
Quaranteam – Book Two (Ch. 10)

Solo Male

Chapter Ten

December 15 th, 2020

“Andy, we need you to get up,” Niko’s voice said to him, pulling him from his slumber. “We may have a problem.”

He never liked to hear that, especially as he was waking up, but he knew trying to go back to sleep and ignore the problem would probably only make things worse, so he moved to sit up, looking at how all his partners were awake, everyone staring at Melody, whose face was scrunched up a bit. Nothing seemed direly out of place to start, but the fact that everyone was watching Melody made him wonder what the hell was going on.

“Thank you for giving me a second chance, Andy,” Melody said, before a second sentence was already leaping from her lips, one much shorter and even more frustrated. “Fuck! I tried so hard not to say it, but it was like I was fucking compelled to do it until it was starting to hurt! I wanted to pull other words to my mouth, any other words, but that was all I could bring myself to say! ‘Good morning, Andy!’ ‘Can we fuck, Andy?’ ‘Get your lazy ass out of bed, Andy!’ It was like I suddenly lost every word I knew until I said that phrase!” She looked a little nervous, staring down at her hands. “Something’s fucking wrong with me.”

“Huh,” Andy said, which suddenly made everyone turn and look at him. They were all incredibly nervous and jumpy, but Andy seemed to be taking it in remarkable stride, and that made most of them even more uncomfortable, unfortunately. He’d learned that getting too worked up in advance only upsets everyone and never gained anything, so he was doing his best to remain calm and look at everything logically. He’d gotten better at tracking through logical progressions, no matter how flimsy the data or the theory. Living in a post-apocalyptic world had a lot of effects, but one of them was that Andy’s mind was always waiting, watching, wandering. And from one single data point, he’d built a quick hypothesis. Maybe he was right, maybe he wasn’t, but it wouldn’t be hard to do a fairly conclusive test. “I’ve got a theory. We could test it pretty quick, I suppose, although it might make us a little bit late for breakfast.”

“We’ve got an hour before that, Andy,” Lexi said. “Is that enough time?”

He nodded. “Should be fine. Five to ten minutes for the sex, ten minutes for the shower to follow. We’re just going to have ourselves a little dosing for Melody, but during the whole time, Mel, I want you to try and be as quiet as you can. In fact, I want you to not say a single word during all of it. If I’m right, and I have a worrying feeling that I might be, you won’t be able to, and I don’t want you to feel bad about it, okay?”

“Am… am I going to be okay, Andy?” the Asian woman said to him, her eyes tearing up a little with concern.

Andy smiled, taking her hands into his, giving her his most confident look. “If I’m right? 100%. There’ll be a few hiccups here and there, but nothing you can’t handle. If I’m wrong? Well, we’ll burn that bridge when we come to it. Anyway, let’s see if I’m right. I think that I am.” He reached his hand up and smoothed along her arm. “How fast do you want to–“

“I want you to fuck me stupid right now,” Melody said, pulling her shirt up and over her head. “Nothing gentle.” The bra was next. “Nothing tender.” Her pants and panties were off her ankles in moments. “Flip me. Fill me. Pound me. Hammer that thick dick of yours into my tight little snatch until I feel like you’re ripping me open from the fucking inside.” She crawled up onto the bed on her hands and knees then turned around, lowering her shoulders down to the top of the mattress as one hand reached back between her legs to smooth two fingertips across her pussy, which was already damp and slick, even to his eyes.

“I thought he told her to be quiet,” he heard Sarah mumble.

“Shhh!” Emily said to her, as all the women moved to form most of a circle, wrapping around the bed, as Fiona cautiously snapped some pictures on her camera, like she wasn’t sure if either of them minded, although Melody didn’t seem to mind if Andy didn’t.

“You can have anything you want, Andy,” Melody whimpered at him. “You want to have my ass? It’s a tight fucking fit, but it’s yours, I’m yours, your hot little slut ready to be used.” She was teasing the pucker of her asshole with one digit, whining in impatience. “I don’t even fucking care where you stick it, but I need that fucking dick and I need it fucking now…” Her fingertips moved down and she pushed two long digits inside of her cunt before sliding them back out, glistening as she curled them in Andy’s direction. “Please, baby, daddy, Master, whatever the fuck your hot little slut’s supposed to call you, Andy… can you please just fuck me already?”

The one downside of the position was that the tattoo Covington had put on Melody was staring him in the face, but he moved and put his left hand on her hip and his right hand over the tattoo, covering as much Avrupa yakası travesti of it as he could as he shifted his torso to press his cock against her slit, sliding up inside of her as her head leaned back and she let out an utterly pornographic moan. Like many of his partners, Melody seemed to orgasm as soon as he was inside of her, although it wouldn’t be the only orgasm she’d have this session.

“Fuck yes, you glorious motherfucker, drill that cunt! Fuck me like you own me! Fuck me like you hate me! Fuck me so hard I feel it for fucking days!”

Andy’s hands tried to hold her in place, but Melody was thrusting back into him with each push of his body towards hers, and whatever tempo he was planning on setting, her body was only going to push the tempo even faster than that.

“Do it! Fuck me! Fuck me Andy! Fuck your whore! Fuck her to fucking death!”

He did his best to batter his cock in and out of her, but it was remarkable how tight Melody’s pussy was, and somewhere around her third orgasm, his own started to overload him, and he spewed a searing load of cum inside of her, and the two of them shared the intense moment together before they both rolled onto their sides, her body nestling in against his, his cock starting to soften inside of her, but mostly staying enveloped by her cunt.

She’d been talking the entire time.

“I’m so sorry, Andy,” Melody said, breathless and sorrowful. “I tried–“

“Hey,” Andy said, stroking Melody’s hair tenderly. “Relax. I don’t think you could’ve been quiet if you tried. It fits in with my theory. So, I’ve got good news and bad news, but we’re going to have to call Phil.” He chuckled a little bit, noticing that literally all the other women were standing around staring. He turned Melody’s head, so she was looking at him and then leaned in to give her a very soft and tender kiss. “So do you want the good news first or the bad news?”

“The good news first, please,” Melody said. “I don’t think I can take any more bad news.”

“The bad news isn’t all that bad,” Andy said. “So the good news is that what’s happened to you, I don’t think it can ever happen again, so nobody can fix it, but nobody can make it worse either. The bad news is that every morning, you’re always going to say thank you, and every time we fuck, you’re never going to be able to be quiet. But that’s it. That’s the total extent of everything that’s happened to you, and you don’t need to worry about additional changes.”

“Oh shit,” Piper said, moving to slide up onto the bed, sitting next to Andy and Melody, her hand sliding over Melody’s hip. “I did this. I did do this, didn’t I Andy?”

Andy sighed, reaching over to put his hand on top of Piper’s. “You didn’t do it intentionally, Piper. You didn’t know this would happen. And consider how much worse this could have gone if you’d said something else.”

“Andy, love,” Ash said, sitting down on the bed, putting her arm around Piper’s shoulder, not sure why she needed comforting, but instinctively just moving straight to it. “What are the rest of us missing?”

Andy gave Melody a hug, folding his arms around her as she flipped herself in his arms, her chest to his. “When we went to reimprint Melody, between the time Melody took the reassignment pill and her first contact with my semen, Piper talked to her a little.”

“I don’t remember that at all,” Melody said quietly. “Why don’t I remember that?”

“You were, uh, a little out of it,” Piper said. “I said… what did I say? I told you that you would start every morning thanking Andy for giving you a second chance, and that whenever you and him were having sex, you’d talk dirty to him, because he likes that. I’m pretty sure that’s all I said.”

“And right before she said ‘imprinting,’ I swear I thought I heard her say something in Russian,” Andy said. “But in all the chaos of my regeneration, I’d forgotten all about it.”

“I think we all did,” Niko said. “I was there at the time, but, no offense Melody, you weren’t my biggest concern at that point. And that’s my fault. I should’ve been better, more observant. Andy trusts me to keep the family safe, and…” She sighed, rubbing her eyes for a second before looking up. “And I need to get used to the idea of you being part of the family now. I can’t be so laser focused on just Andy all the time. I’m a protector of the whole family, and I’m going to have to wrap my head around that pretty fucking quickly. I think… I think you’re right, Andy; it was Russian. But the whole thing was on tape, and I’m sure Phil can get the tape without too much hassle.”

“You remember what it was?” Andy asked.

“I think… I think it was… кодировка… My Russian isn’t great but, I think that’s… is it similar to imprinting?”

“Similar, but not the exact same,” Lexi said. “It’s more… it’s like… encoding?”

“Why wouldn’t anyone notice this sooner?” Sarah asked.

“When women Avrupa yakası travestileri are reassigned, they’re… practically feral,” Niko said. “They’re not thinking clearly and above all else, they’re impatient. As soon as they get that hit from the reset, they’ll do anything to get reimprinted. So it’s extremely unlikely that there would be time for most women to be given instructions. And it certainly wouldn’t be a common thing. We aren’t doing reassignments on a large scale. Not yet. And we need to make sure nobody else gets this done to them.”

“Shouldn’t it be tested or some such?” Emily said.

“I bet Phil can find someone who needs to be reassigned who wants to cure herself of some bad habit – smoking, nervous eating, something minor that they can give a final test over, to make sure it works like we think it does,” Niko said with a soft laugh. “You going to be okay, Melody?”

Melody sighed, looking up at Piper. “Every morning?” But there was a hint of a smile there that showed she understood how much worse it could’ve been. “I don’t mind talking dirty – I kinda like it that way myself – but what happens if I can’t start a morning that way? Do I have to write him a note or something?”

“Guess we’ll see sooner or later,” Andy said.

“Suck it up, buttercup,” Piper laughed, as if coming to accept the weight of what she done, and realizing exactly how much worse she could’ve accidentally done. It wasn’t good, being ‘encoded,’ but the potential for greater damage was so much larger than what had actually been done. “Being part of Team Rook involves a little bit of chaos for everyone involved.”

Andy grinned as he kissed Melody’s cheek. “You going to be okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll be okay,” Melody grumbled. “I just don’t like the idea of there being some kind of standing instruction in my head that I’m not allowed to disobey.”

“Consider it part of the penance you’re doing for your time under Covington,” he said, slowly pulling away from her to get out of bed. “Why don’t you go hop through a shower while I call Phil and tell him what’s going on?”

“Don’t take too long, Andy,” Piper said, handing him his phone. “We’re doing lunch with my family before the signing and then having dinner again with them afterwards before flying out.”

“How long’s the flight?” he asked Alexis.

“To Cincinatti? Couple hours, tops,” she said. “Nothing to worry about. We’re already on top of getting everything prepped for our arrival, with the hotel already picked out and prepped. The Embassy Suites RiverCenter already has a suite set up for us where we can all share one bed again.”

Niko giggled, shaking her head slightly. “Thank god they did, too, otherwise we were going to be staying at a hotel called the Covington, and I just don’t think we could bring ourselves to do that.”

As Melody headed into the bathroom for her shower, Andy tapped the first name on his contacts list – his old friend Phil Marcos, as he walked over towards the covered windows. For the next several minutes, Andy detailed to Phil what they’d learned about what happened to Melody during her reassignment, and Phil’s reactions had run the gamut, thinking Andy was kidding at first before growing intensely concerned to immediately planning how to manage the issue for the time being. As always, Phil moved towards the practical as quickly as possible, and was already taking notes on what he needed to test for and new protocols they were going to need to implement during the reassignment process. Leaving people alone during the time was, at least for the foreseeable future, clearly out. By the time Melody was coming out of the shower, they were wrapping up their phone call, with Phil having a plan of attack on what he needed to do next, and Andy feeling like he’d helped some. And then he headed straight into the shower himself.

By the time he was out of the shower, everyone else was ready and they were fully packed up. Andy had to admire the almost military-like precision with which the family had taken the process of setting up and tearing down camp, although his part in the matter was pretty small. He only had one roller suitcase and his laptop bag, and that was basically it. Even his charger gear – phone, tablet, watch – all fit into his laptop bag.

Breakfast went by quickly, as Andy let the women of his family do most of the talking about how the hotel business needed to adapt to what the new family unit looked like – bigger bedroom sections, bigger bathrooms, more electrical outlets – and what the cheapest possible solution to the problem would be. Fiona, who had been taking photographs during the meeting, suggesting simply combining rooms together, two or three single rooms being connected by removing the dividing wall, letting a big room have two bathrooms and a center space with room for a bed that could hold large families in their new configuration. It was however Andy who pointed Travesti avrupa yakası out that not all rooms should be retrofitted that way, as it wouldn’t be uncommon for women to be travelling solo, which meant they would really only need a double or a queen-sized bed and a single bathroom. The hotel management thanked Team Rook for giving them their time and thoughts about how to reconsider their business moving forward.

Andy hadn’t realized how tired he must’ve been the night before when they’d got in, because it didn’t dawn on him until they were walking out to the parking lot that Lexi had rented two SUVs for the family to use here, instead of hiring a driving service. They loaded up the vehicles with stuff then people, and before he knew it, they were on their way driving southwest to Gainesville to meet Piper’s family at their home.

The whole family had talked a little bit to Piper’s family over the phone during the last month, but nobody had expected the whole Brown clan to come out in force to meet all of Team Rook when they’d decided to show up last minute to say hello. Andy had hoped that the short warning time would’ve kept things to a small family get together, but it seemed like Piper’s parents had invited not only any of the family that happened to be nearby but the neighborhood as well. Both Lexi and Niko seemed a little annoyed at first, but Melody had teased both of them about the odds of one of Piper’s parents’ elderly neighbors being a secret member of the Taliban, and both women had immediately lightened up a little and laughed.

Andy had expected the hardest grilling to come from Piper’s parents, but both of them had been remarkably warm and friendly right off the bat. No, the person who’d been the most intense around him had been Piper’s older sister June’s husband Declan, and his Team. It wasn’t that Declan was mean; he was just intense. They definitely didn’t run in the same political circles, of that much Andy was certain. Declan had seen the interview and had talked to Piper a couple of times since then when she and June had been talking over the phone. Dec had a lot of questions, but since he and Andy were close to the same age, they at least shared a sort of cultural common understanding, even if they were miles apart politically.

“I just want to make sure my wife’s baby sister isn’t going to be marrying a jackass,” Declan said to him while he was sipping his scotch. “You didn’t seem awful on television, but it’s not that hard for people to look good on tv when they’re, in fact, horrible.”

“Go easy on him, Dec,” June said. “Andy seems like a great guy.” June looked a lot like Piper, just older and not anywhere near as tall, although she wore her hair incredibly short, and the two couldn’t be any further apart in terms of dress sense, as Piper was always about sportswear casual, and June looked like she’d pulled out her Sunday’s best dress for this. But both were brunettes, both in good physical shape and both certainly easy on the eyes.

“I’m a normal guy, June, just like anyone,” Andy laughed, sipping from a rum’n’coke that Lexi had brought him. “What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a 911 operator down in Tampa,” June said. “Which, I have to say, has been pretty fucking weird for the last year. Once lockdown started, it was totally quiet almost all the time, for the first few months, although we started getting a lot of calls to pick up dead bodies after that.”

“Jesus, June, that sounds fucking brutal,” Andy said, putting his hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. How is it these days?”

“Mostly back to quiet again,” June said, her smile almost completely devoid of joy, as if she was dealing with exhaustion on a cellular level. “But that’ll pass soon enough, I’m sure, and I’ll look back at this as the time I got a paid vacation and was told to just sit around all day waiting for something to happen. Which is better than Dec, who’s had to go and actually collect the dead bodies constantly.”

“Being a paramedic’s been brutal during this time, but we’ve learned to adapt,” Declan said, rolling his glass in his hand. Andy had suspected the man was law enforcement of some kind, as he had that sort of look about him – crew cut hair, perfectly pressed trousers, dress shoes polished within an inch of their lives – but he could see paramedic now that it had been pointed out to him. “And the disease has been weeding out those that can’t take their health seriously.”

“A couple of our other partners are floating around here as well, but most of them didn’t want to do the drive up here considering they might be at the wedding soon enough,” June said. “Don’t suppose you’ll be lending out that plane of yours to ferry people to and from the wedding?”

“Ha, no, afraid even if I could afford to do that, which I really can’t, my security team would bust my balls for even thinking about letting other people fly around in our jet,” Andy laughed. “But we’re making sure that the accommodations nearby will be excellent, no matter how big or small your Team is, and that nobody feels overly burdened to come if they don’t want to. If you just want to come as the two of you, I promise you, nobody will mind. The size of this wedding is already more than a little terrifying.”

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