
Natalie – Pt 27


Private comments are always welcome, I love to share memories. Thank you so much for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it xx Mica

It had been a few days since I have been with Pete and Sandra. My fanny had, of course, returned to its normal self. Dad had gone to work and I was sitting just in my panties on my bed looking through some college notes when mum walked in.

“Natalie,” she said, one of the few who only used my full name.

“Yes mum?”

“Have you felt any differently recently?”

“In what way mum?”

“Well, they changed my tablets a few days ago, and well, I just wondered if it had made you more or less wanting of sex.”

“Oh. Let me think.” I didn’t really feel different, perhaps a little less anxious? “I don’t think so mum, is there any way I am supposed to feel different?”

“I just need you to tell me if you feel differently about anything, I can’t suggest anything, because that would skew your thoughts. If you don’t, then that is fine too. I know I feel different though.”

“Okay, different better or worse mum?”

“Just different, that’s all I want to say for now, but it relates back to something you said you didn’t want to do.”

Well, I had no idea what that was, so I just shrugged. Mum left and then I got a text from Jase. I got dressed, got my college stuff together and said goodbye to mum and headed over to Jase’s house.

“You are going to hate me. In fact, I think you will finish with me.” Oh? Well, hello to you too.

“Why would I do that? Have you been seeing Bren behind my back?”

“No. Worse.”

I couldn’t think of anything worse, so I said, “well you better explain and let me make my own mind up.”

“I fucked my mum again.” Okay, well, I am shagging my dad, not that Jase knows, so I can pretty much forgive that.

“Is that it?”


“You better tell me the whole story and then explain why you think shagging your mum means I am going to finish with you.”

“I heard mum and dad have sex last night, and again this morning. I looked on the camera recordings, and yes they went at it pretty enthusiastically.”

“That’s okay, isn’t it? That’s what you wanted? Your mum and dad getting on well.”

“Yes, of course and it didn’t bother me. Mum came into my room this morning and said, ‘hope we didn’t disturb you this morning?’ and I said that no, I was already awake. Mum said, ‘so you heard then?’ and I said ‘yes mum, it’s fine, it’s not an issue to me at all.'”

“Well yes,” I said, “as I feel when my mum and dad get all sexy with each other.”

Jase continued “Mum then said, ‘did it make you feel anything?’ and I said, “no I don’t think so mum, like what?’ She said, ‘It is usual to have a reaction when you see or hear people having sex, males usually get an erection.’ so I said, ‘Oh. Sorry, I just thought that you guys were doing it and that is that.”

I interrupted his explanation “So, you didn’t get an erection then because you heard your mum and dad doing it?” Well, I did wonder.

“Well, no, actually, I already had one, but that was nothing to do with them.”

I did know, because Jase had said before, that he is hard most of the time. “So, what happened next?”

“She said, ‘I am sorry, but, well, I know I said it was a onetime thing, but I am on some new tablets, and, well, they make me feel different, and, well, I need you. Now.’ So I said ‘what do you mean?’ She said I need you to make love to me now.’ And she reached across and grabbed my cock.”

“Wow. Like wow, what did you do?”

“This is the bit that you will hate me for, I wanted to. I wanted to fuck her, I really did. I just said ‘okay mum’ she let go of my cock, took her robe off and straddled me, facing away, she sat on me and my cock went inside her, and it felt wonderful, her warmth slowly engulfing me, her fanny was all wet and slippery.”

“I wonder Jase, if the tablets your mum is on are the same one’s my mum is on. They are making my mum ultra sexy, and she and dad are doing it twice a day.” I didn’t go any further on that, “and the tablet could be affecting you through her hormones, which is why you didn’t feel it wrong.”

“I don’t know, she started rising and going down on me, I could see my cock gripping her fanny as she moved, you know it kind of wrapped itself round my cock, and it made me feel horny and I started moving as well, trying to push up hard as she was coming down. Her juices coated my cock as it moved in and out of her and it glistened as I looked down and eventually, well, the result that you would expect happened. I flooded her fanny. She gasped and I know she came, and she slumped forward on me and my white cum oozed out of her fanny alongside my cock. ‘Thank you, son,’ she said, got up and my cock slipped out of her with a pretty disgusting sounding slurp followed by a lot more white, she grabbed her robe and rushed from the room. “

“Crumbs. Look Jase, your mum started it, so, I don’t see why you have to feel bad about it, and I am certainly got going to get all funny varto escort about it. Just put it down to the tablets your mum is on.”

“Just to be on the safe side, I checked and deleted the camera footage of mum going into and out of my room, she went in wearing her robe and went out naked, holding her robe. I have no idea how much dad knows; I don’t even know if he checks the camera footage, but I cannot imagine he would want to see that.”

I was debating about telling him that I had shagged my dad but decided against it. I will see how he goes for the next few days, and if necessary, I might have a similar thing unexpectedly happen to me where I end up having sex with dad and we can both blame it on the tablets.

“Mum says she got on the tablets after your mum put her name forward.”

“Oh, probably are the same ones my mum is on then, her and dad are like rabbits at the moment. It will be interesting to see if she settles down or needs more mum and son time. My advice? Just lay back and enjoy it, don’t make a thing about it. If your mum stops taking the tablets, she might feel awkward about having had sex with you. Don’t start it, but just join in if she starts it, that’s my advice.”

“I just feel bad cheating on you.”

“Jase, it’s not cheating, not in my book.”

When I got home I managed to get a moment with mum, “Did you put forward Jase’s mum for the tablets you are on?”

“Yes, we were chatting the other week, you know as we do and talking about women’s stuff, and I mentioned I was on them and I could refer her if she wanted to try them.”

“Did you mention the side effects that we have seen?”

“No, because the side effects are different for everyone. Is she having problems?”

“Oh, I don’t know, Jase just said his mum and dad were doing it twice a day and that is up from not doing it at all.”

“Okay, perhaps they haven’t had any side effects like we have seen then.”

“Perhaps. Jase is just the same with me.”

“I do need some us time when we can be alone.”

Oh, that is worrying, I didn’t really want to go one on one with mum. “Okay mum.” I went into the lounge and sat next to dad on the settee. I leant across and whispered “hush” in his ear and started rubbing him through his trousers.

“Nat!” He gasped, “your mum is just in the kitchen.”

“Hush,” and I felt his cock get really hard and I pressed harder. His cock was tipped to one side, and I wondered if it hurt getting hard on the side rather than straight up. I moved a little faster, and I hoped his skin was moving on his cock, and that I wasn’t just simply rubbing. Dad started making small noises, I guessed I was doing good then.

“Oh fuck,” dad gasped, “shit, stop Nat otherwise I will cum,”

I kept rubbing, “that’s the point dad, do it for me, show me, show me I can make you.” I managed to partially hold his cock as I rubbed and eased it into a more up and down position. Harder I held his cock, firmer he became, almost like rubbing some wood inside his trousers.

“Eugh” dad spluttered and he bucked a little and I felt his cock pulse. I had done it, I had made him cum.

“You may want to go and clean up dad,” I said and I kissed his cheek. After dad had gotten up and gone to the downstairs loo I sat and wondered why I had done that? It was kind of unfair on dad, was it a new side effect of the tablets, or was I just naughty and it was nothing to do with the tablets?

I went into the kitchen and sat at the table to talk to mum. “What did you mean earlier mum?”

“What sweetheart?”

“When you said you needed some time when we could be alone?”

“Natalie, I can’t talk about it with your dad next door, hush now.”

“Why not mum? I thought we were all open about things.” I was in a naughty mood that is for certain.

“Not this Natalie, not this.”

“Do you want sex with me, like I have sex with dad?”

“Natalie Marie! Hush.”

“Well mum, do you?”

“I am not going to talk about this now?”

“How would you feel if I went upstairs and used your toy on myself?”

“Natalie. Be quiet. I am going to put this down as a new side effect of the tablet. You are not being you. Now be quiet. Go and sit with your dad until tea is ready.”

“Should I go and shag dad mum? Whilst you are doing tea? Should I?”

Mum put the wooden spoon down that she was using to mix the batter and turned to me. “Natalie, if you don’t stop right now then I am going to put everything down, turn everything off and leave. You are completely out of order.”

“Sorry mum.” I left and went back into the lounge. Dad still hadn’t returned. I wasn’t sure what had gotten into me, I don’t know what I did that to dad, or why I spoke to mum like that. Very strange. I got up popped my head around the kitchen door, “sorry mum, I have no idea why I behaved like that. I am going up to study till tea is ready.”

In my room I lay back on my bed. Rubbing my dad until I made him spurt with mum in the other room was a mild fantasy that viranşehir escort I had harboured for a few weeks, but teasing mum the way I did was just not me. Something was definitely happening in my head. It seemed I was losing my inhibitions. I wonder if that was a new side effect of whatever mum’s tablets were doing to me. It didn’t seem to be affecting mum and dad in that way. Very odd. Perhaps what was happening to me wasn’t as a result of mum’s tablet but because of something else. But what could it be?

I was laying on my bed just daydreaming, I had my robe on but it was only loosely tied. I had heard mum and dad having sex again last night, and it seemed my making dad spurt in his trousers hadn’t affected his abilities later. If they had sex this morning, I hadn’t heard them.

My door tapped and mum popped her head around. “Can I talk with you?”

“Yes mum, of course you can, come in.”

Mum came in, she was wearing her dressing gown and she sat on the edge of my bed. “What was all that about in the kitchen yesterday?”

“I don’t know mum. I really don’t know, and I am so sorry.”

“Okay, but you were out of order, it is as if all your decency filters had been removed. Very odd and not at all like you.”

“Can I tell you something in absolute strictest utterest secret?”


“And you will not ever ever tell anyone?”

“No, if you ask me to keep something secret then of course I will.”

“Jase’s mum seduced him yesterday and had sex with him. Perhaps that is why I was all funny. He was a bit upset that I would finish with him because of it.”

“Ah, so there were some side effects then?”

“Yes, sorry, but Jase swore me to secrecy, and, well, I guess that is why I was bitchy to you.”

“Okay, well, let’s move on from that. Is Jason okay with it?”

“Oh yes, we chatted about it. She just said that she needed him, she grabbed his cock, and it kind of went from there. He said that he wanted to as well, and it was that he wanted to that made him think I would want to finish with him.”

“Oh, poor thing. I hope Jason isn’t mentally scarred.”

“No mum, I think he knows that the tablets are messing with people. He doesn’t want to start anything with his mum, but if she does start something then he is quite happy to carry on.”

“Yes, a young boy, I bet he is. I read somewhere that all boys fantasise about having sex with their mum.”

“I talked to him about that, ages ago, he said, although he wanted to see his mum nude, he never actually wanted to have sex with her. I guess it is the same as me never actually fantasising about having sex with dad, until it happened.”

“I think these tablets are really having a strange effect on us. I am not sure if I should carry on with them. If I see any more odd behaviour like you showed yesterday, then I will stop.”

“Oh mum, but aren’t they helping you, you know, with the change and stuff?”

“Yes, but the price may be too high. Then there is a price I want to exact but I am not sure I should.”

“What price? No one has been hurt, no one has done anything against their will.”

“No, not yet, but you have said that you don’t want to do what I want to do.”

I knew what she wanted. Would it be so bad? Would it be any different than Sandra next door? “Mum, it’s okay.” I sat up and removed my robe. “Here. I don’t mind, we can if you want, I would love to, how do you want to do it”

Mum stood up and took her dressing gown off. She does look good naked I have to say. She stood in front of the bed and slowly rubbed a finger up and down her fanny. “I want to taste you. I want you to taste me. I want to know what it is like to be with a woman.”

“Mum, come and lay on the bed and we will do what you want and then I will tell you a secret.”

“What secret?”

“Only after mum, only after, come and lay down.” Mum lay on the bed, her head on my pillows. “You will need to scoot down a bit mum.”

After mum had moved down the bed a bit I turned and straddled her and bent down and blew along her fanny. Mum shivered and I felt her breath on my sex. I used my fingers to gently ease mum’s fanny lips apart, her valley glistened, and I dipped my head forward and tasted her. Slightly salty yet sweet too. I ran my tongue up her valley and pushed at the skin that hid her clitoris and when I found it, I sucked her into my mouth and gently chewed.

“Oh good God,” mum gasped as I ran a finger round her entrance, wet, hot and wanting. I gently pushed two fingers into my mum, sucking hard on her clitoris as I did. I widened my fingers, scissoring them inside her as I worked her clitoris, my tongue pushing, my teeth pulling, and as I pulled my two fingers from inside mum, I released her clitoris and pulled back. Mum held her breath and squeezed the bed with her hands. I blew gently along her sex and her breath exploded from her and I pushed my two fingers in again and started a slow finger shag, my thumb pressing her crinkle as I pushed fully kırklareli escort inside, my mouth kissing her clitoris as I pulled them out. In, Out, Kiss, repeat, going slightly faster and firmer with each movement until I was simulating a full hard shag.

I felt mum tense and her back began to arch, I knew she was close, her gasps slowed and then her breath held again, she made a simple crying noise and then her whole body slumped down, she had orgasmed and had collapsed back, spent. It had been one sided, mum had been tasted, but had not tasted me. “Oh my,” she said quietly, “oh wow in fact. I never knew, I mean, dad is good, but, wow, that was something else. I am sorry it was one sided, oh, wow.”

I rolled away and pulled my robe on and bent down and kissed mum on the lips and then sat back up. “Is that what you wanted mum?” I asked her.

“Gosh yes, but I never did it to you, I am sorry.”

“Perhaps another time mum, perhaps not, let’s just see how things go.”

“I wonder now if you do to your dad what you do to me.”

“Let’s not go there mum. I love you, I love dad, but the sex is just sex, please, it is not making love like you and dad do.”

“Okay sweetheart. Now, what is your secret?”

“I had sex with Sandra next door when I was helping her do her wardrobe.”

“You what?”

“I know, it’s mad. I was her first too.”

“How the heck did that happen?”

“Well, we were scrambling around all over the floor trying to put the wardrobe together, and well, her skirt kept riding up, and I could help look at her, her panties were tightly stretched over her, well, you know, and she caught me looking and asked me if I liked what I was looking at.”

“Oh Natalie, Oh my.”

“So perhaps, mum, if you wanted a little variety you could go and have a coffee with her.”

“It happened again Nat, I fucked my mum again.” Jase and I were walking along the path by the woods, we both felt a need to get out of our homes and the weather was dry and warm. I think I may have to tell him about my dad, I might make something up though.

“Crikey, she seems to need it a lot Jase.”

“It was me this time.”

“Oh lummy, okay, tell me everything, spare me no details.” I was in no position to judge, I was shagging everyone I could.

“Mum had been in the bathroom and showered and gone back to her room. I went into the bathroom clean my teeth, and as I was stood there, all I seemed to be able to smell was mum. It seemed to be invading me, all over me and my cock just got so hard, and my balls felt tight.”

“Wow Jase, that must have been her hormones attacking you.”

“I looked down at my cock, it was sticking out as far as ever it could, it was hard and throbbing and there was a little bead of white at the end, it was all I could do to not wank there and then.”

“If it had been me, I probably wouldn’t have been able to stop myself Jase.”

“I dropped my robe on the floor and walked into mum and dad’s room. Mum was standing there naked looking in the mirror. She turned to me and looked at my cock and then at me.”

“Did she say anything Jase?”

“No, she just looked at me. I walked over to her and stood in front of her, my cock pressing at her belly.”

“Wow, how did you feel?”

“I felt in control, I felt like I was in charge and what ever happened was down to me. I pushed mum and she stumbled back and fell onto the bed. I leaned forward, my arms on the bed and I flicked my hips forward.”

“Yes, and?”

“My cock was just in the right place and it went in her. Her eyes opened and she gasped, but she didn’t say anything. I pushed more and more and I was fully inside her.”

“Oh wow, how did it feel?”

“Her fanny must have been ready, I had no resistance, I just kept going and I felt her fanny surrounding me, holding my cock like a wet soapy hand. It felt right, it felt wonderful and I started fucking her. She still said nothing, but there was a smile on her face and she kept her eyes staring at mine as I fucked her.”

“She could have said no Jase, she wanted this, she did, she wanted her son to shag her.” We had reached our little clearing and we sat down our backs to the tree. I had flicked my skirt up as I didn’t want to get it dirty, and I felt the moss and grass on my buttocks as I sat.

“I fucked her as hard as I had fucked anyone, it was almost as if I wasn’t in control, but I was. I knew what I was doing, I was fucking my mother, hard, on her bed. The slap noise of my body as I went deep into her echoed around the room, but no noise from mum, just a smile. I felt my balls tighten and my cock seemed to grow just a little more, and I erupted inside her, my cock buried as deep as it was possible to be, and I spurted and spurted and spurted.”

“I have to say that is hot. You better be still in working condition for me.”

“Of course I am Nat, you are my first and best.”

“Good, I will tell you something later, but, then what, with your mum?”

“I was still hard, and still inside her.”

“Crumbs, really?”

“Yes, and now everything was very slippery and it felt really, oh I don’t know, tickly perhaps. I could not help myself. I was still hard. I was still inside her. I started fucking her again. I hadn’t even come out.”

“Oh my Jase, we have never had that. How did it feel?”

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