
Owning the River Family – Tom Pt. 03


The following is a work of fiction and does not reflect real life, or real people. All characters are over 18+ at all points in the story. It is fantasy and should be taken as such. It features gay and straight sex, race play, BNWO, Black superiority, White inferiority content, these are in, implied, or referenced in almost every chapter so I’m not going to list those, however it also has many fetishes, some of them are as follows, spanking, cbt, ballbusting, sph, cuckolding, watersports, incest in other arcs, and others. All fetishes will be marked in the chapters they appeared for those who don’t enjoy those as a heads up.

This story features both straight and gay sex. However it is from the POVs of the White males. And focuses more on the gay/bi-curious side, with the women being a smaller part of the story. This is just a heads up, that it is one big old box of bi-sex.

If you don’t like something that happened in the story, either skip that section, ignore it, or don’t read. Life is too short to read something that offends or upsets you. Spend it doing things you enjoy.

While the dynamic in the story is more or less leaning towards the healthy side. Please remember this is fiction. Just because something works in fiction doesn’t mean it would in real life. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Your life has value and meaning, don’t let anyone take that away. That said, enjoy and I hope this fictional work helps you get off.

Owning the River Family – Tom – The Man of the House Part 3

I was both nervous and excited for my next gym work out with Darnell. Work couldn’t go by fast enough for me the next day.

“Hey Tom, some of us are hitting up the bar later tonight, are you interested in coming?” Matt, one of my other coworkers called out to me as I was on my way off the site.

“Sorry, today is a gym day with Darnell.”

Matt nodded to me, he was one of the younger guys at the site, he’d gotten into the company just out of high school a few years back. Very friendly, talked a bit too much in fact and was always trying to get together with us. I had a feeling that he didn’t have any friends, as they had all gone off the college.

“We’ll still be at the bar probably, if you feel like showing your face afterwards. Let Darnell know as well, okay?”

I told him that if I felt like it I would, but not to expect me. After all, if things went the way I planned Darnell and I would both be busy tonight.

I grabbed some dinner and killed a little time before my regular gym session in the evening.

As usual we were the only ones in the gym, this little gym that the boss had us going to never seemed to be very busy, there were only a few times we’d seen some other guys. But that wasn’t surprising. It was a little hole in the wall place, with only a typed sign on the door telling what the place was.

There wasn’t a receptionist or staff from what we saw, though you needed to swipe a key card to enter the building so it wasn’t surprising.

We both got ready in the locker room and I tried not to take note of Darnell’s body for the moment. I needed to focus on my workout, what happens after is for later.

“Have you ever noticed that we are normally alone?” I said to Darnell while I spotted him on his bench press.

“We picked a good time.” He said while doing his reps like they were nothing as he started at a slightly lower weight for a warm up.

“And the few times we have seen others it is only guys, normally in pairs like us.”

“Some people do like to have a gym partner. That’s what we are doing.” Darnell said as he finished his first set. “Something wrong with that?”

“No.” I said as I started to put more weight on the bar so Darnell could start his next set. “Just found it odd.”

“I’m sure this gym has its busy periods. It is nicely equipped.”

I had to agree with Darnell, the place wasn’t very big itself, but it used its space well to have a lot of quality equipment. They even had a pool, hot tub and sauna.

“I wonder why they aren’t more popular.”

“The name. Grunt’s Gym.”

I nodded, yeah that probably had something to do with it. I wondered how the boss even got us memberships to this place. I hadn’t seen anything that looked like an office, or staff, or a number to call. So in a way it felt like we were part of an exclusive club, or a private gym just for us.

“Why are we talking about the damn gym anyway?”

“My nephew is a personal trainer. He and his girlfriend were planning on moving out here soon. Just thinking about his job opportunities.”

“Why are they moving out to a place like this?”

I paused. Come to think of it, I didn’t know the answer. I’m sure Nancy had told me, but it went in one ear and the other it seemed.

Darnell finished up his sets while we shot the shit on random topics. Once he was finished, it was my turn to get on the bench.

While I got into position Darnell changed the weight. He can lift much heavier than me. I’d had that thought each time as Darnell always insisted on going siirt escort first and then afterward I’d do my sets. Which meant that every gym session, and every machine, either I or Darnell would have to adjust the weight, and lower it. It was a constant reminder that he was bigger and stronger than I was.

At first it didn’t bother me, in fact I was impressed by how much Darnell could manage. But after a few times, it started to get under my skin. A slight prickle of envy and jealousy each time, each set, each exercise. But I noticed even that was fading away.

I don’t even know what kind of emotions were stirring in me anymore. It was similar to the initial admiration, and also frustrating, but it wasn’t the same. Maybe it was humbleness or resignation even at this point.

I guess I’d already realized and accepted that Darnell was bigger, stronger, and better than me in multiple ways. And tonight… he’d most likely be showing off yet another of those ways, or multiple.

I wasn’t sure I could handle it. It was a weird mix of conflicting emotions. I wanted to see Nancy happy, and see her world rocked harder than ever before, but some part of me didn’t want to see it from another man.

I shook my head and tried to clear those distracting thoughts away before I popped a boner right in front of Darnell mid barbell squat.

We finished up our sets and headed off to the locker room. After a quick change out of our clothes we hit the showers.

Standing next to Darnell as he showered I let my eyes wander more than I’d let in the past. He was focused on showering today and didn’t seem to even notice me. He was soaping up his large Black dick and it was coming to life in his hands.

I gulped as I thought about how to broach the topic. If I wanted to see that massive Black sword stabbing into Nancy’s pussy I had to think of something, I couldn’t just remain in my head. I needed to voice my thoughts. Just open my mouth-

I froze. I remembered the other thing, the reason this was happening. While I wanted to see Nancy getting fucked, that wasn’t the reason this was coming to pass. But rather it was because Nancy wanted me sucking on a real cock.

I was staring at Darnell’s Black dick. It looked so huge and thick. I didn’t know how it fully compared to the dildo, but a feeling of dread and uncertainty rose inside me. Could I even suck something like that. No.. no.. I’d clearly just choke on it.

Why had I said that I’d ask Darnell? If she wanted to see me suck a man’s cock I could have just found someone with a tiny little prick. Matt, for example, I doubted he was packing anything in his pants. Or Aaron, or Henry…

I just realized I was thinking about my White coworkers. Not even once thinking about the others. Damn… what is wrong with me?

Why was I automatically thinking of my White coworkers as being small, or well smaller. Clearly the porn I’d been watching had gotten to me. They couldn’t all be small right?

“Tom? You okay?”

It took me a moment to realize that Darnell was talking to me. I tried to expel those thoughts and focus on what was actually around me. “Yeah…”

“Really? You look horrified by something.”

I eased Darnell’s worry and finished up my shower in a flash. We returned to the locker room chatting about this and that. Darnell started to dry himself off with his towel while I sat on a nearby bench.

I took a deep breath and then just let it out. “Darnell, I want you to fuck Nancy.” Whoops… that didn’t come out like I wanted it to. “I mean, I would like to, I think it would be hot.”

Darnell just stared at me and somehow I got the feeling I had just said the wrong thing.


He finished drying himself off and started to get dressed. He was finishing putting on his shirt when he finally spoke to me. “So what now, after seeing all that cuck porn you want to be one? Typical White dude.”

Huh? I’d struck a nerve but where I didn’t know. “Hey you were the one who showed me all this stuff in the first place.”

He pointed finger at me. “Porn is porn. I’m not your fetish bait.”

“Also, have some self respect as well. This isn’t what you want. I can see it in your eyes.”

I hadn’t expected to be called out like that. Was I really just fetishzing the idea of Nancy getting fucked by a Black guy. I hadn’t once thought of the actual Black man aside from how I wanted him to plow into my wife.

I felt Darnell’s hand on my shoulder. He wasn’t glaring at me anymore, it was more of a pitying and comforting look.

“I get it man. You are unhappy with your sex life. But you don’t have to resort to this man.”

“But you were the one who gave me the dildo and-“

“Okay, maybe I went too far. It was just talk. Tom, I think of you as a friend, so I don’t want to do something to hurt you or something you’d regret.”

I let out a sigh. How was this man who was around the age of my son able to see through me so easily.

“What happened? What brought this one anyway?”

I silifke escort explained to him what happened with Nancy the night before though I left out the details of that Nancy had been using the dildo daily or that I’d been jerking off to it.

“Geez you really love your girl don’t you. But I repeat you shouldn’t do anything you don’t want to do.”

“What if I want to do it?”

“See your girl get fucked? You turn into a cuck on me?”

“Not just that. The blowjob as well.”

“I don’t have sex with friends like that Tom.” Darnell walked back over to his locker and grabbed his gym bag. “If you really truly mean it, our friendship as it is now, is over.”

I frowned at that. I did enjoy our friendship, it had been a long time since I had a gym buddy and we normally shot the shit for way longer in between rest sets than we needed. “How so?” I pressed forward.

Darnell’s eyes narrowed. “You have to submit completely. No ifs ands or buts. I only fuck those I own completely. And Tom, there is no going back once you submit. This isn’t a game, and it isn’t a playful fetish. So think hard about it. Because it will change your life, that goes for if you look for someone else to play with as well.”

I gulped and was left frozen in the locker room as Darnell headed out. I hung my head and thought about Darnell’s words, he was right. To me this had been a kind of fun fantasy or game, but it really did have real consequences. Even if I tried to ignore them or forget them.

I didn’t feel like heading home after that conversation, so I texted Nancy that I was meeting my coworker’s for some drinks and would be home late. I figured that Matt and co would still be at the bar, but even if they weren’t I felt like drinking myself stupid. Because that’s how I felt.

Sure enough I was right, it wasn’t hard to find my coworker’s drinking and laughing it up at the bar.

“Hey, look who showed his face.” Matt said, waving at me as he’d seen me first. “Tom over here.”

“Knock it off, stop being such a dork.” Henry said, grabbing Matt and throwing him back down onto the bar stool. “You stay still or I’ll tie you down. You’re embarrassing all of us here.” Henry said as he adjusted his brown cowboy hat.

Henry was a true and blue cowboy, born in the south, worked on a ranch and everything. He wasn’t big, but he had the muscles and body to show for all his cattle herding and what not. He also was arrogant and a bit of an ass.

“Hmm, maybe I should act out more then, that might be fun.” Matt said, drunk as skunk it seemed. Because otherwise he’d known better than to hit on straight Henry. I wouldn’t go so far as to say Henry hated gays, but he certainly fell into the ‘don’t like’ camp. He’d decked a guy at a bar once for flirting with him. Though it appeared he was either in a good mood, too drunk, or something because he didn’t lay out Matt.

I looked at the bar, there was Matt, then Henry, Rod and Aaron, but no one else. Ironically all my White coworkers, “Where are the others?” I asked, Matt had invited them right?

“Takashi didn’t come, Amir left just before you got here, Raul bailed and Jalen said he already had plans. And lastly Darnell said he wouldn’t be coming.” Rod said, recounting everyone.

“And now that Tom is here we can ask his opinion.” Matt said practically bouncing up and down in his seat. Getting drunk always did bring out the energy in him, it honestly made me exhausted just being around him.

“Oh no. Not this shitty conversation. I’ve had enough.” Henry said slamming his drink down on the bar counter.

“This conversation?” I asked after ordering a beer from the bartender.

The four of them exchanged glances but said nothing, not until after the bartender gave me my drink and then walked away.


Matt looked around at the others and after double checking that the bartender was far away spoke. “We were talking about what’s going on in the company if you catch my drift.”

My eyebrow raised. “Is the boss selling or something? I hadn’t heard anything.”

Rod sighed and smacked Matt lightly on the head. “He isn’t going to understand like that.”

“Only a fag like you would.” Henry said nursing his drink. “No offense.” His not drunk side added.

Aaron rolled his eyes. “Stop calling him that.”

“Hey, I said ‘no offense.'”

“That means nothing.”

“Hey, you two knock it off.” Rod said, getting in the way before Aaron and Henry took it too far. “Honestly when I hang out with you lot I feel my age, it’s like I’m babysitting my kids again.”

“I feel you.” I said clinking my beer glass with his. Rod and I were the two oldest guys at the company while everyone else was in their twenties.

“Anyway, we were talking about, well you know… the gym stuff.” Matt said, suddenly lowering his voice to where I could barely hear him at the end.

I waved my hand trying to get him to continue since I still didn’t get what this was all about.

“You know, how silivre escort it is one of us White guys and then well-“

“Team building?” I said, I was still confused. “The boss has done silly things like this in the past. I turned to Rod. “Remember the father and sons swimming training.”

“Or the nudist camp retreat.” Rod said, shaking his head.

Henry spat out his beer and it went everywhere. “The what?”

“It was about bonding by understanding each other at the basest level or some shit.” I answered.

“Damn, I’m sad I missed it.” Matt said.

“I’m not.”

“Maybe I should suggest to the boss to do another one.”

“You do that and I kill you.”

We all ignored Henry, and I tried to stir the conversation on track. “Anyway, isn’t this just to get us to get along with each other. And knowing the boss he probably thinks the other guys might feel a bit othered.”

“Yeah, but well doesn’t it seem to be pointing out, well…”

“Just say that damn thing! That we notice the dick size difference!” Henry shouted way too loud for what he had said, earning him a smack from Rod.

I blushed, finally getting what the others were getting at. I slowly looked at all of them in turn. “All of you? All of them? Raul? Takashi? Amir? Jalen? All of them?”

I saw Aaron and Matt nod, Aaron more hesitantly, and Matt excitedly. “Even you Rod?” I didn’t know what Matt, Aaron or Henry were packing, but I knew Rod’s size. He was even bigger and thicker than I was.

“Yeah, Amir is huge. Not just Amir either, his brothers too.” Rod answered.

My eyebrow raised. “How do you know that?”

The sound of Henry slamming his glass against the counter saved Rod from answering. “Well, size and girth aren’t everything! It is about how you use it, technique is what matters. Just having a big dick doesn’t mean anything.”

“Oh, and are you saying you have that ‘technique?'” Matt teased.

“I’ve got plenty of compliments to say so. If you don’t, you are just stabbing the hole, and that’s not going to pleasure your partner.”

“Sounds like you are just jealous of Jalen’s size.”

“Shut up, shrimp dick.” Henry growled out. “You got beat by a tiny Asian, I don’t want to hear anything out of you. You are an embarrassment to White men.”

“I bet I’m bigger than you. Because you clearly are trying to overcompensate.”

Rod and I both sighed and grabbed the two of them. “Knock it off. Both of you.”

“Just go into the bathroom and have the dick measuring contest.” Rod said, which threw me for a loop. What had happened to the straight divorced man I’d know for years in the past few weeks. He used to be such a prude, never wanting to have much to do with any such talk.

“Fine! I’ll put shrimpy in his place.” Henry said, storming away to the men’s room.

Matt jumped up a little more excited than I felt he should be and followed behind. I glanced around at Rod and Aaron. “We should probably follow and make sure they don’t kill each other.”

“Or fuck each other.” Aaron said with a laugh.

“The question would be, who would top?” Rod joined in on the joking as we headed to the restroom.

“Henry obviously.” I said. Was it even a question?

“Nah, I bet behind all that bluster he is really submissive deep down.” Aaron said, shaking his head. “It is always the guys like him in my experience.”

When we entered the men’s room it was thankfully empty as I wasn’t sure how the two of them would live this down once sober otherwise. Rod and I instructed Aaron to guard the door as we went deeper into the men’s room and around the corner.

Henry was just standing there looking disgusted as Matt was stripping. “What the fuck are you doing fag. Why are you stripping?”

“How else are we going to get accurate measurements?”

Henry either agreed or he was too drunk to fully care as after hearing that he also began to strip, starting with his shirt like Matt had.

Matt was more the skinny twink type, with a lean frame, but no real strong muscle definition. Henry on the other hand, clearly was a gym rat type. He was impressively shredded and he knew it, because once he had his shirt off he flexed.

“Stop staring fag.” He said, but he was enjoying the attention and praise, his body was getting from Matt’s eyes as he flexed and posed some more.

It wasn’t long before both men dropped their jeans and then their boxers. Rod and I couldn’t stop our snickers from escaping once that happened.

“Shut up! It gets big.” Henry yelled, putting his hands up front to cover his little friend. Which was only an inch, if even.

They really were opposites in every way, not just personality. Henry’s dick was uncut, Matt’s cut. Henry was tiny, Matt was at least 5 inches soft.

“Guess we know who the shrimp is now.” Matt said in between chuckles.

“Shut up. It is just soft right now.” Henry growled out as he grabbed his dick and began to stroke. “I’ll put you in your place.” He closed his eyes as he stroked and within seconds it started to grow. First enough for him to get more than two fingers around, then a few more, finally he was fisting it.

Matt on the other hand didn’t even have to stroke to get hard, he was simply getting off to watching Henry stroke and his cock grow. And I had to admit, Henry wasn’t just spouting bullshit, his cock really did grow.

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