
The Beach House Ch. 01


I knew there were a few options on how the long weekend might turn out. I had invited my long time friend over to stay with me, just hanging out at my time share, enjoying a few days on the beach with no responsibility, no schedule, just me and her for 4 days. She had immediately said yes, and it wasn’t until today that I started feeling nervous. Her plane was scheduled to arrive in about two hours and I still hadn’t decided how I was going to broach the topic I wanted to discuss with her.

Worst case scenario, she would leave and never speak to me again. Best case, she would be all about it. Reality- I’m sure shock, perhaps even a little uncomfortable silence would come about and maybe we’d still be friends after it was all said and done. My 30th birthday had just passed and I had decided then that I would be honest with myself and my friends and be who I wanted to be. I would be who I knew I needed to be.

By the time I picked her up, my stomach had stopped its flip flopping and I was feeling ok. I had also pushed the whole thing to the very back of my mind. She was in a great mood and couldn’t stop talking about how much it meant to her for me to ask her to come out and how excited she was to be here.

It was dinner time when we got back to the beach house, so I offered to cook while she showered off the travel dust and got changed into appropriate vacation wear. She was still in her work clothes and although she looked excellent in the well tailored black slacks and green silk blouse that paled in comparison to her fiery eyes, they were not fit for the sand and surf.

I cracked open a bottle of wine with dinner and we both drank heartily. As we finished eating, she noticed the amazing sunset over the water and asked to take a walk on the beach before it got too dark. I happily obliged, secretly relieved when she refilled her wine goblet to the rim before stepping out onto the deck. I topped off my glass as well, almost finishing off the second bottle. We had sat and caught up for quite some time- I hadn’t realized it had been so long. I took a moment and centered myself. Deep breaths- that’s what I needed.

She was at the water’s edge by the time I followed her out. She had taken off her shoes, finished her wine and stripped down to her bikini by the time I got to her. Time had actually improved her body, her breast were still as perky as they were in college, and her overall form leaner than our junk food school days. Laughing like I hadn’t heard her do since our first summer away after high school graduation, she ran, splashing into the water. I had on a halter top and shorts, but I followed her in with wild abandon. The water was painted with the purples, oranges and dark pinks of the sunset and we were surrounded with color. The waves were gentle and the water warm and shallow. I looked up and down the private beach and realized Çankaya Escort we were the only people I could see.

“What do you think?” I asked as we floated side by side, watching as the sky faded to a dark blue and the stars began to come out.

“Heaven,” she replied. “This place is wonderful, and I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be here with.” Her hand brushed mine and I felt a current pass between us.

“I’m glad you came. It wouldn’t be much fun if I were here all alone.” I responded, unsure if this was my opportunity or not. “We should probably get back to the beach before it gets too dark. We’re out farther than I thought.” I said, standing in water almost up to my chin. The lights on the beach house were tiny and twinkling. She stood as well and took my hand as she started walking towards land.

In my semi-drunken state, I stumbled out of the water and just as I was almost free of the surf, a strong wave came up and knocked me down. As I rolled over, laughing, she fell almost on top of me. Face to face, both giggling like school girls, our feet in the water still, I leaned up and kissed her. Her eyes widened, obviously startled and she jumped up. I just knew I’d ruined it. I should have said something. I should have warned her.

She hadn’t moved from the spot where she stood, so I stood up too. I couldn’t bring myself to meet her eyes- I didn’t want to see her disapproving look. I especially didn’t want to see pity.

“How long have you known?” she finally asked.

I looked at her puzzled for a moment before realizing what she was asking. “A little while. I just recently decided to stop pretending though. I’m sorry.”

She grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her. “Don’t ever apologize for something like that. You have nothing- I mean nothing — to apologize for.” She pulled me to her and kissed me. “I can’t believe you waited this long though,” she said, leaning back from me.

My puzzled look returned.

She laughed, head tilted back. “Oh my. I thought for sure you’d known when we were in college. We all knew, but didn’t say anything- figured you’d share when you were ready. I noticed the way you watched other girls, the kinds of boys you dated — they were all terribly effeminate. When you and I shared a bed on that field trip for archeology class, you spooned me the entire night.”

I could feel my cheeks burning a little. “I always thought it was something else. I thought we were just best friends.”

“We are best friends. That’s what makes it even better,” she replied, touching my face and brushing my hair behind my ear. “I always hoped you’d find a way to be honest with yourself and I’d be the one you’d come to.”

“I never imagined it would be anyone but you,” I said, drawing my face in closer to hers. I could feel her Keçiören Escort breath on my face. I kissed her the way I’d always wanted someone to kiss me. My right hand was on the back of her head, full of her thick black hair and my left hand was on her hip, drawing her body to mine. Her hands went up my back and down again, resting on my hips. In the shifting sand, as she stepped towards me and I stepped towards her, we lost our balance and wound up in a tangled mess. I’d stirred something deep inside me though and I couldn’t stop. She crawled up the beach a bit to dry sand and I followed. I was on top of her and our lips were hungrily seeking each other’s. I noticed her breathing was rapid and realized mine was as well. Her hand was trying to get up my halter top but couldn’t quite separate the clingy wet fabric from my body. She reached behind me and untied it at the neck and the back and stripped it away.

“Lean up a sec,” she requested. I sat up, straddling her in the sand. She gazed at my bare breasts, reaching up to caress them. “They’re just as beautiful as I’d fantasized.” She pulled me back to her, kissing me deeply. I needed to kiss her, needed to feel her tongue intertwine with mine. I kissed her neck, her shoulders, and feeling much like I expect a teenage boy does the first time a girl lets him feel her up, I kissed the tops of her breasts. I tried to slide her bikini top over so I could admire her as well, but it was uncooperative. She untied the part behind her neck and I slowly peeled the white triangles from her breasts. Her nipples were small and hard and dark against her pale skin. I gently rubbed them between my thumb and forefingers like I would rub my own while masturbating. Pressing my body against hers, feeling her breasts against mine was an amazing feeling. It sent electric currents through my entire body and I realized my pussy was very hot and wet.

“I think we need to take this inside,” I panted, kissing her right shoulder and breast while massaging her left breast with my free hand. Her back arched and she moaned as I nibbled gently on her nipple.

“Yes, I agree,” she sighed. I slowly got to my feet, and pulled her up. We practically ran back to the beach house. The massive 2 person chaise on the end of the sectional sofa was as far as we made it. She pushed me down and tugged my shorts off.

“Is that for me or do you always keep it that way?” she asked, a salacious grin on her face as she gazed at my shaved pussy. I was happily admiring her perky breasts and it was my turn to have a feisty grin.

“I keep it shorn, but I made sure it was nice and smooth for you. I had grand plans of seducing you this weekend.”

She untied the strings on the sides of her bottoms and smiled as it hit the floor. “Looks like we’re a matched pair,” she said as she Etimesgut Escort straddled me. “I think you had better get to that seducing.” Her mouth was on mine again and I felt like I couldn’t get close enough to her. Her breasts were pressed to mine, her legs on either side of me. I arched my back, grinding my mound against hers. It was her turn to kiss down my neck and onto my shoulders and breasts. My nipples were so hard they ached. She must have heard my thoughts because she took them each into her mouth in turn, licking, nibbling and kissing them. I was moaning softly without even realizing it.

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited to be your lover?” she asked as she was kissing down my rib cage and onto my stomach.

“No. I guess I was oblivious. But I have to be honest. I’m not sure *I* can wait much longer.”

She smiled. “I’d was hoping you’d say something like that.” She kissed down from my belly button and then along the creases where my legs came together. She was purposefully avoiding my throbbing clit. I raised my hips unconsciously. Her kisses were circling closer, then farther. She kissed down my leg and back up.

“Please,” I begged, breathlessly. “Please kiss my clit.”

She circled around more, teasing. When her tongue finally touched my clit, I thought my whole body was on fire. She gingerly licked a few times, then gave it to me full on. She gently spread my legs to gain access to my dripping wet pussy. I could tell there would be quite the wet spot on the sofa when we were done. She prodded deeper with her tongue and moaned in approval.

“God you taste so sweet!” she exclaimed before hungrily lapping at my pussy. She flicked her tongue over my throbbing clit more, relishing my gasps and moans. I watched her as she was on her elbows and knees between my legs, lost in the moment. Seeing her mouth on me, watching her hands all over my breasts and hips — it was totally amazing. As she tenderly sucked on my hard little bud, she looked up, her eyes locking mine. I almost didn’t realize she was slipping her fingers into my pussy I was so lost in her gaze.

She massaged my clit from the outside with her tongue and from the inside with two fingers. I had never experienced anything so divine in my entire life and I wanted it to never end. My chest was heaving and my whole body trembled with pleasure.

“Oh god. Oh. I think I’m…” I moaned right as a powerful orgasm took hold of me. Practically my entire body came up off the sofa, but her lips never left my clit.

As I came down, she continued to lightly lick my pussy. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore and I reached down to her face. She crawled up to me and kissed me. I tasted my cum on her and that turned me on even more, which I didn’t think was possible. I reached down and timidly stroked her with trembling fingers. She was just as wet as me and the look in her eyes told me she was totally ready for more action. Staring deep into her green eyes, I wondered why I had waited so long to explore not just her, but this whole side of me. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this week would be the best of my life. And I could hardly wait to see just how much pent up sexual energy I had.

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