
Office Girl Allison Ch. 20

Public Sex

Office Girl Allison: Tales of corporate power exchange and BDSM as told by three who lived it

Volume I – The Collaring of Allison and Adele

Copyright © 2022 William D’Ark

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Author.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Readers should treat the material herein as Not Suitable for Work and meant for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. The characters and incidents portrayed in this work and the names herein are fictitious. Locations portrayed in this work are for contextual reference only. Any similarity to or identification with the names, characters or history of any person is entirely coincidental and unintentional. This work contains graphic language as well as numerous sexually explicit written scenes and pictorial images related to power exchange lifestyles, including bondage, discipline and sadomasochistic (BDSM) preferences and behaviors that may be considered offensive by some readers. All depicted sexual and/or BDSM activity is expressly presented as consensual between adults.

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Chapter Twenty–Allison Enslaved


‘Naked,’ I repeated. ‘Barely dressed. Then three ‘S’s’ – showing, sharing, serving. Cumming. Pleasure always, never abuse. NABADS 3 CUPA. Repeat it for me. Tell me what it means.’

I had taken her to the study. She was sitting on the green velvet bench in front of the room’s art wall where dozens of explicit, obscene, lewd–and ecstatic–works of art were displayed. Some of the images were life sized. Some showed smaller, highly detailed images of sex acts, bondage, discipline and sadomasochistic treatments of women I had known well or trained. Women I had loved.

Allison stared in wonder, taking in the meaning. Every woman in those images was her. Would be her. This was her future. She knew it. She would soon have two dominants using her, working her, driving her to become like the women in those images. Soon enough her own images would be added to the wall. She would become an icon of consensual slavery for others to admire.

‘Naked,’ she replied, studying the artworks. ‘I will not wear clothes when I am with you unless you say so. I will be naked in my apartment or my bedroom unless family is present. I will keep my windows uncovered so other people can see me naked. I will remove my clothes whenever you tell me to. Naked will be a way of life.’


‘Barely dressed. When I have to wear clothes I will choose those that show my breasts, my nipples, my thighs, my pussy and my ass. I will never wear panties and will rarely wear a bra. I will dress to be seen and enjoyed everywhere I go unless it would knowingly cause a problem with friends, work mates or family.’


‘Showing. I will willingly, happily, let people see and enjoy my body. I will do it to remind them my body is beautiful and every woman’s body is arousing, inspiring and sexual.’


‘Sharing. As you allow me to do, I will share my body with other people. I will let them see me, touch me and use me for sex and pleasure-pain. With your knowledge and permission before it happens.’


‘Serving. I will offer myself–all of me, body mind and spirit–in service to you and Adele as my dominants, my Sir and Madam. I will serve you completely and without hesitation, for anything and everything you ask of me. When you allow me to serve others, I will perform with the same commitment I make to you, unless you have given me other instructions.’


‘Cumming. Everything is about my pleasure because pleasure is my power. When I am pleasured and cumming, the energy inside me is my power. I live to cum because the energy there cleanses and clears me. If I share myself kuşadası escort bayan or serve someone and am not cumming, something is wrong. I must end the session. I live to be seen, to be shared and to serve. But I must be cumming too.’

‘Perfect. You covered all the bases there. And the final part?’

‘Abuse is never allowed. If I am not being pleasured then I am being abused. Misused. Molested. Exploited. I must end the session and leave. I will report it to you or Adele.’

‘Yes. We will take action at that point with whoever has mistreated you.’ I walked around behind Allison and placed my hands on her shoulders. ‘Whoever it is… They will not be happy to have us confront them. We will rebalance the scale.’

She lifted a hand and placed it over mine. ‘I know there are risks living like this. But now that I’ve had a taste, how could I do anything else?’

‘You can’t, I know. You can only go forward and do more. You can only go deeper. Or higher. I understand.’

‘Yes,’ she whispered, taking my hand in hers. ‘More please. Please, never let this end.’


It doesn’t end. It never ends. There is no ultimate, final achievement from this way of life. The journey continues. Pleasure, satisfaction, empowerment only grow so long as Dom and property have a balanced, well-conceived relationship.


A power exchange collaring ceremony is the most important BDSM ritual. Two people come together to celebrate their consensual commitment to dominance and submission. It’s a way of symbolizing the exchange of authority and control between them. The ceremony can include bondage, dominance, sadomasochism or service-oriented sexual activities. The ceremony leads to presentation of a collar by the dominant to the submissive partner. The collar serves as a physical reminder of their consensual definition of roles. The ritual can be conducted in many different ways depending on the desires of those involved – from an intimate gathering with close friends and family members to an elaborate event with music and dancing, or–as in our case–just two people alone in a room with nothing but the naked submissive kneeling before their master.

Allison knelt before me on a red cushion, naked. Her back was straight with both palms flat on her upper thighs. I had put on a clean white shirt atop black suit pants, black leather belt with a gold buckle over polished shoes with black stretch socks. A black vest completed my ritual attire. I laid my hand atop Allison’s head as she dropped her chin.

I recited well practiced words.

‘I, William, give you, Allison, this power exchange lifestyle collar of my own free will, as a symbol of our contract and of my position as your Sir, your dominant and your lifestyle guide. I accept your submission, your willingness to serve me and those with whom I may share you. I vow to remember that your submission is a gift and to treat it as such. I vow to love, honor, cherish, protect, guide and expand you. I acknowledge the trust you have placed in me and my responsibilities in accepting that trust. I vow to never violate your faith in me. I vow to do everything in my power to make you feel supported, nurtured and owned. And I vow to carry your love in my heart always.’

‘The placing of this steel collar around your neck binds you to me, Allison. The collar will be a public symbol of something we already know: you belong to me, body mind and spirit. So long as you wear this collar, I vow that you will always be safe to become everything that you are. This collar also symbolically binds you to Adele, your Beta or Second Domme and my likely future property. Although this collar and the contract you have signed have no legal authority, they represent a higher power–your unending, voluntary, moral commitment to me as your Sir, and to Adele as your Madam.’

I clicked the lock that fastened the thin steel band around her neck. I placed the small hex key in my vest pocket next to the collar’s O ring that could be slid into place whenever Allison was to be chained, roped or leashed.

‘Now, repeat these words, Allison.’…And she did so, perfectly, never dropping a word.

‘I, Allison, accept William’s power exchange lifestyle collar of my own free will, with clarity of mind, heart and conscience.’

‘I accept your collar as a symbol of our contract, my love, and my willingness to become your power exchange lifestyle property.’

‘I surrender my life to you, submitting body mind and spirit to you in all things.’

‘I gratefully accept your dominance, and your willingness to guide and expand me.’

‘I will always remember that your dominance is a gift and treat it as such.’

‘I will love, honor, cherish, serve and obey you. I will consider your well-being in all matters.’

‘I will do everything in my power to make you feel supported, davutlar escort trusted and worshiped as befits a consensual slave.’

‘I will carry your love in my heart always.’

Allison began to softly weep.

Feeling my own emotions rise, I went off-script a bit and knelt to face her on the hard dungeon floor. I lifted her chin in my hand.

‘I will never forget the responsibility that I have taken on here,’ I said to her. ‘I am charged with your well-being in everything I do, in all my decisions and actions. Your life is literally in my hands and I will never shy away from that responsibility. I will use the power you have given me as wisely as I know how. I will keep you safe and apart from danger, jeopardy or harm. I will learn what is good and safe, what is necessary and desirable for you. And I am prepared to give to you as much or more than I receive.’

Tears were running freely down her cheeks. ‘Sir, no one has ever said such meaningful words to me before. I don’t know how to react except to be exceedingly grateful. Overwhelmed, really.’

I went on. ‘A Sir’s hand is a double edged sword, you know. It has the power to please and to punish. I will never forget that, and will consider every facet of your situation before using that power. I will never act in anger, and will justify all that I do.’

More tears dropped to the floor. Her shoulders were shaking. ‘I… understand… Sir,’ she said between sobs.

I stood up, ready to get on about our day. I took Allison by the shoulders and raised her up beside me.

‘As a next formal step,’ I said to her, ‘the piercing called for in your new contract has just been arranged.’

Allison didn’t react. I wondered if she had read the document, remembering that body modifications can happen at any time.

‘It will be done in San Jose this coming Wednesday evening after work. We will start you out with a twelve gauge barbell, just under two millimeters wide with rounded end pieces. The woman is an expert in vertical clit hood placements. The ball will be placed between the glans and the hood so it stimulates your clit as you move. The ball will stroke you side to side as you walk. Sitting, shifting positions, it will work the top of your clit. When you bend over it will shift forward, sliding over the top and front of your clit. When you are being used and the clit swells the ball will be in action too as you are stroked, sucked, fingered or fucked. Even as you sleep, turning in the bed, you will be masturbating for Adele and me. I suspect you will be cumming in your sleep.’

Allison shivered again with her eyes half closed. I considered finding another wrap.

Her head was lowered as she gazed at my feet. She had not been given permission to look up or to speak, another aspect of the revised contract. The piercing was an important gesture symbolizing ritual bloodletting. It would further reinforce her commitment to me and our lifestyle. Soon enough her genitalia would carry lots of gleaming metal–heavy metal–but not her nipples. Not yet. Not till we had learned how milk flowed in them and whether piercing would affect the flow. The contract also called for Allison to use a breast pump during her night time cum sessions… till milk filled her breasts and was flowing freely. She would become a milk mama for me, Adele and those she would serve. Allison would suckle hundreds, perhaps thousands of men and women in the years that followed. When milk leaked, as surely it would at work, in public places or with family and friends, she was to let it flow. This would draw new attention to her beautiful breasts and dramatic nipples behind the thin tops she would be wearing more often. Free flowing milk, shared, was even more evidence of the woman’s enduring femininity, her sexual empowerment and her continuous yearning for orgasmic pleasure.

Here was the perfect lifestyle slave coming to the Light one step at a time.



Although sexual slavery wasn’t explicitly called out in the new contract, everything about her training and development, including the return of breast milk, was taking Allison in that direction. She would be taken into widely varying bondage, discipline and sadomasochistic sessions–lifestyle pleasure-pain play–designed to fulfill her at levels far beyond what she had experienced so far. For… just as a woman can’t really comprehend the changes brought on by sexual addiction, the increasingly ecstatic releases from pleasure-pain sessions are beyond knowing too….Until she has had the direct experience and begins to comprehend her fate as consensual power exchange slave. As owned property. Cumming from pleasure-pain play.

They are endless, those layers. I have never known a woman to tell me she has hit the heights of orgasmic rapture; that there değirmendere escort were no other highs to be achieved. Usually it’s the other way around. I want more, she will say. I’m ready. If the session goes longer I can handle it. I want to be pushed further. Such a woman is capable of continuously increasing euphoric experience until… yes, until she loses consciousness from increasingly intense sexual release.

A woman can use sex to move towards the Light just as she can go deeper into subspace and the Dark realms. Each destination offers its own lessons. The ecstasy of orgasm takes us into the angelic realms but most of us linger there only briefly. A woman trained in open channel orgasm can float there for long periods of time. And, in an opposite but equally important way, ‘deep’ pleasure-pain can reveal the Shadow Self in each of us. This can be like releasing devils into the world. Chaos can result if a session has not been carefully thought through beforehand.

So every effort must be made to minimize the risk, the karmic burden, of chaotic, harmful BDSM sessions.

I could already see that Allison would become a highly valued commodity, capable of great BDSM heights as well as harsh, jarring, even bloodletting lows. She and Adele were similar in this way, priceless collared properties capable of surrendering every aspect of their being to their chosen lifestyle.

…In the hands of a caring, experienced Sir.

But I would have to educate them about managing BDSM limits, especially being on the receiving end as a pleasure-pain slave. I needed to give them certain skills to help them sidestep the dangers of too much… too hard… too long BDSM treatments.


Pain is tied to the psyche just like pleasure is. Consider that sensations of extreme cold feel like burning fire. So too, ecstasy and agony can be mistaken for one another. Taken there by an inexperienced or unbalanced dominant, BDSM sessions can lead to physical, emotional or mental harm. It can be toxic to all parts of one’s being–body, mind and spirit. It can be a physical as well as psychological dead end satisfying every definition of abuse. The session may be ‘consensual’… but the recipient may have gotten lost in unexpectedly intense sensations. They may have lost touch with the here and now. They can no longer resist. Worse yet, safe words or gestures may be impossible to relay. Many lifestyle dominants find satisfaction in the ability to deliver harsher, harder treatments, driving the sub-slave into dangerous, debilitating subspace when they are unable to say No… or… Enough!

I would have to teach Allison and Adele how to differentiate–in the moment–between uplifting, orgasmic, empowering pleasure-pain play and the toxic stuff. They would need to learn that it’s not about how much the body can take. It’s about what can be gained from a session. Can pleasure-pain play strengthen the relationship between Dom and sub? Can it correct some unacceptable behavior? Can it rebalance a psychological need? Is the sub/slave more empowered for having made the journey? Have they been satisfied at an organic, emotional level, for having given over to severe pleasure-pain treatments?

These are the kinds of outcomes a pleasure-pain practitioner should have in mind long before any session begins.

It’s why I emphasize the pleasure in pleasure-pain–the orgasmic release that can come from carefully choreographed percussion, stimulation, deprivation or other BDSM methods and tools. If one’s property is not being pleasured, especially towards the end of a session, then by definition they are being misused, maltreated or disempowered. Abused.

Usually to the benefit of the dominant party only.

Even the uplifting, empowering experience of orgasm can be used in the extreme to debilitate or incapacitate another. Orgasms are like water in that way. The substance is normally essential to an individual’s health and well-being. But too much water–or cumming–forced upon a person can lead to injury.


Knowing the difference between high level pleasure and lifestyle abuse is an ongoing challenge for any dominant.


‘You may look at me now, girl,’ I said to her, lifting her chin again.

She gazed at me with passive eyes.

‘You may speak. Do you have questions about anything I’ve just said?’

‘Yes Sir. Do you think the ball at my clit will lead to open channel cumming?’

Interesting… she was still mulling over the upcoming piercing.

‘Probably not this one, at size 12. But we will move you to larger bars and balls till we find the right combination. You want to be constantly cumming, yes?

‘Yes I do Sir. I want to be in that place as often as possible. I want to cum right now just thinking about it. Even after all the orgasms you’ve given me today.’

Her voice was low and weak sounding. It was good we were taking a break.

‘We have the same goals, you and I. I want you in that mind space as often as possible too. It’s what the training is all about and why your contract was written the way it was. You will make a fine sex slave and a thoughtful servant for me and your Second.’

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