


Subject: “The Black Sheep: Part 3” This story is purely a work of adult erotic fantasy, copyright me 2020. I own it and all legal rights to it. **That means you cannot repost, reformat, or reproduce this story anywhere without my express permission.** If you’re under the age of majority in your jurisdiction, please come back when you’re of legal age. This story contains explicit sexual activity between adult men who are related to each other. You can also find a whole lot more of my stories here on Nifty – look for ‘a4f101’ in the Prolific Authors listing. I’m also on Tumblr at talesfromunderthemattress.tumblr, and you can find me on Twitter at @UnderYrMattress. Nifty is an incredible free service that depends on your donations to survive. It changed my life, and maybe it’s changed yours too. Please help them to keep providing this awesome resource for all of fty/donate.html I love hearing from you guys. ail. Enjoy. ***** Cooper tried not to grin like a little kid at Christmas — well, it *was* Christmas, but he was a man now, getting what he really wanted after a year of thinking and wondering and imagining it. “Get my Dopp kit from the bathroom,” Linc said, nodding in the direction of the guest bath door. “Got some stuff we’ll need in it.” Cooper practically sprinted into the bathroom, grabbing the scuffed-up, well-traveled leather toiletry kit from the vanity and bringing it back to the bed, his cock leading the way. He noted the way Linc’s eyes followed it, the way the man licked his lower lip and smiled to himself, and then looked up to meet Cooper’s eyes. Linc dug in the bag and retrieved a little bottle, then tossed it to Cooper, who caught it one-handed, years of baseball reflexes at the ready. He suddenly flashed on a memory of playing catch with Linc years ago, on one of his uncle’s infrequent visits, and found himself blushing again as he thought of how far they’d come, and where they were now. He looked down at the bottle in his hand, the ‘Wet!’ label on it, and thought to himself, ‘Fuck yeah, let’s get wet.’ He felt himself grinning at that, feeling that rush inside of him again, strong and hot and right, and looked up to see Uncle Linc grinning too, all knowing and confident and ready to play. “Attaboy,” Linc said with a nod and a wink, and fuck, he really could read him. Cooper felt seen, but in a real good way. *Known* was more like it, maybe. He nodded back, popped the cap, and climbed up on the bed. Linc arched his back a little more, making his powerful glutes pop in a way that did things to Cooper’s insides. Real good things. The overhead light made the crisp dark fur all over his ass and thighs and thatching his lower back gleam almost golden, and Cooper found his gaze locked on the man’s handsome ass, like a tractor beam pulling him in as he knee-walked closer to it across the mattress. He didn’t know if he was more nervous or excited, but he was moving forward no matter what, and that was the important thing here. No stopping now. “Gonna get me ready, bud?” Linc said, leaning forward on his forearms, muscles in his broad back rippling, ass inching a little higher in the air. In some crazy way, he was a lot like a coach right now, guiding him to do the things Cooper knew he could do, pushing him to summon up the balls and the will, trusting Cooper to do right, do good, to hit it out of the fuckin’ park. “It’s what a gentleman would do, right?” Cooper said without thinking about it, grinning as he did, and Linc barked a quick laugh. “I always did like you, you little fucker,” he said, winking again, and there was that feeling again, like Linc was stroking his insides nice and slow, all that rugged natural charm that Cooper hoped he’d grow into too. “C’mon in…” Cooper squeezed out an ample flow of the stuff, clear and slick all over his long fingers, then stroked them down the deep insides of Linc’s cheeks, down deep in the fur, over his already-dried spit glazed to the skin there. He felt the knot of Linc’s hole, still puffy and hot to the touch from all the work his lips and tongue had done to it, and even just thinking that to himself was enough to get his cock pulsing impatiently all along its length. He rubbed a slick circle against the flesh, Linc letting out a near-purring sound, like a big jungle cat letting its guard down, stroking a thick glaze of lube over the muscle. Cooper added another stream of the stuff to the underside of his fingers as he rotated them against his uncle’s deepest place, and then started to press inside the man some more. He thought about how it felt when he touched himself down there when he jacked off, how surprising and alien it could feel at first to probe at that place, how careful you had to be as you worked that delicious tension, pushing inside, trying to be easy and persistent at the same time. The lube made slick, wet sounds against the flesh as Cooper eased the tip of his middle finger inside, Linc letting out another deep-chested rumble, the muscles of his back shifting some more as Cooper introduced more of his slick, long finger to his insides. He worked his finger around in a circle, gasping a little at the intense heat enveloping it, all fleshy and alive and growing slicker now as he sought out that place, that spot that always made him jump and stifle a moan when he found it inside himself. “Hell yeah, there you go,” Linc growled, his hips bucking a little as Cooper found it, sliding his fingertip over the pulsing mound inside the man, working it in a tight little circle that turned Linc’s growl of pleasure into a low, steady rumble. The man’s hips rocked again, more fluidly this time, and Cooper flashed on that old song lyric, ‘hips don’t lie’, and had to stifle another laugh. “C’mon bud, I can take some more,” Linc said over his shoulder, his eyes getting that hooded, hazy look. “Don’t be shy.” He arched his back a little more, pushing back against Cooper’s finger in a way that was equally decisive and lewd — ‘slutty’ was almost the word for it, but it was hard to square the man he knew Linc was with that word. ‘Ready’ — yeah, that was it. Ready for more, more fingers and more lube, more of Cooper inside of him. More from inside Cooper too, he knew. So Cooper nodded and pressed the tip of his index finger against the man’s hole too, then slid it inside of him, watching the man’s face shift, his lips quirking in that slanted half-grin, nodding to himself as much as Cooper as he worked his way inside him. The third finger was the one that seemed to step things up, and Cooper found himself savoring the lewd, wet sounds of them, slick with lube and sliding slowly in and out of Linc’s hole, fingerfucking his studly, manly uncle as the guy grunted his lusty approval, working his fine, furry ass back to meet Cooper’s finger-thrusts. Cooper rubbed the man’s powerful back, over the faded old scars and pockmarks in his skin — a long, winding crease here, a rough circular indent that was almost certainly an old bullet wound there — each one its own secret story of Linc that Cooper wanted to know, one of the many this hot, mysterious man had to share, if you knew how to ask. His palm drifted over the shifting terrain of muscles beneath, wandering and exploring, squeezing and stroking, and it was a weirdly soothing kind of thing, helping him keep his cool, his breathing getting deep and even, determined, as his fingers worked Linc open more and more. “Damn, you got a nice touch to you, buddy,” Linc murmured warmly. “Thought you might.” Cooper smiled at him, trying to be modest, but pleased as hell. He repaid the compliment with a corkscrewing swirl that bore in on Linc’s prostate, and watching the big, rugged stud bite his bottom lip and knot his dark brows as he moaned out his pleasure made Cooper feel about ten feet tall. “Thanks, Unc,” Cooper murmured back. “Thanks for letting me…” “Don’t thank me, kid,” Linc said, eyes still shut, that blissed out-grin softening his rugged face. “Just enjoy it. I sure as fuck am.” “You wanna enjoy… more of me, Unc?” Cooper said, blushing a little at his own out-of-nowhere balls. Well, not nowhere. He’d had them all along… he was just getting to really use them now. “Damn right I do, stud,” Linc growled, looking back up at Cooper with an admiring grin and nod. ‘I see you, kid. I *know* you.’ He pushed up onto his hands and knees, like a wrestler positioning himself for the start of a bout, giving Cooper another delicious look at the power and precision in the man’s potent body. The shift made his fingers press inside the man at a different angle, and Cooper bit his lip as he watched the muscles of his back shift once more, bulging as the big guy rode the wave of pleasure he was giving him. “I could let you do that all night,” Linc said, easing himself up off Cooper’s fingers with another soft grunt, moving with that athletic ease and quickness he had, suddenly on his knees facing Cooper, all pecs and smile and hard, curving cock angling out from beneath his muscle-dense belly. “But there’s nothing like the real thing, right?” He reached for the lube beside them, popping the cap as he lifted it to his cupped palm. “My turn to be the gentleman now, huh,” Linc said, voice all playful and deep and husky at once, giving Cooper that engaging grin again as he reached for him. Cooper gasped as the slick, steely strength of his uncle’s big, rough hand wrapped round his cock, closing in around his flesh with decisive ease, coated with lube and already starting to stroke it into him. Cooper gasped and bit his lip, his hand clutching the powerful bulge of Linc’s upper arm, and let the man work his magic on him yet again. “Nothing like the feel of a buddy’s hand on your cock, huh?” Linc said, close enough to feel the warmth of the liquor on his breath as it gusted over Cooper’s parted lips. Below them, his hand worked slick and wet, up and down Cooper’s throbbing length, the skilled grasp of a izmit escort bayan man who knew just how to pace his stroke, how to keep the steam building, rising, without making it blow. “Guess I wouldn’t really know,” Cooper murmured, feeling his inexperience again like an unwelcome visitor. The few experiences he’d had, fumbling in the dark with another equally nervous, unskilled dude like himself… well, they’d been a little scary, a little confusing at first, but they’d felt damn good, in a way that a girls’ hand on his hardness just never had, and he knew never would. Damn good, but not even a shadow of how fuckin’ good this felt, this man’s hand on him, knowing how to work him, getting him good and slick and ready for even more, an even deeper connection between them. “But you will, right bud?” Linc said, eyes squarely on his, gazing into him, spurring him on. Cooper found himself nodding before he even knew it, too transfixed by the man’s green-eyed, knowing, open gaze, and by the slick, second-nature slide of his fist up and down his cocklength. “Yeah, that’s my boy,” Linc grinned, nodding back at him, and right as Cooper’s brain was deciding to kiss the man, Linc was already leaning in to kiss him. This time Cooper drove the kiss, meeting him more than halfway, cupping the back of Linc’s head and feeding him his tongue, much more confident with it now than before, the two of them keyed into their easy, sensual, masculine vibe. The smack of their lips and tongues paired real well with the slick, wet sounds of Linc slow-lubing his cock down below, and Cooper moaned his hungry approval into Linc’s mouth as the man took his tongue, sucking on it, slipping his own along and around it and exploring him back. Cooper’s other hand found its way down to the swell of Linc’s ass, clutching it deep and tight, making the man growl into his mouth as he worked his tongue and his cock over. “OK, you gotta stop,” Cooper panted, feeling himself riding the ragged edge of another orgasm all too soon. Linc just chuckled, wiping his lips with the back of one wrist, the other working much more slowly on Cooper’s cock now. He guessed he was as lubed now as he was ever going to be, and looking down between them, his cock looked like a statuette, all shiny and glazed and hard as stone. “Wait’ll you find out what frot’s like,” Linc said, his eyes all mischievous and promising, and Cooper felt that helpless thrill of being invited into some secret men’s club. Not just as a visitor, but a member for life, if he wanted it. And fuck, yeah, he wanted it. “Hell yeah,” Cooper nodded, getting control of his loins, as much as he could in this incredibly hot, electric moment between them. “But next time, Unc. I promised you something else first.” “That you did, stud, that you did,” Linc nodded, his cock-stroking hand slowing to a stop, before he leaned over, pursed his lips, and let a stream of his hot spit pour down onto the tip. Cooper gasped when it landed, his fingers digging even deeper into the firm flesh of Linc’s biceps and ass, but he maintained, even as Linc stroked that into his throbbing flesh, over the lube, mixing in with it. “Sure feels like you’re ready for it. Are you, bud?” “To fuck you, Unc?” Cooper asked, feeling the incredibly hot power of the vibe between them, playing along with this lusty new game his uncle had showed him, and invited him to join. Linc’s grin widened, his eyes flared, and he let out a husky, chesty grunt as he nodded. “Yeah,” Cooper said, returning that grin with one of his own. “Yeah, I’m ready to fuck you, big guy. Just like you’re ready too, huh?” “Come find out, you hot little fuck,” Linc growled, kissing him quick and hard and wet, letting Cooper push him back down onto the bed. “So how you want me, bud?” Linc asked a couple minutes later, after some more lip-locking, groping, and rolling around. ‘Shit, there are options?’ Cooper thought for a confused second, but then he pictured in his head all the ways guys fucked in porn, all the different positions, most of which he’d put Linc into in his spank bank at one point or another. He felt another surge of excitement, and let his hands stroke over Linc’s strong, manly body for a second, taking him in and making up his mind. “This isn’t like Final Jeopardy or anything,” Linc grinned, stroking his body right back, big rugged hands all over his arms, flanks, hips. “Do good and you’ll probably get another shot.” Linc’s hands found their way to the muscles of Cooper’s ass and squeezed the flesh, firm and deep and slow. “And I’m pretty confident you’re gonna do good, buddy.” Cooper heard the lusty grunt coming from him before he even knew he was doing it, then he was reaching for Linc, kissing him hard and hungry. “On your front,” he said, his voice all husky and sex-heavy, and man, he liked the sound of it. “I liked that view before. The way you looked.” He didn’t think he was ever gonna get tired of using his words like this. “You got it, big guy,” Linc grinned, rolling over onto his knees and elbows as Cooper grabbed the lube again, just in case. “Fuck, you got a nice ass, Unc,” Cooper said, as his fingers sank into the furry meat of the man’s glutes. Something about this angle really made them pop, made the muscles all big and round and hard under their coating of beef. ‘I ate that,’ Cooper thought, feeling himself grinning real big as he lined the head of his cock up with his target, his cock shining with a fresh layer of lube he’d stroked into it, Linc’s hole gleaming from its own new coat. ‘A fresh lick,’ he thought to himself, wanting to laugh again, and he guessed he must be pretty alright with all this if he was making with the jokes. ‘`Course you’re alright with it,’ he thought. ‘You’re about to fuck this guy, bro.’ Yeah he was, and as he pressed the head of his cock to the man’s flesh, to that slicked ring of muscle he’d become so intimately familiar with in one short evening, he mouthed a silent prayer of thanks to whoever or whatever it was that made all this hot shit come together tonight. And then, as the heat of Linc’s insides tickled at his flesh, emanating from his hole, Cooper took a deep, easy breath, and pressed on inside him. “Aw *dude*,” he groaned, feeling that heat envelop him, all along his throbbing length as he immersed it inside his uncle. He clutched tight at Linc’s ass, fingers digging into his hot flesh again as his cock dug into his even hotter hole. The man felt somehow hotter than a girl inside, tighter too, fuck, super tight and close all around him. Maybe it was because Cooper wasn’t wearing a rubber — “I get tested every six months, condition of the job,” Linc had said, and his mother might not have trusted the man, but Cooper did — but the heat, combined with the slickness, the sense of all that alive flesh working tightly around him, inviting him in deeper, was something totally new to Cooper. “Yeah, buddy,” Linc growled back over his muscular shoulder. “I knew you’d like that.” The man met his gaze, and then rocked his hips back, meeting Cooper’s steady inward stroke, opening up and just taking him as Cooper fed his hot, hard length inside of him. “Holy shit!” Cooper grunted tightly. Linc just grinned back at him, tipping him one of those roguish winks, and goddamn, Cooper just knew the man had all kinds of stories he wanted to know. Stories to be told down here, just between the two of them, not upstairs with more polite company. Talk between men. Cooper leaned back a little, looking down at his shaft as it split the man’s round, furred cheeks, and he could’ve sworn he looked bigger. Fuck, the sight was such a trip, his cock sinking inside a man’s ass — *another* man’s ass, he corrected himself, and grinned even wider. Then he bit his lip in concentration, met Linc’s hot green-eyed gaze, and pushed deeper inside him. All the way in. “Oh *fuck* yeah, that’s it,” Linc groaned, his eyes drifting closed as his head dropped a little, clutching tighter to the covers in his grasp. He throbbed all around Cooper’s cock, holding him there, his hips shifting a little as he got used to him. The way he smiled was different — still that slanted kind of grin, biased towards the right, but it was more… open now, Cooper thought. More honest, in a way. He was pretty sure not many people got to see that smile, that look on Linc’s face, unguarded and just being himself. But he did, now. And shit, if Uncle Linc could be the kind of man he was, all rugged and tough and strong, a guy with shrapnel marks and bullet holes in him, and be willing to show himself like this too, passionate and lusty and responsive to another man inside of him… well, that made Cooper feel even more of a kinship with him. Made him feel all kinds of good, and excited, about all the possibilities that lay ahead of him. Cooper pulled his hips back a little, as easy as he could, watching Linc’s face shift, the way the muscles in his broad back moved. Just a couple of inches, and then he pushed them back inside the man again, listening to his fresh grunt, trying to decipher if it was pleasure or pain. He was big enough, and he was pretty pleased with the size cock he’d been gifted with, but he wasn’t *that* big. But then it was pretty tight inside the man, tighter than he’d ever felt, and Cooper knew he had to get a feel for this game as he was playing it. The part of him that was polite and considerate and wanted to please worked well here, alongside the lustier part of him that was throbbing inside Linc, hungry to make the man moan and make those hot faces of pleasure too. He pressed back inside Linc with a solid, yet considerate push, and then it was all pretty much just instinct. Instinct and biology, all those ancient drives encoded deep inside every man. It was the same combo of instinct and drive that had gotten him fucking the first girl he’d ever been with. Getting inside, that was the hard part, so to speak — a mental izmit eve gelen escort game as much as a physical one. The rest was all in the hips, the hips and the gut, not the brain, and Cooper watched the man’s face, trusted his gut, and let his hips take over the work. “Fuck yeah, kid…” Linc growled once they got into rhythm, hips meeting hips, skin to skin, Cooper holding the big man’s solid, athletic hips securely as he pumped his cock up deep inside of him. “`Kid’, huh?” he said, voice all husky again, starting to pant a little now that the pace was set. “Does this feel like kids’ stuff, Unc?” “Naw, bud,” Linc said. “This is a man’s game, for sure. And you’re a fuckin’ player, my dude.” Cooper grinned at that, and Linc’s easy reply, the way his body moved back to meet him, told him he could put a little more into him. He felt the flow of it all through him, emanating out from his hips, down his thighs, up his core, along the arms holding his uncle’s body securely as he fucked him, nice and steady, his body working smoothly now, just like out on the ballfield, feeling stronger and stronger all the time. “Do I still feel like a kid inside you, Unc?” he found himself murmuring, surprising himself under all the lust and pleasure he was riding. Linc grunted and fucked back against him a little more, looking back over the bunched muscles of his shoulder at him, his face really fuckin’ handsome right now under the hard tan and the silvering stubble and the lines around his eyes from squinting in a dozen different deserts. That watchful, impenetrable kind of mask he wore around everyone else was gone, leaving behind the man himself, and fuck, Cooper was so into this guy. His own uncle, god damn. A man he’d always thought he didn’t really know, but now he knew him real well. Getting to know him better with every driving inch of his cock, every roll of the man’s hips in reply, and most of all that hungry, knowing green-eyed gaze back at him. Seeing each other, and spurring each other on. “Hell no, Coop,” Linc grunted. “You feel like a fuckin’ man, that’s for damn sure.” “*Fuck*, dude!” Cooper moaned, lunging forward over the man’s broad, shifting back, and Linc was already craning his head back to meet him, their lips crashing together, hungry and urgent and already open as their tongues reached for each other too. Somehow this all felt even *more*, wrapped around Linc like this, his arms holding tight around the man’s torso, his hips driving steadily, powering his cock relentlessly inside the man’s tightness, the two of them grunting and panting into a hot, wet, noisy, tongue-twisting kiss. It felt like more than just fucking — it felt like *rutting*, like a couple of animals would do, hungry and urgent, all drive and instinct, and for all his thoughts and their talk about being a man now, fuck, this was the most like a man Cooper had ever felt. Like he was tapping it from his uncle, drawing it out from inside of him with his cock, taking more and more of it for himself with each thrust and growling, hungry, tongue-lashing kiss. The bed quaked beneath them as they fucked each other, Linc arching his back and rocking his hips with talent and experience, meeting Cooper, helping him take them deeper together. Cooper’s hands roamed Linc’s muscular torso, over the swells of his pecs, palming his stiff, quarter-sized nips, down over the beefy steel of his core, taking him in by touch and feel. One hand found the thicket of hair between the man’s pecs, his fingers sinking into it, savoring it, while the other followed the trail down his stomach, over the clenching muscles, into the dense, sweat-damp thickness of his bush. Linc growled throatily as Cooper’s hand found the base of his cock, found him thick and hard and throbbing, curved up hard towards his belly. Cooper felt another wave of thrills at the feel of the man’s hardness, knowing he’d helped create it, made it all thick and throbbing and wet-tipped like it was now. He grunted back into Linc’s mouth, around their tongues, and gave Linc’s length a squeezing stroke, from root to tip, up and down and up and down again, over and over. Linc moaned in response and bucked his hips back against him harder, hungrier, their flesh starting to slap together rhythmically, loud and lewd. They rode like that for a few minutes, hot and deep, all muscles and skin and sweat and deep-core manly lust. Then Linc’s big rough hand covered Cooper’s stroking one on his cock, joined him for a couple of long, slick-palmed slides, before squeezing it and guiding it, firm but friendly, off his flesh. “Not like this, bud,” Linc grunted against his panting mouth. “Fuck no,” Cooper gasped back. “Wanna see your face when I get you off, big guy.” “You hot little *fuck*,” Linc growled, his tongue slashing against Cooper’s, and then he was moving with that athletic quickness, bucking his ass back against Cooper to push him back, then pulling his hips forward, up Cooper’s remaining length, and off of him. Cooper couldn’t stop the throaty moan, part hunger and part disappointment at the sudden sensation of being out of him, his cock bobbing urgently, angrily in the open. But Linc kept moving, up on his knees and then spinning around to face him, his face a handsome mix of heat and desire and need. Linc grabbed hold of Cooper’s shoulders and kissed him, hot and lusty and deep, his tongue feeling a foot long and six inches wide as it filled Cooper’s mouth, the man’s lips hungrily devouring his as Cooper kissed him right back. And then just as he was getting ready to ride this particular groove with his uncle, the man pushed him back a little more, extracted his agile tongue from Cooper’s mouth, and rolled onto his back. Fuck, he looked so good, obscenely good, lewd and hard and porny, grinning wide, green eyes alive with the heat they were both feeling, his cock arced hard over the firm swell of his stomach. The man spread his thick thighs wide and reached up for Cooper’s arms, clasping him around his biceps and pulling him in, bringing him close again, and Cooper’s body knew just what to do. He slid up between Linc’s splayed thighs, and as his gaze traveled up the column of Linc’s hardon, his instincts kicked in. He followed them, dipping his head down to lick up the length of the man’s cock, a little reminder of the powerful taste he’d savored earlier. Linc grunted, then chuckled as Cooper’s tongue swabbed up his centerline, Cooper finding himself grinning as he came in to kiss the man, a little slower this time, languid and sensual. Then he pushed back up, loving the way Linc’s hands squeezed the shifting mass of his upper arms as he did, leaned back, and lined his cock up against Linc’s furry, slick hole again. “Yeah, fuckin’ go for it, big man,” Linc growled, nodding at him with that sexy, up-for-anything grin. Cooper grinned right back at him and did just that, pushing back inside his hot, slick tightness with an easy, natural thrust, and this time he sank his length all the way home in one smooth drive. Linc’s head dropped back against the covers, his eyes fluttering half-closed, letting out another low, satisfied moan, his powerful thighs clamping around Cooper’s trunk, and the two of them got back into business together. Doing it this way was awesome. Linc knew how to tilt his hips just right, giving Cooper a new angle to fuck down into, filling the man up in a whole different way than before. Plus, now he could see his face, glowing with pleasure and a light coating of sweat. He could more fully see Linc respond to him, to his cock and his hips and what they were doing to the man. He could savor the way those big, hot hands slid and squeezed over his arms and shoulders, while his powerful squeezing thighs spurred Cooper on. Even better, he could savor the beefy jiggle of the man’s tits with each skin-slapping meeting of their flesh, Cooper’s lean athletic hips banging off a steady beat against the powerful plushness of Linc’s upturned ass. God, he’d never felt as good as this, as powerful, as deeply tapped into himself when he’d fucked before. All that shit felt like practice, like spring training, and now he was heading off to the majors. He wished he could see himself, wished there was a big mirror over the dresser like there was in his room. He’d really gotten into watching himself jack off lately, even recorded himself doing it a couple times on his phone, just to see how he looked when he got in the zone. Not because he was any kind of narcissist or a showoff or whatever — just to learn, to know more about all this, and himself. Like studying tape in the locker room after playing a big game. But this, fuck… he really wished he could step outside himself for just a few minutes and watch himself fucking Linc, see if it looked as good and hot as it felt inside right now. But that would have meant missing out on how fucking intensely awesome all this was feeling. The throb of his cock sinking repeatedly, deeply inside Linc. The way the man’s insides felt so hot and slick and alive and his, his for the taking. The almost tangible heat and desire flowing back and forth between them. The feeling of power growing inside himself, savoring his own strength as he used one arm to prop himself up, the other to wrap around Linc’s back to help support him, and help bind them even closer together. Linc’s hands did what Cooper’s eyes couldn’t, continuing to roam over his flexing, working muscles, all over his sweaty skin, exploring him as he fucked. “Fuckin’ muscles on you, kid,” the man murmured, smiling to himself as he took in the flex and pump of his young body, impressed and proud and hungry all at once. “Just like you, big guy,” Cooper panted back, taking in the terrain of Linc’s big arms and burly chest, the muscles aglow with fucksweat, thick and powerful and mature in their fullness. “Fuck yeah, just like me, buddy,” the man ginned, giving izmit otele gelen escort him another wink, and Cooper lunged in to devour his mouth again, his hips picking up their steady, relentless pace, driving him harder and deeper into the man as they kissed. It was an intense ride, had been from the start, and as into it as Cooper was, as much as he wanted to do it all night and into tomorrow, fuck Uncle Linc into the bed until he left a man-shaped impression in the mattress, it had to come to an end. He could feel it, the steady rise, coming faster and deeper inside his loins, his belly, that sweet electricity of his orgasm building like a summer storm. Linc was on the same path, his face shifting, brows knotting. Cooper remembered the way the man looked on the couch last Christmas as the moment of inevitability came over him with each of his brawny hands wrapped round their cocks, stroking them off together, right before Linc shot his cum all over his stomach, and how all that had triggered off Cooper’s own. Now the man’s hand was wrapped round his own big, hard piece, stroking a firm, steady rhythm, the other rubbing up and down Cooper’s flexing back, along his shifting spine, dipping down into the sweat-lined top of his cleft on the downstroke. “Gonna make you cum, Unc,” Cooper panted. “Fuckin’ right you are, bud,” Linc grunted back. “Cum real good. Make you cum too, yeah?” “*Fuck* yeah…” Cooper moaned. “All up inside me, bro,” Linc said huskily, and goddamn, he knew just the right things to say at just the right time. “Yeah, can I, man?” Cooper said, feeling that heat surging higher and harder inside him. “Can I cum in you, Unc?” “Goddamn right you can,” Linc growled, his eyes flaring, a hungry kind of sneer on his lips that was all animal. “Been thinkin’ about it for months, stud.” “Fuck,” Cooper grunted. “Me too, man, me too…” “Then fucking do it, man,” Linc said, big hand gripping his flank. “`Cuz I’m gonna fucking cum…” He let out a hard-edged, passionate growl, his cock stroking faster and faster on his cock, and then his breath caught, his eyes went wide, his mouth dropping open helplessly as he let out a stream of husky, grunting gasps, his hand a blur on himself as his biceps and pecs tightened and bulged. And then he let out a long throaty moan — “Aw *fuck, Coop!*” — and started shooting thick streaks of cum up his chest. “Fuck yeah!” Cooper panted, his hips hunching, feeling almost like he was slamming into the man, planting his throbbing cock deep inside of him, feeling his balls pulling up, feeling Linc’s insides rhythmically tightening around him, clasping round his cock with each of his cumshots. There was just enough time to let out a choked gasp, and then Cooper growled and let his cum shoot, his cock flexing inside Linc, the two of them pulsing together as Cooper painted his uncle’s insides with shot after shot of hot young cum. It was the hardest Cooper had ever come, a full-body orgasm rolling through him, flooding him inside like his cock was doing to Linc. The man let his body go, flopping back onto the covers, shining with sweat and a half-dozen thick, long streaks of cum across his heaving chest and stomach, a look of grinning satisfaction on his ruggedly handsome face. One hand came up to stroke and squeeze the frozen, flexed muscles of Cooper’s arm as he propped himself up and shot his last spurts, unable to register much beyond the hot, pulsing glow of his orgasm inside the man. His first, and he knew already it was far from his last. Cooper’s arms were starting to get a little shaky, and Linc reached up to rub his back slowly with both hands, encouraging him to ease on down. Cooper felt a little bit self-conscious about it — some of it post-orgasmic awkwardness, the rest some kind of deep-coded conditioning, he guessed — but the man was undeniable, and welcoming, and fuck… he’d just shot his load inside of him. How much closer could two men get? So he went with it, his cock sliding slickly from Linc’s well-fucked hole, still solid, kind of draping himself over Linc’s strong thigh and the side of his torso. Linc slipped one arm around him and rubbed his back, squeezing his shoulder with the other hand. “You good, bud?” Linc asked, his voice deep and warm and sated. Cooper thought about the question, how he felt, what it meant, and decided meaning didn’t matter — he felt fucking amazing, in all kinds of ways, and that was all that was important. “I’m… fucking *excellent*, man,” Cooper sighed, savoring the way Linc grinned at him and nodded. “You sure as fuck were, big guy,” he said, and it shouldn’t have been a surprise when he leaned his head up to kiss Cooper’s lips, but it was a pleasant one nonetheless. The kiss was much softer than Cooper was expecting, but it matched the way he was feeling inside, riding that deep, warm, post-cum wave of pleasure. He met his uncle’s lips warmly, and the two of them just kissed like that, slow and easy, no pressure, just enjoying each other and the afterglow for a few long, pleasant minutes. “Guess I should’ve put the moves on you a little harder last year,” Linc said with a chuckle when they eased their way out of the kiss. “You could’ve, for sure,” Cooper grinned back. “But maybe it wouldn’t have been this good, y’know?” Lincoln nodded, his fingers drawing idle shapes on Cooper’s back, in the cooling sweat. Cooper’s fingers traced up Linc’s stomach, rising and falling with his deep, easy breaths, up to the concentration of cum streaks between his pecs, glistening in the fur there. They were cooling fast, all thick and sticky on his fingertips as he touched the stuff. The cum he’d made this hot fucking man, his own uncle, shoot, and shoot hard and thick. “Maybe I needed the year to kind of… I dunno… think about it,” Cooper said. “What you showed me about you, and me too.” “What it could be,” Linc said. “Who you could be.” Fuck, for everyone else’s opinions about Linc, what and who they thought he was — a rogue, a question mark, the black sheep to Cooper’s Dad’s golden-boy white-collar steadiness — they didn’t know the half of him, the man he was under the rough-hewn muscles and the thick, weathered skin. How much he saw and knew and understood. But Cooper felt like he did, or at least more than most. Especially now. He’d always felt a connection with the guy, even before all this, and this newer, deeper, electric kind of bond between them as guys. As *men*, he corrected himself mentally with a smile. It was a kinship, for sure — not just the literal kin of family, but of and between men. It was a powerful thing, and thinking — no, *feeling* that way kindled those fires inside of him a little more again. Equal parts desire and pride, now. “I’ve been there, buddy,” Linc said, propping one hand behind his head, Cooper unable to help himself as his eyes roamed over the thick, powerful swell of the man’s biceps flexing, the dark, damp tuft of fur in his pit, the warm, musky, purely man smell that wafted up from it. “It’s a journey, alright. Just starting for you, really. But you’re on it, for sure.” “Yeah?” Cooper asked, looking up, Linc nodding at him. “Not an easy ride,” Linc said, drawing a circle between Cooper’s shoulders, a lot like the one he’d done earlier tonight, as they’d bid his parents goodbye. Only a couple hours ago, if that, but fuck, they’d come a long way, and the slow, casual movement of the man’s hand on his skin, his flesh, felt so much more than it did before. More, and even better now. “But damn, it can be a lot of fun, if you do it right.” “Like you, huh?” Cooper said, drawing a streak of Linc’s cum across his pec, feeling the muscle quake as the man chuckled, slow and deep. “I dunno about that, bud,” he said. “But I’m doing it, and that’s more than some guys can say.” Cooper wasn’t going to be one of those guys, he decided. Shit… he’d just fucked his uncle, a guy he’d admired and wondered about his whole life, and pretty damn well, he thought. He already wasn’t one of those guys. Nope — he was a guy very much like the one beside him, under him, and that more than anything else that had happened tonight gave him a thrill, and a deep feeling of pride, too. “I’m taking this summer off,” Linc said after a stretch of companionable silence, the two of them just enjoying the moment together. “Got some shit to fix on the house, some buds to catch up with, some fishing to do, just taking it easy before the next gig. You should come down. Get some time away for yourself, before you head off to school.” Cooper tried not to grin like a kid. He’d never been to Uncle Linc’s house; the last time they’d all been down in Florida on vacation, even though they’d only been an hour away from his place, his mother had 86ed any idea of them even paying a visit. “For real?” he said, trying to keep his voice mature and all. “With you?” “Yeah. Do some fishing, a little drinking, hit the beach…” Linc said, giving him a playful, adult kind of grin, his hand trailing down Cooper’s back to give his ass a little squeeze. “A little fucking too, if you want to.” Cooper felt his cock shift against the man’s thigh, starting to grow anew, just like that kindling fire inside him all over again. He drew a slow circle of cooling, sticky cum on Linc’s pec and gave him a sly grin back. “Could we maybe do… a lot of fucking?” he said, hearing the same playfully adult edge in his voice that Linc had used on him, and thrilling to it. Linc let out a long, low, deep-chested laugh, green eyes flaring, his big hand giving Cooper’s ass another squeeze, nice and strong and easy. “Yeah, that’s my fuckin’ boy,” Linc grinned. “I mean… my guy,” he added with a twinkle in his eye. “You could tell me some stories,” Cooper murmured. “About you. Show me some things.” He couldn’t help but blush a little at that, but hoped it’d pass as post-sex flush. “Buddy, I don’t think I have to show you a damn thing,” Linc murmured, reaching up to buzz his lips against Cooper’s, his hand sliding up to cup to brace the back of his neck. “You got this. But I’ll damn sure help you practice…” Cooper grunted and kissed Linc, deep and strong and long, and the two men fell into each other again. ***The End***

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