
She Belongs in Service of the Queen


She Belongs in Service of the Queen

… Anywhere but in between, except Her Majesty’s Legs!

Everyone in this writing was at least 18, and all acts depicted were consented.


Her lithe body struggled to negotiate the thickets of thorns. Counting Crows buzzed faintly in the distance. It mollified her trepidation the louder it got, confirming that she had indeed progressed in the right direction along the trail. Her anxiety had begun to wane.

Jenna stopped momentarily to catch her breath. She needed to attend to the fresh scrapes and scratches attained while struggling through the less than forgiving foliage. Jenna sensed she had almost completed her journey to the women exclusive wonderland she was invited to.

The young woman looked down at the tattered paper stashed in the left cup of the black lace bra she was instructed to wear. It barely obscured the bottom of her modest sized breasts. The top half was mere netting that exposed her perking nipples. The matching panty was practically nonexistent. It consisted of the same sheer fine material for the gusset, and backed by a cheek revealing dental floss thong string. The skimpy lingerie was all she was permitted to wear on the self-imposed exodus from her old world. All other articles were verboten, the thigh-high black leather boots withstanding.

Yes, she was quite the picture of the quintessential slattern. Earlier when she had assembled herself in these scandalous skimpys, she could not help but admire her sleek form in her cozy studio’s full length mirror. Her reflection of shamelessness sent chills about her entire alabaster skin.

She examined the paper directive for the umpteenth time, “jenna,” it began, with her name intentionally in lower case, “We have observed you for the past few weeks, and find your physical attraction, youth, and compliance to authority of interest to us. You have been deemed worthy of consideration as a sex slave, as per our whims.” The hand scribed missive continued, “We know all about your subservient nature through inquiries of your former girlfriends and non-familial relations. We are also knowledgeable that you have found males an ineffective tool of sexual or intellectual satisfaction. We concur. That affords you high potential for membership in our Sexually Indentured Harem.

Should you agree to serving both our needs, and yours, you will continue reading. Assuredly, upon your acceptance, all your needs will be thereafter taken care of within our lavish Sappho oasis. Your successful vetting is contingent upon being able to fulfill the instructions to follow. We will hold your reservation for a fortnight, so you may make arrangements for egress from the masculine infected world in which you are now trapped, and ingress into a women-exclusive Shangri-La. Additional advantages here will be granted in accordance with the timeliness of your arrival.

Please adhere to the below exactly as written:

On the day of departure no outer garments are to be worn, lest the set of intimates provided in this package. You are then to proceed to the area depicted on the enclosed map. To prove your obsequiousness acceptable to our standards, apply the enclosed clasping blindfold at the beginning of the marked location. Then, follow the music until you clear a forested path. Be aware that this will be your final contact with the world of men in which you have been tethered, and have found wanting.

Although our curtness may be perceived as inhospitable, the Queen and her court uphold universal respect, irrespective of station. We look forward to your indoctrination into the Matriarchy.”

Jenna sighed her doubts about the veracity of this female society she had been invited to. She hoped with a heavy heart that this place was indeed genuine. To be subjected to persistent orders to eat dominant pussy provided the impetus to throw any reservation she had behind her, and forge ahead as directed. Easily, she could have imagined her future role as a subby there.

Wetness began to pool behind the front of her thong. She loved the way its tightness made it glide between her pussy lips and her buttocks with each flex of major muscle.


Jenna finally cleared the vegetative obstructions, and stood waiting for a sign. From the nip in the air, and anticipation, ubiquitous goosebumps took form all over her body. That sign came quickly, by the way of a mysterious arm tightly gripping her. Jen was suddenly whisked away in tow. She wouldn’t have expected anything but an inhospitable greeting.

When Jenna was halted, another invisible feminine figure was quick to strip her of what little she was wearing. There was no slow sensual disrobing that Jen had been accustomed to previous lovers. Instead, two hands coarsely slapped Cebeci travesti her underarms, and sharp nails clasped the one strap, which scratched her deeply. The invisible figure next pulled the band sideways, then over her head, forcing her arms straight up.

Thumbs dug into the waistband of Jenna’s thong. Just as with the top, Jen’s panties, if it could even be called that, were unceremoniously tugged to the ground. The gruff woman doing the stripping was squatting down at Jen’s feet. She paused on the way up to a stand at Jenna’s pretty pink pussy, and deeply inhaled.

“Umm,” she spoke softly for the first time,” her twat has a nice aroma. The Queen will no doubt be happy with our captive. She’ll surely want to sample it, too.”

The guard restraining Jen carefully nudged her two steps forward to separate her from the bare threads on the ground. The guard had been most gentle on the newbie waif. Jen could swear there was an element of care in the guard’s handling. It bordered on loving guidance, and Jen began to wonder why. Could it be that she had affection for Jenna, or was it merely compassion or sympathy?

The squat woman facing Jenna reached behind Jen’s head, and fiddled with the bind holding her blind. As the locking device was removed, Jenna felt a hot breath on her face as the mysterious madam leaned over to manipulate the lock. A distinctly female pair of soft as silk lips touched her own. From the same foreign lips did dart a hot and wet tongue. It was followed by a deeply passionate French kiss. Jenna melted into it and accepted her fate. To her disappointment, the mysterious lips were just as quickly removed. Jenna was left wanting and breathless.

Jen’s lamentation for the loss was short-lived, however. Her headpiece was quickly removed. The sudden shock of sunlight rendered her devoid of eyesight once again. She would have raised her arms to block the light, had they not been held at her sides. Jenna turned her gaze downward as her only remediation to the excessive brightness.

An outline of a figure of apparent authority rudely issued her salutation, “Welcome to the Queendom, SLAVE! Let’s have a good look at that delicious bod of yours.” Her critic peered around both of Jenna’s sides while holding her own chin, “Hmm, a bit lithe for the Queen’s taste, but I’m sure she’ll compensate with enthusiasm. RIGHT?!”

Before Jenna had the chance to reply, the plumpish woman who divested her of clothes, and any semblance of pride, placed a preemptive finger on Jen’s lips, “uh, uh, uhh, little one. There’s no speaking to superiors here except when prompted, the Queen, especially. Head nods will do. Guard!…,” she spat at the tall guard holding Jenna, “take her inside. But first, I’m going to screen her before her official presentation.”

The stout leader approached Jenna with a gleam in her eye. Locking eyes on Jenna, she softly caressed Jen’s right breast while leaning in for an inhale of Jen’s scent. The Stout One hummed her approval, trying not to show how much she had been enamored of it, lest put at risk her aire of authority. Jenna tensed her body from the tingling sensation from the caress. Both her areolas sprouted goosebumps. She completely yielded to the pleasure.

The leader gloated, “Hmm, she seems quite receptive to my touch. Bet she liked it…Manuela!…,” she barked at the tall sentry, “please confirm my assessment.”

Manuela turned toward Jenna and softly glided her left hand up along Jen’s torso, in the direction of her chest. She next made contact with her left breast, and pinched Jenna’s nipple hard. Jen basqued in the exquisite pain, a chill radiating throughout. From Jen’s gasp, the pudgy one, later to be revealed as Bren-dar, nods her head smugly. Bren-dar takes the opportunity to slide her gumdrop sized nipples back and forth across Jen’s more dainty pair of sharp pinpoints. Each time their nubs flicked apart, Jen got an electric twinge straight to her pussy. She shuddered at the delightful titillation.

Manuela looks up and down the captive, and grins at her possessively. Jen returns a meek smile, with an unmistakable twinkle in her eye. Manny craned her neck to close the gap between their smooth faces, Jen’s smooth and pale, Manuela’s of angular caramel. The contrast between shades of the two countenances added an element of danger. Manny leaned her lips down, and tenderly contacted Jen’s. The young nubile had been impatiently waiting for just that blissful meeting. As Manny cupped the back of Jen’s head, her tongue entered the prospective sex sub’s willing mouth.

Bren-dar coughs her interdiction with a stern squint, “ahem! As sweet as the picture of you two is, the ‘Frenching’ party is over, and our newbie brought for evaluation.”

The fledgling lovers reluctantly parted lips. There was a mutual unspoken attraction in the way Cebeci travesti they longingly stared at each other.

“Yes, of course, Bren-dar, ” Manny responds to her superior, “come prisoner, to the royal court you go!,” giving Jenna a comforting wink.

The conjoined maidens had yet to break their mutual intense gazes, until… Manny grabs her hips and raises her a yard off the ground. Jenna had marveled at Manny’s rippling musculature, once lifted more than a head above Manny’s. The sexy sentry flashed her a quick wink just before hoisting Jen over her left shoulder.

At first, Jen eked out her surprise, then became mute while staring longingly at Manny’s meaty toned sun-kissed cheeks as they bounced gracefully with each step. If only she could reach out and grasp them without incurring the risk of wrath from her captors. That would have surely elicited a few wacks, at a minimum. ‘Hmm…’ she mused. The thought did sound kind of kinky good.

Bren-dar turned towards the distant straw Tiki hut, and said over her shoulder, “right then. On we go!”

Bren-dar marched forward with an enticing swing of her generous butt. She glanced back over her shoulder to see if her inferiors were noticing. She bore a hidden smile of self-satisfaction when she saw they were. Along the short trip, the trailing duet stole lustful glances at Bren-dar’s well padded posterior. The burgeoning lovers stifled giggles. Bren-dar lifts her chin with pride and marches forth. The buff Manuela dispenses a hard corrective swat onto Jen’s backside, then lovingly soothed it with sensuous circular rubs around the reddened petite buns.

They were met at the palace by a lone stoic statuesque sentry flanking the woven grass entrance. She was a blonde goddess standing as erect as the visitor’s nipples were at the view of her. Without a word, the three ogled the guard to take in her impressive anatomy. Bren-dar only took a cursory glance. Her many visits here had made her nearly immune to the vision of this golden beauty. Nearly!

Manny took visual inventory of the guard. She noted her prominent Nordic ski jump proboscis. Her yellow locks were locked in a severe bun by intricately interlaced crimson ribbon. Manny’s lustful gaze migrated to the sentry’s full pear shaped breasts. The more she studied them, the more excited her own nipples and pussy became.

Manuela’s eyes roamed further. They traced the guard’s sinuous torso. She paused to take in her taught belly and abs. Manny held off looking at the sentry’s honeypot for the moment. Instead, she restarted her visual examination at the sentry’s lower landscape, admiring the long sleek and athletic gamms, toes and calves.

Manny then became impatient with lust. She bypassed her survey of the guard’s hips to fix her sights directly mid center. Manuela focused on the lush carpet of curly pubes. She slowly followed the valleys formed between the guard’s groin and hips. At last, Manny arrived at the upside-down apex of the goddess’s hairless delta. It was magnificent! There was a neat line where the public hair ended and raw flesh began. Cleanly shorn below the Venus de Milo’s mound, it exposed her prominent labia for all to contemplate its coveting.

Manny then saw the signs of the sentry’s arousal. Her own quim reacted by contributing to the juices already dripping down her own leg. The Nordic beauty’s cunt lips were shimmering from her heightening excitement. A drop of dew started to take shape at the bottom of her slit. Manny was tickled pink that she could evoke such a crack in the silent sentry’s armor of perfection. She reached down to her own womanhood and pulled a wad of pubes as hard as she could tolerate, to cease her embarrassing leakage. The measure failed spectacularly!


Meanwhile, Jen had also enjoyed the eye candy before her. Her approach differed markedly from that of her new-found friend’s. Jen went directly for the pot of gold, not minding the beautiful rainbow leading to it. She marveled at the heart of the goddess’s sex. This anonymous sentry was lean and mean, and Jen couldn’t help but express her appreciation with a sharp inhale.

The sentry maintained a stone-like stance as she looked back at Jenna. Jen could have sworn she gave her a subtle, yet confident, smirk. This beauty had no pubes to obscure the details of her love triangle. Her puffed up silky labia was creased inward. They tantalizingly framed the long vertical cleave they delineated. Unawares, Jen cupped her own breasts and lightly pulled her nipples. That sparked a corresponding spark in her pussy and clit. She involuntarily closed her eyes in pleasure, cursing herself for not having the mind over matter to keep focused on the whole of the Amazonian.

Bren-dar broke the reverie by grasping the wrists of the entranced observers. She yanked them inside through Cebeci travesti the entrance. As Jen was mindlessly pulled along, she marveled at the sudden vision of the ornately decorated interior trappings. There were paintings, Grecian vases in all sorts of sizes, shapes and colors, and a myriad of sparkling dangly things hung down from bamboo beams. She swore this was heaven. Once again, Jenna was snapped from her catatonic state by a strong tug. It nearly caused her to stumble onto the straw-carpeted floor.

Bren-dar gave her a stern look, “You are a maiden waif here! It is a transgression for lack of focus upon our revered Queen.”

Her Majesty, who had been sitting upon her wicker throne, interrupted the chastisement, “Now, now Bren, we mustn’t let your lascivious nature influence the dispensing of your charge. Let her marvel this one time at the magnificence that abounds the Royal Court,” and she smiled brightly at Jen, already plotting the details of her initiation and training regimen.

Jen took her first look at the Matriarch. Her Highness was definitely on the older side, to be expected as being commensurate with stature. The Supreme Her was donned in sexy minimalist royal-wear. That contrasted marvelously with her luxuriously pompous red coif. Her tits were just as full, with a barely perceptible droop, that from heft, not age. From the tops of her shoulders to the tops of her breasts, the proudly hung orbs were adorably sprinkled with tan freckles. The Queen absolutely retained her beauty through the years.

Jen felt the unstoppable flow of her juices. This did not escape the notice of the aristocrat. The other two ladies of the entourage bowed their heads in deference. Sly smiles appeared on their downturned faces as they recalled their own royal introductions. All four pussies in the house were weeping from the anticipation of the picturing of the prospective lewdness.

“Come closer, my dear, and let’s have a good look at you,” sayeth Her Majesty.

Fulfilling her subjugated role, Jenna said sheepishly, “Yes, your Grace. Your command is my will.”

Manny and Bren-dar stepped back to give the noble woman more space in which to make her inspection of the latest recruit. Queeny slowly circled her finger downward, a gesture prompting Jen to pirouette in place. Her Illustriousness nodded her approval while she appraised the goods. She liked what she saw – a slight-framed newbie anxious to be adopted into salacious servitude. The Queen’s eyes roamed Jenna’s A-cup bumps, lean torso, diminutive hands and toes, and surprisingly wide hips. Perfect, she thinks.

“Cleverly rearranged idiom,” the Queen said with surprise, “Smart ass nymphs get their asses slapped around here… while the whole village bears witness.”

Jenna did not flinch, quite the reverse. She pondered herself as being bent forward over a stockade, beautiful women all around her rubbing their pussies at her expense. She imagined that they would be pulling their teats at her being alternately paddled and groped.

“Hmm,” mused the Queen when she lowered her sights to Jen’s legs. The Matriarch spread her own legs wide apart, and pointed a finger at her lap, “can you see how the Royal Pussy likes what she sees? Slave! I grant you the honor of my cleaning. It will give you a taste of the nectar you’ll become all too familiar with. Now, come hither and impress me with what those lips and tongue can do.”

Manny and Bren-dar take their cue to depart outside. Queeny sits akimbo waiting upon her new slave to perform her maiden task. Jen immediately dropped to her knees, and shuffled forwards with her eyes riveted on the glistening prize ahead. She admired how Her Majesty’s enticing pink labia had unfolded and proudly parted to the sides. They were akin to a pair of butterfly wings opening for first flight after emerging from the cocoon that cradled them.

The pink beauties advertised an undeniable RSVP to attend to its warm cavern within. Jenna salivated at the sight and scent of the Royal Frisky Kitty. Jen could no longer resist. She put forth her right hand and tentatively brushed her finger pads gently along the Queen’s slit. The Queen bit her lip as she looked down at Jen, then exhaled out a note of pleasure through her nose.

Jen bent forward, making first contact with the lower part of the Queen’s slit with her tongue. She licked slowly upwards toward the protruding clitoris. Jenna kept her gaze on her master’s eyes, awaiting a response. She did not receive one, as Her Magnificence was already enraptured by Jen’s ministrations. Jen slurped up a line of dew pooling on upper left thigh.

The Queen Bee closed her eyes. She had immensely enjoyed the new minion’s tickling motion. She thinks, ‘this one’s got real potential,’ then says, “That’s it, little girl, tease my long legs with your tongue. Oh yeah.” The Queen exasperated in a loud whisper, “Curl that tongue. Yeah, like that. Oh! I can’t wait to feel that speer inside my Queeny quim.”

With conjured timidity, Jen looks up at her Mistress, and flashes her doe eyes at her, “And I like pleasing you, fair Queen. It is my sole ambition.”

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