
Standing in for Dad Ch. 27

For Women

All of us were seated in the safe room when the President joined us via a video call. “Hello Mr. President, sorry to have given you another headache.”

“OK fellas, I know you all did things by the book, but I have a diplomat from Spain saying he was fired upon by a SEAL. What can you tell me about that?”

One of the Lieutenants spoke up, “Sir, we had a four man team tasked with securing one of two stairwells from the subterranean regions of the base after the power was cut. Two SEALs were tasked with securing the stairwell inside and another two took position outside the concrete box up top that allowed topside access to the stairs. When the power was cut, six armed men tripped a claymore and were killed. At that point, an unknown man yelled up saying he was a diplomat and had immunity.”

“To allow that man to walk up to the two man unit could easily have compromised the mission and he was not allowed to approach the team. The team told him if he showed himself he would be shot and a round was fired down the stairwell shaft to enforce that statement. There was no way for that fire team to verify his claim without being compromised.”

“To our knowledge, the diplomat was unharmed when the Marine detail took over the operation and the team was relieved of their responsibilities.”

“Very well. Why was it necessary to use lethal force to secure the stairwells?”

I spoke to that question, “Sir, Deep Look had already documented suspicious activity underground, I believe you have that footage available to you. Additionally, after the Base Commander refused docking permission and you relieved him, we had two snipers targeting us who were convinced to stand down by Sea Whiz.”

“Finally, when talking to Commander Watkins, he revealed those snipers had to be under the CIA station chief’s authority and that the CIA station chief and base commander had been involved in drug and human trafficking as well as illegal torture by foreign agencies on the base.”

“Given the extremely hostile environment and evidence collected to that point, I authorized the SEAL Team to go weapons hot. This was also discussed earlier with the Joint Chiefs and we were authorized, and I quote, “Do whatever you need to do to secure that base, protect the SEAL Team, the Ambassador, and yourselves. You are authorized weapons hot.”

“In short, Mr. President, we were given no options by the actions of the base personnel but to use lethal force to secure the base.”

The Naval Joint Chief boasted, “And one SEAL Team, an Ambassador, a CIA field operative, and a luxury yacht did just that. Mighty proud of those boys, Mr. President.”

Bill’s Chief of Staff asked, “Mr. President, how do you want to handle this?”

“We have a dicey situation here as some of those diplomats doing illegal torture on GITMO are from allied countries. Let’s keep this as an internal matter for now and I will have a talk with the other countries involved. This could be a negotiating chip we can use to garner international support for our plans in Mexico.”

“As it stands, Ambassador; job well done. The Marine detachment has uncovered a mountain of evidence to support your charges beyond any reasonable doubt. Let your people know this was a black bag operation and secrecy protocols are in place.”

The military men present all spoke at once, “Understood, Mr. President!”

“Harry, when can we expect you for dinner?”

“With your permission, Sir, I thought we would stop off and do a day of fishing before we arrived in Norfolk. How does Thursday evening sound?”

“Excellent! I have invited the English, French and Spanish Ambassador’s already having anticipated your answer. Please be sure Lady Isabella DE Sousa is in attendance as we will have some diplomatic business to attend to after dinner.”

“My I invite the SEAL Lieutenants and my father along with Sue, Barbara, and Leesie, Sir? I suspect they will need to be involved in the discussions at some point anyway.”

“Capitol idea, Ambassador. Let’s make it for 17:30 hours Thursday evening. Bring the SEAL who got injured with you as well.”

With that the call ended. I asked the men present, “What does everyone think is going on?”

The Captain spoke up, “They are planning a full scale, public, military operation in Mexico and they are going to use Bella as part of their justification. Additionally, we are going back to Mexico to serve as the U.S. Embassy as this action will be taking place. I suspect they will have Bella run the country until elections can be held. So a six to nine month deployment.

I looked at the Lieutenants, “You fellas are due to stand down are you not?”

The Lieutenants looked at one another and one of them looked at me and smiled, “Sir, with all due respect, this has been one helluva vacation for us. We get to play with guns whenever we get antsy, our wives are with us, we have sex with whomever we wish, we get to shop and visit a foreign country, and we are getting more action than SEAL Team One. I guarantee you, that is not a problem.”

“Thanks refahiye escort fellas. Indoctrinating a new SEAL Team into our operations in the middle of all this would be a serious pain in the ass. My best guess is we are going to be in Portsmouth for at least a week so the military can get situated with what they want to do. “Sue?” I called out through the door, “Would you coordinate something for me, please?”

“Sure honey, what do you need?”

“How about we set everyone up in the Gabonzo Inn in Ogunquit for the duration.”

“Pay whatever rate they require for a week’s stay. And we want the entire place to ourselves, so rent every room they have. Use my Ambassadorial status if need be. If that isn’t enough, have the President’s Chief of Staff give them a call. We will also pay to relocate anyone whose booking we interrupt to a place of their choosing. Include the yacht staff in that as well and give each and every individual $2,000 spending money as a bonus for all their hard work.”

Also let’s purchase a small restaurant where Ana Barrera’s family lives and have our guest, Martina, run the place as a family restaurant. That will provide her with the job needed for a work visa.”

Captain Barnes spoke up, “Harry, I need you to transfer about 20 million into the working account. I need to resupply the ship as well as pay everyone. With your permission, I would like to pay them a month in advance as well just to be sure they have enough money to enjoy their vacation.”

I called the bank president on his direct line and had the transfer made after I identified myself. It took all of 10 minutes. I looked at Captain Barnes and nodded, done and approved. Give everyone their bonus at the same time, please. And don’t forget the raise I gave them, either.”

“I got it all worked out, Ambassador.”

“Captain, that bonus, multiply it 10 fold each for you and Isabella. Buy her a nice wardrobe befitting the expectant ruler of Mexico.”

Unbeknownst to me, Captain Barnes had taken the liberty of providing everyone on the yacht a prepaid credit card and he had a program set up to pay everyone automatically. Within the hour, everyone was paid, with their respective bonuses, and Captain Barnes informed everyone of their pay and/or bonuses, including their advance on next month’s pay where applicable.

Sue got on the horn and, after some finagling, she got the B & B on board and those whose reservations were canceled moved to other places. We had the whole place to ourselves. However, Sue needed to speak to everyone in the auditorium.

She began, “Well everyone, glad you are all here. As you know, Harry has decided to set everyone up for a week in the highest rated B & B near Norfolk. There are a few rules, however. No wild parties in the place and no raucous behavior will be tolerated as it is family owned and there are children about. The place is lights out after 10:00 pm, that is 2200 hours for you military guys, but the doors to the lobby will open from the outside with your room key should you be out late. Just be quiet as you make your way to your room.”

“Breakfast is served at 0600 hours and is buffet style. Anyone have questions?”

“What about transportation?”

“I have had our personal vehicles brought up to the B & B for everyone’s use so there will be 4 or 5 Mercedes Benz SUVs that are highly armored and available for your use. One of them will be reserved for immediate family but the other 4 will need to be coordinated with the front desk.”

Additionally, I have arraigned for 15 other vehicles to be rented for the week. They are all luxury SUV level rides, they just are not armored. They seat between 7 and 8 people and preference will be given to larger groups. However, if they are all taken, you will need to rent a cab I am afraid. You will be responsible for any fuel you use and for repairing any damage where you are at fault, so no drunk driving.”

“Finally, Ambassador Walker will be treating everyone to a Seafood Dinner at one of the famous restaurants in town on Wednesday evening. Reservations are for 4:30 pm, or 1630 hours, and it is smart casual dress.

“I have made arrangements with the base transportation office to bus us to the B & B and to bus us back to the base on the last day. Announcements will be made on those times so make sure you are ready.”

There were no further questions so Sue said, “OK, ladies, come pick a number from the hat. Whoever picks number one picks their man first, number two picks second and so on. We have a movie we are showing and clothing is optional.”

I noticed that Bella and Captain Barnes bowed out of the picking game, but nobody minded. After all the women picked a number, Cynthia, one of the maids, picked number one. She didn’t say a word. She just smiled, walked up to me, stripped, pulled off my shorts and stood in front of me.

I took that as my cue and wrapped my arms around her slim waist, kissing her very slight but very sexy tummy bump, making reyhanlı escort sure to lick around and inside her naval. My hands were on her cheeks and I gently pulled them apart to give her dark rose some cool air, which raised goose pimples on her skin.

“Cynthia, thank you for being so thoughtful about clothing. That was very kind of you.”

Cynthia ran her fingers through my hair and smiled at me between her breasts, “Mr. Walker, you are a special man.”

“Where would you like me, “Cynthia? And, Harry, please. We are about to have sex and Mr. Walker doesn’t fit the situation.”

“Thank you, Harry. What I would prefer is to spoon with you in the chair, whetting your cock inside my pussy before you slide it into my ass as we watch the show. That way I can play with my clit while you play with my nipples. Does that work for you?”

“Only if you cum for me several times.” I winked.

“I assure you, Harry, that will not be a problem.”

Cynthia turned around as I slouched in the chair. She leaned over, reaching back to part her cheeks to show me her dark rose was already well lubed and that her pussy was already wet with anticipation. I held the base of my cock and aimed for her pussy as Cynthia lowered herself onto me.

She was very, very wet. I slid inside her to my balls without the hint of friction. I groaned, as I bottomed out inside her heated depth. Cynthia merely giggled, lifted herself up…and opened her cheeks wide for me to glide just as effortlessly inside her bowels.

Cynthia sighed deeply and laid back against me, putting her thighs wide open and her legs outside of mine so everyone could see I was plunging deep inside her ass (I was seated on the front row).

When I let loose a small amount of my Chi through my cock, Cynthia laid her head back on my shoulder and just moaned as I slowly took her liquid hot ass in front of everyone. It didn’t take long before she was panting, whining, writhing, and groaning as her hands latched onto the arm rests of the seat, gripping them with inhuman force.

Off behind us, over the din of lots of people having sex, we could hear Millie screaming through her first orgasm and I think that put Cynthia over the edge as she began to cry just before her whole body began spasming and jerking. All the while I was pinching and pulling on her ample, cone shaped areola and nipples.

I started pulsing a bit of Chi into her as if I was climaxing. But instead of pressure and other sensations, it was more like jolts of electric fire were pulsing up her spine and into her brain’s erotic center.

Cynthia immediately arched her back, crying, “Do that again! I beg you!” Just as she un-arched her back and leaned against my chest again, I pulsed one more time. Cynthia arched her back again and begged, “More! More!” So, being an accommodating lover, I started pulsing Chi up her ass and spine in one second intervals.

Cynthia went berserk. She began wailing, her legs went straight up in the air and convulsed continuously, she was gasping for breath, her whole body tensed with each pulse of my Chi.

After having a woman sitting on my cock having a five minute long, full body orgasm, I couldn’t hold out any longer and came so hard inside her ass my balls ached with each pump.

Afterwards, Cynthia couldn’t move, like at all. After a bit, a few of her friends who had all had very satisfying sex helped her off my cock and supported her on the way to one of the crew toilets. I went up to the owner’s deck and, making sure the Minx was in her room, ran to the en-suite bathroom.

We cleaned each other up, Sue taking extra care to clean my cock, and we put on some swim outfits before jumping into the pool and relaxing in each other’s arms.

After about 45 minutes, Doc and DD came in, having the same idea and dove in. They worked their way over to us and DD said, “Harry, I am not sure it is wise to do again what you did to Cynthia.”

“I tried to be careful! Did I hurt her?”

Doc chimed in, “I could find nothing physically wrong with her.”

“No, Harry, you misunderstand. What you did with your cock overstimulated the pleasure center of her mind and she said she wanted to die in your arms as you sent her to nirvana. When she came down, it scared the shit out of her. If she had died, she would not have cared, would have welcomed it even.”

Sue said, “No shit?”

DD nodded, “No shit.”

Sue thought for a minute and both DD and I could read her mind and we both said, “No!” in unison.

Sue pouted but then agreed, “Yeah, let’s save that for when I am terminally ill or something.”

I just shook my head as Doc and DD laughed.

We all slept in our room that night. Early in the morning, I felt DD lubing up my cock. I looked down at her and asked, “Do I need to ask what you have in mind?”

Doc and Sue woke up but came out of their groggy states immediately when DD said, “I need to know what Cynthia felt. But just do one pulse, please.”

I looked at Doc, who rize escort shrugged, and DD went down on me, holding my morning wood deep inside her ass. “Ready?” I asked.

DD just nodded and waited. I slowly let out my Chi through my cock as the baseline and then let out a pulse of similar strength into DD. Her eyes bulged, her mouth opened wide, her breath whooshed out, and her body tensed.

DD started gasping for breath, got off of me and attacked Doc, “Make me cum! NOW! Dammit! NOW!”

Doc was soon taking her like a man on fire and DD had a chain of climaxes that enveloped her whole body.

After DD had cum about half a dozen times and Doc was exhausted after his climax, the two of them were gasping for breath.

When they had calmed down a little I asked, “Did I hurt you?”

DD shook her head, “I now understand what Cynthia was trying to tell me. Harry, don’t do that more than once on any woman you have anal sex with. It slams open the doors to the pleasure center of the brain and stimulates that whole region. It is overpowering and can easily kill a woman due to the intensity of the pleasure…and she would not care. She would ride that tsunami to her death and be happy her life had ended.”

Sue became adamant, “OK, you three clean up and meet me back here in 5 minutes.” She hopped out of bed and ran to her father’s suite.

When we dried off and returned, Sue had Dad and Barbara and Leesie in the bedroom, “What do you mean get ready to fuck the hell out of you, honey?” Dad asked Sue.

DD explained the situation and said, “I’m sure Sue has decided come hell or high water, she is now going to try it.”

With that, Mom and Leesie started playing with Dad’s cock to get him hard while Sue sucked mine. Soon we were both hard and Sue lubed up her ass and my cock and slid down to my balls. I released a base line of Chi and sent a pulse up her spine.

Just like DD, Sue’s eyes bulged, her mouth opened wide, her breath whooshed out, and her body tensed, “Just one more! Then Dad has to fuck me senseless!”

I pushed one more pulse and Sue groaned as she keened over, her legs wide for Dad. Dad wasted no time entering his daughter and fucked her willing pussy for all he was worth. Sue was like a sexual demoness with him and came even more than DD had.

Mom saw my cock was angrily raging and leaned over the edge of the bed with her cheeks held open for me. “Finish off inside your mother, honey. I know you need release, too.”

I didn’t think twice and took my mother like a madman. After she had cum three times, Leesie presented herself and I took her to the promised land three times as well before I came.


The berth we were assigned at Norfolk was a covered dock so the yacht could not be seen from any spy satellites. Heavy doors even closed the entrance after we docked. I had locked out the elevators going to the owner’s deck with a fractal code I had created and set sensors to alert me if anyone defeated it and gained entrance to that deck. There were just too many sensitive, eyes only, things up there for shipyard workers…no matter what their clearance level was.

I was relaying that information to the job Foreman when he smiled. “Ambassador, no worries. We are just doing system checks from her maiden voyage and checking her propulsion and environmental systems. Judging by the need to reload her missile silos and replenish her 20 mm ammunition and replace her Sea Whiz barrels, I suspect the self-defensive systems are all up to snuff?”

“Yes, indeed. They performed flawlessly.” I didn’t elaborate as he didn’t need to know any more than that.

“You may want to look at the stern, she took some shrapnel from a rocket. The crew cleaned it up, but there may be some deeper damage they missed.”

The Foreman guffawed, “Not bloody likely.”

“Obviously you know more than I do. What gives?”

The Foreman said, “Evidently the builder rep didn’t give you the specifics about your hull. It is made of a 1 inch thick Titanium alloy base above the waterline that is layered on the outside with multi-directional carbon fiber scrim which is stronger than Titanium. Each layer is actually painted to the previous layer with a special coating of Aluminum, Boron, Magnesium, and Titanium Boride. There are 100 layers of the carbon fiber infused with that special coating.”

“Just the coating is harder than diamond and is considered the hardest material known to man. The Titanium plates had to be acid etched and cleaned before the layers of infused carbon fiber could be applied. They all had to be applied wet and pressed together then heated to form the cohesive strength necessary.”

“We had to form each lower hull as one piece and each deck was also done in one piece. When the decks were mated, we did the same process at the mated surfaces, using the weight of the upper deck to provide the pressure and special heating processes to weld the joints so they would attach and solidify without sacrificing structural integrity. Overall, building this baby was a real pain in the ass. But the results are nothing short of miraculous.”

“We shot a five foot square of that stuff with an Abram’s armor piercing, tank killer sabot round at point blank range and all it did was scratch the outer epoxy paint layer. No structural damage was found. Not even a dent.”

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