

Female Ejaculation

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Disclaimer: The following story is a fictional tale involving sexual relations between an adult and a boy, and is not based on any real people, settings, or events. Do not read this if you do not want to, or cannot lawfully.

This is my first piece of published writing ever, and is mostly an exercise while I prepare a larger project. I would really love to hear your thoughts, corrections, suggestions, and any other positive or negative feedback so I may improve any future work.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy it. You can reach me at: ail

For updates and artwork for this series, you can follow my Twitter: @blepzNifty

Donate to Nifty! They”ve made hosting this story possible.

Author”s Notes: I had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope you have just as much reading it! It”s secretly my favorite chapter; don”t tell the others. Also, I”ve posted the first ever art of Nico and Logan on my Twitter, so if you”d like to see what they look like, click here! I”ll be posting additional art of them over the next few days over there.

Previously: When Nico and Logan go on their first date at a restaurant, Nico reveals that his buttplug toy was actually a gift from Santa. The two run into Nico”s classmate and his friend at their secret beach, and while Nico plays with them, Logan, concerned, mulls over how to confront Grace over the ordeal. The following day, Grace visits Logan”s shop, and he asks her about the toy. It turns out she is very open about sex with Nico, and has even discussed their sex life with him. She then tells Logan she is going out of town, and offers for him to stay with Nico over the weekend.

Chapter Six Storm Chasers

The rest of the week went by pretty slowly. Nico was busy shopping with his mom for school supplies and clothing, then spent Thursday evening having a sleepover with a friend; the same evening we planned to hang out at the beach. I wanted to complain that I was more deserving of his time as I would be heading out of town soon, but recognized that he didn”t have a whole lot of friends and probably wanted to improve the few bonds he did have… and, maybe that I was being a little, or possibly extremely self-centered. We still texted throughout the week of course, but I still missed his physical, loving presence.

Friday finally arrived. I actually had some trouble sleeping the previous night just from excitement. In just a few more hours, I would be spending an entire weekend alone with Nico! The last thing I had looked forward to with this much enthusiasm was probably my Australia trip, which already felt so far away. Nico”s excitement, however, was so overwhelming that I became worried he was planning to tackle and have his way with me the second I knocked on his door.

I looked back at our text exchange over the day.


Nico: When are you coming over?

Nico: WAIT don”t come now actually I”m not home yet

Me: I”m at work haha

Me: I”ll come afterwards

Nico: What time?

Me: 5ish?

Nico: Ok

Nico: I”m home now can you come?

Me: Still at work

Nico: Please

Me: I literally cannot

Nico: But I can”t wait

Nico: I”m so bored I don”t know what to do right now 😩

Nico: Can”t even jack off cause I want to do it with you

Nico: Are you done yet?

Me: It”s only 2 lol

Nico: 😫

Mercifully, the weather had cooled way down from earlier in the week, so working was much less of a sweaty nightmare. There were even some clouds starting to roll in, casting an ominous shadow over the beach. I was helping a customer when my phone dinged, and I took a short glance at it and saw it was a message from Parker. Maybe he wanted to address his weirdness the other day in the car, I thought. After finishing with the customer, I hesitantly checked the message.

Parker: Wtf were you guys doing the other day when I called?

I stared at it for a few moments, annoyed by his accusatory tone, before hammering out a reply.

Me: What do you mean? I was taking Nico home from the beach.

Parker: Yeah right

Parker: 😐

What was his problem? I tried being direct with him in an effort to get past whatever issue he seemed to have with me.

Me: What”s there to even lie about?

Me: Why did you hang up when you saw me?

Parker: Just had to go

Me: So you just called him and then immediately had to go

Me: Parker what”s going on man?

Parker: Idk

Parker: Been in a weird mood lately

Me: Want to talk about it? You know you can talk to me, cousin

Parker: Idk

Parker: Can you and Nico come here this weekend?

I thought about it. As much as I really did want to see Parker once more before I left, it was Nico and I”s perfect unchaperoned weekend together. We would definitely not get a better opportunity to be alone than this. I knew telling Parker that would maybe hurt his feelings, though, so I thought up an excuse.

Me: I can”t, I”m seeing some friends who are back from college over the weekend

He immediately responded, like he was anticipating my rejection.

Parker: Whatever

Me: How about next weekend?

Parker: I don”t care

Welp, I still managed to upset him anyway. I wondered what the hell was going on with him, and what the “weird mood” he was in was. Tired of putting up with his sulking, I gave up trying to converse with him, and put my phone away.

A few minutes later, it dinged again. I went to swipe his message away, but found it was actually from Grace. It was a picture of her in a car with two other women, all three of them wearing sunglasses and making stupid (possibly ironic) selfie poses for the camera. They looked like a bunch of college kids, and I chuckled.

Grace: I”m outta here baby! Don”t burn the place down

Me: See ya Grace! Have a great weekend at the festival!

Grace: 😙

I smiled, almost mischievously. Nico was all mine for the weekend.

Nico: Mom says park in the garage because of storm 😁

I reread his text as I drove down his street, smiling a stupid, eager grin. Following his instructions, I started pulling up his driveway and saw Nico”s overjoyed face glaring at me through the upstairs window. I smiled back, and he disappeared not a second later. 

He came tearing into the garage as I parked, jumping up and down excitedly outside of the car as I got out. I barely had my feet on the ground before he leapt and clung onto me, fully suspended off the ground. He was only wearing a gray tank top and some red boxers, and as I hugged him back, I felt some of his skin press against mine.

“Ahhh yes!” he cried with pure delight into my shirt as he hugged me tighter. “It”s really happening!”

“I”m here to babysit a “delinquent bad boy”, am I at the right house?” I said, pretending to read a note off my palm.

He smiled a full smile up at me and let go, dropping to the floor, bare feet hitting the cold floor of the garage.

“Come on, let”s go!” he said, voice shaky with enthusiasm, and took me by the arm, pulling me into the house.

I had brought a backpack with a toothbrush and some clothes, and dropped it against the wall beside the garage door as he dragged me through it. He took me over to the front door entryway where he sat me down on the shoe bench, then sat himself on the floor, removing my Converse like I was royalty.

“So since this is my house, I”m the boss, and I get to make the rules,” he explained as he tugged them off. “Rule number one, no shoes allowed.”

“Hm, alright. Any other rules I should know about?”

“Yep, it”s kinda a new one, but you”re not allowed to wear pants or shorts.”

“Oh, you”re a good boy then, following your own rules.” I patted him on the head, and he made a face.

“Nah, I don”t actually have to follow it, but I don”t really like wearing “em anyway,” he said, moving onto my socks.

Once he finished, he had me stand up so he could take off my shorts. I stood still like a soldier, arms stiffly at my sides. His face was inches away from my crotch as he unbuttoned them slowly, taking his time, before lowering them down my legs. Left in just boxer briefs, I could feel his hot breath against me. He grabbed for my dick, holding it through the thin material.

I gave him an embarrassed smile and pushed his hand away. “Easy young one, we”ve got a bedroom for that.”

“True,” he said, tapping his lower lip. “Well, you”re dressed to code now. You can go anywhere in my house.”

“Yeah, thanks for the help,” I said, and ruffled his hair.

“My pleasure,” he said breathily, blushing. “Want to go upstairs?”

“Sure, want me to carry you?” I offered, remembering my clumsy effort from last weekend.

“Yes, please.”

We went to the base of the stairs, and I tried scooping him up in my arms, recalling how heavy he was. He giggled happily as I tried again and successfully lifted him, then awkwardly made my way up the stairs.

His room was a total preteen mess, with clothes all over the place, and crap littering his desk. I dropped him down on the bed, and climbed over him, kissing him softly on the lips. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me into him, pushing his tongue into my mouth. As we made out, he flipped us over, putting himself on top. I felt him place both hands on my biceps and squeeze them. His legs pressed against my thighs as he leaned into our kiss, and moaned into my mouth as he ground his concealed erection against me.

This continued for a while before he rolled off to catch his breath, and we both lay next to each other, breathing heavily. He placed his arms under his head as we relaxed on the bed.

“Yes, that was good,” he said, with a raspiness to his voice.

I nodded in agreement, and slipped a hand under his tank top. “So before you straddle me to death tonight, I was thinking we could go get some dinner?” I asked, giving him a tummy rub.

“We can eat here!” he exclaimed. “I”ll make us something.”

“Yeah, I”m sure you”d love to feed me your protein.”

“Yep, I can make a beast tofu thingy for us, and I think there”s some apple cider too!” he rattled excitedly, missing my joke entirely. I removed my hand from his tank top, and he hopped off the bed, casually tossing a pillow at my face.

“Hey!” I shouted, throwing it at his back as I got off the bed. He glanced seductively over his shoulder at me as he walked out of the room, swaying his butt on the way out.

I went to follow him, but noticed a paper on his desk and stopped to pick it up. It was the list of activities that I”d totally forgotten he said he was gonna make. There wasn”t much on it, and it looked like he had given up halfway through.

After deciphering his handwriting, I laughed to myself. Netflix and chill was the first thing on there, followed by Stare into each other”s eyes. A bunch of other kiddish ideas of romance followed, ending with a very graceless Fuck me hard. I laughed under my breath, shaking my head as I headed out the room.

Nico was in the kitchen, rifling through the fridge and pulling stuff out onto the counter. I noticed rain clouds were rolling in, and hoped they wouldn”t ruin our weekend.

“Good news!” he said as I walked up. “Mom left us eggplants!” He set a big one down on the counter, and looked up at me, grinning a toothy grin.

“I”ve never had eggplant before, is it good?” I asked, and kissed his forehead.

“It”s super delicious. You”ve really never had it?”

“Um, no.”

“Oh, baby!” He rubbed his hands together. “Kay, can you cut this and this?” he asked, handing me an eggplant and a package of tofu, then shuffled over to the stove.

I held the two items in the middle of the kitchen, feeling foolish. “How do I cut them?”

He grabbed a large knife from the knife block, handed it to me, then pushed me by my butt over to a cutting board he had placed on the counter.

“Half moons for the eggplant, cubes for the tofu,” he explained.

I stared at the strange vegetable. “Half moons?”

He exhaled out his nose. “Have you ever cooked before, doofus?”

“Not really,” I said, looking down at the knife in my hand.

He sighed, but instead of being condescending, he was very patient and helpful, talking me through cutting the ingredients as he stir-fried some spinach on the stove. It was actually easier than I thought it would be, and soon we were both casually chatting as we prepared dinner.

“What are we making?” I asked him.

“I dunno, I guess an eggplant, spinach, tofu… thingy.”

“Didn”t know you could just wing it like that,” I said honestly.

In the end, we sat at the patio table outside, staring at a crazy good-looking homemade meal consisting of steaming roasted eggplant, spinach, and some very flavorful fried tofu, along with apple cider to drink. Nico smiled at his creation, looking pleased with himself, while I was happy to have at least assisted. 

After dinner, we settled on either side of their big sectional sofa. As I was bigger than him, I took the long seat, while he cuddled up lengthwise with his head beside me. He took off his tank top and tossed it onto the coffee table before “spontaneously” deciding that it would be a fun idea to watch Netflix, turning on the large TV using his phone.

“What are we watching?” I asked, stroking his head.

“Doesn”t matter, just hafta have Netflix on.” He looked up and smirked. I grinned back.

He found some movie with an actor he described as “insanely hot” and let it play for a bit before discreetly sliding his body over next to me. We watched the movie together, but it was impossible to concentrate with him wriggling around next to me. He rolled up against my side, clinging to me with his smooth legs wrapped around mine. I held him to me with one arm, slowly caressing his naked back as he nuzzled his head against my shoulder.

We stayed in that position for a while, enjoying the comfortable closeness and warmth of each other, however it wasn”t long before I felt something hard in his boxers pressing up against my thigh. The fact that he was aroused got me hard too, and I could feel my hard dick straining against the material of my boxer briefs.

He noticed quickly and gently planted his hand on the outline. “You”re hard,” he whispered as I turned to look at him. “Is it because of me?” he asked impishly.

“Perv,” I replied, feigning purity, yet incredibly turned on at the sight of him next to me.

He humped against my leg a single time, pushing his boxers into my bare skin. “Ooh,” he cooed.

I moved my hand down his back, letting my fingertips slide across his skin until they slipped into his boxers. Cupping one cheek, I pulled him lightly into me, causing his erection to grind against my leg.

“Mmmmm,” he moaned erotically, and I continued to slowly and rhythmically grind him into me. His hand, which was still resting on my cock, started rubbing it in tune with the thrusting.

I watched him through the corner of my eye, hopelessly horny and blushing, eyes sealed shut as each thrust generated pleasure deep within him. After a few moments he noticed me watching him, and a small smile spread over his face.

“This is the best,” he whispered, and closed his eyes as I leaned in and kissed him on the nose. That caused him to moan and start humping a bit more forcefully. He tilted his head up and our lips met, slowly caressing, before he sat up a little to kiss me harder, placing one hand on my chest. We made out while he continued grinding his lower body against me, and I removed my hand from his boxers to hold his back.

He started rubbing my underwear more intently, sending waves of warmth rushing through my body. I closed my eyes, allowing the feeling to intensify, as the audio from the film melted into the background.

All at once, everything stopped. My eyes flickered open, saddened by the interruption, wondering why he had stopped. He stood up from the sofa, and in one swift motion, tugged his boxers down to his ankles, stepping out of them. His stiffened four-incher sprang out from its confines into the open air. Its slight left curve was a familiar sight to me, and it waggled happily for a moment before settling down, pointed straight at me, the rosy red tip peeping out.

Now fully naked, he approached me, climbing onto and placing his knees on either side of my body as his balls pressed against mine through my underwear. His hard dick pointed upward, and was drooling. I could feel his body heat radiating, and he could surely feel mine. He began pushing my shirt upward from the bottom, rolling it up my body. I lifted my arms, and he slipped it off over my head, then tossed it onto the coffee table. Our eyes locked, and he licked his lips. It was time.

He slowly leaned forward, putting his hands on my shoulders for balance, and pressed his mouth onto mine. As he shuffled his butt up my body so he was sitting on my chest, I felt the heat of his droopy nuts against my bare skin. We kissed, and he moaned into my mouth as his body pushed his penis down onto my stomach. I could feel his tip leaving a small, sticky trail on me as he squirmed around, our kissing intensifying.

I moved my hands, which were lightly holding the sides of his thighs, up to instead hold his hands. Our fingers interlocked while we kissed passionately, him grinding his lower body against my stomach, moaning with each thrust.

Suddenly, he broke our kiss to look straight down at the action beneath him, an avalanche of sandy blonde hair falling in front of his face. He was breathing erratically, and I felt his pumping increase in frequency. I too looked down towards the action, finding his reddened dick sliding up and down wildly. It looked so delicious, and I decided I wanted nothing more than to put it in my mouth.

I placed a hand against his chest, attempting to stop his humping, but he immediately shoved my hand away, continuing his fervent grinding.

“Nico,” I said, only to be met with his panting, mouth slightly agape and eyes half-closed. “Stop for a second—”

“Hang on…” he cut me off, beginning to speed up, his breaths becoming quicker.

I put my hands on his sides, holding him in place, and he growled.

“Please, I”m so close!” he cried, and desperately attempted to resume his grinding, but I held him firmly in place.

“Let me suck it,” I said, and he opened his eyes completely.

“Yes!” he exclaimed, and went to grab his dick. Holding it with three fingers, he looked up at me with sparkling eyes, but then heard something on the TV and turned his head. It was some action scene, and he stared at it intently, mouth agape, seemingly forgetting what we were doing.

“Nico?” I said, trying to get his attention, and he grunted without looking back. I chuckled, realizing I would probably have to remove the distraction. “Hey, wanna take this to the bedroom?”

He turned and smiled. “Yup. Can we finish the movie though?”

“Sure,” I said. “We can take a shower after this, too, you”re looking a little… sweaty…”

He threw me an uncertain expression before getting up from the sofa, stretching. I rubbed a finger over the slippery trail he left on my stomach, impressed by the sheer amount of goo he managed to dribble out in just a few minutes. He sat back down in my lap, laying naked along my body with his head resting on my shoulder.

I shifted around to get more comfortable, and he did the same. Once comfortable, he looked up and smiled at me, and I looked down at him and kissed him on the forehead, then wrapped my arms around his chest. We lay like that, watching the rest of the movie with the feeling of profound tranquility.

I found myself watching and experiencing him more than the film. He would laugh hysterically during the funny scenes, and make little gasps at every single explosion. There was even a lesbian sex scene, to which he seemed to have little reaction. To verify, I reached down and felt his penis, which was indeed totally flaccid. I played with it, getting to experience every second of its expansion firsthand.

“Stop! That”s not fair! You”re making me hard during the lesbian part,” he grumbled.

Despite his protest, I continued playing with his throbbing stick. For the rest of the movie I casually played with his body, drifting between slowly fondling his shaft, massaging his balls, rubbing his nipples, and just petting him all over. He seemed to love every moment of it, with his dick fluctuating between incredibly erect and restfully soft throughout the film. He was totally relaxed, and it reminded me of the time I held him on the beach. 

Eventually, toward the end of the film, he retrieved his phone from the coffee table. Snuggling back into me, he started playing Minecraft. I resumed fondling his body as he played, slowly losing interest in the movie before turning my attention to his phone.

I had never played Minecraft before, dismissing it as a kid”s game, but watched him play. The movie ended, but I kept watching him, starting to get invested. I asked questions, and he was happy to answer them. Honestly, it seemed like a pretty fun game.

Almost an hour passed, both of us now more interested in the game than anything else; I even stopped fondling him. A message popped up on the screen, which I almost disregarded before seeing it was from Parker.

Parker: Can we video

Nico looked up at me, a thin smile spreading across his face. “Could you imagine if we videoed right now?”

I chuckled nervously. “And he saw you naked cuddled up with me?”

He just laughed, and opened the message. I almost started sweating, but he began typing back to him.

Nico: Not right now maybe later

“Do you guys video a lot?” I asked him.

“Sorta, maybe like five times since the water park.”

“Oh, really? It”s cool that you”re kinda friends now.”

“Yep, he”s fun when he”s not being weird.”

“He”s weird to you sometimes?”

“I mean like when he called us in the car.”


I felt for his penis again, finding it soft, and tugged at his foreskin.

“Mmm, that”s good,” he said, boning up again.

I pinched the skin together, rubbing it between two fingers, and he exhaled happily.

“I love it when you play with me,” he said. “It feels really good.” He turned to face me and I winked at him.

“Shower?” I suggested, patting him on the belly. He quickly stood up, facing his back towards me, and bent over, pulling his butt cheeks apart.

“I don”t need a shower. I”m pretty clean, don”t you think?”

He was correct, his squeaky clean pink anus certainly showed no sign whatsoever of being dirty. I did want him immaculate before I put my mouth on him, though.

“Come on,” I goaded, giving him a shove. “What do you have against showers?”

“I showered yesterday! Can”t we just go to my room?” He clasped his hands together, praying for me to let him skip it.

“It”ll be fun! We can wash each other…” I tried tempting him.

“Fine,” he grumbled, snatching his boxers from the table and plodding over to the stairs. I smiled, and got up to follow him.

His shower was actually a large bath/shower combo with plenty of room for the both of us. He already had the water running when I stepped into the bathroom, but was sitting on the toilet, leaned over, carefully observing his penis. Before I could ask him what he was doing, he noticed me and stood up.

“Let”s go!” he said, opening the sliding glass door of the shower and climbing in.

I took a breath and slid off my boxer briefs, following him in. He stood under the shower head, steamy water pouring over him. It darkened the hair that so gracefully covered his face, and gave his tanned skin a shine that reinforced his absolute beauty. I stood gawking at him, watching as he rinsed himself until he brushed his hair out of his eyes.

He stepped forward and hugged me, pressing my stiffening dick against his belly. Nuzzling against me, he caused it to grow even more, and looked down to see his effect on me.

“So cool,” he whispered, and lowered his head to the level of my crotch. He kissed the tip of my dick and looked up at me, grinning. I smiled back reassuringly, and he reached a hand up to feel my pubes, combing his fingers through them.

While he did this, I shuffled us back towards the water, and grabbed a bottle of shampoo. He seemed to be fascinated by my pubes, and I allowed his curiosity to manifest while I shampooed his hair, careful not to get any in his eyes. He scooped a handful from his head, and applied it to my pubes, working it in while he played with my balls in his other hand. We washed each other”s hair, continuing on to conditioner, bornova escort and then he handed me a bar of soap that smelled amazing.

He giggled when he saw me sniffing the bar. “It”s coconut milk,” he told me.

I moved him out of the water so I could clean his body. He sat down on the edge of the tub, lifting one leg enticingly. I knelt down and gripped the bottom of his foot with one hand while I soaped up his entire leg with the other, making sure to cover every inch, then repeated the process with his other leg. It was fascinating how smoothly the soap slid across his wet skin; I couldn”t even remember the time when I didn”t have body hair to cause friction.

After his legs, I had him lift up so I could quickly get his butt, then moved to his thighs, finding that my cleaning proved quite stimulating to him. I gripped his hard penis with my fingers, examining it like a strange relic. Simple touch proved to be too little for him, and he lifted his hips, grunting at the pleasure he gave himself.

“Can you clean under my foreskin?” he asked.

How could I say no? I slid the foreskin down, inching my head closer to his dick for better precision. The head was pinkish, and the whole thing twitched in my hand. I brought the bar of soap up and carefully pressed it against the bottom of his glans, and his whole body shuddered.

“Oh, wow!” he exclaimed, trying to steady himself by placing his arms behind him.

I cleaned all around, dabbing at every inch with the soap and tugging on his shaft periodically to add to his ecstasy. His eyes rolled back while I continued manipulating and cleaning his dick.

“Wow,” he said again. “Keep… going… nghhh… please…”

I was done cleaning him, but obliged regardless. Setting down the soap, I focused solely on stroking him, stretching his foreskin up and down over his tip. He was breathing rapidly through his nose, each breath becoming slightly louder, and his hips started lifting up. I flicked my tongue against his tip as I masturbated him, and began fondling his balls. For almost a full minute he was grunting and making other passionate vocalizations, and I knew soon it would be too late, so I stopped.

Immediately, he protested. “Wait, no… hey! Keep going!” His eyes flickered in confusion. “Why do you keep stopping?!” he barked, and reached down to jerk himself off. I grabbed both his hands to prevent him.

“W T F?” he shouted, staring at me with wild eyes.

“We”re going to finish this in the bedroom, right?”

“But I want to cum now!” he complained, fixated on his quivering penis.

“It”ll be better anyways if you wait,” I told him, standing up and getting back under the shower. He didn”t move, sitting there in the same position with his face scrunched up in annoyance, watching me as I soaped myself.

“Want to give me a hand?” I asked him, reaching out with the bar of soap. He swiped it, and got to work.

“You”re not really that hairy,” he observed, soaping my chest.

“I could say the same to you,” I replied.

He frowned. “Well, I kinda wish I had a little. I”m almost thirteen, and I don”t have any anywhere. It sucks.”

“Don”t worry, you”ll get some soon.”

“But when? I”m like a little baby,” he sighed, looking down.

“Soon, trust me. You already cum a lot for a twelve-year-old.”

He looked back up, a small smile forming. “Really?”

“A lot,” I assured him with a wink, and he smiled pridefully. “And besides, you don”t want to grow up so fast anyways. Being a kid is an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Don”t take it for granted.”

He thought about it. “Alright, Logan. I love you.”

“Love you too, beautiful.”

“Can you, um, crouch down so I can do your shoulders?”

“Oh, right,” I said, kneeling.

He continued soaping me, feeling my muscles in the process. “You”re so strong. Can you lift me up again?”

“Sure thing,” I laughed, and picked him up by the armpits, holding him in the air for a few moments as his boner unashamedly returned in front of my eyes.

“Man, so cool!” he exclaimed as I set him down.

“I”ve been working out back at college. It”s cool that you like it,” I told him, feeling a little proud of myself.

He went back to soaping me, using both hands to extensively clean my groin area. “Yep, I want to be like you when I grow up. Maybe you can help me out. I wanna try to get on a sports team this year, I”m just not very good at sports.” He twisted a couple of my pubes between his fingers. “And I can”t wait to start shaving, I hope I get to this year.”

I laughed. “You really don”t.” He gave me a look like I didn”t know what I was talking about, then went back to cleaning me.

Once he finished up, he quickly hopped out of the shower, leaving me alone as he toweled off. When I stepped out, I found him putting lotion on, struggling to reach the furthest parts of his back. I stepped over to him and rubbed it in, catching a strong whiff of apples.

We went to the toilet and peed at the same time, letting the streams intermingle. I felt like the happiest guy ever sharing the evening with my best and only boyfriend in the world. He was watching my dick, looking back and forth between mine and his. 

When we finished peeing, he said “Hang on,” and pulled a step stool over to the toilet. Facing me, he placed his hard penis against mine, tugging at it to get it to bone up.

“It”s so big,” he said, feeling them all around as he examined them together. “Yours is darker. Mine”s like a ghost or something. And my skin makes it look completely different.” He pulled the skin down, revealing the pink tip. “Now they”re kinda more similar.”

I let him fondle us for a bit, before small dots of precum eventually formed on our tips.

“Look, they”re boyfriends!” he said, grinning, and pressed the heads together, causing a string of fluid to connect them as they separated. “Wow!” He did it a few more times, making smooching sounds.

Placing them side by side again, he began stroking us simultaneously using one hand. “Mine”s all slippery from the lotion, but yours isn”t. Wanna put some on?”

“Yeah, alright.”

“Can I put it on you?”


He grabbed the bottle and got back on the step stool, and started applying the lotion. When he got to my dick, his mouth was almost watering.

“This will be really nice for when you put it inside me,” he said, squirting a generous amount onto my shaft.

I almost dismissed his comment before I realized what he said. “Nico, no, we can”t do that,” I reminded him.

“What? Why?” he moaned, rubbing lotion into my balls.

“No way. You”re too little, I don”t want you to get hurt.”

“Wh-what? But can we do it for just like a second, then?” He was frantic.

“No, Nico. It”s the one thing we can”t do.”

“But, okay—” He thought for a moment. “I… I have condoms if that”s what you”re worried about!”

He made a move to leave the bathroom, but I grabbed his arm.

“Why do you have condoms?”

“For you, stupid!”

“We can”t have sex, Nico.”

“You really don”t want to do it?”

“I just don”t want to hurt you.”

“It”s not gonna hurt! Or, if it does, I don”t care!”

“Please drop it,” I said firmly.

“Fine,” he said, returning his attention to lotioning me.

He finished lotioning my legs, and I stepped into my underwear. “I”m gonna get my toothbrush, let”s brush our teeth then we can go to bed and have some real fun,” I said, hoping to cheer him up.

“I want dessert, though,” he replied.

“Oh, yeah, sure.”

Together, we went downstairs to the kitchen, him opting to stay naked. Standing on his toes, he opened the freezer and pulled out a container of ice cream. I searched through the cabinets for bowls, but failed to find them. Nico came to my rescue, and placed the bowls on the counter, then went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of caramel syrup while I scooped the ice cream into the bowls. I tossed the empty container into the trash, making note of a full pack of cigarettes at the bottom.

“Want some?” he asked.

“Of course,” I nodded, and he squeezed some into both bowls, scrunching his face in concentration.

I noticed that he had another boner, and couldn”t resist commenting. “Wow,” I said with a snort, “you”re that excited for ice cream?”

He smirked, and after finishing topping the desserts, he drizzled a fair amount of the syrup onto his penis, which was sticking straight out.

“Damn it Nico, we just showered!” I scolded, grabbing the syrup from him.

“Hehe, I”m all dirty again.” He smiled up at me, looking pleased with himself.

“I”m not afraid to make you take another shower,” I threatened, putting the syrup back in the fridge.

“It”s just a little bit,” he assured me. “You can clean me up if you want.” He pushed his hips out, placing both hands on his sides. The caramel glistened under the bright kitchen light, calling to me.

When I knelt before him, he flashed a satisfied grin. Slowly, I moved my head forward, taking his shaft into my mouth. I closed my lips over the base of his penis and used my tongue to feel around. It was hot, and throbbing, and I started licking the underside, swirling my tongue around to the top where the caramel was.

“Whoa,” he said, placing both hands on my head.

I licked it off, enjoying the flavor—which funnily enough was caramel apple due to the lotion—then released his dick from my mouth.

“Some nuts would go good with this,” I said cheekily, lifting his loose, dangling balls in my hand; so cute and small; right on the precipice of growth.

His hand basically teleported to his cock, pumping it forcefully as I slipped his balls into my mouth, sucking on them. He was making all kinds of sounds, from short giggles to deep moans, and I let him jerk himself for a bit before taking his hand away and sliding his whole four inches back into my mouth.

I lapped up the last of the caramel, but continued sucking on his sweet tool, flitting my tongue over every inch of pearly skin. I had no experience giving blowjobs, but I knew what I liked from my time with girls, and did my best to apply it to him. It seemed to work, and as I worked him he grabbed my head harder, pushing his hips into my face and mashing my nose against his pubis.

“That”s sooo good, holy crap!” he squeaked. I stuck my tongue into his foreskin, licking around the head, and he gasped. “Oh my God,” he grunted, “oh my God!”

Once again, after a few seconds, I pulled off, met with some resistance from his hands. “There we go, all clean!” I said.

“Logan!” he shouted, stomping the ground and shaking his fists. “You keep doing it!”

His hand went immediately to his hard dick, jerking it furiously. I reached to restrain his hands, finding it difficult to hold him still.

“Just like ten more seconds!” he protested, but I shook my head.

“Trust me, it”ll be worth it.”

“No, why are you being a dick?!” He broke out of my grasp, putting distance between us. “Let”s go upstairs then, right now!”

“Alright, let”s finish the ice cream so we can brush our teeth and hit the bed.”

He growled in frustration. “Why are you messing with me?”

“I”m not.”

“Let me cum, then!”

“Alright, once we get to your room.”

“Urgh, fine! But you better eat fast!” His face was as red as his penis, and I was starting to feel a little bad for tormenting him, but knew he would appreciate the edging after it was over.

He scarfed down his ice cream still at the counter, then doubled over from the accompanied brain freeze. I had a taste, finding that it was, unsurprisingly, vegan ice cream, and didn”t like it. I told him so, and he swiped my bowl, downing it with a second brain freeze.

After that, I grabbed my toothbrush from the bag and we headed upstairs to the bathroom. His annoyance had seemingly subsided, and he brought the step stool over to the sink in an attempt to equalize our heights, and we brushed our teeth together. There was something special about sharing the normally banal task, and we frequently caught each other”s gazes in the mirror, leading to shared smiles.

I lifted him from the step stool, carrying him to his bedroom and tossed him face-first onto the bed. He bounced, giggling, and I threw myself onto the bed next to him. We lay on our stomachs, smiling at each other, becoming aware of the rain pelting against the window. Using his foot, he lazily caressed my dick through my boxer briefs before sliding them down with his toes.

“Watcha wanna do?” he asked so softly, it was almost a whisper.

“What would you like to do?” I placed a finger on his chest, drawing circles. 

He seemed to already have something in mind, and got up on his knees, turning around to wave his butt in my face.

“Wanna eat my ass?” he asked mischievously, looking over his shoulder.

“Uh, I dunno,” I said honestly. As a bit of a clean freak, I”d never considered it before, just in general.

“Come on, you know I”m super clean… we just showered,” he said, as if he heard my thoughts.

“If that”s what you want to do, we can try it,” I said hesitantly.

“Yesss,” he cheered, waggling his lower body in the air. There was a flash of light outside that illuminated his entire body, and a roar of thunder soon followed. I gripped his ass with both hands, hesitantly pulling his cheeks apart, peering at his butthole. Expecting to be grossed out, I was relieved to find that his ass somehow looked as delicious as the rest of his body. 

To my surprise, I started getting hard, and rubbed my dick for a few seconds to get myself more in the mood. He looked over his shoulder expectantly, and cleared his throat. I slid my hand over his left butt cheek, then pulled it aside, and used my other hand to press a finger up against his hole. A visible shiver rushed through his body. Finally, I spread his cheeks wide open, and tentatively stuck my tongue out, licking the pink skin around his hole.

“Mmmmm,” he hummed, and I reached around him to feel his dick, which I discovered was really hard, and leaking. I took some of his precum on one finger, and rubbed it into his hole. He gasped and pushed back against my finger, which then slid inside of him, just an inch. He moaned as I penetrated him. I pulled my finger out, finding it in pristine condition.

Alright, here we go, I thought, and pressed my tongue into the hole. There was a sweetness, which I realized was his precum, mixed with apples. He must have been very thorough with the lotion. I licked around, then pushed my tongue further inside him. He gasped again, tightening his grip on the sheets.

I ate him out for a minute, and he was really getting into it, making porno moans that resonated throughout the room. It was a little tiring for me, though, and I eventually stopped, flipping him onto his back. His penis was rock hard, and had smeared precum all over his belly. He pulled his arms and legs up, posing like a dog, with his tongue stuck out. I couldn”t believe how cute he looked. I leaned down and kissed his lips, sliding my tongue into his mouth like I just had with his ass as he moaned sexily into my mouth.

I began moving downward, kissing his neck, stopping by each nipple to give them a quick lick, and finally came eye-to-eye with his twitching dick. He had his hands pressed against his face, completely overwhelmed with excitement. I licked up his shaft, lingering at the nub of foreskin at the end, letting my tongue dance around on it, licking up all the precum that was retained there.

Instead of consuming his boner, I moved down even further, taking his nuts into my mouth and running my tongue all around them. His penis was visibly pulsating before my eyes, aching to be sucked on. I caught his gaze, one eye closed, the other begging me to tend to his trembling pole. 

I finally relieved him, taking the entire shaft into my mouth and sucking hard, and was rewarded with a small discharge of precum. Savoring the intense sweetness for only a brief moment, I resumed my sucking, making sure to grope his swollen glans with my tongue which caused him to ball up in a fetal position around my head.

“Wowww,” he moaned, eyes tightly shut, his body busy being pounded with waves of nonstop bliss. He started breathing faster and faster, louder and louder.

I knew I could give him more, though, and used one hand to caress his balls and one finger to rub against the outside of his butthole. He pushed my head down further into his crotch, and his body spasmed around my head.

“I… ungh… it”s… ooh.” He was having trouble formulating words, which just made me feel like I was doing a good job. Suddenly, I felt his balls tighten and his penis swell. I knew he was about to cum, and increased my stimulations all around. 

There was a bright flash, and the sound of thunder echoed through the house. In that moment, he absolutely exploded into my mouth. The gates burst, and warm splashes of thin fluid were released into my mouth as he pushed his dick as far into me as he could, his body fully wrapped around my head with an almost painful grip. It thrashed around in my mouth, firing off so many jets in every direction, that I couldn”t even mentally keep count. I continued massaging his balls, coaxing out every last drop as the taste finally registered: some strange mix of sweet and salty.

He was sucking in air, working through his orgasm that was finally beginning to die down. His grip relaxed, and his penis stopped squirting, instead releasing the last few payloads in small drips, though his toes continued flexing rapidly. I swallowed his offering, then loosened my mouth and his tired penis slowly slipped out, wet with saliva, red with euphoria.

He fell back into the sheets, spent beyond recognition with his eyes rolled back, mouth wide open. “I… love…” he began to say, before trailing off, consciousness slipping away.

It finally hit me how exhausted I was, and I fell down in the bed next to him. My very erect cock was screaming at me to give it attention, but I was just so tired. I moved closer to Nico, pressing his naked body against mine. He didn”t react as I spooned him, and the last thing I remember was pressing my nose into his hair as I fell into the deepest sleep of my life.

I dreamt about living on an island, alone with Nico. We wore no clothes, and abided by no rules. He returned to our little shelter built from various types of foliage and sticks, and dumped all the apples and coconuts he had foraged onto the sand. While I examined his findings, the sky cracked with the deep roar of thunder, instantly stirring me from my slumber.

The room was dark, glowing with the faintest blue light. I turned over, finding my boyfriend sound asleep, face up and covered up to his stomach by the sheets. His limbs were sprawled around the bed, hair looking frazzled, and mouth partially opened and drooling. It was a chaotic scene that was conflictingly peaceful.

Somehow we had drifted apart over the night, which was alright by me, because it was easier to slip out of the bed and head to the bathroom. I had a quick piss and returned, snuggling up into the bed next to him. My eyes closed, and slowly I fell asleep to the sound of gentle rain.

I awoke to find Nico pressed up against the bedroom window, peering out at the imposing gray sky with hands pressed against the window, naked butt facing me. It was still raining, and it felt good to be in bed.

Groggily, I rubbed my eyes. “What time is it?”

He turned to me. “Way late,” he said, tossing me a smile, then took off out of his room, the sound of his running disappearing down the hall.

Perplexed, I searched the room for my underwear, finding it hiding at the bottom of the sheets, and slipped them on before going after him.

“Nico?” I called out, walking along the hallway. He wasn”t in the bathroom, and as I descended the stairs looking around for him, I spotted my shirt by the sofa, which I put back on, as well as my shorts which were still over in the entryway.

“Where the hell did you go?” I muttered to myself, checking the kitchen and dining area. The backyard door was cracked, and I wandered over to it, finding him running around outside in the grass, completely soaked in the rain.

“What are you doing?” I shouted, stepping out under the covered patio.

“Playing!” he shouted back.

I had my first look at their nice yard: a big, grassy field separated by a tile path that led into a forested area in the back. There was a small, wooden structure that looked dedicated to gardening, though it lay unused.

Nico frolicked around with dripping wet hair, doing everything from handstands to front flips. I pulled up a chair and sat down to watch him, amused. It had been a long time since I”d played around like the way he was, but I could never have seen myself reveling in the rain as much as he was.

There is something special about the way children can enjoy the simple things with a seemingly endless amount of energy and happiness. It”s a quality that often seems to get lost with adulthood. He rolled around in the grass, and as I observed him I felt an odd sense of nostalgia, with just a tinge of unexplainable longing.

He stepped onto the patio, completely drenched and sniffling, and he tugged at my arm. “Come on, it”s fun!”

“You”re soaked,” I said pointlessly.

“Want to go on a walk down by the river?”

“There”s a river?”

“Yep, follow me!”

I wasn”t looking forward to going out in the rain, but I was still happy to accompany him. We walked down across the tile path into a very large, almost tunnel-like valley, the sky hidden by dense trees. The ground consisted mostly of mud, leaves, twigs, and small puddles. It reminded me of the path down to our secret beach, only much less tricky to maneuver. I was surprised to find something like this hiding just beyond their backyard.

“Last night was so super amazing incredible,” he said, pulling me along by the wrist. “You”re the best boyfriend, probably in the world!”

“I guess that means you liked it?”

“How were you so good at sucking on my cock?”

I scratched the back of my neck, flattered by his comment. “I dunno. Honestly, I probably picked some of it up from you.”

For a minute he was quiet, possibly lost in thought. As we walked, water poured down on us from the trees.

“Sorry I got a little mad at you,” he finally said. “I thought you were screwing with me cuz you kept stopping me from cumming.”

“But it was worth it in the end, right?”

“Yeah.” He smiled widely. “Oh, and I”m sorry that I never did anything for you cuz I fell super asleep, and like, I”ve never slept that amazingly before.”

“It”s alright, don”t worry about me. We”ve still got another day ahead of us.”

“I”m so excited! I hope it rains all day.”

“You really like the rain, huh?”

“Yep, nobody likes going out in the rain, but I do. It makes me happy, and like, super connected with the Earth, or whatever.”

“Yeah, about that… are you sure you should be walking back here with no clothes? Couldn”t someone see us?”

“Bruh, I”ve never seen anybody back here. It”s kinda like my secret spot, you know how you have your beach, but this place is actually a secret unlike yours.”

I frowned, offended for some reason, but I guess he had a point. We walked for about half a mile through forest before coming across the river he was talking about, which cut through the middle of the valley with incredible force. Nico, the fearless naked kid, walked daringly alongside it. He looked like a wild boy from an ancient tribe, or possibly raised by wolves, with his long, messy wet hair and feet covered in the mud that splashed with each step.

There was a mossy rock we came across in the middle of the river that Nico appeared to recognize, and he veered towards the riverbank. I watched him carefully dip his toes into the water, and before I could react, he leapt out into the flowing river.

“Dude!” I shouted, but he was submerged. I repeated myself as he surfaced, and he turned to grin at me, paddling out towards the rock. “What are you doing?”

“Swimming!” he called back, barely audible over the rushing water.

I went over to the riverbank, feeling the water for myself with my foot, which was absolutely freezing. “Get back here!”

“Come with me!”

“No way!”

He pulled himself onto the rock, sitting his butt on top. “Watch this!” he shouted over the river”s cacophonous roar.

Spreading his legs apart, he started fondling his limp penis that was definitely feeling the effects of the cold water. Miraculously, he got it to grow, and started to masturbate out in the middle of the river. I couldn”t believe him, doing such a thing outside, in the middle of a rainstorm no less.

He sat there, on the rock, just jerking his dick, skinny legs dangling over the edge. bostancı escort My clothes were completely soaked, and I was starting to feel the cold. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and though I would have greatly preferred to be back in his warm house, I couldn”t seem to look away, entranced more by his brazenness than the sexy display.

His legs kicked out periodically, and I”m sure if I was closer I would have been able to hear the accompanied moans. It didn”t take long for him to reach his limit, and I could only watch from a distance as his legs stiffened, face squeezed together in a concentrated grimace as he fell forward into the water. My stomach dropped; I wasn”t sure if he orgasmed or not, but it wasn”t important because my only thought consisted of diving into the water and going after him.

I immediately jumped into the cold water, paddling over to where he was floating, having just broken the surface. He was facing away from me, and I put my hand on his shoulder, spinning him around. When he saw me, his face lit up, and I just shook my head in disbelief as I paddled us over to the riverbank.

I collapsed onto the ground, weighed down by my wet clothes, my limbs getting absolutely caked in mud. “Why did you do that?” I shouted.

“Huh? Are you mad?” He stood beside me, looking down at my sopping figure.

“It”s fucking freezing,” was all I could manage to say, shivering.

“Why did you jump in then?”

“Because… I was worried,” I sniffled, spitting out water.

“I”m fine, Logan. Are you?”

“Just don”t do shit like that!” I shouted, my tone heated by my frustration. “It freaks me out, alright? If you got hurt, I don”t know if Grace would kill me before I did myself.”

“But I”m not hurt, Logan!” His eyebrows slanted in confusion.

“I know, but you could have been, again! You cut yourself in order to get close to me, and you want me to hurt you by us having sex! It shouldn”t be like this. I… I”m not worth your pain.” I fell forward into the mud, rolling myself onto my back.

He looked down at me with a concerned expression. “You should take these off.”

I let him pull my shirt and shorts off, leaving me as naked as him. He dipped them in the river, washing the mud off, and wrung them out. It was still raining, but he did manage to get most of the water out. He reached a hand out, and I took it, but he wasn”t strong enough to pull me up, so I let go and got up myself, taking my clothes from him.

We headed back to the house, saying little until he piped up. “Are you mad at me?”

I turned to him as he continued walking, staring straight ahead. “I don”t know. I guess not. I just wish you”d be more careful sometimes.”

“Sorry,” he said, drooping his shoulders.

“It”s okay,” I said with a sigh, understanding that he ultimately couldn”t help being a kid.

We walked quietly back towards his house. It was jarring to me, being outside without clothes, but he was right. If nobody typically went back there, there was only less of a reason to during a rainstorm. 

We made it safely back to his house, dripping water on the patio. He started shaking his head like a dog, droplets of water flying out of his hair all over the place. He then made a circle with his hands and started pushing the water down his body, starting from his chest and going down his legs. After he finished himself, he did me. If I wasn”t so cold, his intimate touch would have been arousing.

I stepped inside, not completely dry, but enough to not be dripping all over the place, then took him upstairs, straight to his bathroom where I started pouring us a hot bath.

He was shivering now, and stood by me, holding his hands over the bath like it was a fireplace. I couldn”t wait, and got in before the bath was done filling up. Nico went to retrieve some bath salts from under the sink, and dumped a bunch of it all over me, concentrating most of it on my crotch. He got in, taking his rightful spot on top of me, the water not quite covering us yet, and let out a loud sigh. Some of the bath salts pressed uncomfortably between us, and I lifted him up to brush the granules into the water.

His hair was cold and pressed against my collarbone, so I brought up handfuls of hot water to drizzle into it, and splashed some water onto our bellies to warm us up as the tub continued filling. He was humming as we lay together, soaking.

My penis, which was jammed up against his back, started to stiffen as my body regained its warmth. He felt it growing which made him laugh childishly, and turned his head to look at me with playful eyes.

“You still don”t want to put it in me, right?” he asked, wiggling himself up my body so it slipped into his crack.

“No. But this is fine. Comfortable,” I replied, running my hand over his belly and brushing my fingers against his pubis. Unsurprisingly, I came in contact with his hard dick, making it twang.

The bath finished filling, and he leaned forward to turn off the water. He sighed again, leaning back to relax, our skin-on-skin connection both sensual and comforting, my dick happily resting in the crevice of his butt.

I rested my hands on his thighs and closed my eyes, deeply enjoying the personal moment, the warmth of the bath and our relationship filling me with an unexplainable fuzzy feeling.

“Warming up?” I asked softly.

“Oh yeah,” came his reply. “Wanna play?”

“We can play after, I kinda just wanna relax right now.”

“Okay.” He went quiet, but was fidgeting like he wanted to ask me something. Eventually, he did. “Can you, um, put your fingers inside of me?” he asked timidly. “That would make me really relaxed.”

I chuckled at his request. “Sure.”

Dipping my hand underwater, I reached around his thigh, using an index finger to massage his small opening.

“Ohhh,” he groaned as I teased the hole, getting it ready for insertion.

After a few seconds, I used my middle finger to push inside, and was met with basically zero resistance, entering him easily. I wiggled my way in, feeling around the inside of his ass for the first time; a strange, new sensation to me, but not to him. He squirmed around on my finger, sliding it deeper inside of him as he moaned contentedly. Finally, we reached my second knuckle and could go no further. His penis, which I could see from over his shoulder, was hard as steel, and was sticking out straight, barely breaching the surface of the water.

I didn”t want to finger fuck him, though, instead I just very slowly felt around, massaging him from the inside. And that”s how we relaxed together, in the bath.

“So, how was your week?” I said, laughing at the idea of casual conversation with the boy whose ass I had a finger inside of.

He found it funny and laughed, too, which I could feel very intimately. “It was good. Kind of boring, until you came over. Oh, I had a sleepover at my friend Aaron”s, and the funniest thing happened, you”ll never guess!”

I tapped him on the inside twice, which he deciphered as me telling him to go on.

“Alright, so, I went over to his house on Thursday right, and he likes to make YouTube videos for some reason. He”s a sixth grader, so ya know, pretty dumb, but whatever.”

I laughed internally at whatever mindset he was in that made sixth graders so significantly dumber than seventh graders.

“I was actually telling him about you, and how strong you are,” he continued.

“Nico, please, please, please don”t tell people about me.” I slid my finger out of him to reinforce my point.

“Wait, I didn”t tell him your name or anything, don”t worry! Just said you”re really strong. Can you please put it back in?” He looked like a sad puppy. I did, and he groaned again, so I slipped it out and back in a few more times while he made bubbles in the water with his mouth. “Okay, that feels really good. Keep doing it?”

I kissed him on the head as I pushed in and out of him, to his delight.

“So anyway, he was like, “Bet I”m stronger”, and I”m like, “Nuh-uh”, so we go to the weight room in his house and gives me his phone and says “Film this”. I”m like, “Kay, sure”. Nnnngh. I”m recording him and he”s lifting weights and doing all this crap, then he says, “This is ya boy Aaron, and I”m the strongest kid out of Nico and all his weird friends.” Then, he starts trying to rip his shirt that he”s wearing, but he can”t cuz he”s a total weakling, and he”s also doing it wrong, trying to rip from the middle. Nhhh… can you do two fingers now?”

Not wanting to be too rough for him, I slipped my finger out and tentatively prodded at his opening with two. Once it felt like I could get in there with both, I slowly but surely pushed them in, and his whole body shook mid-sentence.

“I told him… unnnhhh… I told him to rip from the collar, and he does and totally destroys the shirt. And then, his dad came in, and oh my God he was sooo pissed. Aaron says something like, “Derp, one of the machines actually ripped it”, but his dad was like “No way” and made me give him the phone and watched the video and saw that he totally… guhhh… did rip his shirt, so he took his phone away and made us go outside.”

At the time, I had no idea the power of prostates, so when I rubbed against a lump inside of him that caused him to whine and buck his hips, I kept pressing it as he did his best to finish the story.

“Uhhhhh… so, we”re in his backyard and he has this trampoline, and… unnnhhh… he”s… oof… he… jumping… holy crap, Logan, aaahhh…”

He leaned his head further back against me, and thrust his hips up, suspending his quivering dick out of the water. I never let up, massaging his prostate cyclically with each finger fuck. He attempted to continue his tale, but his efforts proved useless as intense waves of pleasure tore through him.

I never meant to take things this far, intending for us to just take a nice, relaxing bath, but the mysterious button inside of him was a super interesting discovery for me, and I became determined to find out what it was all about. Watching how intensely his penis was twitching, I pushed in deeper, rubbing my fingers all over his prostate while he squealed on top of me.

“Hhhhhh… unnnhhh…”

His breathing became rapid, and in a matter of seconds his hips shot up as far as he could get them. I felt his butthole tighten around my fingers as he cried out, the first spurt firing out and splattering against his face. He exhaled and with a second, satisfied cry, expelled another shot of cum all over his stomach. I saw his penis, thrashing about and cumming without any stimulation of its own, completely shocked that such a thing was possible. Alas, I kept rubbing the spot inside of him, and it kept spurting out its juices for several moments until he dropped his butt back into the tub, the last few drops dribbling down his shaft. He lay on top of me, whimpering and trying to catch his breath.

“Holy fuck, Nico! That was a lot, and I didn”t even touch your dick!” I reached over and took his voided shaft in my fingers, examining his clear drippings. My own dick was trapped underneath him, fully aroused by the affair.

He took several deep breaths, swallowing a mouthful of air. “Well… if you… rub me there… of course I”m gonna… cum… really hard… wow…”

“What do you mean? What was that?”

“Logan…” he breathed, “you”re so… dumb…”


He pressed his palm against his chin, collecting the semen that was spilled there, and licked it up. I wrapped my arms around his belly, pulling him into me and my erection, and groaned. He giggled, seemingly happy to be used for my pleasure.

“Want me to do you now?” he asked, turning around and putting his knees between my legs, his still-erect penis aimed straight at me.

“Nah… I really did just want to relax in here. Sorry for getting carried away.”

“That was amazing incredible crazy good… the best one in a while.” He looked down hungrily at my stiff penis before catching my gaze. “You sure?”

“Yeah, come on. Let”s just lay together.”

“Okay,” he grumbled, turning himself around and laying back down on me.

“So then what happened?” I asked him.

“Huh? Oh! Hehe,” he giggled, remembering the story he was telling. “It”s not important. Wasn”t good anyways,” he assured me with a short laugh.

It caused me to laugh too, and soon he was shaking on top of me as our combined chuckles reverberated through the bathroom.

I descended the stairs, naked save for a towel around my waist, in pursuit of my backpack. Nico lay upside-down on the sofa, talking with someone on the phone. He was only wearing an oversized shirt, and just when I thought I recognized it, I saw my backpack open on the sofa next to him, and smirked. Shaking my head, I made my way over to him, and he smiled as he noticed me approaching. I started rifling through the bag for a fresh pair of clothes, when something very unsettling happened.

“What the fuck!” came a high-pitched squeal from Nico”s phone.

Alarmed, I gasped unintentionally, knocking my backpack to the floor. 

“Logan?” Parker”s voice registered uncomfortably with me, knowing I was caught with Nico after recently blowing him off for artificial plans.

“Um… yeah, hi,” I replied, picking my backpack up.

“Yeah!” Nico chirped excitedly to the phone. “Guess who”s been staying with me for the weekend?” He turned the screen towards me. “This handsome dude!”

I turned to see Parker”s face on the screen, eyes narrowed.

“Well hey Logan, your friend”s rather small for a college student,” he remarked with a snarl.

“Um—” Nico began, clearly a little confused.

“You lied to me!” The phone sniffled. 

I went over to Nico, snatching the phone from his hand. Parker”s eyes were squinted in betrayal, wet with legitimate tears.

“Parker, just hear me out real—”

“No, you lied! You”re a bad cousin!” he screamed. “Fuck you!”

The phone beeped with the disconnect tone. I stared into the distance, stunned, then dropped the phone on the sofa and turned away, thinking about my poor cousin whose trust in me had just been demolished.

“Shit,” I said quietly, shaking my head.

“Uh… sorry,” Nico said sheepishly. He was sitting up on the sofa, staring at the ground.

“Not your fault,” I grumbled.

“So what happened?” he asked, tucking his knees into the shirt.

I told him about my text conversation with Parker the other day, and how I blew him off a little to ensure we could spend a romantic weekend together.

“You could just tell him you skipped out on your other friends to see me,” he suggested, “like it was a last minute thing.”

I shook my head. “I don”t think so. Lying got me here. I owe it to him to tell the truth.”

I sat down on the edge of the sofa, picking up my backpack from the floor, and fished out a pair of shorts and boxer briefs. Setting my towel down, I noticed Nico eyeballing my junk.

“Ooh la la,” he said as I stepped into the underwear. I ignored him, having been pulled out of the mood.

“I should call him,” I said, mostly to myself.”I don”t want him to have his weekend ruined because of me.”

Nico grunted, and I grabbed my phone from my bag and left him to go upstairs to pace around nervously in his bedroom. I tried calling him, carefully stepping around all the clothes on the floor as the phone rang and rang. It was clear he wasn”t going to pick up, so I texted him instead.

Me: I”m sorry dude, that was shitty of me

Me: The truth is I”m sort of babysitting him since his mom is out of town, we probably could have come up to see you but I kind of wanted to spend it alone with him because I”m leaving soon and won”t get another opportunity like this

Me: I swear I”ll come visit next weekend, and Nico too if he can

Me: Sorry again

I realized I was sweating, and went to the bathroom to wash my face. When I looked up into the mirror, I saw Nico standing in the doorway.

“Why”s Parker been so weird and kinda annoying lately?” he asked, walking over to me. “Does he hate you?”

“No,” I said, putting an arm around him. “He”s normally fine, I don”t know what”s gotten into him. He seems stressed out about something. Maybe about us. Maybe it”s bothering him that we”re… together.”

“I dunno, he”s always kinda asking to hear about all the awesome cums you give me.”

I frowned at him, then went back downstairs to finish getting dressed.

We took the rest of the day slowly. Nico made lunch with me attempting to help again, and then we just hung out on the sofa for a while. The rain finally died down to a light drizzle, and things were more than cozy.

I scrolled through Instagram while Nico lay on top of me in my lap, casually naked as usual. He was watching YouTube, and after some time tried to show me some videos that he liked. They weren”t really good in my opinion, and after getting bored enough I told him apologetically that I wasn”t really interested. He was determined though, and instead went to some porn website where he started playing some gay porn. I tried watching with him, but really wasn”t into that. He was very aroused though, so I settled for fondling him while he watched.

While I played with him, I found I couldn”t keep my mind off his messy room. After bringing him to the brink of ejaculation, I decided to use that as leverage to get him to go clean it with me.

I stopped jerking him, placing an open hand over his penis. “Hey, I”ll suck your ding-dong again if you come clean your room with me.”

“But, that sounds boring! My mom will probably clean anyway after she gets back. Can”t you just suck me now?”

“It won”t be boring, we”ll make it fun! It won”t take long at all. Plus, think how happy your mom will be when she gets back!”

“Well, can I at least finish the video?”

I got out from under him, leaving him alone on the sofa. “Okay, but no touching yourself!”

“What?” he moaned. “But I wanna!”

“Just think about how much better it”ll be with my mouth. If you cum now, I”m not gonna do it for you later.”

“Fine, jerk,” he said, cracking a smile as he resumed his porn, his flaccid noodle rising into a strong erection within seconds.

In his closet, I found a small bluetooth speaker, and after checking if it was charged, it powered on, no problem. It must have automatically connected to his phone, because some pop music with a female singer started playing.

Within moments, the door burst open, and stared at me from the doorway. “Who are you, and why are you playing Ariana Grande?”

I laughed and showed him the speaker, then got back to cleaning. He joined in, and actually had a big grin as we started picking up his clothes together, dropping them into the hamper I carried around, dancing to the music.

As we cleaned the room, I tried my best to make the experience fun for him. We”d throw shirts around, like a game of catch. Another time, I picked up pairs of his boxers and sniffed them, pretending to start gagging, and he stared at me like I was an idiot.

When he started to get bored and stop helping, I went and lifted him up from under his arms and played with his nipples until his penis got hard and stuck out, which I then licked slowly and erotically from base to tip. Logan, the guinea pig, watched this all unfold from a distance with apparent fascination.

I was fetching a sock from under his bed when I spotted a mahogany wooden storage box, shaped a bit like a briefcase. Curiously, I pulled it out and set it on the bed.

“Hey, what”s this?” I asked him, searching for a way to open it.

He was gathering a bundle of swimsuits and turned to me. “Oh!” he exclaimed, dropping them all, and rushing over. “I call it my sex box.”

“What”s it, filled with cum or something?” I teased.

He rubbed his chin. “Mmm, maybe a little.”

He flipped it around, and opened it up. Inside was a variety of sex toys and other random stuff. My eyes widened as I took stock of it all. 

“You know this one,” he said, holding up the buttplug that was bejeweled with the red heart. “This one was awesome, but it stopped working,” he said, pulling out a small, purple vibrator. “Oh yeah, and I got this lube for Christmas like two years ago with the plug, and I still haven”t run out,” he told me, showing me the big bottle and smiling excitedly, like he was a little kid sharing his favorite toys. I guess he was, in a sense.

He showed me the rest of the stuff, which consisted of a few small, colored rings that he called “cock rings”, a fleshlight that looked rather old, ugly, and overused, and most curiously, a small strap-on dildo. I was about to ask about it when I noticed a small envelope beneath all the toys, and took it out of the box.

“Oh, that”s… um…” he stammered.

I opened it and removed two small, printed photographs. One was from two years ago of me, Nico, and Grace in the shop. It was strange because I remembered the day the photograph was taken: the two came into the store, and Grace had a selfie stick she had just bought from a thrift shop, eager to try it out. We were all posed together, Nico hugging my side, and Grace holding the stick out, wearing her sunglasses indoors.

The other photo was just us, at the beach. We were shirtless, and he stood in front of me with my arms wrapped gently around his shoulders. The scene was bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun. He looked so cheerful, like he couldn”t contain the excitement he exuded.

I remembered the look in his eyes when he came into the store by himself and asked if I wanted to go swimming with him after I finished work; the way he held his little sun hat in front of him, looking unsure of himself while being unable to meet my gaze. He had changed so much in just two years, and for a second I wondered if maybe I was the catalyst, and if my absence was responsible for his personality shift. Perhaps it was just him growing up normally and finding himself.

Instantly, I was pulled out of the memory upon noticing the photo was stained, most likely with cum. I turned to him and gave a disapproving frown, and he smiled back innocently.

We resumed our preteen boy bedroom purification, picking up the last of the mess on the floor. I opened up the sliding doors of his closet, in search of another hamper or basket I could carry more clothes with, and noticed a rolled up sleeping bag in the corner. Moving it to the side, I found a big gray duffel bag behind it.

“Hey, is this camping stuff?” I asked from the depths of the closet.

“Huh?” came Nico”s reply. He scurried over, squeezing himself into the closet next to me. “Oh yeah! Mom and I went camping last year, in the forest out back. It was kinda lame, though.”

I turned to him. “You thinkin” what I”m thinkin”?”

He thought for a second, then gasped. “That you”re gonna do my blowjob?” he asked excitedly.

“Ye—wa… no!” I shouted, giving him a shove. “That we could go camping tonight!”

“Oh. Yeah!” His face lit up. “But, it”s all muddy in the forest.”

“We can just do it in your backyard. Maybe even make a fire.”

“Oh my God oh my God oh my God!” he squealed. “That sounds so fun!” He dove between my legs, grabbing for the camping gear.

“Hang on,” I said, and sat down on his butt.

“Hey!” he whined, squirming around beneath me.

“Let”s finish cleaning your room, then we can start setting up camp.”

“Okay,” he said cheerfully, then started struggling again. “Are you gonna get off of me?”

“I”m thinking about it,” I said contemplatively.

He tried pushing me off, but failed to lift my weight. I started standing up, just enough to let him roll over onto his back, then sat back down on his front. He raised an eyebrow in confusion until I leaned down to kiss him, initiating another heavy makeout session.

A few minutes later, we stepped out of the closet, both flustered. I still needed something to fit more clothes into, and Nico led me to the laundry room where I grabbed a spare basket.

After cleaning the rest of the clothes, we turned our attention to his desk, which was looking ready for school with all the scattered stationery laying on it. We cleared it all off, and afterwards he even wiped down Logan”s glass cage, both inside and out. When we finished, we stood side-by-side, admiring the spotless room.

“I don”t get it,” he said, turning to me. “It”s just gonna be messy again tomorrow.”

“That”s the beauty of cleaning,” I said, patting him on the shoulder.

“That”s dumb. Can we do my blowjob now?” he asked, looking up at me with pleading eyes.

I pushed him onto the bed and gave him one hell of a blowjob, even using some of the lube to stick a finger in him until his balls ejected their juice into my mouth. buca escort

The rest of the evening continued similar to the prior evening, with homemade dinner and a movie. This time, though, he lay face down on me on the sofa, one arm draped off the edge, his face cuddled into my neck as we watched the movie together.

Afterwards came more Minecraft, though he gave me the phone to play this time, and cuddled into my lap to watch me try it out. I clearly wasn”t playing to his liking, as he kept scolding me and throwing out advice until he eventually snatched his phone back.

I excused myself and went upstairs to piss, and checked my phone for any replies from Parker, but found nothing. Afterwards, I went into Nico”s room to gather the camping supplies. There was only one sleeping bag I could find, but I had a feeling that wouldn”t be a problem for us. I grabbed the bluetooth speaker for good measure, and then went back downstairs to find Nico masturbating on the sofa, several fingers plunging in and out of his ass. His eyes were shut tightly, the room was filled with his lusty breathing. It must have been exhausting, having such a relentless sex drive.

I shook my head as I walked casually by him, taking the supplies out to the yard; I don”t think he even noticed that I came back downstairs. It had stopped raining, but the grass was still a little wet. I flipped the patio lights on, which illuminated the yard, giving it a cozy, homely feel. While dragging the duffel bag into the middle of the yard, I looked up at the sky, which was darker, but less gray than before.

The bluetooth speaker started playing Nico”s music when I turned it on. I connected my phone to it, putting on one of my Foo Fighters playlists; an older band that my mom got me into as a teen.

Nico opened the door to the patio and stepped out. The bright patio light illuminated his sun-kissed skin, and highlighted a few small, shiny droplets just below his belly button.

“What you doin”?” he asked, rubbing his eyes.

“Setting up the tent,” I said, beckoning him over. I had pulled everything out of the bag, but was unsure how to actually start putting it all together. “How do I do it?”

“What? I thought you knew!”

“I”ve never camped before! I thought you did it with Grace.”

“Well, yeah, but I didn”t make the tent.” We both looked over at the materials strewn about the yard.

“I”ll watch a video on it,” I finally said, and pulled out my phone.

“Kay,” he said, and sat down at the table with me as I opened a YouTube tutorial. The process was actually quite simple. Nico hummed along to my music while I quickly absorbed the information from my phone.

“What”s this?” he asked, and I realized he was asking about this music.

“Foo Fighters,” I told him. “One of those “old songs” you said nobody liked.”

He smirked. “Gotta piss,” he said, hopping up and skipping inside.

Feeling confident about the instructions, I started piecing the tent together. Slowly but surely, it was all coming together. Nico came back out with his guitar, and sat down near me in the grass as I worked.

“What was the song that was playing when I was out here?”

“The Pretender,” I replied.

“Can I see your phone?”

“Sure.” I took it out of my pocket and handed it to him.


“Six, four, two, six”.

He spent the next fifteen minutes trying to learn the tabs for the intro riff, with pretty moderate success, while I concurrently put the tent together. 

“Nice job!” I said to him after the first time he finally played it flawlessly. 

“Thanks!” he said, smiling and blushing.

Once I finished setting it up, I took a step back to examine it, making sure everything was secure. Nico noticed, and rushed inside. He then zipped it up, and I could hear him shuffling around.

I started walking around, checking every side when suddenly a light turned on in the tent.

“Can you see this?” Nico asked. A light turned on, and I realized he was using my phone”s flashlight.


“What about now?” A large shadow appeared on the side of the tent, that eventually morphed into a giant hand. He flexed his fingers.

“Hah, cool,” I said.

The shadow disappeared, then was replaced with another indistinguishable one.

“How”s this?”

I squinted at it, having an idea of what he was getting at. “What is it?” I asked, cracking a smirk.

He pulled the phone back, and the object came into focus; what I presumed to be his limp dick and balls.

I laughed. “Nice,” I said.

“Keep watching!” he shouted, giggling along with his manipulations.

The dangly shadow noodle that rested atop the large sphere started rising ever so slowly with his heartbeat, until it was sticking out at thirty degrees. Even at its maximum size, it continued to pulsate, each tiny movement amplified by the projection.

“Isn”t that funny?” he asked with a snort.

“It”s something alright,” I replied, feeling my dick starting to his within the confines of my shorts.

He giggled, and his hand appeared to tug down his foreskin, altering the silhouette. He tugged on it a couple more times, and I watched with fascination. Eventually, he got bored and came out of the tent, and his rigid pole wilted in the cool, open air.

“Welp, tent”s looking good,” I told him. “I”m gonna run upstairs and get some towels from the bathroom so we can lay in the grass. Want me to grab anything else?”

“Cool!” he said, then thought for a moment. “Can you bring the lube from my box?”

“Sounds like you”ve got plans,” I said. He smiled innocently, and I headed into the house.

I went upstairs, collecting the towels and the lube from his “sex box”, taking just a few seconds to revisit the photograph of us at the beach; a truly wonderful memory, before heading back outside.

Nico lay flat in the grass, staring upwards with the guitar resting atop his body. He plucked at it, playing random notes. I laid the towels out next to the tent, then went over to move his guitar so I could lift him up and set him back down on one of the towels. Feeling like I was finally ready to enjoy the evening, I plopped down on the towel next to him and let out a sigh of relief.

“This is so nice!” Nico exclaimed. “Just wish we had a fire.”

“Yeah,” I said, turning my head to him. He stared up into the sky with shimmering eyes, alight with the reflection of the stars. The moon was out in its first quarter phase, highlighting his skin with its piercing azure light.

He caught me staring, reacting with a small, reassuring smile, and placed a hand in the grass beside me. I took it and squeezed it gently, then he reached out his leg, prompting me to do the same. He nuzzled his affectionately against mine.

Together, we gazed upward at the vast expanse of countless, tiny dots, unblemished by any city lights. It was a view that I knew I would forever onward associate with Nico, my young boyfriend who showed me that the universe was a lot brighter than I thought. I closed my eyes, snapshotting the moment into my memory.

I opened my eyes and shuddered when I saw Nico”s face staring back at me. He was partway through climbing atop me, straddling me between smooth legs. I looked around, remembering we were out in the backyard, just the two of us and the pleasant nightly chirping of crickets.

“Hey,” I said groggily, rubbing an eye with the back of my hand. “Did I fall asleep?”

“I dunno. Did you?”

“I don”t know.”

He giggled, jiggling atop my chest. “Is tonight the night?”

“Huh?” I said, raising an eyebrow.

He shuffled down my body, unzipping my shorts. “For you to do me. In the butt.” He pulled them off, tossing them over into the tent. 

“Nico,” I said seriously, “we”re not gonna do it “in the butt”. Sorry, but I just really don”t want to cause you any pain. Not again.”

“What?” he pouted. “Come on! I don”t care if it hurts!”

“But I do.”

He grumbled. “But I”m so horny!”

“How the hell are you still horny? Haven”t you cum like… four times today or something?”

“So? I”ve done it like eight times in a day before.”

I laughed; I guess puberty really was in full swing. “I”ll use my fingers again, if you want,” I offered.

His frown faded, and he cheerfully nodded. He practically ripped my boxer briefs down while I pulled off my shirt, and tossed my clothes into the tent. I noticed him eye-fucking me as he stood up and went to go sit back down on his towel.

He laid back, resting his head in his hands and bending his legs. I walked on my knees over to the end of his towel, happy and eager to give him more pleasure. His butthole was loosened about the width of a pencil, and I delicately teased it with a finger while he cooed enthusiastically.

“Did you bring the lube?” he asked.

“Oh, yeah, one sec,” I said, and went to retrieve it from the tent. He lay still, unmoving except for his delectable, inflating penis. I resumed my position and squirted a little onto my index finger, rubbing it around his opening.

“You”re always taking it slow with me,” he said thoughtfully, and paused. “You take the best care of me. And my butt. And my cock.” He winked. “I love you,” he said warmly.

I choked up. “Aw, Nico,” I said softly. “Don”t make me cry,” I whispered, actually tearing up. “I love you too!”

I abandoned his hole and leaned over him to kiss him on the lips. It was short and sweet, but most importantly, loving and tender. A stray tear slipped out of my eye, landing in the grass, infusing with the rain from a perfect day.

“Time to take care of you, lover,” I whispered.

Resuming my duty, I placed one hand on his knee while effortlessly sliding a finger into him.

“Oooh,” he moaned, and his knees smacked together.

I knew how best to take care of him this time, and quickly found his prostate, gliding a finger across it.

“F-fuck,” he grunted, biting his lip, and I saw his penis spit out a modicum of precum with actual momentum.

Backing off of his prostate, I instead pushed in and out of him, taking small breaks to circle his hole and knead his taint. His tongue was forced unwittingly out of his mouth as his body took control, his mind taking on the role of a spectator.

Meanwhile, my own mind was yelling at me to start licking him, and I gave in easily. I leaned forward and began to lick his thigh, tasting nothing but Nico. The second my tongue grazed him he gasped, and forced his legs open as far as they would go. Keeping up my onslaught on and around his hole, my tongue climbed upwards, finding his nuts. I rolled my tongue around each of them, lifting them from the bottom as his whole body squirmed. Grasping his twitching prong between four fingers of my spare hand, I began rapidly and diligently jerking him off.

I licked up his shaft, tasting a candy-like sweetness at the apex.

I licked his naked pubis, which I knew would some day soon be home to a sprinkling of small, feathery hairs.

I licked his belly button, pushing my tongue inside, remembering what it was like to have it in him not long ago.

I licked his nipples, erotically hard from the unbearable stimulation.

I licked his neck, causing it to vibrate as he vocalized his bliss into a high-pitched moan.

I licked his lips, prompting him to part them, and allow me to kiss him deeply.

As we kissed, my erection accidentally slipped up against his slickened hole, causing me to shiver. I desperately wanted nothing more than to push inside him, to join him in his pleasure, but I came to my senses and reigned my lust in. This was never about my desires, it was about Nico, and giving him the happiness I knew he deserved.

I wanted every inch of his body to feel good, to feel cared for, and when his whole body tensed up and quaked with a fierce orgasm, I knew I had succeeded. With our lips still locked, his tender, reddened stiffy squirted out its fifth load of the day: a single, small, clear jet that streaked across his panting belly. He practically shouted into my mouth, and I carefully retracted my finger from him.

“How was it?” I asked, swirling around the runny seed on his tummy.

“Insane,” he said between breaths. “I love you. Thank you.”

I left him to recover in the grass while I slipped into the tent to grab my phone, and put some calming, chill music onto the wireless speaker, then rejoined him on the ground, cuddled up next to him.

My dick was still stiff and pointed straight towards the sky. Nico reached casually over to touch it, then started playing with it. He rubbed it, enjoying the feel, and repeatedly drummed a finger over the tip, smearing my precum all around. I closed my eyes and let the sensations overtake me. Though I knew he wasn”t trying to get me off, just giving me loving attention as we lay together, I enjoyed his touch all the same.

He stroked me for about ten minutes before abruptly gasping and pulling his hand away. Surprised, I opened my eyes to find him, mouth agape, staring up into space.

“Shooting star!” he cried breathily.

“Where?” I shouted, sitting up and looking around rapidly, but finding nothing.

He chuckled. “Ah, it”s gone now.”

“Damn,” I said. “Missed it.”

He closed his eyes and smiled, before opening them again and finding me watching him. “Made a wish,” he explained.

“What did you wish for?” I asked, curious to hear what he found important to him.

“Can”t tell you.”

“Oh, right.”

He squeezed his hands together tensely. “I wished to grow some hair!” he hastily admitted.

I chuckled. “You don”t want that. Besides,” I said to him, rubbing a hand over his naked pubis. “I kinda like you smooth,” I said, patting it twice reassuringly.

He giggled at the ticklish sensation. “Okay, well I also wished that you wouldn”t leave me again in a few weeks,” he said with an aura of sincerity.

I frowned and looked away, almost ashamed that I had to.

“Sorry, but you can”t have two wishes,” I said, trying to lighten the mood, then leaned in and whispered in his ear, “That”s illegal.”

He giggled again. “And for my third wish, I wish we go into the tent… and have some fun.”

I grinned. Well, at least this one I could help him with. He grabbed the lube that lay in the grass and stood up, taking me by the wrist, and led me through the small entrance. I could sense from the loud crickets that it was getting rather late.

Once we were inside, he pushed me down gently onto the sleeping bag. I watched his naked form, a true work of art, as he zipped the tent up, before turning to me, face glowing with uncontrollable excitement. He knelt down and climbed up my body, until his dick, still miraculously hard after five orgasms, was lined up with mine, and ground against it once. We both moaned, the varying pitches melting into each other.

He slid further upwards, so that my cock was pressed into his butt crack, and reached around, holding it in his hand as he slid it across his hole. I looked at him, one eye twitching from the stimulation, and saw his expression of hope and nervousness.

I opened my mouth to speak, still formulating my words in my head, and then said it.

“It”s not going inside, you fiend.”

He laughed and got off of me. “Okay, okay, fine.”

He grabbed the bottle of lube and squeezed out a large handful, rubbing it onto my cock. It was a little cold, but I quickly got used to it. He applied what was left to his upright penis, then with a smirk, tossed the bottle away and dove onto me, our slippery penises sliding all over each other. Electricity coursed through me as his four inches ground against my seven, and I looked down between us to see them both pressed up against each other; the happiest little couple in the world.

I never thought anything could feel that incredible, but then he started humping me and my mind went blank. He looked down to see the action for himself, causing the ends of his blonde hair to fall and brush against my chest. I reached around him, hugging him into me, mashing our genitals together even harder. With each thrust, he and I uttered a small gasp, and I felt his warm breath against my chest.

I let go of his back and took hold of his thighs, trying to grind him even harder into my throbbing cock that so desperately needed release after all the erotic moments it had survived over the course of the last two days. Our moans permeated the tent, a cacophony of shared pleasure between man and boy. He lifted his head up, face contorting in a wince with each thrust. I looked down at our penises which were just two glistening blurs soaked in fluids, not entirely sure if I was seeing more lube, or precum.

He lifted his head and pursed his lips, seeking a kiss. I struggled for control of my body, and eventually managed to lean forward and kiss him sloppily, and we both moaned happily into each other at the contact. The kiss added heavily to my arousal, and in my intermittent awareness I could tell I was getting close to my climax.

I pulled my mouth away from his, a very thin string of saliva still connecting us. “I”m gonna cum soon, Nico,” I told him.

He whimpered excitedly at the revelation, and started grinding his hips into me harder, a look of intense determination forming in his eyes. With one final, powerful thrust, Nico”s penis triggered the most explosive orgasm of my entire life. Several days of pent-up cum fired out in hot, messy ropes between our chests, the feeling so powerful that my body felt locked up while my balls expelled it all out.

Once I was able to return to reality, I felt Nico still pistoning into me, eager to reach his good feeling, too. Though my dick was starting to feel sensitive, I let him work himself on me, moaning, as he squinted his eyes.

“Uhhhhh… just… uhhh… one second… nghhh… sorry,” he managed to say through gritted teeth, acknowledging my post-orgasmic state. Continuing to grind against my cock, his pace quickened, and several seconds later he came too, letting out a deep, carnal moan as I felt his penis thrashing against mine. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!”

I grabbed him and pulled him close, embracing him through his orgasm. I”m not sure he had anything left to ejaculate, but I could still feel his penis spasming with his balls drawn up underneath. He pushed against me one last time, until he gave out and collapsed onto me. 

He was panting with his face resting on my chest. I pet him gently, stroking my fingers up and down his back. There was an uncomfortable wet, sticky sensation between us, but that didn”t stop him from quickly falling asleep on top of me. It wasn”t long before I, too, succumbed to my exhaustion, the sound of crickets slowly fading as I closed my eyes.

I awoke to bright lights, chirping birds, and a dry mouth. The bluetooth speaker was still playing music, and I realized I must have forgotten to turn it off. I tried to lift my right arm to rub my eyes, but found I couldn”t.

Slowly turning my head, I saw Nico, curled up and attached to my side, an arm thrown over my stomach, and a leg resting across my thigh. It was a precious sight. Soft breaths escaped his mouth accompanied by the gentle sound of a sleeping boy. I looked down my body, finding the dried remnants of last night”s play streaked across my stomach, and remembered how he fell asleep on top of me. He must have fallen or gotten up off of me during the night.

I tried detaching his limbs from me, being careful not to wake him. Almost instantly, I failed, and he stirred as I was slowly lifting his arm. His eyes flickered, and he lazily pulled himself further into me with a tired groan. I laughed under my breath, and went back to separating him from me. He mumbled some sort of sound of disapproval.

“I gotta pee and get some water,” I whispered, but he just latched onto me tighter. Sighing, I got up, forcing him off of me, and pulled on my shirt and underwear. I unzipped the tent and was blinded by the bright sun, and I held my hand up to protect my eyes as I stepped out.

The air was warm and humid from the afterglow of rain, and the grass felt good on my feet as I made my way into the house, closing the sliding door behind me.

“Oh, you”re up!”

The voice startled me, causing me to shudder.  “Oh my God,” I said, clutching my heart, and laughed nervously as she smiled over me. “Sorry, Grace, you scared the shit out of me. I didn”t know you”d be back already.”

She laughed, standing in the kitchen. “It”s after twelve, dude. I thought you guys were going to sleep all day.”

I looked out at the tent, then back at her. “Yeah, I guess I didn”t realize how late we were up.”

“Well, I”m sure it was worth it,” she said, with a smile, turning away. “Sleeping out under the stars, huh?”

“Yeah, I found his camping stuff in the closet when we were cleaning his room, and thought it could be fun after the rain stopped.”

“Cleaning his room?” She raised an eyebrow. “Did you swap him out while I was gone?”

I laughed. “Yeah, you got me there.”

“Thanks a million for hanging with him. He wouldn”t shut up about how excited he was, and it definitely took his mind off of school starting.”

“Right. That”s tomorrow… I forgot. Let me know if you ever want me to come stay with him again. We had a… really nice time.”

“You know you can come by whenever!” She took a gulp from a bottle of kombucha. “So, will I be needing to put the sleeping bag in the laundry?”

I nearly choked, taken by surprise at the blunt question. “Ummm, I don”t—”

The patio door slid open, and we both turned. To my absolute horror, Nico came inside, still naked, and even worse, his stomach was very noticeably stained with dried cum, though he didn”t even flinch at the sight of us. I stiffened up, now reluctant to turn back to Grace.

“Hi mom!” he beamed, walking over to us.

“Hello, my beloved,” she said, ruffling his hair. “You”re looking rather crusty this afternoon.”

He giggled, and I groaned, hiding my face in shame.

“You guys want something to drink?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said, trying to hide my blushing. “That”s actually why I came inside.”

Nico waltzed up to Grace on his tiptoes and leaned into her ear. “He didn”t come inside,” he whispered, causing them both to crack up.

“Better yet, maybe some hard liquor would be better right now,” I mumbled, and they both started laughing again.

She poured us two glasses of water while we sat at the counter. I was extremely uncomfortable with Nico sitting by me, still naked, and covered in what was obviously my cum, but didn”t know what to do about the situation and just pretended everything was normal. After we downed the water, she told Nico to go upstairs and take a shower.

“But I already had a bath yesterday!” he complained. 

“Go,” she commanded in her parental tone, and he dropped dejectedly from his stool and ambled upstairs.

Once he was gone, she looked at me and laughed under her breath.

“What?” I said, annoyed at my predicament.

“You”re cute when you”re flustered,” she said, and took another drink from her bottle.

“Oh God,” I groaned. “Just get it over with.”

“You really sprayed his chest there, buddy,” she said, then howled with laughter.

I covered my eyes, just wanting to disappear.

We chatted some more, thankfully moving away from the topic of Nico and my erotic weekend adventures, until he came back downstairs in boxers, hair still wet. They wanted me to stay longer, but I really wanted to head home after being so uncomfortably embarrassed, so we said our goodbyes and I drove home.

Nico: That was the FUNNEST


Nico: EVER



Me: That really was the best ever, I had so much fun with you

Nico: 😍

Nico: Maybe instead of going to school tomorrow we can run away together??

Nico: Like

Nico: I was thinking we could go into the forest behind my house

Nico: We can be naked all the time

Nico: Mom could bring us food but tell everyone she doesn”t know where we are


Me: Cool idea, don”t think it”s entirely practical

Nico: You”re just a hater

Nico: I”m going to be so lonely tonight omg


Me: Sorry, I”m having dinner

Me: I”m going to miss you a lot too!

Me: But we will see each other soon, after school tomorrow

Nico: Ok

Nico: Is Parker still pissed at you?

Me: I dunno, he never texted me back

Nico: Well he sucks then

Me: Lol

Nico: When are you leaving to go back to college?

Me: In like a week, sadly

Nico: A WEEK??????

Nico: 😫😢

Me: We can hang out a lot before I go

Me: Maybe if Parker is feeling better we can go up together to see him next weekend

Nico: Ok

Nico: I love you

Me: I love you too! 😄

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