
Mum’s Photos for Uncle



Widowed mature mum requests son to photograph her for posterity. Son shares a naughty photo with his uncle, that is, his mum’s bro, arouses his interest. Mum discovers…

This is a photography-themed titillating, teasing story. Mum-son intimacy feeds into nephew-uncle internet communication, rousing bro-sis intimacy fantasy.


Chapter 1: Mum, Son and Uncle

Chapter 2: Son Photographs Mum

Chapter 3: Photo Fun

Chapter 4: Mum Finds Out

Chapter 5: Mum Surprises

Chapter 6: Bolder

Chapter 7: Bolder Still

Chapter 8: Uncle Visits

Chapter 9: Last Day

Chapter 10: Loss


Chapter 1

Mum, Son and Uncle

Emma or Em for short, aged late-fifties, was widowed three years ago. She lives with her only child, David in his early twenties. Em is a moderately successful novelist in the romance genre, expanding her range oftentimes through to lite erotica when she is inspired.

David is tall, good-looking, carries an energetic and vital demeanour. Em likens her son to Michelangelo’s David. He runs a home-based internet business in the creative realms of digital media.

Mum and son live in a remote countryside cottage perched on a picturesque sea cliff in southwest England.

A winding, dizzy hewn cliff path connects the quintessentially English garden to a secluded beach. The cliff path is the only access to the beach, so it is effectively a private beach.

The cottage and its environs, and the blissful solitude, provide the inspiration for their creativity.

Brown haired Em is the quintessential English rose. Em is pretty in a plain sort of way. She was a ballet dancer in her youth. Although she has stopped active dancing a long time ago, she maintains the upright graceful mien of a ballerina. No one apart from her late husband and her female doctor has ever seen Em naked.

Cole, mid-fifties, is Em’s younger brother. It was Cole who introduced his bloodmate Ethan to Em. Em eventually married Ethan. Em, Ethan and Cole, the unholy Trinity. Thick as thieves. Oh, those halcyon days!

When Ethan passed away unexpectedly due to terminal illness, Em, David and Cole were devastated. It was like losing an arm. Curiously, David kind of replaced Ethan as Cole’s bloodmate. Cole sees in David a younger Ethan. David is very close to his Uncle Cole despite their generational difference. This is partly because both are in the creative realm of digital tech, and have much to talk about.

Cole used to live near Em and David. Sadly, he had to move a long way away two years ago because his tenancy lease was up. The landlady decided to return and live in the property. Now, they rarely get to see each other, although David and Cole contact each other frequently on work matters and socially.


Chapter 2

Son Photographs Mum

The sunlight is everywhere. Everything is the colour it usually is, only brighter.

Em combs her sleep-tangled hair a bit differently. Leave a little of the edges wild is how she should live every now and again. She looks at the mirror one last time.

Em and David try to maintain a 9-to-5 work regimen discipline even though they work from home. But, today is Saturday.

Em steps onto the patio. The sky is a spacious cloudless blue, of the exact same hue as the sea before her. The sky, sea and she in blue blouse, are in total accord on this morning. A great day to be alive.

“Good morning, Mum.”

“Good morning, David.”

“You seem awfully busy this week. What are you working on?”

“I’ve been commissioned by my publisher to write a lite erotic novel. I’ve been mostly writing romance. The last time I wrote erotica was 2 years ago. I’m a little rusty.”

“How far have you gone?”

“Not very.”

“But, you appeared busy all week.”

“That’s the frustration. I wrote so much, but it came out flat.”

“What’s the problem?”

“A central, pivotal scene in the story is the mature female protagonist being photographed nude. This scene makes or breaks the narrative. I can’t work up the inspiration to craft a compelling scene.”

“Any particular reason why you’re struggling with that?”

Hesitantly, “Hmm… this is a bit personal and awkward…”

A pause.

Sheepishly, “Nobody has seen me naked as an adult other than your late dad and my doctor. Your dad had to marry me for that exorbitant privilege. And my doctor is female. So, I can’t confidently articulate the emotions that range when a woman undresses in front of another male.”

“I see. You’re such a perfectionist, demanding that you actually experience the emotions before you write them.”

“In the story, the woman is in various stages of titillating, teasing undress until she is naked. A defining moment. She experiences a range of simmering emotions.”

“Perhaps I can help?”

“How? By watching me striptease for you?”

“Hmm… sorry mum, just trying to help.”

“It’s warming up. Let’s go down to the beach to catch some rays.”


Later… relaxing on the bursa escort sand.

“I’ve been thinking since our earlier conversation. You know, age is catching up. I’ll be 60 soon. A milestone. Will 60 be a millstone? I’ve always wanted an intimate photo record of myself for posterity. I’ve tried self-timers and selfies, they don’t do me justice.”

“I know. They distort.”

“Will you photograph me?”


“It’d kill 2 birds with one stone. I get my photo record. And the experience of nudity in front of a male, even if that male is my son, for my writing.”

“What about the mum-son thingy?”

“It’s art. Photography is art if we approach it as so…”

A pause.

“But, I wouldn’t want us to delude ourselves. We’ll be crossing the line. Let’s be adult and authentic about this. Call a spade a spade.”

A pause.

“How do you feel about photographing me nude? Seeing your mummy dearest naked?”

“The photographer in me says it’s a professional artistic project like any other. The son in me is a little confused. The man in me, to be honest, is a little excited, if not aroused at the prospect. There, I said it.”

“Thank you for your candour. Aroused by your venerable matriarch? This old body?”

“Mum, you’ve a sexy body. Dad used to say he couldn’t get enough of you. Delicious pork on bone, he said.”

Astounded, “Dad discussed me with you? What matrimonial secrets did he share?”

“Mum, chill! Just boys talk after a pint too many.”

“Since we’re at this, tell me one instance when I aroused you.”

“You know, you’re always conservatively dressed, be it formal or casual, for as long as I can remember. Childhood, teenhood, now.”

A pause.

“Three months ago, I came back home early. You were at the patio. You had on a casual pastel t-shirt. It hugged your form. Not so tight as to flaunt. Not so loose as to hide. Coy is the word. It was obvious that you were braless. Your nipples, not overly large, turned beautifully upward, like vine’s new tendrils seeking sunlight.”

A pause.

“I talked to you for awhile. An animated conversation. I followed your rise and fall, every undulation, every sway. It was like a small restive animal nestling in your t-shirt.”

“Poetic. I should outsource my erotica writing to you. Go on, I’m loving this.”

“A braless woman in and of herself is nothing particularly remarkable. But for some inexplicable reason, you were a sight to behold. Your whole demeanour, it spoke to me. I thought it was the most sensual thing I’ve ever seen.”

“What did you make of what you saw?”

“You mean, as in cup size, and such?”


“Pert B swells. Gentle teardrops pulled slightly east-west. Am I close?”

“Hmmm… Is this from your boys pub talk with your dad?”

“Is that a yes?”

“Hmmm… I’ve given enough secrets away for one morning. Secrets. They grow. Never fade. Once you know my secret, I will always see my secret in your eyes.”

Changing the subject somewhat, “When do we do this?”

“My, my, we’ve an eager beaver here.”

“I’ll let you know. I’ve to think about it a bit more. You know, this will change our relationship forever.”

“Mum, if it makes it easier on you, I can charge you my usual professional fees for the shoot. That will make it all professional, transactional and businesslike.”

Smirking, “I thought I should be the one charging you.”

Chuckle, “Sounds like we’re good, mum.”


And so, David photographs his mum.


Chapter 3

Photo Fun

David is chatting online with Cole.

“How’s sis doing?”

A picture is worth a thousand messages. David sends a couple of photos he had taken of his mum. Sedentary shots from around the cottage and the garden, just to give his uncle an idea.

Amongst the shots is one of their new family pride and joy, the new jacuzzi in the patio overlooking the ocean. Initially, he wasn’t going to send it, because Em is in the tub when he snapped the photo. Even though she was covered in foaming bubbles, you could tell that she was naked.

What the heck! Can’t do any harm. Classic lady in a bubbling hot tub. Nothing new here. Cheesy even.

 With that thought in mind, he sends the photo across with the others. 

David assumes Cole will say something about the photo being a bit overexposed, or something bawdy in that vein. Instead, Cole says that he will love to get rid of the bubbles because his sis looks like she has a nice pair! David doesn’t expect that from his uncle. He is talking about his sis, and his mum!

 Oh well, let’s see what bro dear thinks of this. David sends another photo of his mum sitting in the tub, this time though, naked from the waist up. Then, he immediately regrets it. He has no right to share his mum’s most private photos this way. And of all people, with her bro. But, there is no function to retrieve the message.

Cole takes awhile to reply. Shell shocked perhaps?

When he does, he thanks David for letting him see Em’s breasts. David feels a little strange bursa escort bayan about this response. It’s not like he is the hubby, allowing another male to see his wife. Perhaps in Cole’s sometimes misty mind, his nephew David is Ethan.

Cole adds that he really likes what he sees, and that David is a lucky sod to be able to photograph his mum this way. Again, David feels a little awkward, not quite sure what to say. When in doubt, sometimes it is wise to just stay in doubt.

 Well, that does it for David. Here is his uncle and best mate, and he has just seen his mum’s, that is, his sis’s, breasts. Treasures which have been seen only by her late hubby and her female doctor for the longest time, up until her son photographed her.

What is it about letting other guys see their wife that is so enthralling to men? In David’s case, he is the son. Son getting his jollies showing off mum? A hubby can claim that he owns his wife. She’s all mine, you can see, no touch, eat your hearts out. But, a son doesn’t own his mum.

David doesn’t have an answer for that just now. But, it is all so irrelevant. He is as excited as hell knowing that his uncle, his best mate, has seen his mum’s naked breasts.


Chapter 4

Mum Finds Out

At that point, as luck would have it, Em enters David’s room.

“Tea is ready… you appear a bit flustered. What’s up?”

David is in two minds as to what he should tell her. Lie, and say “Nothing, mum”, or tell the truth.

Being the sort of person he is and the trusting relationship he has with his mum, he opts for the truth. He blurts out the whole story, hanging his head in shame. He expects the worst lashing from his mum.


Chapter 5

Mum Surprises

Imagine David’s surprise when Em asks what Cole thought of her top. Far from being upset, as he had expected, she appears as titillated as he is.

 David points to the screen. Em reads the chat trail. She looks surprised.

“Which photo have you sent to Cole?”

David opens the file and shows her the second photo sent. She looks it over.

“But, that’s a terrible picture! He can’t see anything clearly.”

David’s face must have been a sight to see.

Em laughing, “If I’ve to send a photo, I would’ve sent one that shows my breasts off far better than that one.”

“Which one would you’ve sent?”

“Show me the recent photos you took.”

“You mean those ones?”


“Wait a sec, mum. Let me message Cole to tell him I’ll get back to him in 30 minutes as I’ve to attend to something.”

Em pores over the photos. After awhile, she decides that none of the pictures are “just right” to send to Cole.

What is “just right”, David wonders.

Blushing slightly, “But, that doesn’t mean we can’t take one that is right.”

David is shocked. Here is his conservative mum, suggesting that he takes a photo of her swells of top to send to his uncle, her bro.

”What’ve you in mind?”

”How about a shot of me wearing just a pair of panties, lying on the bed? Or even naked?”

David fetches his camera. He appears keen to get started. Em chuckles when she sees the state of her son.

She tells David to chill while she gets ready.

David watches his mum as she slowly unbuttons and peels off her blouse, exposing her motherly pert B’s, covered by a lacy black bra.

This stirs David. He imagines what is beneath the flimsy material. Truth be told, he doesn’t need to imagine much more because her bra is pretty translucent. Her nipples straining the lace.

 Em’s face is flushed with arousal. David can see the wicked gleam in her eyes as she unzips her skirt. The gleam that cries, “I’m so excited!”

In an act of socially conditioned modesty, which is not exactly rational under the circumstances, Em turns her back toward David, as she shimmies out of her skirt. Ooo, the tease of the skirt lowering slowly. He marvels at how sensual her bottom is, encased in lacy black panty.

David thinks he sees a damp spot as she bends over at her waist to slip her skirt off, taking alot longer than is necessary. Ooo, the tease.

 Standing there wearing nothing but a bra, panty, pearls and heels, she looks sexier than ever. David has trouble keeping his hands steady as he raises his camera to his eye.

“No sense in getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s start off with a few shots of you like this.”

Winking, “What are you waiting for?”

David presses the camera button and gets the first one. He looks at the screen, sees that the picture is a bit blurry. He decides to delete it and retake the shot. Although this is the second time he is photographing his mum, it is like the first time all over again, only more enthralling, because his mum’s mood is different this time, so full of delightful naughty promise. Perhaps that first photoshoot liberated her some?

The second picture comes out better than the first. As David studies it, he thinks how lucky he is to have a mum who is so understanding and willing to show herself off to him, and to escort bursa her brother dear. And what a transformation from the prude she was just not so long ago. It excites him. Seeing his mum standing there, half shy and fully aroused, gets him harder than a rock.




He gets Em to turn this way and that, showing first her cleavage, then her panty-clad bottom. He takes some really great shots that show her beautiful breasts with their stiffened nipples pressing assertively against the lacy material, her shy but naughty smile, and sparkling eyes.

Em suggests they move into the bedroom for the rest of the pictures. David is encouraged by her suggestion. The bedroom metaphor is symbolic of many exciting possibilities.

He switches the camera to video mode, and records a short video as she wiggles her buttocks suggestively, strutting down the hallway. Ooo, those marching butt cheeks.

Clench, release.

Clench, release.

Clench, release.

One word, luscious. Later, he will grab a screenshot from the video sequences where her wiggle is at its most enthralling. 

The first thing she does when they enter the bedroom is to lose her bra, setting her gorgeous B’s free. David duly observes that without bra covering, she looks even better. Fuller, rounder, softer.

She reclines on the bed, stretching her arms up above her head in a sort of surrender posture, making her swells of ripe fruit look even more alluring. Her nipples, painfully stiff, pointing straight ahead.

Once again, David brings the camera to his eye, framing her head and breasts, taking picture after picture as she rolls and stretches on the bed.

Em is aroused by the photo play. David too. He can feel his shaft pulsing as blood races through with every heartbeat.

Watching his mum caress her breasts, pulling on her nipples every now and again, while he takes pictures, makes him ejaculate, inconveniently in his pants. He feels like he peed in his pants. But, it is not pee. It is a more substantial fluid form.

Hoarsely, “Why don’t you take your panty off?”

Em looks him in the eye. There is a husky quality to her voice that David hasn’t heard before, “I will, but only if you put down the camera and…”

By this time, David is ready to explode. But, he still wants one more thing.

”OK, but I want one more picture of you. Totally naked and spread open.”

Without a word, she reaches down and slips her panty off. Em looks at David with lust-filled eyes. Not the way a mum should ever look at her son.

“Are you going to send this photo of your mum to Cole too?”

“Yes, if you want me to.”

As if in answer, she spreads her legs a little, exposing her moist glistening womanhood to the camera. Not so wide as to be lewd. Just enough. He can see more of his mum now.

“Do you think he’ll like this?”

“Yes. But, he’ll like it a little bit more if I rearrange you there a little…”

David lays down the camera. He moves over to Em. She opens her legs a little more as if to facilitate David in rendering her.

He combs her rip curl of light thicket a little with his fingers to work it into some obedient form.

“Can I touch you there to place your lady parts in the position I want you in?”

“Place my lady parts?”

David is not entirely sure if this is a rhetorical teasing question, or his mum really wants to be sure?

When unsure, answer simply, “Yes…”

Em looks away, and nods weakly in muted assent.

His intense face is utterly intent on the work in front of it. He touches her vaginal opening. He explores the minutiae of her womanhood to the extent that he can ascertain and decide what are the presentation options. He does some delicate arrangement.

Em feels the units of shame multiplying in her. This is beyond photography. Her son is way too interested in the private details of his mum. Is it healthy for a young man to be so invested in his mother? Should she allow this? What will her son think of her? Is this alright since it is for art?

A complicated dance of emotions and negotiations. Sometimes the forbidden fruit is just too sweet not to bite. Once upon a time, an angel and a demon fell in love. It did not end well.

He gives her a light pat on her mound to indicate that he is done with his artistry.

“Is my pink showing?”

David doesn’t answer. Instead, he declares, “Now, I’m sure Cole will love it!”


With that, David puts down the camera. He peels off his clothes, joining his mum on the bed.

It is said that people have three lives: public, private, secret. Em has no secret life to speak of. This moment, she is on the cusp of taking the first step to a secret life.

“Not just yet. This is a special moment. I want to look at you. You’re only the second adult male I’ve seen.”

She examines his manhood with forensic interest and objectivity. He is nicely instrumented. Yes, very nice. Not that she has many reference points. Her husband is the only other adult male she has ever seen. So, this is what the rest of the fifty percent of humanity looks like. This is all so educational.

“Hello Mr Stringy!”

David sounding deflated and hurt, “Am I? I don’t think I’m big. But, nobody has ever called me that.”

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