette hair and a pert body to die for. She was wearing a low-cut black dress with spaghetti straps. Like Maddy, Emma doesn’t have large breasts, but the wonder bra was working its magic! She had a pair of thin strapped open toed stilettos on her small but perfect feet…… oh, and a broad smile.

Maddy said, “oh Emma that dress suits you so much, you look so sexy tonight, doesn’t she Bob?”

“Maddy, to be fair Emma could look sexy in a bin liner, but yes, Emma you look jaw droppingly sexy. I will try to keep my eyes off you but feel free to remind me that I’m staring.”

Emma blushed “Bob, you are just like Harry, very cheeky. I don’t mind a bit of staring, but I do object to dribbling.” We laughed; she had a sense of humour that perfectly matched our own. Regardless of what happened (or didn’t) this was going to be a fun night, but then it always was with Harry and Emma.

After a great meal and quite a few glasses of wine, Emma made her announcement. We all got up. I shook Harry’s hand, whilst Maddy and Emma hugged and kissed each other on the cheek. Emma came over to me with her back to Harry. Harry gave his mum a long kiss on her lips, very naughty and I tried not to betray them with my expression. ‘Slight tongues’ I thought. They had distracted me with their antics and by the time Emma was in my arms coming in for a kiss I misjudged the position of her cheek. I found I was kissing her on the lips completely by accident. My hands were on her hips and our bodies were only inches apart. She knew the kiss was an accident and to her credit she did not shrink away. She left her lips on mine for a split second. Not long enough to be deemed sexual but long enough to signal her willingness to kiss me on the lips.

We sat back down and continued chatting, but the kisses had an effect. Although we chatted together, Harry mainly talked to his mother, his eyes dancing over her cleavage. This left me spending time talking to Emma. Her dress was beautiful, and she was radiant after making her announcement. Her whole body smiled. I studied her lips as she spoke, I imagined kissing them again. Her breasts seemed even more smooth and curvy than before. I was hypnotised by them, their firmness, their shape and admit I wasn’t really listening to what she was saying. Out of the haze I did hear, “you are drooling bob.” Like waking from a dream, I looked at Emma’s face, she was beaming.

“Oh, Emma I’m so sorry. That is so rude of me.”

“Don’t be silly bob, I’m really not offended. Truth be known I’m flattered.”

Her underlying subtext was yalova escort bayan ‘I quite like it’, so I replied. “You are beautiful, and that dress just draws my eyes to your chest. I just can’t help it, sorry. I feel a bit like a dirty old man.” I was still staring unashamedly at her breasts.

“You are not a dirty and you are not old. I like it, bob. This dress makes me feel sexy.”

“and you certainly are sexy.” I replied as I shifted my gaze to her smiling and inviting lips.

The room had gone quiet as both Maddy and Harry had stopped talking; they were listening. Our conversation hung in the air for a second or two while everyone processed what we had said and what we had not said. Emma broke the silence, “let’s start games night, shall we play trivial pursuit?”

Act 3 – Games night part 1

We all agreed. We adjourned to the living room and sat on the floor. The teams were Maddy and me v Emma and Harry. Maddy and I got off to a good start we were a number of ‘slices’ ahead. Emma was so competitive that when Harry got a difficult question right, she kissed him. From then on whenever a team answered a question correctly the team members would have a celebratory kiss. As the game went on the kisses got slightly hotter, a bit more than quick ‘pecks’, but not too sexy. When Harry and Emma won the game, their kiss was slightly more animated but in reality, not much.

After the kiss, Emma looked a little flushed with embarrassment or maybe it was sexual tension. She said “Oh sorry guys I got a bit carried away. Shall we swap teams? Shall we take on Maddy and Harry, Bob?” We all agreed, and I wondered if the kissing would carry on.

When Harry got the first question right, he picked up the dice to roll again. Emma frowned and said, “aren’t you going to kiss him, Maddy, he got a question, right?” I loved the sound of that; thinking ahead to when we got a question right.

Harry said, “you want me to kiss my mum?”

“and what’s wrong with that, Harry?” Maddy feigned indignancy.

“Yeah, what’s wrong with that, Harry?” Emma chimed in. “She is beautiful, I would kiss her all the time if she were my mum.” A very pleasant picture flashed across my mind.

Harry knew he was going to lose this argument. In reality of course it was an act. He was desperate to kiss his mother to ‘spice up’ the evening. He sighed (acting) and leant over to kiss his mother. It was tender and lingering without be overtly sexual. Maybe borderline sexual. They got two more questions right and the kisses became slightly longer every time. By the last kiss a silent hush enveloped us all.

It was our turn, and I am relieved to say we got the question right. Emma immediately leant over to me and kissed me full on the lips. I got a hint of her perfume and felt the heat from her body. The game proceeded and everyone got quite used to the kissing. It became normal. It was quite restrained as no one fondled breasts or probed crotches. The most that happened was an arm around a shoulder or a hand on top of a thigh (for balance). The kisses remained on the respectable side of sexy, but the tension was rising. I felt it bubbled under the surface. When we won Emma gave me a lovely kiss. Probably that was the end of it; very nice while it lasted.

Emma said “Let’s play soothing different. Harry how about the game Paula gave me?”

“Is it any good?” Replied Harry.

“I don’t know I haven’t opened it; I will go and get it.” She returned with a black box. It had a big red lipstick smudge logo on the front. She opened it up and emptied out the contents. It was a board game. It looked like you used some dice to make your way around a spiral to the middle. Some squares had a lip motif, some a pair of knickers and some the word ‘fantasy’.

Harry read out rules. If you landed on lips, you had to kiss the person of your choice. If you landed on Fantasy, you had to act out a role play and if landed on knickers you had to take off an item of clothing. There was a silence as we all processed that. Emma said “that sounds like fun, but I don’t think it’s appropriate we get naked. Sorry to be a party pooper but it doesn’t feel right.” She started packing it away.

I piped up. “I have an idea why don’t we play it but keep our underwear on. Boys keep their underpants, girls’ bras and knickers. That would be no different to going down to the beach.”

Emma didn’t look totally convinced but she said, “OK that sounds like a plan. It does sound fun. I’m just a little nervous.”

“It will be fine,” Harry said.

[Authors note: I’m not going to go into detail as to who laned on what square, who took of clothes 1st, who kissed and when. I don’t think it adds much to the plot; bear in mind the game can take over an hour to play. The game is ‘fantasy for lovers’, I don’t know if you can still buy it. I have not played it with relatives, but I have played it with friends. It is super sexy. The first time I played it was with my husband, his best mate and girlfriend. I ended up in bed with escort yalova his mate; totally unplanned and never repeated. We had great sex; it still makes me smile when I think of my husband’s mate cumming in me without a condom…. Very naughty. Anyway, on with the story.]

We started the game. Everyone was very nervous probably for different reasons. We soon overcame that as the game was genuine fun. The stripping squares were mainly towards the end, so Emma had a chance to adjust. We had already all kissed, these kisses were not so different. The best bit was the role play, sexy but not sexual (I hope that makes sense) and the acting had us in stiches every time.

We all ended up stripped to our underwear. Emma had a fantastic matching black lace bra and knickers. Maddy a purple silk camisole and matching purple lace knickers. Harry and I had boxers. Emma won, she clapped her hands and said “yippee, what do I win?”

Harry looked at the rules. “You get to act out a fantasy.”

We all went quiet trying to puzzle out what fantasy would Emma chose, bearing in mind our actions thus far had been mildly sexy but not overtly erotic. In the end Emma said “OK, I would like a long 5-minute kiss.” Harry got up to oblige. “Not you Harry, I kiss you every day, it’s my fantasy to kiss Bob.” I grinned.

Harry feigned disappointment. “So, what are we supposed to do.”

“Start the washing up,” she replied quick as a flash. They complied and walked into the kitchen.

“So, it’s your fantasy Emma, where do you want me?”

“I want you to lie on your back just here.” She pointed to a spot in the carpet. Once I was lying down legs together, she lay on top of me, her legs on the outside of mine. This was incredibly intimate and much further that any of us had gone that night. I was very nervous, and I guess my face showed it. “Are you OK, Bob

“Yes, Emma I’m a bit nervous, I’m just not used to a beautiful young lady lying on top of me.”

She giggled. “I am feeling naughty, but this is my fantasy not yours, so just relax and do your bit.” She started to kiss me, and I could feel her firm honeydew melons pushing into my chest. I smelt her perfume again. She must have been able to feel my erection but showed no signs of acknowledging its presence. This kissing was quite sexy except there was no fondling, no writhing and no hip movements, just kissing. I went as far as stroking her buttocks, which she seemed to like. 5 minutes flew by and over her shoulder I saw Maddy and Harry return. Maddy’s hair was a little messed up and her face was glowing. They had not been doing the washing up!. I whispered to Emma, “they are back.”

Emma and I got up and sat on the floor with our backs to one sofa, they sat directly opposite us with their backs to the other. No one said a word. Then suddenly Emma jumped up and said, “I’m going to put some coffee on.”

Everyone looked like they were going to get up and follow her as something was obviously wrong. I was on my feet before Maddy and Harry. I made a subtle ‘sit down sign’ and said, “do you want some help, Emma.”

“Yes please, Bob”

She was filling the coffee machine with beans when I got into the kitchen. Slamming the draw shut afterwards. “Are you OK, Emma?”

“Yes, I’m fine Bob.”


“No, I’m not.”

“Come on, sit down and talk to me Emma.” I said in a soft voice.

“Bob, we have had such a great night. I have enjoyed every single moment of it.” She smiled at me when she said this. “I really feel part of this family. I don’t want to do anything to spoil it.”

“You are part of this family, a very important part so you won’t do anything to spoil it. What’s the problem?”

“Did you feel jealous when Maddy was kissing Harry?”


“Nor me, that’s wrong, isn’t it? I shouldn’t let him kiss another woman let alone watch him. I am ashamed to say I enjoyed it.”

“I did too, Emma.”

“But that’s not right is it Bob? We shouldn’t have done it.”

“Emma, I can’t tell you what to think but I can tell you how I feel. I love Harry, I love Maddy, and I love you. All I want in the world is for the people I love to be happy. They looked happy to me. I think you were happy kissing me.”

“I was.”

“So, no problem. The happier they are, the happier I am.”

“Ok I get that, Bob, but I actually wanted them to kiss. I felt horny watching them.

I laughed quietly, “So did I Emma. I will let you into a secret. I wanted them to go further.”

“You wicked man.” She laughed. “So did I, in fact it doesn’t look like they did much washing up does it?.” Then her face went serious again. “Bob, I want to tell you something about me which might explain my confusion. I was a virgin when I met Harry. I have always enjoyed sex from an early age but before I met Harry, I always had sex on my own, if you know what I mean.”

“I can guess,” I said, and I had a vision of this pert 20 something lying on her back using a dildo.

“So, I know we were all only kissing, but it feels like we all want to go further.”

“Do you?”

“I think so but I’m very nervous. Also, I worry about Harry and Maddy.”

“In what way?”

“doh! Maddy is Harry’s mum. This is so weird; don’t you think so?”

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