
The Green List


The Green List


I am not young. My wife had died less then a year previous and I am retired. Not rich, but I live comfortably. To say I was lonely would be an understatement. My wife was a lovely woman, we had a very normal marriage. Our sex life had been adequate, but the last few years as she was sick my wife and I had not had sex at all. Yes I was horny, in need of female companionship.

I often stopped at a local coffee shop after eating a light lunch at home. It was just a way to get out of the house. A change of scenery. I always sat in the same spot, next to the windows, people watching those that walked back and forth on the city street outside.

One day she came in. She appeared very much younger then me, sexy and beautiful. As it turns out she is five feet six inches tall, blond shoulder length hair, a face to die for. I knew she had a nice figure, but I would later learn just how sexy she was.

She sat at a table close to the coffee bar itself and proceeded to read a book. We both sat their for over an hour and I nodded and smiled as I left, the first to head home. All that day, and the next, I kept thinking about her. Her very pretty smile, the way she ran her fingers through her locks, pushing one side of her bangs behind her ear. The way she smiled back at me when I smiled at her as I was leaving.

It was more then just her beauty. There was something about her, a magnetism, something in her eyes that attracted me to her. Now I am realistic, I had no illusions that she would be attracted to a fifty-eight year old widower. But even us old guys have our fantasies.

She looked about thirty-five and she was dressed the next time I saw her in shorts, wearing a ball cap her pony tail sticking out of the back of the hat. Her blouse was a low v-cut, her ample breasts teasing me with her cleavage. When she came in that day, two days after the first time I saw her, I made note of her sexy legs and it was all I could not to not adjust myself as I saw her incredible ass. I am both an ass and a boob man, and hers are spectacular. Her entire body is spectacular. God, to be ten years younger or perhaps twenty, I thought.

I did not go to the coffee shop again until the following Monday. The pretty blond was still on my mind, but I felt like I was just teasing myself. A couple times over that weekend I fantasized about her and masturbated with wild thoughts of the things I would like to do with her. In a word I was infatuated. If just sexually, infatuated all the same. If I sound crude, or sexist, I am sorry but I am just a normal man.

I kept thinking about her when that same Monday she came into the place again. It was about one in the afternoon and I wondered what if anything she did for a living. I mean she was in the coffee shop during the day so my first thought was she was married and did not work. Again that Wednesday she came into the place, and I finally managed to get up the courage to walk over to her table.

“I see you in here occasionally, may I sit?” was sure she would think me some creepy old man and would say something like no thank you.

“Oh…, sure. I have noticed you in here myself.” She reached her hand out across the table as I sat down and said, “I’m Maggie. Nice to meet you. I wondered if you were ever going to say hello.”

I blushed at this but managed to reply, “I’m Kevin. Nice to meet you Maggie.”

We just talked of this and that. She was so nice, so sweet. But in her conversations I detected a note of sadness. Maybe it was just loneliness, she told me she was divorced a couple of years previously in what was a horrible marriage. She did not go into details, after all we had just met.

Now I am no handsome catch. I look my age and at best maybe above average looking. The advantage I had over most guys was that since me and my wife had not had sex all those years, I had invested in a home gym and worked out almost every day. My chest though not huge is muscular, my belly flat. I don’t have much of an ass, but I worked my legs and I run three to four times a week. For an old guy my body is not bad.

“So, what do you do for a living Maggie?”

“I am an accountant. When I divorced the asshole I went back to school and managed to get my certification. I was lucky, last year I grabbed some very lucrative accounts and now I own a beautiful home and make six figures a year. The best part…, I get to rub it in my ex-husbands face. We have a daughter but she is not a Daddy’s girl. She realizes what a pig he is. Mickey is a Momma’s girl and lives with me right now. She inherited her not very good relationship thing from me. Unfortunately.”

“Well, I have two adult sons living in my house. Don’t feel bad. The economy hit them bad and though they both work, they are just getting back on their feet. It won’t be forever. I hope.” I replied with a small laugh. I guess I am slow on the uptake, but it was then I Anadolu Yakası Escort realized she was a lot older then she appeared. But, being the gentleman I am, I of course did not ask her age. I figured what the hell. All she could do was say no. “Maggie, can I take you out to dinner sometime?”

She smiled and replied, “I wondered if you were ever going to ask. Of course. When?”

“How about Friday night,” I replied.

“How about tonight since you are retired and I set my own schedule.”

I smiled and asked, ” Okay… What kind of food do you like?”

“Surprise me. I am adventurous.”

Now I am no fool. I did not want our first date to be a disaster. “Okay, Maggie. Let’s put it this way, what kind of food don’t you like?”

She smiled and again my cock in twitched in my pants. Maggie is so damn beautiful, and does not know it. “Okay, smart man. I am not a fan if Indian or Thai food. The spices. Anything else I am pretty much game to try. Even if I don’t like it, I promise, I won’t blame you.”

So I chose Italian. I have always loved Italian and never met anyone who did not like it. We had a wonderful dinner, laughing at each other’s jokes, talking about our failed relationships, and just enjoying each other’s company. “So, I don’t want to bring up a touchy subject, but do you miss your wife terribly?” She said.

I understood the question. She did not want to compete with a dead woman. “Of course. It’s the little things. Something happens and I automatically want to turn to her, find her, what ever, and tell her about it. I am not going to say we had a perfect marriage, because we did not. The last 4 years were tough. It took a long time for the cancer to kill her. I was there for her, but honestly, I was lonely.”

“Lonely? I don’t understand.”

“I am going to sound selfish.”

“No…, it’s okay. Tell me about it.”

I was hesitant, but for some reason this woman made me want to open up. “This is going to sound absolutely like I am a cad. But, okay. I have not had sex in five years. Except, you know. Myself.” I am sure I blushed like a teenager but she did something I will never forget.

Reaching out her hand she said, “Oh Kevin. I get it. I had a sexless marriage too. In my case my husband did not. I have no idea how many women he was fucking, just that he was and I was not one of them. He was also mean, always in a bad mood around me. It was horrible.”

“I am sorry. Can I ask you a question Maggie?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Well, why did you agree to go out with me? I mean…, I am old enough to be your father.”

“How old do you think I am?” I only said this to gauge her age, and of course I meant it as a compliment. I am no fool, I wanted her to like me. But then I covered well. At least I thought so.

“Okay, father might be a bit of a stretch. But you do look so young.”

” am forty-eight, Kevin. I was married at twenty-five and divorced at forty-six just before our twenty-first anniversary.”

“God…, you are so beautiful. I mean you look so much younger then you are. It makes me feel old being here with you.”

“What, you are what, maybe fifty?” I have no idea if she was lying to make me feel better, but it was the nicest compliment anyone could have given me. “I mean you could not be much older.”

“Hate to disappoint you, but I am ten years your senior. Fifty-eight.”

Maggie reached across the table and took my hand. Some how it was so sexy, I just can’t explain that. I had not had a woman’s had in mine in an intimate way for a long time. “Listen, Kevin. I like you. I am usually not this forward, but I hope we can go out again. Get to know each other.”

I was a complete gentleman that night and walked her to the door. A chaste kiss and a promise to ask her out again. But I could not wait, I texted her that very night. I miss you already. I want to go out again, as soon as possible. If I am being too forward…, I am sorry, but I really like you. Yes, I am not much for all the short cuts and emoji’s used in texting. In fact I had at that point probably done ten other texts in my entire life.

Tomorrow night. My house. I am cooking you dinner. Her response was followed by her address.

She served a pretty average American dinner. Steaks cooked to perfection, rice, a couple of vegetables, steamed nicely, not boiled to the point they were unrecognizable. In other words a very good meal and one I enjoyed immensely. Afterwards we went to her living room. It was at this point her daughter, Mickey, came walking in the door. Apparently she had been out. “Oh, this is Kevin?” She asked.

Very sarcastically her mother responded. “No, this is Leroy, my other guy.” We giggled, but in the back of my mind all I heard was my guy. I was blushing, and excited and so very happy. I mean this was only a second date. But, there was something. Something between us. We had clicked very quickly. It had been many years since I felt this Kurtköy Escort comfortable around a woman.

“Okay, mom. If you are not going to introduce me…”

“Kevin, this is my daughter Mickey. Mickey my…,” she hesitated but finally continued, “date. This is Kevin.” I reached out and took her hand and she smiled a beautiful smile that matched that of her mother. She is twenty-two, the splitting image of her mother except for her brown hair. I could see immediately that these two women are very close.

“Nice to meet you Kevin. Are you spending the night?”

” Mickey!” Maggie said as I smiled with a small laugh at her daughter’s question.

“Oh, come on mom. When was the last time you got laid. Like 5 years ago? ” Now I burst out laughing in earnest. I liked this girl and not just because she was perhaps helping me into Maggie’s bed. “That is if you still remember how, mom.”

With that Maggie quickly got up as it to slap her daughter who ran up the stairs laughing, avoiding her mother on the way. “I am so sorry about that, Kevin. My daughter can be very mean.”

I laughed again, “I think she is funny, and cute. Don’t worry about me. I can see you too have a great relationship. I wish I could say the same about my sons, but they are Momma’s boys. hey miss their Mom.” It wasn’t my intention, but that had caused a bit of a somber mood. I immediately mentally kicked myself but Maggie did something completely surprising.

Maggie sat down next to me and folded into my arms. “You don’t mind holding me do you?”

“I can think of nothing I would rather do right now then hold you. But, I am feeling a bit guilty about something,” I replied

“About what?” She responded.

“I might be a bit presumptuous here, I am not sure how to say this.”

She smiled at me, kind of a crooked knowing smile. “Spit it out Kevin.”

“I was married for thirty-five years. I loved my wife, I never cheated on her and I had a few opportunities over the years. But…, this is embarrassing. Our sex life was sort of average. Nothing spectacular. At our peak, three to four times a week, but never very experimental. Know what I mean? “

“I do, go on. You are not being presumptuous. I want, well…, you. Yes I do.” Her words went straight to my heart, and my penis if I am honest.

“Okay, I am glad we are adults. Well, what I am trying to say is there are some things I would like to try. I don’t want to be that guy who hurts the woman he is with by asking for things she can’t do. I think we should be up front.”

“One sec,” she said. “I will be right back.”

Maggie went up to her bedroom, which I had not seen at this point, and came down with a little book. The kind you write notes and such in. “Okay. I had a very boring sex life in my marriage. I am hoping to spice it up too. It sounds like, to me, that you might be that guy. I sure hope so.” She handed me the little book and said, “A couple of pages in is where you will find what I want to show you. Green is what I want to do. Black is maybe, I am not sure. Red is a no go, Probably.” She said this with a grin on her face.

This was the list:

Green Black Red

Blow Job/oral sex on me Spanking Orgy

Outdoors Bisexual Play (Maybe?) Heavy Bondage

Role Play BDSM (Light) BDSM (Rough)

Light Bondage Anal

Sub/dom (depends) Golden Showers

Wild language/Name calling Wax

Edging Whipping

Threesome (Maybe?) Electric Play (Rod)

I have to be honest. Just looking at her little book my cock got hard. I tried my best to hide it but Maggie giggled as I read it. “Did I turn someone on?” I guess she looked. I laughed back, but I was embarrassed.

“You are being very…, open? I am surprised. We have not even been…, intimate yet,” I said after reading her little list.

She climbed on my lap, she was obviously flexible, facing me and this beautiful woman straddled my lap. Sure, we were dressed but I am sure she could feel my hard dick. I felt my face flush. Her arms were around my neck, she looked right into my eyes. “You mean we have not fucked yet?” She then leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss, our tongues intertwining, my breathing, her breathing, increasing in rate with our obvious need for some sex. She broke our kiss and continued, “So, what do you think?”

I replied, “First of all get off of me or I am going to do something you might not be ready for.”

She grinned and climbed off of me sitting closely on my left where she had been. “Can I answer honestly? I mean I have questions. I don’t want to embarrass you…, or myself.”

She looked at me with a serious look that took me a bit by surprise. “Please. I hope you are honest.”

“So, this is stuff you have never done?”

“Yep, every item on that list I have never done.”

“Uh, well, you have never given a blow job…, or had your…, well…, oral sex done on you? To you?”

“No, I told you mine was almost a sexless Pendik Escort marriage.”

“Oh my God, uhm…, woman, do you want me to be the person you do this stuff with?”

“Would I have shown you it if I did not want it to be you?”

“Okay, well, I am looking at this list and you sound like fun to me.” I said this with a smile. “I hope some of the blacks become green, and maybe even the reds.”

She leaned in and kissed me again and I took her in my arms and my hands found her ass. She said to me, “I know this is rude, but I so want to fuck you.”

“I never thought you would ask.” I lifted her off her feet into my arm and she directed me upstairs and to her bedroom. Once inside I quickly kicked the door closed and lowered her to her feet. We quickly undressed each other as we made our way to her bed. Oh my God this woman is beautiful, I thought to myself. Her breasts ample, cup size C she would tell me. Small nipples that I so love and small areolas. I lay her back and immediately climbed between her legs with my face. I licked up and down her slit, her breasts heaving at my attention. “Oh, God Kevin. You are going to make me cum.”

I lifted my face and placed two fingers at her opening. She was slick, so ready for entry. I looked at her and said, “I want you to. I want you to cum on my face Maggie.” I entered her pussy with the two fingers of my right hand and brought my tongue to her clit. Gently, at first, I opened her hood with my tongue. Her beautiful clit popped out and I began to suck on it. My fingers now fucking in and out of her.

“Oh fuck, oh shit. I am going to cum quick Kevin. Fuck, no one…, no one has ever d-done this to me. For me. “

I have always loved making a woman cum with my mouth. My wife would not allow me to do this much. She hated kissing after my mouth was down there. I continued my ministrations and looked up at her. Momentarily I lifted my head. “Use my face if you want. Do what you want to make yourself cum.”

She took me at my word and grabbed my head and shoved it into her wet and wild pussy. I removed my fingers and she literally fucked my face, my nose pinned to her clitoris. I could only breath through my mouth but I wanted to make her cum. “Oh…, f-fuck. I…, I am going to cum. I, I, I am going to cum. Fuck yes. CUMMING! FUCK CUMMING!” She really did, a ton of her thick, white cum, pouring onto my face. I lapped it up as I could, doing my best but we made a mess on the sheets, a very big wet spot. I enjoyed her liquid covering my face, her pussy soaking the sheets. Her clit against my nose, it was all so very exciting.

Finally she came down from the peak and I slid up next to her. I did not kiss her, remembering how my wife felt about it. But, she pulled me too her and for the first time since I was young, I kissed a woman after eating her very hot pussy. “Oh baby, you can do that any time you want. Oh my God that was hot. Would you like me to return the favor. “

I did not answer immediately, I rolled onto of her and found her opening with my cock. I am not large, perhaps six inches, but she did not seem to mind as I entered all the way into her. “No, I want to do the wild talk thing. I want to fuck you hard. I want to cum in your wet pussy.” As I said these words I pumped her. I was not going to last long, but I think she knew that.

“Yes…, fuck me baby. Fuck me good. God your cock feels so good.”

That was the second time she had called me baby and I so loved those words from her mouth. I kept sliding my cock in and out of her as I brought my mouth to her left breast and bit her nipple harder then I had intended. “Oh, f-fuck. F-fuck baby. Yes…, cum in me baby. I want you to cum in my Kevin. Oh God yes, I am yours. F-fuck me…”

It was way too quick. But it had been a long time. I pumped into her a few more times, sucking on her nipple now, not biting it, and then began to shoot string after string into her love tunnel. I was so hot, so needy and I felt guilty. Guilty because I had cum so quick. But her body. Her perfect breasts, only a stretch mark or two on her upper thighs that just added to her beauty. Her flat stomach, her round and sexy ass. This is the hottest woman I have ever slept with.

The next few weeks were a blur. We both could not get enough, but it was mostly just regular sex, and for the most part at her house. We were lying in bad after a rather vigorous session when she pulled out her little book. “Okay, the porn has helped me learn how to suck cock. I enjoy it a lot, especially when you cum in my mouth. It makes me feel so…, slutty? I like it.”

“Okay, I am glad. But whatcha doin with that little book there gorgeous.”

“I want you to look at it and tell me what you want to do. From my list. I mean it, look at it.” She said this to me with a lecherous smile on her face.

I had been waiting for this moment and was not sure how I would handle it. I put on my reading glasses and said as I took her little pad in hand. “Let me see what you’ve got there…” I hesitated for a few seconds, “well, there are some easy things we can do on your green list, but is a couple on your black list that catch my eye. Actually one or two on your red list too. Actually, also a couple of ideas of my own.”

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