


Subject: The Awakening of Harry Potter: Chapter 7 NOTE: This work of fiction is set in the universe of Harry Potter. This chapter of the story advances the timeline from between Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix firmly into the events of the Order of the Phoenix. I’ve used the film series rather than the books as my primary inspiration especially from a visual perspective. Sadly I don’t own any of the copyrights or characters used or mentioned in this story and they remain the property of their respective owners. Feedback is always welcomed. Chapter Seven: The Best of Friends “Is everything OK with you and Ron?” Hermione was staring earnestly at Harry as he studied the sizzling potion that was magically lifting the dirt and grime from the wall before him. He’d been anticipating this questioning from Hermione all morning but was still entirely unprepared to handle it. “No. Everything’s fine.” This was an obvious lie. Harry and Ron hadn’t spoken to each other all morning and Ron had barely been able to look at Harry for more than a second or two. It was clear to even the most casual observer that something was off between the two of them so of course Hermione had picked up on it immediately. And of course she wasn’t buying into Harry’s claims that everything was fine. Instead she fixed her stare on Harry as if willing him to tell her what was happening. Harry didn’t crack. “Fine! Don’t tell me then!” With this Hermione whipped around and stormed from the room. In the space of just a few hours Harry had managed to alienate both of his best friends. But no matter how much he might have wanted to, he couldn’t tell Hermione what had happened between him and Ron the night before. He wouldn’t even know where to begin explaining it or the summer he’d spent with Dudley. No doubt Hermione would have been her usual supportive self but Harry wasn’t ready to talk to her, or anyone else, about any of it. It occurred to Harry that Hermione was no doubt seeking out Ron now to question him on what was happening. Would Ron tell her what had happened? Tell her what Harry had done? He couldn’t say for sure but he felt reasonably sure that Ron would remain silent about the events of last night and probably join Harry in falsely proclaiming that everything was fine. He’d looked so confused and practically distraight this morning at breakfast and that familiar panic had flashed in his eyes when he’d caught sight of Harry. For his part Harry had felt awful when he’d woken in their empty room that morning. He’d felt even worse when he’d caught sight of Ron at breakfast. Even now as he replayed the events of last night he couldn’t understand what had come over him. It was like that first night with Dudley in the hallway at Privet Drive. All hormones and horned up instinct. He’d had no control over himself and this time he’d ruined his friendship with Ron. How could he possibly go about making this right? Before Harry could even begin to construct an answer to that question he was disturbed by the unmistakable pop of apparition. Without looking Harry knew exactly who’d appeared in the room, Fred and George. Since turning 16 the Weasley twins had taken to using magic at every possible moment including apparating to wherever they needed to be in Grimmauld Place. “Oh! Just Harry…” “…no Ron.” As they do often did, the twins were completing one another’s sentences. “Hi Harry!” And now they were speaking in unison as Harry turned to face them. “Fred. George.” Harry tried not to pay too much attention to the twins. After last night he’d become aware of how his eyes had begun to pass over and appraise the men he came into contact with. The way he’d taken Ron in last night, noticing how he’d grown over the summer and the way his muscles had become more defined in their weeks apart. That’s how it had begun with Ron last night and things had rapidly escalated from there. “How’s your day going Harry?” “Spent much time with Ron today?” The twin’s were both wearing devilish grins that Harry immediately recognised from their years of interaction. They were no doubt looking to test out their latest magical prank and Ron had become their guinea pig of choice. “I don’t know where Ron is…” “Oh!” The twins matching disappointment was obvious. Their shoulders dropped and the smiles faltered. “We were hoping to cheer him up…” “…he seems a bit down in the dumps!” Fred and George seemed almost innocent and practically caring as they spoke. As if they were loving big brothers who’d noticed something was wrong with Ron and wanted to help. Harry suspected this wasn’t the case. While he was sure the twins had no malicious intent he was also sure their mission was not to cheer Ron up at all. “But I suppose you noticed that.” “Being best friends and all.” Of course Harry had noticed Ron’s mood but he also knew himself to be the cause of it. Not a fact he intended to share with the twins. The twins that Harry was now staring directly at. Despite his intent to avoid casting an appraising eye over Fred and George Harry had found himself unable to resist. The twins were taller than Ron with shorter neater hair cuts. Despite their height advantage over Ron though they somehow seemed less developed. Where Ron had begun to fill out and develop more pronounced muscle the twins seemed to retain their lithe frame and gangly limbs. He wondered how their cocks compared to their younger brothers and were they as identical in that department as they were in every other feature? “Still I suspect he’ll turn up somewhere…” “…it’s not that big a house after all!” With that there was another satisfying pop and the twins were gone. As he stood in the room alone Harry realised that his cock had stirred into life as he looked the twins over. He hadn’t considered himself remotely attracted to either Fred or George and yet his blood was beginning to pump and his head was filling with thoughts of them. Thoughts of being on his knees before them. Closely examining and inspecting their cocks. Tracing the veins and slight bumps and curves of them. Searching for differences by which they could be told apart. Would they taste identical as well? He’d need to run his tongue across every inch of both shafts to be sure… Harry forced these thoughts from his head. After last night with Ron the last thing he needed was to fill his mind with sexual fantasies of Fred and George as well. Once again he longed to be back at Privet Drive. Back with Dudley. Back to spending his nights at his cousin’s mercy and waking up the following morning in his arms. Back to a time before he’d completely ruined his friendship with Ron by losing control. With considerable effort Harry switched his attention back to the walls of the room he’d been tasked with cleaning. Grimmauld Place had been unoccupied for years with each individual room falling into varying states of disrepair as a result. An elderly house elf skulked through the hallways mumbling obscenities to himself but he’d obviously long since given up on keeping the house in check. And so under the guidance of Mrs Weasley Harry, and the rest of the children in the house, had been put to work to clean it up. To get into a condition suitable for the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. From here they would lead the fight against the returned Voldermort. Click. Harry hadn’t heard anyone enter the room but that was the unmistakable sound of a lock clicking into place. He spun in alarm fumbling in his pockets for his wand. “Oh…” He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting to see as he turned, wand drawn, toward the door but it wasn’t Ron Weasley and yet Ron Weasley is exactly who he saw. His face was full of panic and horror as he caught sight of Harry. Apparently he hadn’t noticed Harry scrubbing the far wall of the room before darting into it and locking the door behind him. “Harry!” This was the first thing Ron had said to him since last night. Since Harry had been so stupid. “Ron…” Harry wasn’t sure what to say. He wanted to apologise. To explain. To say or do something that would make last night nothing more than a forgotten, faded memory but now that Ron was stood before him he couldn’t think of anything to say. The words just would not come. “Have you seen Fred and George?” “They were just here” “Great!” There seemed to be a palpable relief in Ron at this news. “Means they probably won’t be back here for a while…” This conversation seemed surreal to Harry. It was all too normal. Ron still couldn’t quite look at Harry but his voice wasn’t high pitched and panicked in the way Harry might have imagined. If he’d closed his eyes things could almost have been normal. With his eyes open though he could see that way Ron avoided looking at him and the way Ron was awkwardly and uncomfortably shifting on his feet. His voice might not have given it away but everything else about Ron made clear that he was consumed by thoughts of what happened last night. “I think they’ve created something new and horrible they want to test on me!” “Yeah… they were looking for you…” Harry wondered if he was just as awkward and uncomfortable as Ron. His stomach was tied in knots and his feet felt like they were weighed down. He couldn’t have awkwardly bounced from one to the other like Ron was if he tried. The same discomfort expressed in different ways Harry thought. “…still you should be safe in here for a bit. Like you said.” Harry wondered if he knew any spells that would cause the floor to open up and swallow him whole. That would be preferable to the slow excruciating torture of being in this room right now. He wanted to try and repair his friendship with Ron but the tension and awkwardness between them was almost painful now. Why had he lost control last night? For years now the two of them had been sneaking off for their so-called distractions. Finding opposite corners or neighbouring toilet cubicles in which to pleasure themselves. At Hogwarts they’d even been in neighbouring beds in their shared dorm room without Harry ever feeling the urge to look at Ron let alone touch and taste him. And yet last night that was bursa yabancı escort exactly what he’d done. He’d wrapped his fingers around Ron’s cock and then he’d wrapped his lips around it too. He brought his best friend to orgasm and more than that he’d greedily swallowed every drop of his cum. Is this what his life was going to be like now? Would he just pounce on people with no warning? He’d done it to Dudley and Ron. And he’d felt the urge and desire rising up in him with Fred and George as well. Even now as Ron seemed to be trying to fold in on himself Harry couldn’t help but look at him greedily. He couldn’t help but notice that his clothes seemed just a little too small and a little too tight. No doubt they were old or hand me downs. The Weasley’s probably had neither the time nor the funds to replace Ron’s limited wardrobe after a summer growth spurt. And so his newly broadened shoulders pressed against his t-shirt and the jogging bottoms he worse clung to his backside and formed an inviting bulge… Harry forced himself to look away and tried to find any other thought to fill his mind but even as he tried he was painfully aware that his cock had grown to a full erection. He could feel it pressing against his underwear and his own jogging bottoms. He wondered if it was noticeable to Ron. Not that Ron could look at him long enough to spot it. “Harry…” The nervousness that dominated Ron’s body language had crept into his voice now too. “… we… we should talk about last night…” Ron had managed to lift his head and was forcing himself to look directly at Harry as he spoke. The two best friends made eye contact for just the briefest of moments before looking away simultaneously. Harry knew that it must have taken a huge effort by Ron to bring up last night an effort that he couldn’t have managed. Despite it eating away at him all day when faced with the opportunity to address it Harry had been completely unable to find the words. “Yeah I… I suppose we should…” Harry took a deep breath and summoned all of his courage. If he was going to salvage his friendship with Ron this was the moment. “Ron… I just… I mean… I’m-” “I’m sorry!” Harry was completely taken aback. It made no sense for Ron to be apologising. Ron had done absolutely nothing wrong. And yet apologise is exactly what Ron had done. “What!?” Harry hadn’t been able to stop himself from blurting the expression of his shock out. “It’s just no one has ever… and I wasn’t expecting it and I just… it just happened. I couldn’t stop it.” Harry’s mind was reeling. He’d spent the morning consumed with guilt that he’d ruined their friendship when he’d wrapped his lips around the head of Ron’s cock. He’d watched Ron at breakfast sure that he was almost having a breakdown at the thought of Harry’s lips wrapped around his cock but apparently he’d be wrong. Ron’s mind had been consumed with thoughts of the way his cock had exploded in Harry’s mouth. The way his orgasm had unexpectedly hit within seconds of Harry taking the head of his cock into his mouth. “It’s ok Ron. You have nothing to be sorry about. I should be the one apologising to you.” “Are you mad? It felt bloody amazing. That’s why I… well you know!” The shade of Ron’s nervousness had changed now. It was no longer the pent up anguish and fear Harry had seen over breakfast but one of embarrassment. He was embarrassed that he hadn’t lasted longer and felt bad that he’d erupted in Harry’s mouth. He’d seemingly not given a second thought to what it meant that Harry had swallowed his cock in the first place. “But like I said no one’s ever, you know, before…” It seemed Ron couldn’t quite bring himself to describe what Harry had done last night. “And God it… it really did feel bloody amazing!” Ron laughed. The sound was completely unexpected and it seemed to wipe the tension from the room. Harry wasn’t sure why but he was laughing as well now. Two best friends laughing at some private jokes as if the events of last night had been completely normal. The laughter just naturally petered out but the tension didn’t return. The room felt more relaxed. Ron seemed more relaxed like a weight had been lifted from him. Harry wasn’t sure that same weight had been lifted from him though. “Bloody mad you are though!” “You think so?” “Yeah. Totally.” Harry felt himself shrink a little at this and from the expression that flashed across Ron’s face he was sure Ron had sensed it. “Not complaining though am I!” “You’re not?” “No mate. I’m not. Always thought it was one of your better qualities actually!” The laughter returned and this time Harry could feel some of the weight lifting off his shoulders. The tension he’d been carrying with him all day slowly melting away. He hadn’t ruined things with Ron after all. They could still be friends. Best friends laughing and joking with one another. The world hadn’t ended. Not yet anyway. “You know I’ve been thinking…” “Dangerous that!” “Shut up you tosser!” Ron smacked Harry on the arm before they shared another laugh. “But seriously I’ve been thinking.” “About what?” “Well… last night…” “Oh…” Harry had rather hoped that they’d left the subject of last night behind them. Forgotten and never to be mentioned again. “It’s just… well… what if…” Ron was clearly struggling to find the words to articulate himself. He almost seemed embarrassed. “I mean what if I’m always like that?” “I don’t… what?” Harry was genuinely unsure what Ron was trying to say but he could see that his best friend was deeply concerned. A strange sort of fear mixing with his general embarrassment and unease with broaching this subject. “It just all happened so quick and I was…” Ron was gesticulating madly trying to make his point without words but Harry still wasn’t getting it. “I mean I didn’t last. What if, when someone else does it, it’s the same and I just…” Harry finally deciphered Ron’s wild and explosive hand gestures. He was concerned that he’d cum so quickly. The second Harry’s lips had wrapped around his cock Ron had lost control. “Oh…” Harry was searching for the words to reassure Ron. Despite the ease with which they were laughing and talking again he still felt guilty about last night. He wanted to make Ron feel better. “You shouldn’t… it was your first… I mean…” “But I was thinking maybe…” Ron had just spoken over Harry as if he hadn’t been speaking at all. He wasn’t looking for Harry to reassure him or make him feel better. This was all preamble. Ron was building up to something. “…well maybe we could try again!” The suggestion just hung in the air. Harry didn’t know what to say. He was lost for words. Ron was just awkwardly standing there as if he couldn’t quite believe he’d said it. Harry wondered how long Ron had been building up to this moment. To this suggestion. Was that what had fueled his nervousness and terror all morning? Had he just been building up the courage to ask Harry to repeat what he did last night? And did Harry want to repeat it? He was looking at Ron now. Really looking at him and taking him in again. The light tone and definition of his developing biceps. The way his cock bounced in the too tight joggers as he nervously moved from foot to foot. It looked as if Ron wasn’t wearing underwear the way his cock was freely swinging with every move. “Unless you don’t want to. Just forget I said anything. It was stupid. Just forget it.” “No!” Ron had been rambling and Harry needed to stop him. He didn’t want Ron to feel bad. “We can… if you want to, I mean. I just didn’t think you’d want to…” Ron was smiling. A giant happy grin. Harry realised that he was mirroring Ron’s smile. “Do you want to?” As he asked the question Harry took a step closer to Ron. Slowly closing the gap between the two friends. His eyes stayed locked on Ron trying to decipher the expression on his face. Waiting to see if the smile would falter and if he’d suddenly have second thoughts about what he was suggesting. There appeared to be no faltering though. No second guessing as Harry stepped closer. “I… I do…” The gap between them had almost completely closed now. Ron was still smiling and his eyes were alight with anticipation. Harry’s eyes once again passed over his best friend in his just too small second hand clothes. Harry wondered if they’d always bulged and stretched against Ron’s flesh like this and he’d never noticed. Or was this just the result of a summer growth spurt? Whatever the case Harry suspected that he wouldn’t be able to look at Ron in quite the same way again. Without giving it a second thought Harry reached out and placed the tips of his fingers on Ron’s chest. It was firmer than Harry had anticipated. Dudley had been larger and stronger but his flesh had still been soft to the touch. It had responded when Harry pressed his hands and fingers into it but not Ron’s. Ron’s chest was solid in a way Harry couldn’t have expected. “Harry…” Ron’s voice was barely a whisper. “Should I stop?” Harry’s fingers were slowly travelling south. Down Ron’s surprisingly solid chest to his stomach. There was give to the flesh this time as he pressed against it through the material of Ron’s t-shirt. It was still so different to the feel of Dudley. Ron was smaller and smoother and harder. “No… don’t stop…” Ron was biting his bottom lip in anticipation of what was to come. The anticipation of where Harry’s journey south would take him next. For his part Harry was struck by a desire to lean into Ron and press their lips together. But he resisted. He sensed that whatever else Ron might be happy to go along with sharing a kiss with his best friend probably wasn’t on the list. And so Harry’s hand continued its journey down Ron’s stomach to his sweatpants. “Are you sure?” “Yes!” As Ron answered just one of Harry’s fingers traced the outline of Ron’s cock in his trousers. Feeling the shaft harden and begin to strain against the thick material of the jogging bottoms. A second and third finger soon joined and within no time Harry was gripping Ron’s cock through his trousers. The material bursa sınırsız escort closing around the shaft with his fingers as he stroked. Ron’s cock growing harder with every stroke. Harry could still feel Ron’s breath on his skin. He could feel how it was growing faster and deeper with every move of his hand. Pop! Harry recognised the sound instantly and judging from the look of pure panic and terror now filling Ron’s expression so did he. The two parted as quickly as they could. Harry’s hands uselessly falling to his side as Ron turned toward the wall shuffling and fussing at trousers. Harry assumed he was trying as he best he could to conceal the growing erection within them. “Ron!” “We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Fred and George were beaming as they stood at the opposite end of the room to Ron and Harry apparently pleased with themselves for having finally found their younger brother. “It’s almost as if you’ve been hiding from us.” “Which is odd. Why would you be hiding from us? “Your loving brothers!” Ron had yet to acknowledge the appearance of his older brothers in the room. His back was still to them and he was still adjusting and shifting the front of sweatpants. Definitely trying to hide an erection that wouldn’t go down. Harry became conscious of his own erection. Throbbing in his trousers. He wondered if he should be shifting and adjusting his own trousers but he assumed his own baggy trousers were loose enough to protect his modesty. “Come on Ron…” “…we have something amazing to show you!” The twins had approached Ron now. They were stood either side of him each with an arm slung over his shoulder. A show of apparent brotherly affection but Harry could sense it wasn’t what it appeared. Ron could too, judging by the way his shoulders drooped and the concerned look he shot toward Harry. “Harry…” “No, it’s not ready for Harry yet.” “Just you.” Another pop and Harry was alone in the room. Fred, George and Ron had vanished. Apperated to another location in the house with the twins subjecting Ron to who knows what torment in the name of research. Harry sighed. He’d come so close to repeating the events of last night. He’d felt Ron’s cock growing harder and larger in his hand. A few seconds more and he’d have been able to slide his hand into Ron’s jogging bottoms and to have once again felt the warmth of his best friend’s cock in his hand. A few minutes more and he could have been on his knees. He’d have been able to taste Ron again. To taste him properly this time. To feel the head of his cock pressing deeper into his mouth and to the back of his throat. But Fred and George had ruined it. They’d whisked Ron away. * * * * * The day had seemed to stretch on forever. Harry had barely even glimpsed Ron since Fred and George had apperated him to some secret hidden location in the house. The three of them had appeared, briefly, at dinner but they’d kept Ron bundled away at the far end of the table away from everyone else. Harry had wanted to sit with him but the twins had successfully kept Ron isolated. Presumably hiding the side effects of their latest comic invention from Mrs Weasley. Still Harry had spent the few minutes Ron had appeared at the dinner table watching him. Wondering what Ron’s reaction would have been to Harry’s hand sliding up his thigh. His movements just out of view from the rest of the group hidden under the table. Would Ron have allowed him to slip his hand into those tight jogging bottoms? The thought remained largely unexplored though. Almost as soon as he’d appeared in the kitchen come dining area Ron had been dragged back out again by his brothers. They’d disappeared back into their secret hidden lab. Harry had spent his evening in much the same way he’d spent his day wondering what they were doing to Ron and exactly what conditioned he’d be in when he was returned. Would they be able to pick back up where they’d left off? Would Ron even want to do that? Harry was surprised by how much he wanted to. Surprised by how much he’d wanted to feel the heat of Ron’s cock in his hand again and how much he resented Fred and George for taking that away from him. As evening had firmly become night Harry had found himself lounging alone in one of the many living rooms they’d discovered and partially cleaned in Grimmauld Place. The house seemed to defy all laws of space and logic. There were more rooms than made any kind of sense. Harry assumed this was the byproduct of some spell or another that he was yet to be familiar with. No doubt Hermione could have explained it in excessive detail but she still wasn’t talking to Harry. She wasn’t quite ready to forgive him for not telling her what was going on between him and Ron. Still Harry had appreciated the alone time. The time to think. Harry had spent his evening flicking through a book on magical history but really his mind had been switching between thoughts of Ron and Dudley. Mainly how different the two of them were and how different his experiences with each of them had been. Dudley was all power and strength. The way he’d taken control of Harry was intoxicating. Harry had loved every second of being at Dudley’s mercy but with Ron things were so different. Ron had been so unsure and filled with nervous energy. He’d been happy for Harry to be in control. Harry had still wanted nothing more than to please Ron and bring him to climax but not because Ron demanded it in the way Dudley did. Truth be told Harry knew he still missed Dudley. He missed his power and strength. He missed the feel and taste of him. Last night with Ron had been an exciting and unexpected distraction and his daytime encounter even more so but it wasn’t the same. Which wasn’t to say that Harry wasn’t looking forward to repeating the distraction with Ron as many times as Ron wanted. He’d still enjoyed himself but Ron just wasn’t Dudley. As he sat alone in Grimmauld Place Harry wondered if Dudley was thinking about him at all. Had he given Harry a second thought since he’d left Privet Drive? How would he have reacted to finding Harry gone with no explanation and no goodbye? Would he even care? Harry wondered if Dudley would find someone else to take care of his needs. He wondered if some other lucky person would be able to savour the taste of Dudley in their mouth. Harry could still taste him on his tongue now. If he focused he could remember the way it felt to have Dudley’s hand tangled in his hair forcing him deeper and deeper onto that perfect cock. He could still hear and feel the pleasure Dudley felt when Harry choked and gagged on him. When his length and girth became too much for Harry to handle. Without thinking about it Harry’s hand had slipped beneath the waistband of his tracksuit bottoms and his fingers were grabbing and stroking at his cock. It felt small and insignificant next to the memory of Dudley’s length and weight. It felt small compared to the feel of Ron’s too. Still he stroked his little cock as he thought of Dudley thrusting into him. As he remembered how it felt when the head of that thick cock pressed against his hole. The burning pain as it forced its way in that quickly gave way to an overwhelming pleasure. He remembered the way Dudley’s palm would occasionally smack down on his backside. The sound and feel of the slap. And now in his mind Ron was there too. Dudley behind him roughly thrusting into him. Exerting all his strength and power over Harry. Ron in front of him. His hard cock exposed and ready for Harry to taste. His lips greedily wrapping around the head. He could hear Ron’s surprised and delighted moan mixing with Dudley’s deep aggressive grunts. And then- The chiming of the clock almost caused Harry to leap from the sofa on which he was sat! He’d lost all track of time. Lost in his thoughts of Dudley… and Ron. It was midnight and as the chiming of the old magical clock finally quietened the house was silent. He supposed everyone else had retired to bed. Maybe even Ron. Maybe if he was lucky Ron would be sat up waiting for him. Waiting to continue what they’d started earlier in the day. As quickly as he could, while remaining as close to silent as he could, Harry made his way up the winding staircase of Grimmauld Place. He kept climbing to the top of the house. To the attic bedroom Ron had claimed for them when he’d arrived here weeks, if not months, ago. Harry was still unsure of the exact timeline of Ron and Hermione’s arrivals to Grimmauld Place. Right now though that detail didn’t matter. He was finally at the top of the house and the door to the room he shared with Ron. When the door swung open Harry was left disappointed. The room was dark and empty. No sign of Ron. Perhaps it was time to be a little concerned for the fate of his best friend. It was his understanding that Fred and George had been working on some rather revolting and potentially dangerous tricks and pranks. Still even they wouldn’t put Ron in too much danger, right? Harry attempted to reassure himself as he headed to the small bathroom that also occupied the attic floor of the house. If there was to be no sign of Ron tonight he may as well brush his teeth and head to bed. He might even be able to drift off if he relieved himself to thoughts of Dudley. Or perhaps thoughts of Dudley and Ron. The idea of the two of them together, one at either end of him, had certainly been appealing. “Harry!” Ron was beaming as Harry opened the door of their shared bathroom. Or at least Harry thought he was. It was hard to tell with the toothbrush that was also jammed into his mouth. Ron was dressed for bed in a dark vest and pajama bottoms. This outfit, like his clothes from earlier in the day, gave the distinct impression of being hand me down or old. They just weren’t quite big enough to account for Ron’s summer growth spurt. The pajama bottoms were just an inch or two too short ending above Ron’s ankles and they clung to him just a little too tightly. Not that Harry objected to the view. Ron spat the toothpaste that was filling his mouth out into the sink and now it was clear that he was beaming. He was görükle escort happy to see Harry and Harry was happy to see him. “I was beginning to think you were avoiding me.” Harry hoped that his own beaming smile at the sight of Ron was enough to communicate that wasn’t the case. Once again he was struggling to find the right words to say to his best friend. Instead he was just looking at him. He almost looked comically oversized in his too-small pajamas and a room that was less a bathroom and more a cupboard with a sink in it. He seemed to dominate the space and could barely fit in the room. And then there was the dot of toothpaste that marked the edge of his smile. Without really knowing what he was doing Harry stepped into the bathroom. It seemed impossible that the two of them could both fit into the space but somehow they did. They were pressed almost against one another. Just a tiny gap of airing separating their bodies. Harry could once again feel the warmth of Ron’s breath on his skin and this time he could taste and smell the peppermint of his toothpaste too. “Harry!” Ron had been startled as Harry used his finger to wipe the toothpaste from his face. “Sssh!” As he silenced his friend Harry’s finger pressed against his lips. Before Harry spoke his next words he leaned in even closer to Ron. His lips practically pressed against his ear so that he could gently whisper. “Someone might hear you…” This time Harry couldn’t resist and he felt his lips press against Ron’s skin. If he wasn’t ready to try and kiss Ron he would compromise by tasting the flesh of his neck. His lips and tongue sucking and lapping at it. Ron let out a surprised but pleasure filled whimper. Clearly he’d been unprepared for Harry to begin kissing, licking and sucking on his neck. Not that he could blame him Harry had been rather unprepared for it to. As he continued to kiss and suck on Ron’s neck Harry’s hand was once again pressed on Ron’s chest. It still felt surprisingly firm to the touch. Harry pressed his fingers against it for just a moment and then, as he had earlier in the day, he began to slide his hand south. Only this time he was moving faster and with more urgency. Down over Ron’s stomach. Barely taking a second to enjoy the feel of it. There was something he wanted so much more. “Oh God Harry!” Ron had stifled this reaction as best he could but he couldn’t hold it back. Harry’s hand had slipped immediately into his pajama bottoms. Diving under the tight waistband so that his fingers could wrap themselves around Ron’s cock and feel the warmth of it in his palm. To Harry’s surprise Ron’s cock was already hard as he wrapped his hand around it. The thick solid weight of it felt so good in his hand. Slowly he began to stroke. Pulling down on the shaft and feeling the skin move with. Knowing that the head of Ron’s cock was being exposed and then covered once more as his hand moved back up the shaft. Ron moaned in response to the movement of Harry’s hand. A higher and more surprising sound than the deep animal grunts of Dudley. Harry wondered what it would take to make those kinds of sounds come from Ron’s mouth. Was his best friend even capable of replicating Dudley’s deep orgasmic roar? “Make it wet. Like last night.” There was almost a pleading tone to Ron’s voice. So different to the demanding and expectant tone Harry was used to with Dudley. This wasn’t an order to be obeyed. It was a request that Harry could ignore if he wanted. “Wet? Is that what you want?” Harry was whispering in Ron’s ear again now. He’d drawn his mouth away from Ron’s neck but now his lips and teeth were nibbling at the edges of Ron’s ear lobes. “Yes. Please. That’s what I want.” Harry withdrew his hand from Ron’s pajamas and spat on his palm. If Ron wanted wet, Ron could have wet. Harry’s hand dived back into Ron’s pajamas and this time slick with his spit wrapped itself around Ron’s cock. He heard his friend moan in delight as he once again stroked his cock. His hand effortlessly sliding up and down the shaft. “”God… that feels so good…” Harry had to admit that it felt good to hear these declarations of pleasure from Ron. Dudley’s dirty talk and grunts had always lit a fire in Harry but this was different. It was a different kind of fire. To know that he was capable of delivering so much pleasure to Ron with just his hand. “Do you want more?” “I…” It was clear Ron wasn’t sure what Harry meant. “My mouth. Like last night.” “Yes!” It had taken Ron less than a fraction of a second to respond. Harry was sure he’d even felt his cock throb at the thought. “Say it…” “I want your mouth…” For this Harry knew they were going to need more space than the cramped cupboard of the makeshift bathroom provided. So he led Ron back toward their shared bedroom. His hand still wrapped around Ron’s hard cock. Leading him by the cock into their room. Back in the relative privacy of their room Harry tugged at Ron’s pajama bottoms pulling them down and finally exposing Ron’s cock. It seemed to bounce free of the confines of the trousers and Harry once again wrapped his hand around it and gently stroked as Ron stepped out of the trousers. His lower half was now fully exposed. “On the bed…” Once again Harry found himself leading Ron by his cock. This time guiding him to his bed. A bed Ron was more than happy to drop down on. His cock pointing straight up into the air as the rest of his body lay perfectly still. Harry climbed between Ron’s legs and resisted the overwhelming urge to immediately give onto Ron’s cock. He wanted to try and make tonight last a little longer. He wanted a moment to try and savour and enjoy the taste of Ron. And so rather than immediately wrapped his lips around the head of Ron’s cock Harry’s tongue snaked its way up Ron’s inner thigh. Again he could hear the high pleasure filled moan escape Ron’s lips. The moaning continued as Harry’s tongue licked and kissed on his balls. Ron tasted so different to Dudley. There was none of the sweat and musk of his cousin. Ron tasted almost sweeter. While he didn’t dislike the taste he didn’t find it as moreish as the taste of Dudley. He wasn’t immediately hungry for me when his tongue lost contact with Ron’s skin. “Oh… Harry!” Harry had taken Ron’s balls into his mouth and was sucking on them. “Oh God!” Harry could still vividly remember how much Dudley enjoyed the sensation of his balls being sucked on. The way his grunts and heavy breathing would encourage Harry to suck harder and longer. He almost seemed to want Harry to inhale him. Harry could tell from the gasps and scattered noises coming from Ron’s mouth that this wasn’t the ultimate turn on for him that it was for Dudley. For a brief moment Harry wondered just what that was for Ron but he pushed the thought from his mind. As fun as it might be to explore Ron and discover every inch of his body Harry didn’t have the patience for it. He had been waiting all day for one thing and now he had waited long enough. “Ready?” Harry was looking up at Ron from between his legs. The head of his cock tantalisingly close to his lips. Ron simply nodded. “Good!” Finally Harry’s lips were wrapped around the head of Ron’s cock again. He held the head in his mouth for a moment. Waiting to see if there would be the immediate explosion as there had been last night. But it didn’t come. Harry could feel and taste drops of pre-cum dripping onto his tongue but nothing more than that. Slowly he began to swallow. He was confident that he could take all of Ron’s cock. Its length and width didn’t match Dudley’s. Sure enough Harry could feel Ron’s cock sliding deeper into his mouth and toward his throat with ease. The pre-cum soaked head pressing against the back of his throat and sliding down into it. Harry gagged and choked a little but soon found himself at the base of Ron’s cock. His nose pressing against the fire red pubic hair. “Holy… fuck… God!” Ron didn’t really seem to know how to react or what to do as the feeling of his cock entirely buried in Harry’s throat overwhelmed him. Slowly Harry withdrew from Ron’s cock. Moving his lips back up to the head before diving back down onto it. Devouring it in one fluid motion prompting another wave of overwhelmed explatitives to escape Ron’s mouth. Harry repeated this process again and again. Picking up speed as he fell into a steady rhythm of his lips moving up and down Ron’s cock. After their first encounter the night before Harry was impressed that Ron was managing to hold back his orgasm but he knew that wouldn’t last long. He could tell from the staggered and panicked breathing and the way Ron’s muscles were tensing and his cock beginning to throb. All of this only drove Harry on. His lips tightening their grip on Ron’s shaft as they moved faster. Harry hungrily slobbering and sucking on Ron’s cock. Willing his best friend to cum. To fill his mouth as he had last night. “Harry… I’m gonna… Harry….” Ron was cumming. Once again shot after shot of thick hot liquid was filling Harry’s mouth. And again Harry clung to the end of Ron’s cock for as long as he could. Swallowing what we could as his mouth filled with cum but eventually he was forced to retreat and watch as more spurts of cum shot and dribbled down Ron’s cock. Ron’s sweet flavour filled his mouth. As Harry swallowed the last of Ron’s cum in his mouth he dived back onto his cock. Swallowing the still hard member and savouring the last drops of his cum. “Oh fuck! Harry!” Slowly Harry withdrew from Ron’s cock. It was beginning to soften while Ron took in deep gasping breaths of air. “That. Was. Bloody. Amazing.” “Yeah?” “Yes!” Harry climbed off of Ron’s bed and took in the sight of his exhausted but satisfied friend. His chest still rising and falling at some speed as he attempted to recover his breath. His eyes were closed but a look of pure contentment filled the rest of his face. Once again Harry was struck by the desire to kiss Ron. To press their lips together. But he resisted. Instinctively he sensed that there was a strange balancing act to whatever was happening with Ron right now and he needed to preserve it as best he could. So, reluctantly, he headed toward his own bed dropping on top of the covers still fully clothed. “Good night Harry!” “Night Ron!” Amazingly as soon as he hit the bed Harry could feel the wave of exhaustion hit him. His eyes closed and he was drifting off to sleep. And to thoughts of Dudley…

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