


Subject: Strike Two Chapter 34 (Adult/Youth Blake could see that Sean had tears in his eyes and was in a lot of pain. “Are you okay?” Blake asked the tear stain boy who was on the ground. Moments later, Tanner was at Blake and Sean’s side. “Hey, big guy. Let me see your arm.” Tanner said. Sean let Tanner look at his arm. He knew something was wrong right away. The arm was already starting to bruise and swell. Tanner was sure that the arm or shoulder was broken. “We need to get him to the medical tent right away.” Tanner told Blake. Tanner helped Sean to his feet and led him off to the medical tent. “Bobby you’re going in for Marcus.” Blake yelled out. He figured that once the cougar’s finished they’re at bat he would put Bobby in at pitching and move Adian to third, JD to left field, RJ to center and Eric to right field. Bobby ran out to first base as Adian got ready to step into the batter’s box. Blake had talked to him prior to the beginning of the inning. *** “Ready in 3 2 1” the producer said as he pointed to the two announcers. “Welcome back, it looks like the young ballplayer has been taken to the medical tent.” “Yeah, it looks like the injury was more than just a bruised shoulder. It is a good thing they have a good medical staff here.” Jack Cannon said as Adian stepped up to the plate. “Bases loaded and it looks like the Willmar bursa escort Cougars best player is up to bat.” Jim Nance told the listening audience. “Jim, from what I have seen at his first at bat this young ballplayer has a good eye for the pitch. Look how he is set in the batter’s box. Whoever taught this boy to his has taught him well.” Jack said. “Here is the pitch. It’s a called strike one. It was a good pitch right down the middle.” Jim called out. “Yes, Jim it was a good pitch. I wonder why the young batter held off that pitch?” Jack asked. “From what we have been told that young ballplayer has an excellent eye for the right pitch. Here is the pitch.” “Strike two.” the umpire called out “That pitch looked a little high. Let’s see what out new computer umpire has to say about that pitch.” “It looks like that pitch should have been called a ball. According to our computer it was high and to the inside. Not a good call for our young hitter.” “Don’t count this young hitter out just yet. I think we might just see something out of him.” Jack Cannon said. “I think this is a someone has made an era in getting us the right information. But it says here that Adian Parks has never struck out. I find that highly unlikely.” Jim Nance said. Ting “It looks like that one is gone. Jim, I think that one is going to hit in the parking lot.” Jack bursa escort bayan Cannon said as he watched the ball bounce out into the parking lot 50 feet from the outfield fence. “That has got too be a record. Now that is a way to hit a Grand slam homerun. The last time I saw a hit like that was when you won the World Series.” Jim Nance commented to Jack Cannon. Jack Connan remembered that day and the days that followed. It was after that he had adopted his Son PJ Thorndyke. Not many people knew that PJ Thorndyke was the principal owner of the Boston Red Sox through the many companies he owned. But that is another story. (The Father Contract by A.J. Arrington) Jack Knew he had to get PJ down to Williamsport. Adian never looked up after he hit the ball. All he knew is that he had to get to first. As he rounded first Ben told him to keep going. When he got to second, he looked into the outfield and everyone was looking over the fence. Blake was calling for him to come to third. Adian was sure he had not hit the ball that hard. Adian watched as Bobby slowly made his way passed third and was heading home. Blake bumped fist when Adian. “Nice hit little bro.” Blake said as Adian headed to home plate. At the plate Adian was met by his Bobby, Aaron and the rest of his team mates at home plate. The Cougars were now up six to nothing at the escort bursa bottom of the third. The Tennessee pitcher was replaced before the next batter came to the plate. At the end of the inning The Wilton Cougars were up nine to nothing. Bobby did go in to pitch and shut the Tennessee team down only allowing one hit to the shortstop. Where Kristopher fumbles the ball just enough to allow the batter on base. But made up for it on the next play catching a stinger to short where he made a glove gem. Bobby only got to pitch the third inning the cougar won when Kristopher hit Adian home after Adian hit a triple. *** Ryo and Miki were cheering their butts off. Mr. Abe and the rest of the Japanese crowd were just as loud. Even the Chinese Taipei team was there cheering for the Wilton Cougars. Somehow ADian had made an impression on that team. To be continued. Nifty is kind enough to post these stories and could use your help. Please send your donations too: Nifty Stories Archive ion… Thanks again for reading all remarks are appreciated. Other stories on : Unexpected Relationships (Gay/ incest) completed The runaways (Adult/Youth) completed story Turnhurst Manor (Adult/Youth) completed story The beauty of red (Adult/Youth) completed story Justin Brown’s Journal (Youth) completed short story The short life of Kiren Brown (Adult/Youth) completed Strike Two (Adult/Youth & Athletics) In progress (Strike Two) Freddy’s got blue balls (Incest) completed (Strike Two) Webcamming with my brother (Incest) completed Shooting Star (Adult/Youth) In progress

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