
Scenic Overlook


Well, there she was.

The climb had been a bit tiring, but the view was worth it. Before her stretched a lovely vista. Directly below her down the steep embankment covered with sumacs was a busy, four lane street with traffic constantly whizzing past and beyond that was the lovely, if slightly bleak, expanse of the marsh in winter, right in the middle of suburbia. It was one of her favorite places regardless of the season, although she didn’t often get to enjoy it from way up here atop the heavily forested glacial moraine, left here after the last ice age in the middle of the otherwise quite flat northern prairie. The hike was quite steep, and at warmer times of the year, muddy if there had been rain. In winter, of course, the snow also made it a bit treacherous footing, but at least the ground was frozen and there were plenty of saplings to hold onto to steady yourself.

Still, almost nobody ever came up here, regardless of season, and despite the view. Not many people anymore were able to appreciate the natural beauty that could be found in their own back yards, and even fewer were willing to do a bit of work for it. In other words, it was perfect for what she had planned.

Sadie took off her hoodie and hung it on the handy stub of a broken branch of the tree she stood next to. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

Her nipples were immediately as hard as they had ever been. It was an unseasonably warm January day, but all that meant was that it was just a few degrees above freezing, certainly not enough to melt the snow cover here under the trees, let alone the ground beneath, and the wind was chill in the shade, but she didn’t plan on being here long enough for it to matter today. This was more of a test run. Still, the cold encouraged her to hurry. She bent down to unzip her ankle-length boots and stepped out of them into the snow, sockless. She had actually been looking forward to this part, and the feeling of icy cold on her slim feet did not disappoint. It was shockingly delicious at first, feeling the snow press up between her toes, which had moments before been snuggled warm in her fur-lined footwear, but that sensation quickly passed and she soon got an uncomfortable reminder of why people wore shoes in the winter. She shivered.

“Okay, change of plan. Boots go back on,” Sadie said to herself. “But not until after I’m ready, of course,” she finished, before undoing her belt and sliding her baggiest pair of jeans down her her legs and stepping out of them. Again, just as with her sweatshirt and boots, she was completely bare underneath, right down to her shaved pussy. She quickly hung up her jeans with her hoodie, hanging them by the crotch on the same branch stub. She shivered once again and crossed her arms under her breasts before reaching for her boots.

Getting them back on again was more of an issue than she had imagined, though. she had gone without socks because she didn’t relish the idea of walking home in wet socks after her mission, but now her feet were wet with melted snow and they didn’t want to go back inside her boots without a struggle. She swore good humoredly to herself as she rested her bare butt against the rough bark of her tree as she eventually managed to manhandle her feet back into their homes, but didn’t zip up the zippers. They would have to come back off when she put her jeans back on anyway and they were still tight enough that she wasn’t going to step out of them. Her pants, though loose on her slim dancer’s body, wouldn’t go on over boots. “One more chance to enjoy bare feet in the snow,” she said with a rueful grin, before stepping slightly forward.

She had chosen her perch carefully. This was one of the few places along the ridge that had a small spot that was bare of obscuring trees, so any of the drivers or passengers below her could, if they looked up at exactly the right moment and craned their necks, see a very naked, blonde, fit, eighteen year-old in all her glory. She wasn’t worried about that (it was extremely unlikely anyone driving would have the attention to spare), although she did glance a bit nervously at the extensive mirrored glass of the wall of the junior college off to her left across the road, but forced herself to stay in view. Anyone over there would have to be looking at exactly this spot, and probably through binoculars to see her from this distance. “Hey, if they can see me, I hope they’re enjoying the show,” she once again talked to herself. There was also the sidewalk on the far side of the road to consider, of course. It was a nice day, so there were bound to be walkers, joggers, and maybe even cyclists out enjoying the weather, but she’d see them coming long before they would see her. She was tempted to force herself to stay visible even if she did see someone, but decided it would be better to step back into the trees. A little risk was one thing, but no point in pushing her luck too far.

This, though, reminded her of her mission with the little thrill it sent through her body and she shivered Avcılar travesti again, this time only partly because of the cold. First things first, she turned her attention to her erect nipples, standing out from her breasts as if they were trying to escape. She let her fingertips trail slowly up the already goosebumped flesh of her hips, sides, and ribcage before tracing them lightly over the mounds of her B-cup breasts and then letting her forefingers run circles around her nipples, closing her eyes to enjoy the sensation she loved so much. Immediately she frowned, though, and opened her eyes as she took both nipples between her thumbs and index fingers and pinched them, at first lightly, and then harder, rolling them back and forth as she did so, but finally sighed in resignation. It was no use. The cold had made her nipples hard and erect, it was true, but unfortunately the extent of it was also making them numb instead of sensitive as she had hoped. All she could get out of them was a disappointingly dull ache when she pinched them harder than she normally would while masturbating.

She sighed, but remained undeterred, turning her attention now to her always reliable friend, her clit. She spread her legs slightly wider, getting yet another shiver from the thought of someone driving or looking out the window of the college and seeing the show she was putting on. She let the fingertips of her right hand once again trail across her skin, this time of her tummy, letting them dip, one by one, into and out of her navel on the way down to their target. She would’ve liked to brace herself with her left hand against the tree with her clothes on it, but since she had moved forward into her public viewing area, it was now too far away. She hoped she wouldn’t fall. Her orgasms were always intense, and she wasn’t usually standing for them. She was reminded of how cold the snow had been on her bare feet. “Oh well, I’m committed now,” she said to herself with a smile as she moved her left hand down to join her right. At least she could use those fingers to spread her lips open and allow her right hand better access. Again, she didn’t usually stand to masturbate, and lying on her back with her legs spread wide was much easier than this was going to be.

She had high hopes. Her pussy, although exposed to the same cold as her nipples, provided some shelter and extra warmth to her clit, so she hoped it wasn’t going to be too numb. Anyway, a bit of ice cube-play was always fun, and always made her gasp and climax quickly and intensely. She worked the pad of her right middle finger down into her cleft as she spread herself with two fingers of her left and began to rub in tiny circles just at the top where her hood began. At first, the effect was exactly as she had hoped. Her hood was still relatively warm and she gasped as the ice-cold tip of her finger teased it. Almost immediately, though, the cold of both her finger and the air started to sink in, and she could feel the same numbness as had dulled her nipples begin to affect her down there as well. She frowned and made an annoyed little sound, but she wasn’t going to be deterred when she had gone to all this trouble.

She reached lower and hooked her fingertip under her hood to get direct contact with the sensitive little nub of her clit itself. Again, the feeling of a cold digit against such a sensitive point was at first gratifying and she gasped and threw her head back, but her thought of it being like ice cube-play was somewhat mistaken. When she had played with ice before it had been in a warm room and it was the contrast of temperatures that felt so delicious. Right now, her entire body was freezing, and the moment her fingertip touched her clit it was as if it began to shrink away from her touch, going into hiding under the blanket of its hood to try to retain some of its precious warmth. She sighed. “I thought it was only men who had to worry about shrinkage in the cold.” And speaking of cold, she shivered yet again. The distraction of trying to figure out a way to get herself off had been keeping her from dwelling on her comfort, but now she realized just how icy her thin frame was getting. It was time to wrap it up and get back into her clothes.

“Oh well, I guess this isn’t going to work after all. Good thing it was just a trial run anyway. I am DEFINITELY coming back in the spring when all this snow is gone and we get some warm temperatures. My audience will just have to wait until then.” This thought scared her and she glanced up and looked around. She had been so busy concentrating on trying to find a way to masturbate successfully in the cold that she had been completely ignoring the road below as well as the pedestrian path across the street. No traffic had stopped and there were no walkers to be seen, though. “I suppose if anyone had been watching me they’d still be there, right?” she asked herself. She shivered and hugged herself now that the excitement was wearing off. “Brrrrr… Time to get dressed if this Avcılar travestileri mission is a failure.” She scampered back to her clothes and raced to get her hoodie back on and zipped up first, at once raising the hood over her head, since her jeans were going to take longer and she wanted some immediate warmth, then she sighed. “I guess it’s back into the snow for a minute for my poor, cold tootsies.”

She wisely decided to put her pants back on one leg at a time, however, and by once more resting her hindquarters against her tree, she was able to balance well enough that she could take off her right boot, suspend her foot in the air long enough to get the leg of her jeans up over her foot and onto her calf, step back into her boot, and then repeat the process with her left, then hurriedly pull up her pants, button and zip them, and finally refasten her belt with minimum chill to her protesting feet and just a bit of dragging the legs of her jeans through the snow, easily brushed off.

She smiled as she straightened. “There, Now all I have to do is walk home without hypothermia setting in and I can finish my masturbatory session there under a bunch of blankets.” She thought for a minute about turning around and using her own trail back, but it was about the same distance back home in either direction and she felt like exploring. Anyway, going forward was just a bit steeper and a bit of a workout would help her warm up. She began picking her way through the trees and underbrush and down the hill. She passed a large tree a few feet from where she put on her show.

“Thank you for sharing,” a female voice said.

Sadie shrieked and jumped, whirling, eyes wide. Sure enough, standing behind the tree was a girl. Well, woman. She was older than Sadie by a few years. Now that she could get a good look at her as she hyperventilated in shock, Sadie guessed her age to be around twenty five or twenty six. About Sadie’s height with reddish brown hair and brown eyes, twinkling with mirth. She was wearing earth tone clothing which let her blend into the forest background so there wasn’t much chance the girl would have seen her even if she expected to run into anyone else on the lonely hill. Finally, Sadie noticed a fairly fancy looking camera on a strap around the woman’s neck.

The woman grinned. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” She considered a moment, then added, “Well, maybe just a little bit. If you had gone back the way you came, you never would’ve known I was here, but when you walked right past me I couldn’t resist. I hiked up here to get some shots of the marsh from the same vantage point you were occupying, but I got distracted by the beautiful creepiness of the woods so I paused to get some pics of twisted, dead trees.”

Once Sadie had calmed down enough to speak, she gestured vaguely at the camera and asked, “So, while I was up there, were you…?”

“Taking pictures of a very attractive girl getting naked and trying to masturbate for the whole world to see?” She patted her camera fondly, still grinning. “You bet your sweet ass I was. I would’ve tried to get even closer but I was afraid you’d hear me even with the traffic noise. I’m still very happy with the shots I got, though.” She paused for a moment as Sadie stared at her, not knowing what to say, but finally made her smile more reassuring and continued, “Nothing to worry about, though. I’m not a professional photographer and I wouldn’t be able to do anything with them without a signed release form anyway. These are strictly for me to look at. And masturbate to, myself, of course. I can at least be honest about that considering how much you’ve shared with me, even if you hadn’t intended to. I suppose I could delete them if you really insist, but if you do, can I at least go home and go through them first? There’s some amazing stuff in here,” She patted her camera again. “And I’d like to enjoy them at least once before saying goodbye.”

Sadie had collected herself by now and this woman seemed friendly and more than just a bit playful. Not at all malicious. She made a decision. “Keep them. The whole reason I was up here was for the danger that I might be seen, even if that chance was slim. I can’t be too upset that you caught me. Thinking back, it’s really kind of… hot.”

“Oh yes, it was definitely hot from where I was standing,” the nameless woman replied. “Not so much for you, though. From the impression I got, it looked like you weren’t having much luck?” She cocked her head, eyebrows raised.

Sadie crossed her arms, hugging herself while raising one leg at the knee. “Too cold. I was horny as hell, but the relevant bits quickly got too numb to do much with, and then my whole body got too cold to continue. It’s a great idea for a late spring activity, but not so much for winter. Summer could work, but I don’t fancy standing still that long with a swarm of mosquitos attacking my naked bits unhindered by clothing. Scratching a mosquito bite on my pussy in public could get embarrassing.”

“It Travesti avcılar could at that. There’s always repellant, but you’d need a good friend to help you apply it to make sure you got everything covered. Have you got a friend like that?” she asked, a raised eyebrow making it clear that she meant more than her words indicated.

Sadie smiled coquettishly and turned slightly to the side. If this woman was going to flirt, she was going to flirt right back. “I guess I haven’t found just the right girl to help me apply my bug spray yet, but I’m certainly looking.”

The woman grinned. “I’m sure you’ll have no shortage of applicants once word gets out that the – ahem – position is open,” she responded. “But I’ve taken up enough of your time already. I’m sure you’re anxious to get home and get warmed up after your experience.”

Sadie was dumbfounded. “Wait, that’s it? You’re going to take naked pictures of me jilling off and then stand around and flirt and then just send me on my way?”

The woman laughed easily once again. “Look, I’m going to just level with you. The only reason I haven’t introduced myself is that I assumed you’d prefer this to be a sort of ‘two ships passing in the night’ situation. Like I told you, if you had gone back the way you came instead of coming right past me, you never would’ve known I existed. Wouldn’t you feel a bit strange exchanging names and phone numbers with the woman who’s just been taking pictures of you ‘jjlling off’ as you put it, and who admitted she was going to be ‘jilling off’ to them once she got home?”

Instead of answering the question, Sadie just stuck out her right hand. “Sadie Nelson. I don’t have my cell with me, so I can’t put your number in, but I’m more than happy to give you mine so you can add me to your contacts right now.”

The woman chuckled, shaking her head in wonder as she stuck out her gloved hand and shook, then immediately fished her phone out of her pocket. “Angie Kramer. You’re a remarkable girl, Sadie, as if I didn’t know that already. Okay, what’s your number?”

Sadie gave it to her and Angie repeated it back to make sure it was input correctly. When that was done, Sadie continued, “So, back to my question.” She pitched her voice into what she hoped was a sultry tone and finished, “Is that it?” and batted her eyelashes.

“Well, I would certainly invite you back to my place where two new friends could share a hot shower and some hot cocoa to warm up, followed by me nibbling on your clit for a few hours – or days if you have that kind of time – but if you mean is that it for right this second, well…” Her smile was naughty now, quirking just one corner of her mouth. “That depends. What if I were to tell you that there’s something I could do to a portion of your anatomy that would be, not negatively affected by the cold, but positively? That would instead offer you a sensation turned up to eleven?”

Sadie bounced. “I’d say, yes, please! Let’s do it, whatever it is, right now!”

Angie’s grin was wide now. “Well, you may change your mind when I tell you what it actually is. What I’m offering you specifically is…” She stepped up close and leaned in, putting her lips right next to Sadie’s ear and whispering. “…a spanking.”

“Oh, if you’re trying to scare me off, you’re doing a lousy job. I’m game. I guess my response would be, JUST a spanking? We’re in the middle of a forest here. We’re literally surrounded by tree branches. Seems wasteful not to make use of one as a switch.” Her grin matched Angie’s for both width and naughtiness.

“You know, I was going to say this is my lucky day, but I’m pretty sure this is the luckiest day anyone anywhere has ever had. If you bring me a switch you like, little girl, I will be more than happy to beat your pretty ass with it.”

Now, all the tree branches lying on the ground were dead and brittle, of course, as well as most of the lower branches of the big trees, which weren’t getting any light, but having fought her way through the undergrowth to get to her destination that day meant that Sadie knew exactly what to look for. She started pressing the heel of her boot against smallish saplings coming up through the forest floor until she found one that had some give to it to show that it was still living, then pressed down hard until it was lying flat against the ground, then let it spring up before bending it down the opposite way, again pressing it hard against the snow-covered earth until she heard a snap, which then allowed her to reach down and, by shipping off a bit of bark, separating the whole thing from its roots. Finally, she stripped off the twigs and snapped off the tip so it wouldn’t be too long to swing amongst the trees and other saplings and presented it to Angie with a triumphant grin. “Your switch, Mistress Angie.”

Angie took it with a smile, then gestured over to a fallen tree. “Let’s go over there so you’ll have a place to rest your hands when I bend you over. They walked over and before Angie could offer to let Sadie keep her pants up, she unbuckled her belt and undid the button and zipper of her jeans and let them fall, then spread her legs as far as she was able before bending over, legs straight, resting her hands against the rough and slightly decaying bark of the dead tree trunk.

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