
Stay Calm


Author’s Note: While I believe this story is best suited to the erotic couplings section, the sex scene is a bit rough and has some name calling in it. This story is not for you if you are sensitive to those things. I do hope you enjoy!


Alexandria leaned in close to the mirror to apply her lipstick, a bright cherry red, and she blushed. She tried to fight back the giggles rising in her stomach as she realised that she was being unusually bold as anything she was planning for this evening! Alex took an appraising look in the mirror. She had chosen a very thin navy blue polka dot summer dress with a moderate v neck and thin straps. The back dropped low, exposing her pale skin, and the skirt rose to her mid thigh. She finally stepped into a pair of red wedge sandals to complete the look, then walked away from the mirror and back toward it. Her breasts were large D cups that she rarely left without a bra-but she was taking that plunge tonight; she felt them jiggle and bounce with each step. Her phone chirped, making her jump with surprise. Her heart raced when she saw the text from Tyler telling her that he was waiting for her outside. She took one final glance in the mirror, nodded in determination, grabbed her purse, and was out the door before she could second guess herself.


Alex felt the doorman’s eyes on her as she walked through the double doors out of her apartment building. It made her feel both exhilarated and uneasy. Her eyes rose to meet Tyler’s. She could feel the intensity of his gaze as it bore into her. Her eyes dropped to the ground for a moment, then she shook it off; she had chosen this route and she was going to stick with it. Without another moment’s hesitation, she flashed him a smile as he walked over to open her car door. “Hi Tyler! I’ve missed you!” She leaned in to give him a hug, her large breasts pressed against the hard pane of his chest. Yet he didn’t take the bait. She saw his jaw clench as his hand moved to her lower back, guiding her gently into the car as he always did.

“Good evening, my love” was the only response she got. Alex made it a point to move slowly and pointedly into the vehicle, leaving her legs open just a few seconds longer than they needed to be, making sure he got a good view of the red lace panties she was wearing, grinning up at Tyler as she watched his eyes widen and his nostrils flare before moving to the driver’s side and got in, carefully driving them to the restaurant.

She continued her calculated distractions throughout the night-making sure to put a little more bounce in her step than was necessary, leaning into him as they walked, sliding her hands suggestively over his body, yet Tyler never responded. Alex was getting frustrated. The entire reason she had planned this evening was to make the man who was always in control of himself lose a bit of control; nd yet here he was, the epitome of poise and self control. Tyler looked a little tense, a little tighter than usual, a little uncomfortable, but still being the perfect gentleman. During dessert, Alex slid over to the booth next to him. Tyler shifted a bit in his seat, glancing over at her. The muscles in his neck were so taught, his tendons visible, Alex almost felt bad for causing such tension. Almost. But instead of backing off, she leaned in and licked his gaziantep escort neck, one long stroke of her tongue over that tendon sticking out so visibly.

She heard him draw one quick, sharp breath and smiled. She had affected him. When she pulled back, she was grinning. And he was sipping his wine, as if nothing were happening at all. She huffed, dropping her hands on the table in frustration, making the plates and the silverware hop. Some of the other patrons were startled, glancing over at their table in confusion. Tyler looked at her, eyebrow raised in bemusement. She blushed, thoroughly embarrassed, and looked down to her lap.

Tyler put his finger on her chin and lifted her face, his eyes meeting hers. “Are you about done with this ridiculous game?” he asked her. She nodded, tears of humiliation springing to her eyes, but refusing to let them drop. She felt like she would never be pretty enough, never be sexy enough. She knew that all of these thoughts were ridiculous, yet she couldn’t help them rising to the surface. She knew he found her attractive and their sex life was nothing short of amazing. He never failed to make her beautiful. She had just wanted to make him lose control. She sniffled a bit as he leaned in and kissed her forehead, signing the credit card slip and ushering her out of the restaurant.

As they made their way through the crowded entry waiting area, he was recognized by clients and coworkers. They paused several times to shake hands and make small talk, Tyler introducing her to the people she didn’t know and reminding her of the places she had met people before. She felt incredibly embarrassed dressed like this, feeling their eyes on her, seeing the looks exchanged between them and she blushed once again, unable to meet anyone’s eyes, just wanting desperately to be out of this restaurant, out of these clothes. As they finally made it through the doors into the fresh air, Tyler took her arm and guided her toward the park. Alex protested.

“Baby, we are going to go for a walk. Tonight I have put up with a lot from you and I am now telling you that we are going for a walk in the fresh air. Now, come with me.” Alex couldn’t bring herself to refuse him and let herself be guided into the park. She could hear the distant sounds of other conversations but slowly they seemed to move further away until they seemed to be completely alone. She waited for Tyler to speak, but he remained quiet. Rather than the walk calming him, however, he only seemed to be getting more tense, more angry. She began to worry.

“Tyler…” she started to say, but he shook his head, stopping her before she started. She closed her mouth, contemplating. His hand tightened on her elbow a bit. The path in front of them wound to the left, but suddenly, Tyler pulled her to the right, off the path, pushing her against the caretakers shed. He looked her straight in the eyes, his green eyes blazing hot and angry, all of his earlier control now gone as he stared at her.

“Do you have any idea what it takes for me to keep ahold of myself when my gorgeous fucking girlfriend is walking around dressed like this, just flaunting herself around in public like this?” He spit the words at her so quickly, so angrily that she didn’t even know how to respond. She started to stutter a response.

“NO. You’ve done enough tonight. You be quiet.” He groped her right breast with his large hand, gripping it tight in his hand and twisting it, a low groan deep in his throat barely audible as he twisted his hand, then began to move his thumb over the nipple. “God, baby…I’ve needed to do this all night…I’ve needed to get my hands on you all fucking night.”

Without warning, he gripped her shoulders in his hands and spun her around, his body pushing against her, pinning her tight against the shed, reaching one hand up and tangling it into her hair, pulling her head back and leaning in to whisper in her ear. Her nipples were hard and she could feel the rough concrete of the shed through the thin fabric of her dress. She moaned as she felt his hot breath against her, she writhed under the weight of him. “Is this what you wanted, baby? Did you want to feel me lose control? Did you want to feel me unable to stay calm? Unable to keep my hands off of you?”

She could feel the hard bulge of his cock nestled against her ass and she tried to push back against him but she couldn’t move. She wanted desperately to reach to touch him, to respond to his touch. Instead, she was forced to stay pinned in place as he groped her, pawed at her. He was like an animal, his hands seemed to be everywhere at once, grabbing at her waist, her ass, her thighs, pulling at her skirt, then grasping at the sides of her tits. She moaned as he took her ear into his mouth and sucked, then felt his teeth biting into the soft flesh.

“Please!” She whimpered, begged. She kept trying, fighting to push off of the wall, to get her hands free in order to gain access to him. She wanted to be able to touch him, to respond to him, to feel him.

“You filthy little slut” he responded, his voice a low growl. “You’ve been teasing me all night, you don’t get to beg. A slut gets what they deserve…you’re going to get what’s coming to you…now just take it like a good girl.” He reached up under her arms and around her chest, pulling her back toward him just a bit and for a moment, she thought he was going to give her some room, give her the opportunity to move. But instead, he grabbed the thin straps of her dress and tore them away, exposing her breasts to the night air. Alex heard him grunt in satisfaction before he began grasping them, kneading them roughly, pinching, rolling, and twisting the nipples. She cried out in delight, unable to hide her enjoyment.

Tyler groaned as one hand left her breast to release his cock from his pants. He began to tug her skirt up, unwilling to allow the distance between them long enough to easily get it free, he continued tugging and tugging until finally the skirt was up around her waist and his cock was rubbing the lace of her red panties. He heard her whimpering again. His right hand came down on her breast, the sharp sound of the impact audible in the quiet night. She squeaked in surprise. He growled in her ear and heard her whimper in response. Again, he let his hand fall hard on her breast, watching the pale flesh beginning to swell and redden.

“Fucking slut…” he reminded Alex as he began tugging her panties down. He grinned and nipped at her jawbone as he felt her helping him, wiggling her hips to get them off, stepping out of them as they hit the ground. “You know you’ve been just begging for this all night, right slut?”

Alex nodded, biting her lip as she felt him positioning his cock at her entrance, then squealed in surprise as she suddenly felt him plunging his fingers deep inside of her. Before she knew what was happening, Tyler pulled out again, then shoved his wet fingers into her mouth. “Taste yourself, slut. I want you to see just how wet it makes you to be treated like the filthy little whore that you are.”

Eagerly, she closed her mouth around his fingers, sucking greedily, her tongue sliding up and down his fingers, cleaning all of the juices off. As she continued to suck, she felt him beginning to fuck her, his cock sliding in easily despite the tight fit. She could hear Tyler grunting in her ear as he began to use her, to slam into her over and over, one hand on her hip, the other hooked in her cheek, her lipstick now smeared all over her face, drool covering her cheek and chin. Her breasts bounced, scraping against the rough shed wall as he used her body for his pleasure. Alex braced herself against the wall, arched her back and thrust against him, giving him all she had, desperate for this.

Tyler pulled his fingers out of her mouth and slapped her breast again, right over the swollen red welt, making Alex yelp in pain and pleasure. He grasped her jaw in his hand and pulled her in for a kiss, mashing his mouth against hers, his tongue shoving in deep, claiming it, giving no room for her response. After a few minutes, Tyler pulled back, panting, his lips still close, panting, grunting, as he continued to use her body. Alex flicked her tongue out over his lips, licking and biting as she moaned and thrust back against him.

Suddenly, Tyler sped up. He let go of her jaw and he dropped his face to her shoulder, sinking his teeth into her flesh, biting down and then sucking in deep. Alex cried out in surprise, bucking beneath of him, pushing back against him, giving into the pleasure, sinking into the sensations. He came up for air, moving to her ear again “Dirty little slut, you get what you fucking deserve.” She could feel her legs quivering, her orgasm approaching.

His hands came up to her face, slapping her firmly across the cheek twice, rubbing it gently, caressing it as he sucked her earlobe, licked her, then slapped her again without warning. He thrust into her again, groaning as he pushed into her. She couldn’t hold back any longer and gave into the wave that crashed into her, feeling her body go taut, her pussy clenching hard around his cock. He groaned, grunted, then she felt his body responding as well as he slowly began to pump into her as her pussy milked him. She felt him collapse against her, his head on his shoulder as she tried to brace herself on the shed, gasping for air.

After a few moments, he grinned over at her and pulled her in close to him, holding her tight. She nuzzled her face into his chest and breathed in his scent, waiting for her heart to stop racing.

“Thank you” she finally whispered. He reached down and lifted her chin to force her to look at him again and leaned down to kiss her lips.

“You’re mine.” Tyler said simply and she smiled. After tucking himself away, he retrieved tissues from her purse to clean her face up, then pulled his jacket from his shoulders and wrapped Alex in it. He put his arm around her as they finished their walk, both of them now able to relax effortlessly.

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