
The Alpha


I don’t know what possessed me to place an ad on that swingers’ site in the first place. It’s not as if I didn’t have more than my share of male attention now that I had decided to start dating again after my divorce. I had an active social life aside from the dating and thanks to my genius ex-husband, I was financially set for life. Still, I was restless after two years of shaking off the emotional debris of my failed marriage. I had enjoyed the travel and putting together a new home but I was ready for a man in my life and in my bed.

As I stood naked before the mirror that morning, I was pleased with what I saw. Though petite at 5’1″, I was super toned thanks to good genetics and the efforts of my personal trainer. My breasts had been enhanced to a full C cup, perhaps a tad too much for my frame but my care in selecting the best plastic surgeon had been justified. They were soft to the touch and moved naturally with not even a hint of scarring. Not bad for a woman approaching forty, I thought! One of my close male friends told me I was smoking hot and now, as I surveyed my body in the mirror, it would have been false modesty to do anything but agree with him.

So, why was I so dismissive of the men who had approached me recently? Yes, I went out but only once had I agreed to a second date. Seriously, I found most of them to be rather uninteresting. They were all successful but I didn’t particularly need or want the ties of financial/lifestyle security that they offered. I had that and more on my own. I needed, well, something more exciting and the men in my social circle were not providing that. Several of them had been more than a bit aggressive on our dates but I made it quite clear that I wasn’t interested. I have always had more than a bit of attitude but it did hurt when one man called me a bitch

It hurt but maybe he was right – maybe I was a bit of a bitch towards men. When I was younger, before my marriage, I rather enjoyed teasing and then denying men who wanted me. And though I could be quite flirtatious, truthfully I was insecure sexually to the point of being repressed. My husband in fact was the first man I had ever slept with. I found that while in time I enjoyed the sex, Clark was perhaps too tender a lover, too enamored of me to make the lovemaking truly enjoyable. I had always felt that I was missing something. The one time I had strayed had been a combination of Las Vegas and too many drinks at the casino bar. I had only inexact memories of the experience but the man had been younger, very handsome, and very aggressive. He had taken me several times in my room and I remember the thrill of giving myself over to my passion – and the guilt the next morning when I awoke to find him gone. I fretted for weeks, not only for the simple fact that I had been unfaithful but wondering if I had caught something. That was five years ago and I had all but put it out of my mind. But since the divorce, my mind returned to that brief tryst and each time I allowed myself to go there mentally, my body responded and I would masturbate furiously, each time experiencing the release of an intense orgasm.

Perverse though it may be, I saw in the men I was dating simply Clark in another form. In a way I resented their wanting me sexually although I appreciated their attentiveness and in fact encouraged them up to a point. I knew that I gave off a sexual vibe but perhaps it’s the fact that I’m petite that make men want to treat me like a china doll.

I felt like an accident waiting to happen and one day I simply decided that a clandestine affair would be the way to go. It would have to be done discreetly of course. I wasn’t going to risk social ostracism or ridicule in taking a lover. And I would be in control.

You would think it would be the easiest thing to find a lover, but it isn’t. I had thought of simply going on a cruise or a tropical resort to satisfy my carnal needs, but I didn’t enjoy traveling alone and frankly would be concerned for my safety. No, I would find someone or several someones locally. As I have always been a very organized, detail-oriented woman, I made a list of my criteria.

1.He must be physically very attractive – in shape, certainly and it would be a real plus if he had a really nice cock. Both of the men I had been with were average, I think. I did know for a certainty that there were men a good bit larger and I wanted to try one

2.He should be younger but not so young as to make me feel ridiculous

3.He had to be squeaky clean, in every sense

4.He must be discreet

5.He would only know the barest few facts about me. I didn’t want some thug who would stop by unannounced or text and call me constantly. I would have to call the shots

6.Of course he had to have serious skills in bed

I found several ‘adult’ sites and spent the better part of a day surveying them and really wasn’t impressed with the quality of men I found there, though there were the exceptions. Interestingly I did discover Maltepe Öğrenci Escort that one could be ‘validated’ by other members, a notion which I liked. It became clear enough that there were more than a few men who were the rock stars of this sexual underworld. And without exception they were physically gorgeous and usually quite well endowed, with multiple validations from ‘satisfied’ customers, usually women but from couples as well. Slightly advanced, I thought! Well, if this is the way I’m going to go, I wanted the gold standard. With that I sat down and composed a profile.

I fussed over the wording of the profile over the next few days when really I should have given more thought to how I would manage to post provocative photos. I didn’t have any! I had a few of myself in a skimpy bikini that Clark had taken a few years ago but they were pre-boob job, so they wouldn’t do. I finally settled on some PG shots taken at the resort I had visited in the Bahamas earlier that year. One featured me in a short black dress, which showed a lot of cleavage and a fair amount of leg. Another was poolside, which really was my favorite, as I looked pretty good in my swimsuit and was all smiles. Too bad I had to crop out my face!

And a few clicks later, there I was! I decided not to post a lengthy profile, simply saying that I was looking for a man or two for no strings sex on a long-term basis. I didn’t have to wonder long whether or not my profile would draw attention. Within a few hours my mailbox was overflowing with messages from eager suitors. I was both pleased and surprised by the volume of mail! Quickly though I found most of the men were either not enough of this or too much of that. One or two merited a response. I decided to be patient – there was no need to rush into anything. I was generous with the delete button, particularly men who simply sent one-line messages or photos of their cocks. Ugh!

After a day of this I thought that perhaps I had better rethink my online strategy. But there were several messages from men who were polite and respectful, so I decided to just ignore the others. One man, Jeff, tickled my fancy with a flirtatious but sweet message. Yes, he displayed a picture of his goods but he seemed to be quite real and rather nice as he offered to do the ‘job’ on me. We exchanged a few messages and I was actually tickled by his honest and above board description of his desires. He was affluent, horny, and charming. And he had a great body, although truthfully, his endowment was no more than average. And he was open about that and told me that what he might lack in size, he more than made up for in stamina. And he did have several validations from some satisfied ‘customers’. Okay, well, stamina is good and I did enjoy our exchange of messages. Maybe Jeff would do. And then, there was Carlos. Carlos was gorgeous, literate, and obviously a true stud from the slew of validations he had from the women he had been with. And he had a truly beautiful, curved, thick penis. Yes, I could imagine myself with Carlos.

So, after a few days of hitting the delete button, I had basically decided on Jeff and Carlos, with Jeff as my top choice. But I also wanted what Carlos offered. There was no need to choose, really. I decided to have both of them and was content. I was about to delete my profile when I received a message from yet another man, AlphaMale. And it pissed me off at first. His name was Scott and he was incredibly well built – I mean, he was barrel-chested and yet he had a slim waist. And he displayed his cock in his last photo – and oh-my-god, he had a truly impressive tool, which jutted out menacingly from his loins. It was fully erect and almost threatening but what really caught my attention were his full, low-hanging balls. I almost giggled when I saw them as they were almost ridiculously oversized! He was a former MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighter and it showed. OMG – what a body he had! But it was his message that truly caught my attention. Scott’s message was simple – he said that while he was sure that my profile and photos would attract attention from many men, that they were not worthy of me. Only he was.

I of course thought to hit the delete button immediately. What a cheek this guy had! But, I am rather visual for a woman and he was gorgeous, so I replied in kind and asked him what made him think that he was so special. He was direct in his answer and told me that I should be flattered that he had taken the initiative to write to me as he was highly in demand. He suggested that I check out his validations if I had doubt as to his skills and selectivity. And it really was true – the women he had been with were without exception truly beautiful. What truly got my attention were several comments posted by couples, attesting to his qualities as a lover – and they were posted by the husbands! Wow – again, slightly advanced! The words ‘alpha’, ‘stud’, and ‘bull’ were used time and again in describing Scott. He Maltepe Çıtır Escort apparently serviced several women with the encouragement of their husbands. Obviously I had a lot to learn! I was genuinely fascinated but didn’t let him know.

I wrote to several of the women and couples who had posted validations, asking for more information about Scott. The random thought crossed my mind that this was no different than asking people for a reference for a building contractor or a plumber! And the replies were effusive in their praise for Scott, both as a lover and as a person. One married woman said point-blank that he was the ‘gold standard’ as a partner. Her husband had encouraged her to take a lover and they had together decided on Scott. She said that at first his alpha attitude put her off but it appealed to her husband, who apparently wanted her to be with a dominant male. And he was all of that, firmly asserting himself with her husband to stand aside while he helped himself to his wife’s body. She said the first session with Scott was the most intense sexual experience she had ever had. He had taken control from the very start and required her husband to watch as he took his wife repeatedly over the course of that first evening. She said he was an assertive, vigorous lover and thoroughly satisfied her sexually. Indeed she said that they had mutually decided not to pursue contact with any other men.

Wow! I was more than impressed. While there were men who had contacted me who would have been more than satisfactory as lovers, none seemed to have the complete set of attitude, skills, and physical attributes as Scott. But he was so damned arrogant, and that still bothered me. I’m no pushover, sexually or interpersonally and while I wanted a lover who was assertive, I had always thought that who had the pussy made the rules. I now wanted Scott, but on my terms. I had made a ‘date’ with Jeff for Saturday. He was in my league socioeconomically and was wild to have me, which I liked. I decided to have my cake and eat it too, and I told Scott that he could also have me, but that I had plans with another man before we met.

His reply pissed me off. He said that he would not play second fiddle to any other man and that while I was free to be with whomever I chose, he would have to be first, otherwise he was not interested. And once I had been with another man, he would not be with me. Damn, this man had cheek! And I told him so, making it clear that I would decide what I would do with my body! I had the pussy, after all! He wrote back, wishing me well, but he made it clear that if I wanted a true alpha male, I would have to submit. And I thought it over – well, after all, why not let him have me first? I mean, I was going to fuck whomever I wanted to fuck – and I couldn’t deny that I wanted Scott to fuck me. I submitted and told him that he could have me first. His reply was fairly instant and surprised me. He told me that he required that he have me bare – no condoms – and that I take his seed as nature intended. And he said that he would provide documented proof that he was disease free and would require the same from me. Well, damn, in my preconceived scenario, any man that I would be with would use protection. After some reflection, I swallowed my pride, and agreed to be tested. With each message, I found myself increasingly submissive to Scott’s demands – and wanting him even more as a result. This man was going to fuck me and fill me with his sperm – and I knew that I would do anything to make that happen.

I got tested the next day and not unsurprisingly, I was squeaky clean. I told him that he had to provide the same and he wrote back that he had the same clean bill of health from a week ago. Okay, so he was careful. We made our ‘date’ for Friday at his place and I have to confess that I was excited. This alpha stud was going to fuck me and I have to confess that the thought of him taking me bare excited me. I had given in to every one of his demands and was incredibly turned on that I was giving up so much power to this man. I viewed his photos over and over again, but it was his beautiful, full, low-hanging balls that captivated me – thinking that in a few days I would receive their contents into my body. I wanted Scott to mark me. And I told him so in a final note to him. He was pleased and said that he would see to it that I would have a full discharge in a few days and that he would ‘save’ himself until then. I was to arrive at his home at 7:00 on Friday and, at his insistence, I was to dress in such a way that I could disrobe quickly. I promised to comply. I was incredibly excited, already in his power. And I no longer checked my online messages. There was no point – I wanted no one but Scott. I wanted to be naked in his arms and then let him have his way with me.

I was terribly keyed up as Friday approached, though there was something almost unreal about Scott’s effect on me. I was not accustomed to surrendering the feminine Maltepe Elit Escort power I knew I had over men. An attractive woman knows instinctively that the lust men have for me gives her a huge advantage in dealing with the opposite sex. I certainly knew I always held the cards, which is why my submissive response to an alpha male like Scott both surprised and delighted me. As I went through the usual girlie preparations – hair, manicure, pedicure, spa facial, and a Brazilian wax for my kitty – it excited me that all of this was done to please one man, and a stranger at that. I hoped that the actual experience of being with him lived up to my fantasies. And I fantasized constantly about being with Scott – and wanted to experience at least once in my life the feelings of utter surrender to a man’s lust for my body. There would be no flirtation or game playing with Scott.

But, what to wear? Scott had required that I disrobe quickly when I arrived at his place. Of course that meant no bra and panties, but I wanted an outfit that I could remove in one motion. I spent several hours late Friday morning shopping for just the right outfit. I saw so many super cute dresses, but I kept in mind that the outfit needn’t be short or low-cut necessarily, so long as I could slip out of it quickly. I finally settled on a body contouring, lightweight woolen shift, which hugged my body perfectly. I smiled when I looked in the mirror in the changing room at the boutique. The fullness of my breasts showed beautifully, offset by my nipples, which almost pierced the light fabric. My legs showed perfectly, with the hem about four inches above my knee. It was daring but not sluttish. This outfit would delight the woman who wore it while sending a none too subtle message to any man that the wearer wanted it removed. I was almost giddy with delight and terribly pleased with myself! And I couldn’t wait to wear my strappy heels to make the look absolutely perfect.

I rested most of Friday, showering and then had my hair done by Isaac late that afternoon. I checked my phone for e-mail and text messages obsessively, but there was not a peep from Scott. I suppose that bothered me a bit, but it also excited me to know that he took it for granted that he was going to have me, so why bother? I was conscious that my pussy was ridiculously wet and ready throughout the day, and idly wondered if my sexual desires would always be triggered by my newly discovered submissive nature. As I drove to Scott’s house, I felt almost light-headed and knew that my face was flush. My confidence was gone – I thought only that I did not want to disappoint my soon-to-be lover. I parked in his driveway and walked to his door, my heels clicking on the sidewalk. I knocked and a few moments later, Scott answered.

The door opened and there he was, and my heart skipped a beat. He was bare-chested, wearing just a pair of tight jeans and he looked amazing.

“Come in,” he said, “I’ve been expecting you.” There was the faintest trace of a grin on his face as he said this. I walked in and without so much as a hug, he simply sat down in a chair in his living room and eyed me. “Nice,” he said matter-of-factly as I stood before him. For a moment, I didn’t know what to say or do. Then, pausing only for a moment or two for him to appreciate the outfit I had chosen, I pulled the shift over my head and stood naked and defenseless before him. My breathing was rapid and I knew in that instant that my surrender to him was complete.

Scott coolly appraised my naked body for an agonizing few seconds and then smiled appreciatively. “You have a beautiful body, Cheryl. It will be a pleasure to fuck you. Come to me.”

I should have been offended that this man, or any man, would treat me as nothing more than a fuck object, but I melted in his appreciative words. And then I knew what I had to do. Still wearing nothing but my heels, I moved to him and went to my knees. I undid his belt, unbuttoned his jeans, and tugged them off. His penis quite literally popped out, already fully erect. And, oh my god, he was every bit as amazing as his pictures. I fondled his erection and then looked him straight in the eye.

“I want you,” I said. And then I kissed him, deeply and with real passion. And he returned my kiss. My hands played over his muscled chest and for the first time, he touched me, testing and caressing my bare breasts. His cock stirred as he did this and I was glad that my body was pleasing to him. I so wanted to please him. And then, I took his cock into my mouth. And Scott had the most beautiful penis I had ever seen. My mouth engulfed his manhood as my hands cupped and lightly squeezed his testicles. I wanted him to pleasure him so much and was so glad to hear his first moan of pleasure as I knelt before him and took him into my mouth.

I couldn’t get enough of his sex. After a few minutes, Scott shifted in his seat, and his hand found my pussy. He touched me at first lightly, and then I felt at first one, and then two fingers enter me and as he tested my readiness, I felt waves of pleasure wash over me as I heard the squishy sound of the penetration of his fingers inside of my body. I was almost ashamed of how wet I was and was glad to hear him express his appreciation of my womanly response to him.

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