


Subject: Parental Unit Here’s a story taken from my Tumblr, at a4f101.tumblr/storytime. You can find this one, and the pic that inspired it, here: http://a4f101.tumblr/post/137047011764/ You can also find a whole lot more of my stories here on Nifty – look for ‘a4f101′ in the Prolific Authors listing. This story is purely a work of adult erotic fantasy, copyright me 2017. I own it and all legal rights to it. If you’re under the age of majority in your jurisdiction, please come back when you’re of legal age. Nifty is an incredible free service that depends on your donations to survive. It changed my life, and maybe it’s changed yours too. Please help them to keep providing this awesome resource for all of fty/donate.html I love hearing from you guys. hoo. Enjoy. ***** I still felt a little bit awkward around them, but the boys – well, the men, I guess – couldn’t have been more at ease. It’s just how they were, how they’d always been. Connected, together, big and happy and totally comfortable in their skin. Since they were in high school, I guess, and it had just grown deeper over time between them. Not a phase, like I’d initially thought – Bennett was 30 now, and Davis was coming up right behind him, and it looked like they were in it for the long haul together. A couple. Brothers and partners. I watched them splash around down at the base of the waterfall – one of their favorite places, and they’d been excited to show it to me. This was my first time out in Hawaii since my honeymoon with their mother. Ancient history, like the marriage now. The boys had been out here for almost a year, in a nice little house on a hillside, a mango tree in the yard. Two bedrooms – one for me, and one for them. The first time they’d really been explicitly open as a couple around me. Something that had nagged at the back of my mind since they were younger, and first getting into the depth of their brotherly bond. Becoming the couple they were now, in hindsight. We hadn’t really talked about it, because how do you broach that subject with your own sons? Instead, they just kind of put themselves out there for me to accept. Ben’s big arm slung round his younger brother’s thick neck with unmistakable intimacy. Their bare knees pressed companionably together on the sofa on their deck. The way Ben’s hand moved from the Jeep’s stickshift to Davis’ thigh on the drive up here. All the visual cues of a couple very much in love. We hadn’t talked about it, because I didn’t know how. But last night, my first night, as they’d leaned against the deck railing either side of me, the three of us listening to the ocean, looking down at the lights, when Ben’s thick arm slipped round my waist on one side, and then Davis’ on the other, I went with it. Went with the slow surge of my paternal cock in my shorts, thickening faster as Davis’ lips pressed softly to the muscle of my shoulder. “We’re glad you’re here, Dad,” Ben had said from the other side, and when I turned to smile at him, already feeling the flush of excitement and nerves on my face, he leaned in and kissed my lips, slow and soft. “Glad you’re with us, big guy,” Davis said, and I turned to see his handsome face, so much like his big brother’s, leaning in to press his lips to mine. It had been happening like this for years. I’d gotten sucked into the incestuous intimacy of their bond, first when Ben came home from his freshman year at State, when I came across the two of them making out down in the basement, and somehow found myself drawn in with them. Led by my pulsing father cock, and the memories of how things used to be with my own brothers, back in the day. I still to this day shot regular loads remembering the look on Davis’ face as Ben fucked his load out of him right in front of me. The hungry, needy look on his handsome young features as he drew me in to kiss him, his cum still spurting, hitting my stomach as I tasted my youngest son’s tongue for the first time. The way Ben’s big hands covered mine on Davis’ bare hips and squeezed. The way the two of them had made me cum that night. Last night had been just as intense as ever, intense and exciting. So taboo, which fueled the heat even further. But there was more to it than gaziantep escort the taboo – there was the feeling of being privileged to witness something more, to be invited into the unbreakable bond between two handsome, muscular young men. They’d folded themselves around me, a symphony of hands and lips and tongues and cocks, young muscles and fur pressed tightly to me. Slipping up into the tightness of my youngest was a singular experience, made even more so by the feeling of my eldest’s big, blunt-tipped cock pressing insistently at my own tightness. Pressing, nudging, then breaching my hole. Filling me up slowly, skilfully, fucking the load right out of me and up inside of Davis as the boys licked and kissed and nuzzled at the sweat of my skin. Nobody had ever fucked me like my eldest son. Few had ever fucked me fullstop, but Ben set to it with passion, intensity, and skill. Making sure I got off before he did. Making me feel things inside nobody else ever had. Especially when I looked up at his face, and saw the echoes of my own father so strong in his handsome young features. Looking just like the first man I’d ever had a crush on. Whispering, “Cum for me, big guy,” the same thing my own father had always called me, saying the words I’d always wanted my own father to say. So I always felt a little awkward after one of my encounters with my sons. But more so than ever before, today. Because as Ben had fucked a second load into me last night, big muscles bulging and aglow with sweat as he loomed over me and rocked his thick cock inside of me, he’d called me “big guy”. And before I knew what I was doing, not even thinking, I’d moaned out the word “Daddy”, and the two of us had come with a fiery intensity, Ben’s eyes going big at the sound of that word. Such a heavy word. So freighted. We hadn’t said anything more about it, but Ben had cradled my own big body up against his as we slept, Davis pressed against my front, and the last thing I remembered before drifting off into sleep, soothed by Ben’s big hands rubbing my stomach and chest, was the feeling of his lips grazing the side of my neck, up to my ear, and the deep warmth of his voice, whispering to me. “Everything’s gonna be alright, big guy.” I watched my boys now, at ease down there in the water together, and wondered how everything could be alright now. Now that Ben had scratched my surface a little deeper than either of us had expected. But when they looked up to see me watching them, smiled, and waved me down, I went to them anyway. The water felt good on my sweaty skin, and I was glad I’d kept in good shape for the hike up here to the falls. I wasn’t as big and defined as the boys were, of course, but they’d inherited their builds from me, and I knew I looked pretty damn good for my age. I tried not to think too much about the ways my sons had enjoyed my body over the years, much less how I’d enjoyed theirs, but all of that was there in the air between us even more strongly this morning. I still felt awkward, but also compelled, drawn into their easy, masculine fraternal bond. Their intimacy. Made welcome by them. We talked, swam, splashed around, and just as I felt the awkwardness ease a little, receding back beneath the warmth of our familial bond, Davis swam up behind me and eased his big arms around my waist, as Ben surfaced with a big smile, shaking the water out of his thick, dark hair. I felt the heft of Davis’ big young cock against the thickness of my ass, making my own cock thicken in response. Even more so when Ben reached over to squeeze the muscles of my upper arms warmly. “Last night, Dad, you said something,” he said, and I felt myself blush as I tried to look away, suddenly all hot with shame. But he just touched his fingers to the underside of my chin and drew my face back up to look at him. “You said something, something deep,” he went on, and god, the combination of his eyes and voice were almost hypnotic. Usually I was the confident one, the man in charge, the one people looked to for the answers. But here, with the boys… it was different. And I found myself welcoming it, the ability to give in a little and just be. “I don’t know where that came from, buddy,” suriyeli escort I said almost weakly, feeling the shame burning crimson all over my face. He just smiled, shook his head lightly. “Doesn’t matter where it came from, big guy,” he said. “But it came from deep down, didn’t it, Dad? Down in here.” He tapped my chest, over my heart, for emphasis, and all I could do was nod. “You’ve been one hell of a father to us, Dad,” he said, shifting in a little closer. “You could have freaked out, knowing your sons were in love with each other. But you didn’t. You could have stopped us, or kicked us out, or shamed us. But you didn’t.” “You let us be us, Dad,” Davis said from behind me, squeezing his big arms around me. “And we want you to be you. Whoever you want to be, with us.” “There’s something you wanted when you were younger, isn’t there, Dad?” Ben said, slipping his arms under Davis’ around me, so I was sandwiched between their big young bodies. “Something we got to have with you, because we were lucky. But you never got to have that, did you?” “The chance to be a son with a dad who loved you deeply,” Davis went on, brushing his lips up and down the side of my neck as Ben leaned in to mirror the gesture on the other side. Jesus, this was intense. My heart was racing, my head starting to spin a little, and all the while, my cock pulsed and throbbed and kept growing and growing inside my board shorts. “Davey and me, we came out here to be together, Dad,” Ben murmured. “To be family. Maybe raise a family. Be fathers ourselves.” “Raise a son of our own together, Dad,” Davis said. “Two fathers… brothers… raising a son together,” Ben said, tilting my chin again and brushing his lips over mine. “Close. The way we wanted to be raised. The way you wanted to be raised too, am I right, big guy?” I nodded, all swept up in the intensity of the moment, the warm crush of their muscles on either side of me, their hands and lips grazing over my skin. Knowing on a gut level what they were saying. What they wanted to say. What could be… and wanting it. Wanting it bad. “Maybe it’s time for you to have that, big guy,” Ben said. “Time with your Dad, the way you always wanted.” “Your Dads,” Davis said into my ear. “Your sons… us… we’d like to be that for you. With you.” “Would you like to be that with us, big guy?” Ben said, his eyes locked on mine, so deep I felt like I could almost swim in them. “Let your sons be your dads for you?” I was nodding before I even knew what I was doing. Nodding, and feeling something inside me lift. Something heavy, and old. Ben smiled, and Davis’ lips pressed even more firmly against that spot that always drive me a little nuts, just behind my ear. “We love you, son,” Ben said, grazing his lips over mine again. “We’ve always loved you.” “Just relax, let go, and let us, son,” Davis echoed. “Let it be whatever it is.” “Ah god,” I moaned, feeling like I could cry or cum or both. “I love you guys, you know that? I love you… Dads.” Jesus, just saying it out loud like that was nearly enough to get me shooting. Davis’ hands slipped inside my shorts to pull them down, as his big brother… my eldest… my son, becoming so fatherly and intimate with me, slipped his thick tongue inside of my mouth, and right there in the moment, it really was like all those feverish teenage dreams I’d had, coming to life. Dreams of my father sweeping me up in his big, thick arms and kissing me deep. Deeper than my brothers did. Deeper than my wife. Kissing me like only a father can kiss his son, full of pride and passion and paternal love. I felt it, that paternal power, that paternal love, rolling off of my sons as they slipped out of their shorts and against me, naked and hard, the mist of the waterfall fresh on our skin as we kissed and ground and thrust together, whispering intense, passionate words of incestuous love and lust together. Slipping out of the paternal role I’d always filled these past thirty years, and not always easily. Slipping out of that, and into the ease and freedom of being a kid again. A kid finally at one with the father… the fathers… he’d always craved. There was no shame in letting rus escort my sons slide their cocks inside me now, no guilt or awkwardness. They took turns and took their time, fucking me slowly and well on the bank beside the waterfall, kissing and nuzzling and stroking and fucking me with tenderness and heat all mixed up. They were going to make great fathers. Maybe one day they’d bring their son down here to this place, and show him what they were showing me. “Stay with us, son,” Ben said over me, his big muscles flexing beautifully in the sunlight as he thrust deeper into me. “Stay with us here… be family with us…” “Help us be good fathers, like you are, son,” Davis said, leaning in to kiss me as Ben nodded and fucked me approvingly. “We can be whatever we want to be out here, son,” Ben said, and the way they kept saying that, calling me ‘son’, every time, it’s like it helped it sink in even more. Who I could be, with them. A chance to explore that thing I’d always craved so much. “So come be who you want to be with us.. with your dads, son,” Davis said, and this time it was me pulling his handsome face to mine to kiss him, as my balls throbbed and my cock started to shoot, unbidden, all over the sweaty muscles of my stomach. “Fuck yeah, big guy,” Ben said, fucking up into me, fucking the cum out of me… out of his son, now. “You ready for your dads’ loads, son?” I nodded as Davis pulled back, crawling down to lick the fresh-shot cum off my stomach, then leaning up to his brother to kiss him and share it back and forth. “Fuck, our boy’s first load with his dads, baby,” Ben growled lovingly. “So fuckin’ sweet.” “Just the first of many, right big guy?” Davis grinned down at me, ruffling my sweaty hair paternally as his big brother tensed up all over, dropped his head back, and moaned deep and low as he shot his paternal seed inside of me. Ben pulled out, his big chest sill heaving, his whole muscular body aglow with sweat, and Davis took his place, sliding his big, thick young cock up inside the cum-slicked tightness of my ass. We locked eyes, and I finally found my voice as I stared at the thick, muscular beauty of him. “Cum for me, Dad,” I grunted, squeezing his big, bulging upper arms. “Breed your boy… like your husband just did.” “Aw FUCK!” Davis bellowed, echoing all around us, and his big muscles flexed up hard all over, his face frowning and gaping, eyes locked on mine with that kind of faraway wonder he got when he came. I almost expected it to feel awkward afterwards, the three of us laying on the cool, moist grass by the water, wrapped up in the postcoital glow. God knows, it should have felt awkward, or weird – not just fucking around with your sons like we’d done, but giving in and giving up the role I’d played more than half my life. Letting my sons assume it, and letting myself be who I wanted to be. It was a trip, to be sure. But somehow, it didn’t feel awkward at all. It just felt right. “We weren’t kidding about you coming out here to be with us, son,” Ben said, nuzzling my sweaty temple, and I was relieved to hear him still call me that. Relieved, and excited. “You could retire, y’know,” Davis said from the other side. “Sell up, and come be with your family. The way you want to be, son.” “You’ll always be our Dad – that’s never gonna change, big guy,” Ben said. “But we’d love to have you out here with us, to be something more, too. To be this, together.” “To just be family,” Davis said, and kissed me. “Together, Dad… son.” I thought about what awaited me back home in Ohio. An empty house, a job I was bored with no matter how well-paid it was. The quiet, kind of solitary life of a divorced, late-middle-aged man. A man who was ready to explore again. For things to be different. To discover… more. “And what happens when you two finally manage to actually have a son of your own?” I said, one eyebrow raised. “Well, I guess you’ll have a little brother… and a grandson, big guy,” Ben grinned. “We’ll work all that out later, when it happens,” Davis laughed. “But right now, we already have a son…” “One we love very much,” Ben finished. “We’ll show you how much, if you come be with us.” An adventure, was what all this sounded like. I needed an adventure. I needed more. I needed this. My boys, my family… my men, no matter what we all called ourselves. What roles we played. We were family, and we were together, and that was the greatest adventure of all. One I was ready to start, for sure.

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