

Abbi Secraa

Subject: Personal Responsibility Chapter 11 DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story and contains descriptions of sex between young boys and men. If that offends you, stop reading. If it’s illegal where you live, stop reading. If you can’t differentiate between fantasy and reality, stop reading and get help. If you enjoy this story, or any of the other great stories on Nifty, consider making a donation. * * * Day 10 � Wednesday I woke up alone for the first time in days. I’d become so accustomed to Alex’s sleeping body next to mine that it took a few moments to realize what was different, and a few more to remember why. Sighing, I got dressed and made my way downstairs. The boys were already awake � had they slept? � and playing Fortnite. They seemed to have been taking it in turns. Right now it was Kyle’s go, and I could barely keep up with the action on screen. I stood in the doorway watching. After a minute or so, he died. “Don’t build so high next time,” said Alex, but he was smiling. “Here, let me show- oh, hey Sir!” He turned and noticed me watching. “Morning, boys. Sleep well?” I paused. They’d made a makeshift bed out of cushions and blankets, which they were both still lying in. “Or at all?” “Yes, Sir,” said Kyle. There were hints of the petulant teenager he’d become already in his voice. “We only got up like twenty minutes ago, this was our first game.” “Good. You need your rest, we’ve got a long drive today.” A mention of our vacation was all it took to get both boys to their feet. Kyle’s dickie had finally gone soft in his briefs, completely spent after whatever he and Alex had gotten up to in the night. He put a hand down to adjust it but caught me looking and rubbed his stomach instead. “I’m hungry,” he said awkwardly. “Go make breakfast, then. Alex will help you. I’ll load up the van.” “Yes, Sir!” both boys chimed, running off to obey. Loading the van took a lot less time than I thought. The longest step was deciding what sex toys to bring. Since I didn’t need to save much space for clothes, I packed a lot. Better to have it and not need it, after all. For Alex, I stuffed a bunch of his underwear and speedos into a bag, choosing some he hadn’t worn in a long time. For Kyle, I did the same; there was plenty of room in his duffel bag now that I’d removed all his other clothes. I made sure to double-check his Paw Patrol speedo was in there. Once the van was loaded, I went back inside, where the boys had made bacon and egg. They each got their morning spankings before we ate, bent over the breakfast bar next to each other. I was pleased to see that their butts showed none of the marks from the previous day. Good: that significantly widened the range of what they could wear later. The boys chattered away while we ate. Could we go surfing? Would we be sleeping in a tent? How long would we spend at the beach? Could we go to that water park Alex had seen online? What else was there to do around there? How long would the drive take? How much “work” were they going to be doing while we were away? Would Kyle still get paid even though it was a vacation? I answered them as vaguely as possible. The mystery just added to the fun. Kyle was even more excited than Alex. I got the impression his mom was too busy to take him on many vacations. That was probably why she’d been so quick to let him come along with me and Alex. After breakfast had all been cleared away, we piled into the camper van. There were three seats up front, perfect for the three of us. Kyle was wedged between myself and Alex, trying his best to lean as close to Alex as he could so as not to get in the way of the gear box. It had been a while since I’d driven manual, but before too long I was back into it. It was the perfect day for travel: almost no clouds in the sky, very little traffic, and classic rock on the radio. The boys were fully dressed, for once. I’d given them 70s style athletic shorts to show off their thighs. Alex was wearing a tight black tank top, but I’d let Kyle wear one of his own t-shirts. It would be coming off soon enough anyway, I thought with a smirk. They chattered away as we drove. I considered bringing out the ball gags, but if anyone was driving past and saw two boys gagged in the passenger seats and found that one was wearing a cock cage it might put a premature end to our vacation. I just smiled and continued to drive. In all, it took about four hours to arrive at the campsite. Both boys got even more excited at the sight of the sea, especially Kyle, who probably hadn’t been to the beach since his dad ran off. “It’s so blue!” he exclaimed. Alex and I both laughed, and he seemed a little put out. “Well it is,” he mumbled, before falling quiet. At the campsite, I paid for our plot and drove out a little longer through tents and the occasional RV to a secluded spot on our own overlooking the beach. “Here we are.” I finally killed the ignition and leaned back in my seat, looking around. Without the music, everything was eerily quiet. Our plot was surrounded by trees, the closest other campers a few hundred feet away. I sat there for a few moments just drinking in the atmosphere. It was beautiful. Kyle and Alex looked at each other, grinning. They seemed to be enjoying the place too, but it wasn’t long before they got antsy. “Can we go to the beach, Sir?” Kyle was having a particularly hard time sitting still. “Please?” I chuckled. “Let’s go over some ground rules first. You’re wearing too many clothes, both of you. Get those shirts off.” The boys complied instantly, tossing their shirts back into the main area of the camper van. “Those shorts are fine if we’re going somewhere, but around the campsite you’ll wear speedos. I’ll let you pick out your own for now, but you’ll wear what I say after we get settled in.” “Yes, Sir.” Alex didn’t seem fazed by this, but Kyle was nervous. “Kyle, I brought your cock cage with me. If I catch you playing with your little dickie it goes straight back on, no second chances. Understand?” “Yes, Sir.” Kyle gulped. His face was serious now, hands resting on the dashboard as though the mention of his dickie was enough to make him want to touch it. “Alex, you were a very good boy yesterday. If you’d like, I can take your cage off now, but the same applies to you. And if I have to put it back on, it isn’t coming off until you go home. Got it?” “Yes, Sir.” Alex did his best to look serious too, but he was grinning too much at the prospect of the cage coming off. “Uh… can you take it off please, Sir?” He tugged his shorts and briefs down, presenting himself to me. I unlocked it and he sighed. It stiffened up almost instantly but he didn’t touch it. “Good boy. Now, sleeping arrangements: every day, whichever one of you behaves the best will sleep in the cot with me. Whoever doesn’t will sleep in the doggy basket. Understand?” They glanced at each other. A little healthy competition never hurt. “Yes, Sir.” “Now then, I want both of you to pick out something to wear and then help me get everything set up.” I clapped a few times. “Get to it, boys.” They did as they were told. Alex left his shorts and underwear in the front seat, while Kyle opted to keep his shorts on while he picked out a pair of speedos. They each rummaged through their respective bags to see what I’d packed them. I heard Kyle groan � apparently he’d found all the kiddie stuff � but otherwise they still chattered away. Alex settled for a rainbow Speedo in the pride flag colors, while Kyle opted for purple one made of tight, shiny material. They pulled them on and stood to attention outside, hands behind their heads while they waited for the next instruction. I handed them a tube of sunscreen, applying a little to my face and neck. “I don’t want to see any sunburn, boys. The only red on you is gonna be on your butts, got it?” “Yes, Sir.” Both boys grinned. Alex’s dick was fully hard, making the rainbow flag twitch a little. Kyle’s was starting to stiffen but hadn’t quite got there yet. I got out a portable camera and watched as the boys rubbed each other’s bodies tenderly. It didn’t take long for Kyle’s dickie to poke out just as much as Alex’s had. There was no mesh inside the boys’ speedos � I didn’t like anything obscuring their bulges � so it was painfully obvious that they were hard. It was unlikely to attract a second glance from anyone that wouldn’t already be staring, but Kyle kept looking down nervously. Finally, he said it. “Sir,” he started slowly, massaging the small of Alex’s back. “Everyone can see that I’m hard.” “They can,” I said matter-of-factly. “Uh… what if they, like… think it’s weird?” His hands moved further south to the backs of Alex’s thighs. “They might.” I noticed Alex biting his lip, torn between defending his friend and being the best behaved for today. “Yeah but what if they… I dunno, call the cops?” His face was fully flushed, his attention on the trees in case a particularly nosey stranger might be watching. “I didn’t realize it was illegal to have a boner,” I mused, circling the boys for a better angle. “I mean-” he started, searching for the best way to convince me. “It looks weird for you though.” I zoomed in on Kyle’s crotch, capturing every inch of his bulge in glorious HD. “If that’s what you’re worried about, perhaps I should put your cage back on.” “No!” he said quickly. “I just…” but he trailed off. He finished off Alex’s legs and turned so that his own sunscreen could be applied. “Never mind,” he mumbled. “It’s fine,” said Alex quietly into Kyle’s ear as he rubbed the younger boy’s shoulders. “People stare sometimes but it’s not bad. The only ones that look properly are the ones that want to see, y’know?” He grinned. “Everyone else just kinda looks away when they see what I’m wearing.” This mollified Kyle somewhat, and he relaxed into the massage. It didn’t take long for the boys to finish rubbing sunscreen on each other. Once they were done, I put the camera away and helped them set up camp. We attached a tarp to the edge of the van and secured it so that we had a little shade outside, with a ground sheet underneath so we could sit without getting dew or mud on our clothes. Well, my clothes at least. The boys weren’t wearing much. After that, I had Kyle go out into the trees to find wood for a fire. He whined a little but a slap to the ass was enough to get him in gear. It was a shame, really; I’d been hoping he’d be good enough to sleep next to me tonight. Ah well, there was always tomorrow. Alex and I put some finishing touches on the inside of the van. I got a little gas stove out from a cupboard, along with a few bits of food. I also put a set of soft leather cuffs by the doggy basket to drive home the threat. Alex must have been thinking along the same lines as me because he picked the cuffs up and started playing with them. “These are heavy,” he said, tossing them from one hand to the other. “Alex,” I warned. “You should know better.” He glanced at the treeline. Kyle still wasn’t back. “I know,” he sighed, still tossing the cuffs around. “I just feel bad for Kyle.” He set the cuffs down and looked around the van for something to mess with. I admired him for taking such an interest in protecting Kyle despite his jealousy. If I didn’t put a stop to this, it would defeat the whole point of the competition. “I know you like him, but if you don’t get your shit together I’m going to lock your little dickie right back up again.” “Yes, Sir,” he sighed, stretching out on the floor. “If Kyle’s a good boy, he’ll get a reward. I don’t want you helping him. He has to earn it, alright?” “Yes, Sir,” he said again. Flat out on his back like this, his boner pointed straight up to the ceiling. I took hold of it and rubbed it a few times. He moaned and a grin formed on his face. Just then, Kyle knocked on the door to the van. Next to him was a little pile of logs he’d gotten from the woods. I let go of Alex’s boner. “I got these, Sir,” said Kyle breathlessly, slipping off his slides as he entered. “Is it enough?” His purple speedo was still tented out obscenely. This close, I could make out every detail of his erection through the thin material. “That’ll do for now. Good boy.” I reached out and rubbed his bulge. He gasped and broke into a grin in spite of himself. “Now, let’s see about making some lunch. There should be wraps and some spreads in the back. Alex, go get them for us.” “Yes, Sir.” Alex scampered off to do as he was told. “Kyle, here, please.” I sat on an uncomfortable chair built into the side of the van and patted my lap. Kyle sat down, and I let my hand rest on his crotch. He sighed and wriggled his hips from side to side, my dick stiffening up entirely. “You see the doggy bed?” I asked, motioning towards it. “Uh… yes, Sir.” “That’s where you’ll be sleeping tonight if you don’t sort yourself out. I don’t want to hear you complaining any more. You’ll do as you’re told without question, and without hesitation. Got it?” I kept on caressing his little boner as I spoke, not letting him think too much about what he was agreeing to. “Yes, Sir!” he gasped. “Now get on the ground. I want you to do push-ups until Alex is done getting the food out.” I lifted him off my lap. There was just enough space on the floor for Kyle to obey. He did just that, stretching out and getting right down to it. I was impressed at his form. Coach Richards must have him do a lot of them. I counted about fifteen by the time Alex called us over for lunch. We ate outside, a fairly simple camping lunch of PB and J wraps. Alex leaned back and relaxed as he ate, soaking in the sun, but Kyle was hunched over. He kept looking over at the woods that separated us from the rest of the campsite, as though someone was about to come and check what we were up to. We finished, and the boys cleared up. Kyle still seemed to be terrified that someone might see us. Time to take this to the next level, then. “Boys!” I called. “Time to go to the beach!” Kyle looked like he wasn’t sure if he should be excited or nervous. “Yes, Sir,” he said, looking desperately around. From our vantage point by the campsite we could see that the beach was almost full. “Can… can we go swimming?” I shook my head. “Not just yet. We just ate, remember? We can have a nice slow stroll. See the sights, kütahya escort you know?” It seemed nerves won out for poor Kyle. Still, he nodded and bent over to pick up his slides. As he did, the shiny purple speedo framed his ass perfectly. I could just about make out the edge of his tanlines, a pale glow peeking out. He really was the epitome of boyhood, and he was all mine. Time to show him off. Before we set off, I had both boys stand to attention in front of me, hands behind their heads. Their erections had deflated slightly, though they still looked obviously hard. I took one in each hand and massaged them gently, looking from Kyle to Alex and back again. “I want you both to stay nice and hard for me on the beach, okay? Hold still.” I produced a pair of cock rings from a bag and slipped one around each of my boys’ dicks. “Good boys. Now, I want you to hold hands while we walk down there.” Kyle made a face. For a moment I thought he would refuse, but Alex reached out and took his hand. He seemed to calm down at that. If he looked stupid, at least Alex looked stupid with him. Together, we made our way down to the beach. It was only ten minutes away down a steep, sandy path. We passed a few families making their way back up to the campsite. Like Alex had said, most people awkwardly averted their gaze when they saw two boys in tight little speedos holding hands. I noticed one man turn after he passed for a better look at the boys’ butts. He turned away when he caught me looking, hurrying his daughters up the hill. Kyle was too focused on his feet to notice that part. Once we made it to the beach, Kyle slouched down even more. At 3pm, the beach was completely crowded. Some of the women were wearing bikinis, but Kyle and Alex were by far the most scantily clad guys around. I’d opted for board shorts and a tank top, which only served to emphasize how little the boys were wearing. I expected Kyle to complain, but he was very well-behaved. He stayed hunched over as we walked around, as though he could hide his erection with a slouch, but he didn’t let go of Alex’s hand or try to cover himself up. Alex behaved perfectly. I didn’t expect anything less; this was hardly his first rodeo, so to speak. As we walked, the boys attracted a lot of looks. Most people looked away immediately, a little embarrassed at having seen two little gay boys hard as nails. Every now and then, we found someone who really stared. We’d been walking for about ten minutes � almost to the edge of the beach � when I noticed a large, well-built man sunbathing with a boy who could have been his son. The boy looked half asleep, the man’s arm around him protectively. He stared openly at Kyle. I imagined his eyes must be coming out on stalks under his reflective sunglasses. “Here’s a good spot,” I said, taking a picnic blanket out of my backpack and laying it out on the sand. We were within spitting distance of the well-built man. Alex let go of Kyle’s hand and stretched out immediately on his back. The bright light made his skin look even milkier. Perhaps a tan would do him good. Kyle was a little more reluctant. He glanced over at the man � still staring without shame � and then up at me. “Here, Sir?” he asked in a quiet voice. “Here,” I confirmed. I looked around too. It was a good spot: other than the man and his son, nobody else was on this patch of beach. Most of the tourists got two minutes from the parking lot and gave up. Kyle glanced at the man a second time. He returned Kyle’s stare with a nod, and let his hand wander down the boy’s side so that his fingers were practically inside his bathing suit. He must have been rather busy with the kid before we got here. “Why don’t you boys snuggle a little?” I suggested, a smirk playing across my face. “Yes, Sir!” said Alex quickly, scooting over on the blanket so that Kyle could join him. Kyle rested his head in the crook of Alex’s neck. He didn’t look happy at being made to snuggle his new friend in public like this, but he didn’t say anything about it. “Those are some well-behaved boys you got there,” came a deep voice to our left. The man. The boy with him woke up a little and sat up. “Dan, what if they see?” he whispered. Dan’s hand was all the way inside the boy’s shorts. “I don’t see anything.” I lay down next to the boys, setting my backpack down as a makeshift pillow. “He doesn’t see anything,” said Dan, a little unnecessarily. His hand moved further inside the boy’s bathing suit, just resting on his hip. “I’m Dan,” he said. I wasn’t sure if Dan was the sharpest crayon in the box. “Anthony,” I replied. “This is my nephew Alex and my, ah… friend Kyle. Say hello, boys.” Alex propped himself up on one elbow and gave a friendly wave. Kyle sat up too, but he was looking at me half-grinning. “Anthony?” he said incredulously. “So THAT’S your name. This whole time I thought it was just ‘Sir’.” I gave him a playful swat on the thigh. “As far as you’re concerned, it is.” Dan chuckled. He’d finally removed his hand from the boy’s shorts. “This is my… friend, Henry. Say hello, Henry.” Henry sat up as well, giving me my first good look at him. He seemed to be about nine. Pale blonde hair sat in curls above his face. His dimpled cheeks and sleepy smile made him look like someone had brought a cherub statue to life. “Hi.” He waved at us. I felt my heart give a flutter. Even in long board shorts, he was beautiful. This was better than I had planned. I’d expected Kyle and Alex to be the show, not to be given a show myself. “Why don’t you join us? There’s plenty of room.” I patted the blanket beside me. That wasn’t quite true; we’d have to bunch up pretty closely, but that suited me just fine. Dan got to his feet and folded up the towel he and Henry had been lying on. “Sounds good to me. Always good to have company, right, Henry?” “Sure!” Henry beamed at us as he made his way over across the beach. I shifted across so there was a spot next to Kyle. Dan made a beeline for it. Kyle had to practically sit in Dan’s lap, with Alex leaning against Dan’s other side. Henry gave Dan a questioning look as if checking it was alright, then delicately sat himself down next to me. I put an arm around him, and he relaxed into me immediately. “I’m digging the suits,” said Dan to the two boys on his arms. “Takes balls to wear something like that.” He didn’t take his eyes off Kyle’s own balls as he spoke. “Thanks,” mumbled Kyle, but he was grinning at the compliment. “Sir makes me wear them a lot around the house, but it’s weird to be dressed like this in public.” “No complaints from me.” Dan let a hand fall to Kyle’s hip the same way he had done with Henry, slipping his fingers inside the boy’s speedo. “Looks like you’re enjoying it.” He turned to Alex. “Both of you.” He grinned and rested his other hand on my nephew’s thigh, rubbing it up and down. I left them to it and focused my attention on Henry. “So how do you know Dan?” I asked. I wasn’t quite bold enough to start molesting him in public, so I settled with stroking his hair. He had beautifully soft hair, the kind of hair only young children had. “He’s dating my mom,” said Henry, closing his eyes as I stroked his hair. They were a pale blue. “You two seem awfully close.” My free hand rested on his tummy. His skin was just as soft as his hair. Henry giggled and looked over at Dan. I could see the cogs turning in his little head: was he allowed to tell us what the two of them did together? Apparently not, because he settled back against me and just shrugged. “He’s really cool. We go on trips together a lot so mom can have her alone time.” My hand on his tummy moved down to brush against the waistband of his shorts. He made no move to stop me. “That sounds like fun! I bet you guys have a lot of fun together, huh?” Next to me, I heard Kyle telling Dan � in an awkward, halting voice � the story of how he’d found himself working for me. Henry was listening too, looking thoughtful. “You pay your friend to let you touch his weiner? Why?” I was taken aback at this. Perhaps I’d misjudged the relationship Dan had with this kid. “Well,” I started, but he wasn’t finished. “It feels so good! And it makes Dan happy.” There was a hint of pride in his voice as he spoke. He didn’t need to be paid to be a good boy. “It does, doesn’t it?” I asked. I finally brushed my hand fully against the front of Henry’s shorts. He let out a loud giggle but didn’t stop me. His pre-pubescent dickie was stiff and hot to the touch, even through however many layers of mesh. “Yeah,” he agreed, resting his head back in complete relaxation. Dan noticed me touching Henry and did the same to Kyle, rubbing his dickie through the speedo. Alex started to press his hips into Dan’s side, sighing slightly. “Let’s not go too overboard in public,” I chuckled, giving Alex a stern look. He sighed and adjusted himself so he was sitting side-on to Dan. “Maybe you boys would like to play in the sea? I think your food’s had time to settle.” Dan’s face fell, but Kyle’s lit up. “Yeah!” he exclaimed, on his feet before I’d even finished speaking. “Alex, c’mon! Let’s go!” Alex was a little slower to get up, but not by much. He joined Kyle in sprinting as fast as he could towards the waterline. “Perhaps Henry would like to go too?” I suggested, giving the boy’s boner one last stroke through his shorts. “Can I, please?” asked Henry, his big blue eyes wide as he pleaded with Dan. The kid clearly knew how cute adults found him. “Please please pleeeeease?” Dan nodded and Henry set off after the others, eager to play with the big boys. Dan and I sat in silence for a few minutes, watching as the boys splashed each other in the shallow water. Even from this distance we could hear them laughing. Eventually, Dan broke the silence. “You really got lucky with those kids, huh?” he said, grinning. I laughed. “I was about to say the same to you. He’s like something out of a movie.” “Yeah,” said Dan, leaning back onto his elbows. “He’s a special one. Y’know, his mom wants me to propose? I’d be his dad.” “Congratulations,” I said, unsure of whether I should be congratulating him or not. “Can you imagine? A boy living under your own roof. And you could play with him whenever you want?” He looked wistful at this. “Well, when his mom’s not down to fuck. And holy shit, he gets his looks from her. She sucks cock as well as he does, too. And that ass…” He made the shape of an ass in the air with his hands. Still laughing, I cut him off. “Too much information.” “Oh, sorry.” He lowered his hands and looked a little sheepish. “You just like the kids, huh? Not banging Kyle’s mom?” Still laughing, I shook my head. “No. I doubt she’d have the time anyway. You know, she just leaves him home alone all day long and wonders why he acts out? Kid has no boundaries, no discipline.” I shook my head. “He’s lucky I got to him.” There was a pause as Kyle disappeared entirely under a wave. I was worried for a second, but then he emerged, shaking his head like a wet dog. Alex and Henry followed suit, and soon the boys were playing a new game. “You’re pretty strict on them, huh?” said Dan, once we were pretty sure our kids weren’t about to drown themselves. “I can dig that. It’s kinda hot that he calls you sir. I’ve been trying to get Henry to call me daddy, but I’m just Dan to him.” He sighed. I patted his arm, smiling sympathetically. It felt strange to be comforting someone I’d just met about the boy he was molesting, but the boys got into strange things too. “Give it time, I’m sure he’ll get there.” “Yeah,” he agreed. We watched the boys play for nearly an hour, swapping stories about our kids. To anyone watching, we’d look like any other parents forced to make small talk while their kids played together. I found myself liking Dan, though, and not just because Henry was so sexy. He was one of those people who never really left high school, but I didn’t mind that. It was kind of endearing, in a way. As the afternoon began to traipse into evening, the boys came back, dripping wet and grinning. In the excitement, Kyle had forgotten his shyness. It seemed to return as he left the water, though he let Dan dry him off with a towel without complaint. I noticed Dan spent rather a lot of time on the swimsuit area. While Dan was busy with my boys, I started to rub Henry dry. His blonde curls were plastered to his head by the saltwater, and he giggled as I tried to dry it. He giggled rather a lot as I dried him off, actually; it turned out he was ticklish. I wanted nothing more than to remove his baggy shorts and dry him properly, but there were enough people still around that I didn’t want that kind of attention right now. My arousal piqued, I turned to Dan. “It’s getting late. Why don’t the two of you join us at our campsite for dinner? There are showers for the boys, and it’s very secluded.” He gave me a knowing smirk. “I’d love to get to know your boys better. Especially this one.” He was still rubbing Kyle’s butt through the towel. “How are you still so hard?” he asked, reaching around and groping the boy’s dick. Kyle just shrugged. The five of us made our way back along the beach and up the path to the campsite. My legs were burning by the time we made it to the van, but the boys were still full of energy. “Showertime,” I said firmly. “I don’t want to get any sand in my mouth after dinner,” I added in a lower voice. All three boys laughed. Before they went to shower, I picked out a fresh pair of underwear for Alex and Kyle. Henry and Dan watched with great interest, though for different reasons. “How come their undies are way nicer than mine?” asked Henry, looking a little put out. “Well, I guess they don’t have to hide them from their moms,” said Dan. He had a look of longing as he saw what I’d picked out: red and black polka dot briefs for Alex, and Captain America ones for Kyle. “He can borrow some, if that’s okay with you?” I offered. Kyle looked horrified at this. “You brought me stuff that’d fit him?!” he exclaimed, forgetting his promise to be good. “He’s like half my size!” I just chuckled and let Dan pick out a pair for Henry. Henry clutched at them looking ecstatic as he ran off to shower with Alex and Kyle. Dan made a move to start preparing dinner. I thought about stopping him but I lara escort was hungry; Kyle and Alex could finish up once they got back. By the time the boys were back, Dan and I had several hot dogs sizzling away in a frying pan over the stove. Kyle and Henry had towels wrapped around their waists, but Alex strode confidently with his towel slung over his shoulder. The dots on his briefs bulged outwards over his erect dickie. When Alex noticed the food, he grinned. “That smells so good, Master!” Henry � at almost exactly the same time � ran over to Dan, giggling. “Dan, they have little rings on their weiners!” In his excitement, he dropped the towel around his waist. The underwear I’d given him looked fantastic. They were a soft blue, just a shade lighter than his eyes, and they clung to his curves nicely. Dan took a moment to reply. Presumably he did the same double-take as I did: Henry was beautiful. “Rings on their weiners, huh?” he said, in exactly the same tone he might use if Henry had told him that Kyle sprouted wings and flew him back to the van. “Yeah! Alex said it’s to keep them hard.” He tugged the front of his briefs tight against his own erection, weighing up whether he needed assistance keeping it that way. Apparently he decided he didn’t, because he let go and peered down at the hot dogs. “Those look so good!” Dan glanced at Kyle. “Explains a lot. You’re a kinky little thing, aren’t you?” Kyle’s crotch was still hidden by the towel. He made no move to pull it down, just shrugged. Poor kid was probably exhausted from all the travel, but that was hardly an excuse. “Kyle, answer the man. And take that towel down.” He gulped and leaned into the van to set the towel down on the floor. As he did, Dan and I got a good look at Captain America’s shield in danger of disappearing between his pert cheeks. “Uh… yeah, I guess,” he said eventually. He gave a bashful grin and then glanced over at Alex, who was now playfighting with Henry. “Go join them,” I said with a smile. It didn’t take him long to lose his sense of modesty as he tussled on the grass with the other boys. Kyle and Alex were taking it in turns to spin Henry around. The younger boy practically cackled with glee. Dinner was fairly uneventful. Kyle added approximately half a bottle of ketchup to his hot dogs. Alex wolfed down several extras, and then a few empty buns. “What? I’m hungry!” he said in response to my questioning look. Dan seated himself next to Kyle, and was running a hand up and down the boy’s thigh as he ate. He didn’t seem to mind � or, at the very least, didn’t dare protest. After we ate, Kyle and Alex slumped down next to each other against the side of the van. Kyle’s head was on Alex’s shoulder. Both boys looked completely relaxed. Henry was on his feet in front of them, trying to drag Alex up to play some more. “C’mon man, I just ate!” said Alex, but I could tell he was happy with the attention. Eventually Henry plonked himself down on Alex’s lap. They looked adorable sitting there together like that. I snapped a quick picture � Henry insisted on taking several more while he pulled faces, and then even more of him prancing around in his new underwear. With the impromptu photo shoot out of the way, I picked up one of the logs Kyle had gathered earlier and handed it to him. “It’s getting a little cold, kiddo. Why don’t you get to work on the fire?” “Yes, Sir,” he said, untangling himself from the others and getting to his feet. He started to carry the log to the fire pit and then turned back to me, brow furrowed. “Uh… I’ve… never done this before.” As luck would have it, Dan was an avid outdoorsman. He leapt at the chance to show Kyle how to build the fire, positioning himself behind him and guiding his hands as he built a little teepee of sticks. It was a little overboard I thought, but I could hardly blame him. He’d gotten a little taste of the boy’s body and wanted more. It wasn’t long before Kyle had a little blaze going. We moved to sit on overturned logs around the fire. For a few minutes, we didn’t really speak, we just watched the flames dance. The evening was still. I could barely hear anything from the rest of the campsite. Our little patch of woods worked to soundproof us nicely. Good. That would come in handy for what I had planned next. “Kyle, Alex. It’s time for your evening spanking.” I patted my lap and beckoned Alex over. He walked around to me, careful to avoid the fire, and perched himself over my knee. The log wasn’t high off the ground, so he was forced to kneel on the grass with his butt in the air, stomach resting on my thighs. Henry leaned forwards over the fire to look. The light danced in his wide eyes. “Are they in trouble? What did they do?” he asked, frowning in confusion. I glanced at Dan for confirmation on how much to tell the boy. He just shrugged so I decided to explain fully. “Well, we like to play a little game. I’m the boss, and Alex and Kyle are my slaves. Every morning and evening, they get their butts spanked so they don’t forget their place.” To demonstrate, I slapped Alex’s cheek gently. “Don’t worry, they like it.” Henry didn’t respond. He still looked a little confused, so I continued. Alex grunted and gasped with each slap, far more than he normally did. Ever the showman, I thought with a smirk. I could feel his erection pressing into my thigh so I decided to set it free. Alex didn’t resist as I pulled down his briefs. At the back first, to reveal his slightly-pink cheeks, and then all the way down. A quick glance at Henry told me he was still transfixed, absent-mindedly playing with his own little dickie. “Enjoying the show?” I asked. It felt strange to be talking in a gentle, kid-friendly voice while delivering a spanking, but I didn’t want to spook Henry too much. He nodded, and I continued. I picked up speed now, feeling Alex’s cheeks heat up under the force of my smacks and the warmth from the fire. After about ten, I stopped, leaving his briefs around his thighs. “There’s no corner, so you can bend over the log. That one, by Dan.” I was back into discipline mode now. “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” Alex did as he was told, his boner pointing the way as he made his way back around the fire to bend over the log next to Dan. “Kyle, your turn.” Kyle walked around the outside of the logs, assuming the same position Alex had. He took a few deep breaths and then pressed his butt up for my attention. I noticed Dan was paying far more attention now than he had when Alex was punished. He clearly had a type. Not wanting to make Dan wait too long, I started to rub Kyle’s butt. I gave his cheek a little pinch and then a soft slap. Kyle pressed it out further and spread his legs, in familiar territory now. I took that as my cue to begin his punishment in earnest. The sounds of slapping got lost in the trees, ringing out sharply over the crackling of the fire. Kyle gasped on particularly hard hits � not entirely for show, I thought � but stayed in position the whole time. At the half-way point, I slid his briefs down too, to reveal his beautifully pale butt. Dan and Henry both leaned forwards at this point; Henry with curiosity and Dan with a deep, primal lust. “You weren’t a very good boy today, were you, Kyle?” I asked, running a finger along the edge of his tanlines. “No, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.” To his credit, he really did sound sorry. “Tell our new friends what happens to bad boys around here.” I raised my hand ready to demonstrate exactly what happened to bad boys around here. “They get spanked, Si- argh!” Before he was even done speaking, I gave him three firm smacks in a row. Across the fire from us, Dan was rubbing himself through his board shorts. “They get spanked,” I confirmed, giving his other cheek the same treatment. I continued for a while, painting Kyle’s white cheeks a nice shade of pink. When I was finally done, I sent him to bend over the log next to Alex. “Thank you, Sir,” he said in a quiet voice, shivering slightly in the cool breeze. Night was starting to fall properly now, but there was a buzz in the air. It felt electric. Neither Dan nor I wanted to make the next move. He kept glancing down at Kyle’s butt next to him, licking his lips. Fortunately, Henry broke the silence for us. “Can I have a go?” he asked, walking around to stand next to me. He shifted awkwardly from foot to foot, fiddling with his dickie as he spoke. “I want a spanking too!” I blinked. This was unexpected. “Sure thing, buddy. You’ve been very good today, so I’m gonna go easy on you, okay?” He nodded, flushing slightly with the praise. “Okay.” He got down awkwardly on his hands and knees and crawled over my lap the same way he’d seen Kyle and Alex do. Being much shorter than the other boys, his butt was pushed up a little higher than theirs had been. “Have you been spanked before?” I asked, squeezing his ass. It was the perfect young boy’s ass, a middle ground between Kyle’s muscular bubble butt and Alex’s softer, rounder one. He shook his head, damp curls bouncing as he did so. “Alright. Push your butt up now, there’s a good boy. You ready?” He nodded. “Yeah.” In the flickering shadows cast by the fire, I saw him smiling. The smile quickly turned into a wince as I hit him. It wasn’t hard in the slightest, more of a gentle pat really. His butt jiggled under my touch. “You good?” I stroked the cheek I’d just struck. “Yeah!” he said almost instantly. “Do it again!” I chuckled and did it again, on the other cheek this time. Now he knew what to expect, he flinched slightly but didn’t pull away. I alternated cheeks slowly like this, pausing to rub the sting away after each smack. There was next to no force behind the spanking, but I flicked my wrist to give it a little bite. After twenty slow, gentle smacks, I tugged his briefs down to get a good look at his bare butt. It was every bit as delicious as I’d imagined. “Good boy,” I mused. “You took that well.” With one last smack on his bare butt, I sent him to bend over the log by Dan. Dan had been watching with rapt attention, practically jerking himself off at the sight. “You good, Henry?” he asked. One hand still rubbed himself, the other moving to stroke the boy’s butt. “Mhm!” he chirped. What I could see of his face was lit up with a smile, proud to be treated the same way as the big boys. Now was the time to move things forward, I thought. “Kyle, it looks like Dan would like some help with his cock. Get up and help him.” Kyle moved over slightly to his left, still on his hands and knees but in front of Dan now. He glanced up at the man. By now he was used to having sex with strangers. After Francis, a reasonably attractive gentle man would be a walk in the park. “Can I suck your cock, Sir?” He was getting better at putting on a sultry voice, that was for sure. “I’m still so hungry.” Dan fumbled with the tie of his board shorts, in a rush to give Kyle what he wanted. His dick sprang free and almost hit the boy in the face. This didn’t seem to bother the little whore, who opened his mouth and licked all the way up Dan’s shaft. When he reached the top he flicked his tongue around the pee-slit. Dan sighed, hands resting on Kyle’s head. “Alex, why don’t you help him?” I instructed. Alex sat down on the log next to Dan, running his hands up the man’s chest under his shirt. Henry was watching hungrily. Was he… jealous? I patted my lap and beckoned him over. He made his way around the edge of the fire back to my side and sat on my lap. He’d kept his briefs around his thighs, giving me easy access to his little dickie. It was just as beautiful as I’d imagined it. Completely hairless, with a tight foreskin and tighter sac underneath. His balls clung tight to his body with arousal. “Can I suck your weiner?” he said quietly into my ear. The feel of his hot breath on my cheek sent pulses of electricity through my body, turning me on more than anything else about the situation. “Let’s watch for now, hm?” I suggested. I wrapped my arms around his chest and held him tight to me. His body was warm and soft, his heart beating fast with excitement. “Yeah,” he agreed, leaning forward to get a better look at the action in front of us. Kyle’s pink ass was swaying from side to side as he sucked. He’d moved on from licking to full-on sucking. Cute little moans reached us from across the fire, interspersed with rhythmic slurping sounds. Next to them, Alex had taken Dan’s shirt off and was kissing his way up and down the man’s chest. Dan only had eyes for Kyle, though. “Do you guys do this kind of thing?” I asked. As I spoke, I took hold of Henry’s dickie between my thumb and forefinger and started to rub it. Henry gave a surprised giggle, nodding. “Yeah!” he said once he’d recovered from the shock. “I suck his weiner and then he sucks mine. It’s fun!” I kissed his cheek, and then lifted him off my lap. “Stay there. I’m gonna grab something, and I’ll show you some more fun stuff you guys can do.” “Okay!” he said, allowing himself to be lifted and placed gently onto the log next to me. I walked towards the van, moving quickly. I was far too excited to wait long. A few seconds later, I jogged back to the fire holding a travel pillow and bottle of lube. He looked a little confused, so I put the pillow down on the ground next to him. “Make yourself comfy, and I’ll suck your weiner. Does Dan ever touch your butt?” Henry shook his head, slouching down against our makeshift bench, the pillow propping up the small of his back. “You’ll love this. It feels great. You ready?” I unscrewed the tube of lubricant and put a small glob onto my finger. Henry nodded this time, craning his neck to watch the others while I got into position. When I glanced up at his face, he was grinning. “Three… two… one… now.” After the count of three, I pressed my finger against the spot behind his balls and plunged his little dicklet into my mouth. Henry gasped and started to giggle, wriggling his hips around. He rested his hands on the back of my head, pumping his hips in time with the blowjob. Ordinarily this would be grounds for a punishment, but Henry was far too cute for that. I moved my finger further down, teasing the entrance to Henry’s hole. He was still lost in a fit of the giggles, but made no move to stop me. I sucked lara eve gelen escort hard on his dick � there was no way I could move up and down something so small � and pressed my finger inside. There was another gasp, and then more giggling. As I pushed my finger deeper, the laughter turned to moans. Henry’s body was warm in the cold night, legs wrapping around my shoulders. I didn’t think he was fully aware of what he was doing, only of the pleasure coursing through him. I did my best to add to that pleasure, finding his prostate and nudging it in time with my sucking. I could barely hear the others over Henry’s moans. The boy gave himself fully to the moment, with no shame or hesitation. It felt like no time at all had passed when he started to tense up around me. Bizarrely, he got very quiet as his orgasm started. He grunted at its peak and then fell limp, moaning again. I withdrew my finger from him and wiped it on the grass. Henry’s face was dazed as he stared into the fire, breathing hard. “That… was… EPIC!” he managed to say, grinning. Across from us, Dan glanced over. He returned Henry’s grin and then began to make out with Alex, forcing Kyle’s head down on his cock over and over. Kyle was panting slightly, fighting to get a breath in each time he came up, but he persevered. I noticed Alex resting a gentle hand on his shoulder, squeezing in an encouraging way. I smiled. “How would you like to help me out now, Henry?” I asked, sitting up on the log. My legs were spread wide to give him space to kneel in front of me. “Yeah!” he exclaimed. I had to admire how quickly boys could recover from earth-shattering orgasms. Henry knelt on the little pillow, resting his elbows on my thighs and propping himself up. I helped him out by loosening the tie of my boardshorts. “You like what you see?” I asked, practically drooling on him. He looked so innocent staring at my erection with those baby blue eyes. “Yeah,” he said again. Dreamily this time. He leaned forward and began to lap at the tip. It sent shivers all through my body. “Oh, good boy.” I started to run my fingers through his blonde curls. I glanced up at the others. Dan had evidently grown tired of kissing Alex, because the boys were switching places. Again, the man only had eyes for Kyle, hands running all over his torso. His underwear lay forgotten by the edge of the fire, shadows dancing across Kyle’s naked body. He looked beautiful. Henry looked beautiful too, jerking my cock into his small mouth. “Fuck,” I grunted. “You’re so good at this!” He didn’t reply, but I felt him smile around my dick. It wasn’t an exaggeration; Dan must have taught him well. His touch felt more practised than Kyle’s, at any rate. The excitement of the day was catching up to me, and I felt an orgasm building up at the base of my cock. No, not yet. There was still more fun to be had. I put a hand down on Henry’s head, guiding him away from my dick. “Let’s try some other stuff first,” I murmured, noticing the look of disappointment in his eyes. “I don’t want to cum just yet.” He nodded but still looked a little disappointed. I led him by the hand towards the others. Dan was holding Kyle’s dickie in a death grip, jerking it furiously as they kissed. It was too much for the poor kid; his boner had subsided somewhat despite the ring around it. “You wanna try his ass?” I asked. Dan looked at me with a start. He’d been so engrossed in my two boys that he’d barely noticed me. The surprise turned to eagerness as he started to grin. “I thought you’d never ask. Kyle, on your knees. Get that ass up.” Kyle did as he was told. Taking orders was becoming second nature to him. Fuck, he looked so perfect in the flickering light. It was like his body was in high definition against the shadows around us. I passed the bottle of lube to Dan, who applied some to his cock and to Kyle’s ass, and then began to push himself in. Unlike me, Dan wasn’t slow to start. It was lucky Kyle was so horny because Dan shoved himself inside the boy hard. Kyle threw his head back and made a half-pained, half-pleasured moan. Henry, Alex and I stood in a semi-circle around the pair, watching as Dan began to thrust himself in and out of Kyle. Both of their faces were screwed up in concentration as they fucked. Henry gripped my hand, staring open-mouthed at the two of them. “What are they doing?!” he gasped, but he sounded curious more than scandalized. “Does that feel good for Kyle?” Kyle turned his head and put on his best grin. “So… good.” At this, Dan put his hand on the boy’s head, kneading his hair. “You’re so tight,” he grunted. “Such a good little slut.” Kyle just moaned in agreement. His face was more relaxed now that the painful part was over. He winced as Dan gave a particularly hard push, but he had an empty, glazed look in his eye. It wasn’t long at all before Dan clenched his fists, one hand still in Kyle’s hair. “I’m cumming,” he grunted. “Fucking take it, you little whore!” His free hand opened up to slap Kyle’s ass a few times as he came. Our clearing was quiet for a few seconds. The only sound was the crackle of the dying fire, and Kyle’s breathing as he recovered. Dan withdrew himself from Kyle and then looked around. “Anyone else want a turn?” Henry jumped up and down, his boner bouncing as he did. “Me! That looked fun!” Kyle turned his head to face us, not moving from his position over the log. Whether that was because he was ready for round two or too tired to stand up, I wasn’t sure. “Are you all gonna fuck me?” he asked. His voice was nervous but there was a glint in his eye. “You’re damn right we are,” I grunted. “Henry, just put your dick up his butt and then move it around, alright?” Henry nodded, getting down on his knees behind Kyle. As he lined his little dickie up with the boy’s hole, he rubbed his left cheek carefully. It was still red from the spanking. “Does your butt hurt?” he asked, starting to push himself inside. He slipped, his dickie slapping against Kyle’s cheek. He frowned and tried again. On the third attempt, he got inside, though not very far. “Kinda,” mused Kyle as Henry tried to penetrate him. “It’s a good hurt, though.” “How can hurt be good?” Henry put his hands on Kyle’s hips and started to thrust the same way he’d seen Dan do. He giggled and turned to look at Dan. “His butt’s all warm!” Kyle didn’t respond. He focused on pressing his hips back in time with Henry’s thrusts. This must be a welcome break after Dan’s adult-size cock. All too soon, Henry’s breathing quickened and then he collapsed onto Kyle, grinning. For his second orgasm in ten minutes, it hadn’t taken long at all. Dan gave his hair an affectionate ruffle. “Alex, you’re up next.” Alex grinned and knelt down behind Kyle, spreading his cheeks to get a good look. There was enough semen and lube in there that Alex’s dickie fit without any trouble. “Oh shit, this feels so good,” he groaned, gripping Kyle’s hips the same way Henry had. Kyle glanced at him over his shoulder and they locked eyes, both grinning. “You ready?” he asked, pausing with his dickie all the way inside his buddy. “Mm,” said Kyle. Alex wasn’t big, but he was definitely bigger than Henry had been; this was a little harder to adjust to. “Here we go,” said Alex, before he started to thrust into Kyle. He moved fast and shallow, letting out low moans the whole time. His voice was a little deeper than usual. Perhaps topping made him feel more manly. I smirked and made a mental note not to let Alex top anyone for at least a week. I didn’t want him getting ideas above his station. Alex didn’t last long either. Like Dan before him, he gave Kyle’s ass a few smacks as he came. “FUCK,” he grunted, pulling out of the younger boy with a wet ‘schlick’. “That was so good, man.” He tugged his briefs back up and sat down next to Kyle, still catching his breath. “Do you want to fuck me now, Master?” asked Kyle in a silky-sweet voice. My cock was still out from when Henry had been playing with it. By way of answer, I got down on my knees and shoved myself inside the boy hard. He’d been loosened up significantly, so I didn’t waste any more time. I had to cum, and I had to cum now. I fucked him harder than I had before � perhaps harder than the others had, too. His yelps were music to my ears as I pushed into him, smacking his ass with each thrust. It felt like I was fucking him forever, but it couldn’t have been long at all. I was so worked up from the days events that the orgasm started to build in me before I was fully inside. I tensed up to delay it as long as possible. Seconds � or hours? � later, that familiar tension spread from my cock to the rest of my body as I shot several loads of cum into my slave’s ass. Finally finished, I withdrew from him and pulled my shorts back up. Kyle stayed where he was for a few moments. “Can- can I stand up now, Master?” he asked. His voice shook; this must have taken a lot out of him indeed. “You may.” He got up slowly, a little unsteady on his feet. Alex stood too and put an arm out to support him. Kyle gave the older boy a grateful nod and moved from foot to foot, trying to get some feeling back into his legs. Where Kyle had been was a little puddle of cum. Most of it had dripped from his ass, but at least a little must have come from the boy himself. I wondered exactly how many orgasms he’d had. “Good boy,” I said, ruffling his hair the same way Dan had done to Henry. “You did an incredible job there. Right?” I turned to Dan, who was nodding. From the bulge in his shorts he was ready for round two, but it was starting to get late. Besides, Henry looked like he could use a little more fun. I sent Kyle off to clean himself up in the shower. Alex went with him, leaving me alone with Dan and Henry. “That was… whoa, man. That was fucking amazing,” said Dan, running a hand through his hair. “Do I owe you anything for-” “No,” I said flatly before he could even finish his offer. “I think we all had a great time there.” I laughed, glancing down at Henry, who still looked shocked that Dan had said a naughty word. “In fact, maybe you could do something for me. How about we make this a regular thing? If we both live nearby, we could meet up sometime and have a little fun with our boys.” “I like the sound of that. What do you think, little guy?” he said, glancing down at Henry. “You wanna see Alex and Kyle again?” “Yeah!” he exclaimed. I wasn’t sure if it had been the sex he’d enjoyed, or feeling included by two much cooler older boys. Perhaps both. While we waited for Alex and Kyle, Dan and I exchanged contact details. It turned out he lived a couple hours from me. Henry put his new briefs back on, and I rummaged around in Kyle’s stuff for some others. “Here you go, buddy. These still look good on Kyle, so you’ll get a few more years out of them.” I glanced down at his boner, which was impossibly still stiff under the stretchy fabric. “Unless your weiner pokes a hole in them first, that is.” He took them from me and laughed, rubbing said weiner a little. “Thank you,” he said. It sounded rehearsed, as though his mom had forced him to say it. Would she be happy he was thanking the man who’d spent the last few hours molesting him? “Any time. Just make sure you show Dan how sexy you can be whenever you get the chance, alright?” He nodded and stuck his butt out, doing his best impression of a twerk. “Like this?” Just then, Alex and Kyle returned. They dropped their towels as they got out of the wood, still wearing the same underwear as before. “Looking good, dude!” called Alex. As they got closer, he gave Henry’s butt a light slap. The kid looked overjoyed. “Thanks again for such a great day,” said Dan. “We really gotta get going. I’ll call you when I’m home, alright?” With that, Dan and Henry left, hand in hand. I turned to the boys. “Right. Time for bed. I think we both know who’s been the naughtiest boy today. So, Kyle…” I paused for effect. I felt like a reality show host ready to announce who’d been voted off. “You’ll be sleeping in my bed tonight.” “What?!” said both boys in unison. “But… I was bad earlier!” said Kyle. He sounded more confused than upset at this new development. “You were,” I agreed. “But you did a very good job just now. Your ass must be sore now, huh?” He nodded, shifting from foot to foot. Now that I thought about it, he was walking kind of funny. “Kinda.” “But you didn’t complain at all. You just got down to it and did your job. I’m proud of you, little guy.” I reached out and pulled him in for a hug. He let me, and then after a few seconds returned the hug. “Thanks, Sir.” He broke the hug, looking around. In the dim light cast by the embers I could see that he looked pleased with himself. “Now, go kick dirt on the fire until it goes out. Alex, let’s get you tied down in the doggy basket, shall we?” I took my nephew by the hand and led him inside the van. I took his cock ring off and placed it on a counter, before cuffing his hands behind his back. “I don’t want you touching yourself without permission,” I explained. “If you need to use the bathroom during the night, wake me or Kyle and we’ll let you out. Alright?” “Yes, Sir,” he said, resigned to an uncomfortable night’s sleep. “Good boy.” I attached the ankle cuffs as well and helped him get as comfy as possible under a blanket. Kyle walked back in and closed the van door behind him. Even in the near-total darkness of the camper van, Kyle and I found our way to the bed and lay next to each other. I reached into the front of Kyle’s briefs and withdrew his cock ring from behind a little picture of Captain America. We snuggled into each other, my hands exploring the boy’s back as we lay there. This was different from sleeping with Alex. Kyle was warmer, smoother, more defined. And he hadn’t been introduced to the wonder of all-night cuddles. His hands explored my body as well, rubbing up and down my chest, his legs wrapping around mine as he tried to find the best position for sleep. I drifted off as he was still moving, but before I did I could have sworn I heard him whisper, “I love you, Master.” * * * To be continued… This update took me a little longer than I was expecting, but it’s also a lot longer than I was expecting so I hope everyone enjoyed! I’m not totally confident when it comes to sex scenes that involve more than two characters, so I’d love to hear how it came across! If you have any other comments/suggestions/complaints, feel free to email me ail. Hearing from readers encourages me to write more; writing me will probably make next update faster! 🙂

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