
The Ghost of Christmas Wax


Author’s Note

A short and silly little tale for your holiday enjoyment!

* * *


Charlotte stood in the bedroom doorway with a fire extinguisher in one hand and a handful of Christmas candles in the other. There wasn’t a stitch of clothing on her.

Inside, Natasha, whose outfit consisted of nothing more than a lacy bra and matching thong, was just laying out a pair of large beach towels over the bed’s bottom sheet. The comforter and top sheet lay in a pile at the foot end.

Natasha looked up. “Fire extinguisher,” she said. “Good idea.”

“Just in case,” said Charlotte, grinning.

“Do you have the rope?”

“I thought you had the rope, Mistress.”

Natasha shook her head.

Charlotte shrugged, set the candles and fire extinguisher on the side table and scampered off. She returned two minutes later with two coils of red rope and an Aim & Flame lighter.

“Perfect,” said Natasha.

Charlotte sauntered over with a wry grin and touched the tip of her index finger to just under Natasha’s chin.

* * *

The Ghost of Christmas Wax

“Are you sure about this, baby?” asked Natasha, sitting in the middle of the king-size bed, straddling Charlotte’s thighs with a Christmas candle in one hand and an Aim & Flame in the other.

Charlotte nodded. “We did it before. That one time, Mistress.”

“You weren’t tied to the bed, though.”

“Nope.” Charlotte grinned as she pulled at the ropes wrapped around her wrists. “So this time it should be twice as much fun.”

Natasha pulled back on the Aim & Flame’s trigger. “Hot wax…” she said, shaking her head slowly as she brought the candle wick in contact with the flame.

In the corner of the room, beyond the foot of the bed, there was a brief shimmer in the air and the sound of distant wind chimes.

“Did you hear something?” asked Natasha.

Charlotte shook her head.

“Hmm,” said Natasha, turning her attention back to the candle and its flame. “Ooh,” she said, “You ready, baby? The wax is already dripping.”

Again, in the corner of the room there was a brief shimmering of light and the tinkle of chimes.

“Okay, I heard it that time, Mistress,” said Charlotte, lifting her head from the mattress and craning her neck to look toward the corner of the room.

“Yeah,” said Natasha, “It’s almost like whenever I say the word wax–“

“I am the Ghost of Christmas Wax!” boomed a voice.

Charlotte and Natasha locked eyes, their mouths hanging open. Natasha let go of the Aim & Flame trigger.

“Sorry, I’ve always wanted to do that bit,” said the voice.

“What the…?” said Charlotte.

“Who are you?” said Natasha.

“I am the Ghost of Christmas Wax,” boomed the voice. And then, “Sorry. I don’t mean to frighten you. It’s just so much fun to do the thing… You know. I am the Ghost of–“

“Yes, we know the thing,” said Natasha. “What we don’t know is who are you?”

“Where are you?” added Charlotte.

“I’m…” said the voice. “I’m just over here. Beyond the fourth wall.”

“Fourth wall?” said Charlotte.

“Yes, the imaginary barrier that separates the characters and the audience. Like in the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, when he talks to the camera.”

“Charlotte rolled her eyes.”

“Too eighties?” asked the voice.

“I know what the fourth wall is,” said Charlotte. “I was a lit major for my undergrad. The question is…”

“The question is…” Maltepe travesti joined Natasha, turning her head toward the shimmer, glaring.

“What the hell is the fourth wall doing in our bedroom?” they said together.

“Oh that,” said the voice. “I suppose we’ll just get straight to it then. You’re characters in a series of erotic stories.”

“Well, I’ve never heard of that,” said Natasha.

“Yeah,” said Charlotte. “We’ve been living here for how many years now, and that wall’s always been solid. No wind, no rain, nothing.”

“Well, from your perspective–“

“Why now?” said Natasha.

“Sorry, what?”

“Why now?” she repeated.

“I am the Ghost of Christmas Wax,” boomed the voice.

“You already said that,” said Charlotte.

“And what’s with the booming?” said Natasha.

“Sorry, it’s just that I paid a lot for these special effects and… Listen. I’m the Ghost of Christmas Wax. Any time someone says my name three times, I appear. That’s just how it works. And since you, Natasha, are holding a Christmas candle, getting ready to drip hot wax onto dear Charlotte’s tender, exposed nipples… I mean what exactly did you expect to happen?”

“Not this,” said Charlotte. “An hour of stingy, squirmy, endorphin rush in the sheets, finishing with Mistress’s tongue up my ass if I’m lucky, but not this.”

“You like it when I stick my tongue in your ass, baby?”

“Like it?” heaved Charlotte, “Mistress, I–“

“She loves it,” said the voice.

“Nobody asked you,” said Natasha.

“You don’t have to,” said the voice. “I wrote you. I know exactly what you’re going to say.”

“Whatever,” said Natasha.

“I am the Ghost of Christmas Wax,” said the voice. “You’re characters in my story. I wrote you. Don’t you have any questions about anything?”

“Yeah,” said Natasha. “Mostly like when are you going to fuck off so we can get busy in peace?”

“When am I…? You never swear, Natasha,” stuttered the voice. “I’ve always written written you as a–“

“Do you have any idea how horny I was just a few minutes ago?” complained Charlotte. “I had the candles. I had the Aim & Flame. I had Mistress stripped down to her underwear. I even had the damn fire extinguisher just in case! And now? Now my libido is slowly circling the drain.”

“I’m still in my underwear, baby,” said Natasha, outlining the lace of her bra with a fingertip.

“I know, Mistress. Your boobs look fabulous, by the way.”

“Thank you, baby.”

“But,” said the voice, “don’t you want to know about–“

“No!” said Natasha and Charlotte simultaneously.

“The future? I could tell you all about–“

“Go away, ghost,” said Charlotte. “Look, we’ve both had a hectic week and now I just want to lie here helplessly awaiting the next drip of hot, stingy… I’m not even going to say it… hot, stingy candle stuff to drip on my tits while I think about Mistress’s warm tongue parting my butt cheeks.”

“Baby,” said Natasha.


“Go away,” said Charlotte and Natasha at the same time.


“That was weird,” said Natasha.

“It was,” said Charlotte.

“Do you think we should have somebody out to look at that wall?”

“Maybe,” said Charlotte. “Maybe later. But first…”

“Well shoot, in all that shimmering and chiming, the damn candle’s gone out.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” said Charlotte, pulling at the ropes that held Maltepe travestileri her wrists.

Natasha leaned forward, reaching out for the Aim & Flame on the nightstand. “No,” she said. “No, you’re not, are you?”

“Careful, Mistress, you might smother me with your boobs.”

“Mm-hmm,” said Natasha, wiggling her chest in Charlotte’s face as she plucked up the lighter in her hand. “That’d be a shame, wouldn’t it?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Oh, Charlotte,” said Natasha, finally touching the flame to the end of the candle. “I do love you so.”

Charlotte smirked. “Nothing says love like hot wa– No, I won’t say it. Nothing says love like hot candle stuff on my nipples.”

“We’ll start up here,” said Natasha, gazing down at the notch of Charlotte’s collarbone. “What do you think? I don’t want to scald you.”

“Ooh!” exclaimed Charlotte. “Good idea. That one was pretty–“

“Hot, Charlotte? Is that what you were going to say? Hot?”

“Mmm, yes Mistress.”

“Yes it is,” purred Natasha. “You want me to blow on it for you?”

Charlotte shook her head.

“It’s melting pretty fast,” said Natasha. “The wa– um, candle stuff… Ready for the next one?”

Charlotte held the corner of her lower lip in her teeth and nodded. “Ooh,” she said.

“Still good?”

“Be better if you were sitting on my face, Mistress,” said Charlotte.

“That could be arranged,” said Natasha, shifting her hips.

“Ow!” said Charlotte.

“Sorry, baby, the wiggling must have–“



“A little lower?”

“You ready for it?”

Charlotte nodded and held her lower lip between her teeth. Natasha moved her hand so the end of the candle was poised just above Charlotte’s right nipple.

“Maybe not so close for the first… Oww, fu–“

“Sorry,” said Natasha, “I was trying to move slowly.”

“Mmm,” said Charlotte, her eyes rolling back before she fluttered her eyelids. “S’okay Mistess. Mmm.”

“I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Switch sides?”

Charlotte shook her head. Natasha watched another drip forming as she moved the candle to her other hand.

“Ready, baby?”

“Oooh. Ow,” said Charlotte, straining at the ropes holding her wrists.

“You okay?”



“Can you paint a slow trail on your way over there? Give me some time to get used to it?”

“Sure, baby.”


Charlotte clenched her hands into fists.


Charlotte pulled at the ropes that held her.


Charlotte arched her back.


Charlotte clenched her thighs.

“Ready, baby?”



“Ow… fu–” Charlotte scissored her legs three times in rapid succession, slapping her feet together as the drop flattened out and solidified to partially cover her crinkled flesh.

“Too much?”

“Keep going, Mistress. Before I loose my nerve.”

Drip. Drip. Drip.

“Ohh. Oww. Mmm.”

“How you doing, baby?” asked Natasha.

“Mmm, goood. So good.”

“How’s that pussy of yours? Feeling needy yet?”

“Oh, gawd…”

“That bad, huh?” Natasha blew out the candle she was holding and set it aside on the nightstand. “You gonna let me have a taste, baby?”

“Yes, Mistress. Anything… anything you want.”

“I love you, Charlotte,” said Natasha, raising her hand, with two fingers extended, waiting travesti Maltepe for Charlotte’s gaze to come around before dragging her tongue over the length of her fingers.

Charlotte shivered. “Nothing says love like–“

Natasha scooted back, trailing her fingers over Charlotte’s thighs, before spreading her roughly. Charlotte moaned and tugged at the ropes around her wrists.

“And I love this pussy, baby.”


Natasha pushed out the tip of her tongue and dipped her head, kneeling between Charlotte’s thighs at the same time she pressed her two fingers against Charlotte’s slick and glistening folds.

“Mmm… ohhh…”

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ve got you.”

“Yesss, Mistress.”

“Why don’t you grab your ankles so I can get in there and lick your ass like you wanted.”

Charlotte tugged at the ropes so hard the bed shook. “Sorry,” Natasha said, chuckling. “I forgot.”


In one quick motion, Natasha popped her fingers free, sat back, grabbed Charlotte’s ankles, and folded Charlotte’s legs up against her chest. “That’s better,” said Natasha.

“Mmm,” said Charlotte.

“You’re very exposed.”


Natasha leaned forward and whispered, “I like that in a girl.”

“Ohh,” said Charlotte as Natasha pushed her tongue out and dragged a long, slow line through her folds. “Oh, yesss.”

Natasha sat up, waited for Charlotte’s eyes to stop fluttering so she could focus, and popped her middle finger into her mouth.

Charlotte moaned. Natasha smirked.

Natasha pressed the tip of her moistened finger against Charlotte’s slick and swollen flesh. She pressed in until her first and second knuckles disappeared. And with a grin, Natasha leaned forward.

As soon as Natasha’s tongue touched down against Charlotte’s puckered backdoor, Natasha pressed upward with her finger and rubbed. Charlotte yanked at the ropes holding her.

“Oh, my gawd…” moaned Charlotte.

Natasha pushed in with her tongue while she used one hand to piston in and out of Charlotte’s glistening sex. With her other hand, and the help of her forearm, she pressed against the back of Charlotte’s thighs, keeping her body folded up and pinned to the mattress.

Natasha pushed deeper with her tongue.

Charlotte jerked.

Natasha pressed up with her finger.

Charlotte yanked at her bonds. “Mistress!”

“Already, baby?”

“Yes, Mistress! Oh, my gawd, yes!”

“Do it, baby,” said Natasha. “Come for me.”

“Oh… My… Gawd… Yes!”

* * *

Charlotte’s eyelids fluttered once, then again as she opened her eyes and focused her gaze on Natasha, sharing the pillow beside her. Charlotte pulled her hand from under the covers and touched the tip of her finger to Natasha’s cheek.

“You untied me,” said Charlotte.

Natasha nodded. “Mm-hmm.”

Charlotte pulled the comforter up and snuggled in with it just under her chin. “And you covered me up.”


“You’re so sweet.”

Natasha puckered her lips and leaned forward to kiss the tip of Charlotte’s nose.



“I’m getting wa–“

“Shh! Don’t say it.”

“Um, candle stuff… all over the bed, aren’t I?”

“I left the beach towels on.”

Charlotte pulled up the comforter with one hand and stuck her head underneath. “Oh, you did.”

“Come here, baby,” said Natasha.

Charlotte popped her head out, wiggled around until her back was facing Natasha, and snuggled in again, pulling the comforter down tight.

“I love you, baby,” said Natasha.

“I love you, Mistress.”

* * *


Mistress and Charlotte… doing their part to keep the X in XMAS. Hope you enjoyed it!


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