
The Institute of Technology and Science


“Big Tits, Big Dicks and Fantasy Fucking”

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The day I met a God started off the same as so many others. I stopped in the Department Office, picked up my mail and said hello to Mrs. Anderson the Department Secretary. Headed to my office. Just like every other day.

I’m an Adjunct Professor at The Institute of Technology and Science. AP is pretty far down the totem of academia. But I was hoping to get a full time job. My area of expertise is Ancient and Comparative Religions. Exciting, right?

One of the few perks for an AP is that I get an assigned carrel in the Library. I call it my office. There isn’t a door so anyone going by can see I’m working. But it’s mine, all mine.

It’s quiet, I can nap or read or prepare for classes without being disturbed. And that’s where I spend most of my time when I am not teaching a class.

I’d just settled in when Jillian came by. She’s one of the Assistant Librarians. And if you think Adjunct Professor in unimportant, well, Assistant Librarians makes us look like rock stars!

I’m sure that you’ve seen Jillian. You may not have noticed her but you’ve seen her. Jillian is every cliche of a Librarian. Stick thin. Drab hair pulled into a messy knot at the back of her head. Skirt to mid calf and billowing around her as she moves. White blouse under a half buttoned cardigan. Dish water blue eyes. Behind thick glasses, of course.

Without acknowledging me she dropped a small pile of books on my desk and left. By the time I realized that one of books were not meant for me it was too late and she was out of sight.

“Crap” I muttered to myself. I would have to get the book back to the front desk. Oh well.

The book was an old one. Bound in leather of some sort. The cover had an embossed profile of a woman. She was very obviously female. Her profile looked like a upper case P. Yeah, just like that: P.

Look; I’m a boob man. Always have and always will be. So the cover was interesting and I opened it up to see what it was about.

What it was about was about a long time ago. It was not written in any script I’d ever seen. A little like ancient Hebrew. Or older. But for some reason it seems to make sense to me. Almost like I could hear it in my head as I’m looking at it.

It seemed to be a collection of prayers or entreatments. It was only about 50 pages long. By the time I get to the last couple of pages my mouth is moving in sync with the sounds in my head. I’m mumbling under my breath as I find parts that I can sort of read when some one asks me what I want.

“What is it that you seek, young man?” the voice asked.

“Huh?” I had thought I was alone. I looked around, there was no one there.

“I asked what is it that you seek, Sirrah.” Sirrah? I still didn’t see anyone.

“Wha…” I never was the quickest guy around. “Who’s there?”

“Gods! YOU summoned ME! Get to the point.” I heard frustration in the voice now.

I summoned? Me?

“Um, I don’t know what you’re talking about and I still can’t see you!” There’s that quick witted response I was so famous for.

“You read from the book. You summoned me. What is it that you seek?” The lights flickered and went out.

“There was a time I could have darkened the Sun!” The voice said. It sounded peeved. “How many years have passed?”

“Um, I have no idea?” I ventured.

“Let me explore.” I got the feeling of being alone but only for a few moments. Then the Presence was back.

“Alright. I’m up to date. Here’s the 411. You have summoned me from a rest of more generations than you could conceive. In the time of AGO there were many like me. Now, most of us are gone. Lack of followers I suppose. They left for other realms, other, you would call them, dimensions.

“But there are still some that continue to worship as they did in the past. In that time AGO you would have been an Acolyte or Priest of mine instead of studying other more recent iterations.

“You do however, still revere the tenants that were the basis of my worshipers.”

“Um,” I broke into the monologue. “Exactly what was it that you worshiped?” It seemed unlikely but every thing I was hearing seemed to have a ring of truth to it.

“Look inward, sonny boy! What is it that YOU worship?”

“Guh, you mean…” my voice karkamış escort died away in a gurgle. Was the voice suggesting what I thought??”BOOBS!” the voice boomed. “TITS, BREASTS, Juggs of the jumbo size! You adore, admire, love and worships big tits! The bigger, the better!”

“Well,” I temporized, “I wouldn’t say…”

“I damn well would, kid! I can see right thru you, you know! I can see what lurks under that veneer of sophistication. And I can see how you have been and how you have wished and hoped to be!

“Well, this is your lucky day! I may not be able to darken the Sun any longer, apparently that’s bad for the climate, but I can sure as Hell make one of my last Acolytes get some satisfaction! So, here’s the deal, bucko! You are going to have a lot of fun! Your desires will be met. You needs will be satisfied. Your thirsts will be slaked! You will achieve those things that you have hoped for with out knowing.

“Your life is about to become magical! I’ll be back to check on you in a while.

“Have fun, sport!” The voice stopped and the Presence seemed to fade away. The lights flickered back on.

I looked around. No one was with in sight. I was all alone.

When I went to the front desk no one had noticed the power failure. And the book, when I handed it back across the desk, no longer had the embossed profile of an impossibly busty woman on it.

“Working too hard,” I decided. I headed home, showered and slept.

A week later I noticed that my pants were looser. I’d lost five pounds in a week.

Otherwise, nothing happened. I still looked at the coeds at The Institute for Technology and Science. I prowled the Internet for busty porn. And I dreamed of the day I could hook up with some woman with a magnificent set of yaboos. I lost another three pounds. I found that I was able to climb the five flights of stairs to my carrel with out getting short of breath.

The Presence may have been right about my interest in the fair sex with the large mounds on their chests. But the reality had always been that I had admired from afar. The one memorable event I had had was a brief dalliance with a girl in High School. She’d sported a larger than average pair. But, as I had found out, most of it was cotton, not flesh. She padded her bras. It was enough to make a grown man cry, let alone a virginal eighteen year old. Since then I’d had a few experiences but none over a ‘C’ cup. Most of the time I couldn’t even muster the courage to approach a well constructed woman. The larger the bust the more inarticulate I became.

A few weeks after what I had begun to think of as ‘my delusion’ Mrs. Anderson smiled at me when I picked up my mail. Mrs. Anderson had never smiled at me before.

In fact, thinking back on it, I realized that several young ladies had smiled at me recently.

I had almost recovered from that surprise when it happened again. When Jillian stopped by my carrel with a couple of books I’d requested she said “Hi.”

Another break from the usual. She actually said hello and looked at me for a moment. But just a moment and then she was gone again.

In the next week over a dozen ladies smiled at me as I passed. And one of the baristas where I got my coffee asked me if I “liked it hot?”

She was flirting with me! That had never happened before.

Slowly it sank into my brain that things were some how different. Two things finally penetrated my fossilized brain: One, I was seeing a lot more cleavage, tight sweaters, and blouses that strained to cover bountiful bosoms. Along with shorts and tight skirts. All the girls on campus were showing off more and more. I put it down to the advent of Spring. And Two, I gained some weight in the crotch. I’d never been what you might call “hung”. But I seemed to have gained some heft. I was at least an inch longer and a bit thicker than before. More of the promises made by The Presence?

Then Alice, another Assistant Librarian, stepped into my carrel.

“I need a hand. Can you help?” I agreed and we walked down the hall to the storage closet. She had lost some files and thought that they may have fallen behind some cabinets.

Sure enough, I was just tall enough to dig them out from where they had landed.

“Oh, goodie! You found them! I thought that they were lost for sure!” Alice was bouncing in excitement. Her cable knit cardigan rose and fell loosely with her movement.

“Glad to help” I answered. As I turned to put the folders onto the desk she flung her arms around me and hugged herself to me.

“Uhm,” I was surprised. She had never even touched me before. Now here I was, able to feel her body against mine. Able to feel her thighs, her crotch rubbing mine. I was able to feel her surprisingly full breasts as they pressed against my torso. It had the expected effect. I could feel my dick starting to get hard. I could feel the swelling begin as the shaft straightened out and began to stiffen in my pants.

She could feel it as well. Instead of moving away from me she pulled herself tighter against me.

“Ummm, I never noticed how cute you are,” she breathed, looking into my eyes. “How did I never notice you before?”

“Uhm,” Her eyes were locked on mine as she lifted herself up to kiss me. On auto pilot, I responded in kind as we locked lips briefly. Her tongue darted out to caress my lips as she pulled away.

“And how could I have not seen this?” her voice rose in pitch as she cupped my crotch in her right hand. “You have a nice dick, don’t you? A really nice dick!’ She glanced up. “I like dicks, you know.”

She licked her lips while caressing my still growing shaft. She sighed as she laid her head against my chest. Her breasts were rising and falling with her breath as her excitement grew.

“I can’t wait to see this!” she exclaimed. She pulled back and was on her knees before I could react.

“Now you just stand still while I assess the situation. This won’t take long,” she assured me.

Deftly she unfastened my belt, pulled my pants to my ankles and yanked my shorts down. My half hard cock bounced out into the open and hung in front of her stunned expression.

“Jesus! This is a nice dick,” she yelped. “So nice!”

“This is the nicest fucking dick I’ve ever seen! How have you been able to keep this under wraps so long?” I’d never heard her swear before. She was always so demure. She was staring up at me while both hands were running up and down my cock. She didn’t seem so demure now!

“Urgh…” It was all I could say as I felt her lips caress the tip of my rapidly stiffening dick.

Her tongue flashed out. Slithering around the head of my dick, she then dragged her mouth down to the root of my shaft before she pulled back up and wrapped her lips around the dick head and sucked lightly.

“What a pretty dick! I just love it!” she exclaimed.

Reaching up from her kneeling position she swiftly unbuttoned my shirt. She stood up and while sweeping the shirt off my shoulders she again pressed herself against my torso.

“Oh, you feel so good! You’re so muscular!” She was right. Looking down I could see that I had developed a firm six pack to replace the slight paunch that I had come to accept in the past few years. I looked damn good!

“You look so damn good.” She echoed my thoughts. “I just want to eat you up!” Her eyes roamed over my body while she pulled her sweater off and dropped her knee length denim skirt to the floor. She wore only a modest pair of panties and a bra that was larger than I would have guessed.

She grabbed my dick in one hand and pulled it into her mouth. With her other hand she released her bra and dropped it to the floor.

Her mouth was flashing up and down my dick. She was taking more and more in on each stroke. I cupped her head in my hands and encouraged her to suck my dick. It felt wonderful. Her free hand was squeezing and pulling on her boobs.

“I need to feel this in me,” she exclaimed as she hoisted herself up on the work table. “Come on, fuck my hot wet pussy!” Yeah, really not so demure now.

I moved into position between her legs and slowly fed her the head and then most of the shaft of my cock. It was as if I’d practiced the maneuver.

“Oh, that feels so good when you slide it in and out,” she moaned. Her hips started to move beneath me.

At first I was so caught up in the events that were happening that I didn’t notice anything except the hot, tight pussy that I was ravaging. Then, as I settled into a rhythm, I noticed.. a few things were happening.

As I watched, her hair lightened in color, become a very pale blonde, almost white. It grew longer and longer. And her skin, formerly a pasty, ashen hue, was becoming tan while her freckles disappeared, one after the other. For some reason this didn’t freak me out. I just kept up pushing myself into her as fast and as hard as I could.

“Oh, baby, I want to drink you down when you cum,” she moaned. “Let me know when you’re ready so I can wrap my lips around your cock, honey!”

No one had ever offered to do that before, it made my dick twitch to think of it.

“Not yet,” I responded. “Just a few more strokes, your pussy feels so good!”

“When ever you’re ready, stud.” she told me. “When ever you’re ready.” She smiled up at me as I slid back and forth on top of her.

I watched as she moved. Her chest seemed to swell. Her nipples were slowly drawing closer to my chest as we fucked. Her mounds blossomed. She had been a B-Cup when we started. She was bigger now. Firmer too! Those bigger breasts jiggled firmly and they were still getting bigger!

At the same time her waist drew in, her abdomen becoming more defined while her boobs continued growing. They were real melons now. Perfect, pink and erect, her nipples jiggled and shook as we moved against each other.

Finally I could take it no longer.

“Now,” I groaned as I pulled back. I slapped my dick against her lips and she sucked it in as far as she could. Her lips, which had been some what on the thin side were now lush pillows which clung greedily to my shaft while her hands encouraged me to blast my load down her throat.

My shaft seemed longer than when we had started but she made no mention of my apparent growth. She just growled in her throat and sucked harder and harder. I was right on the verge when she cupped my balls and massaged them to encourage me to blow!

She was groaning and moaning while slurping up all the juice I had to offer. Rope after rope of cum shot from my cock and was greedily gulped down her throat! Her tongue flashed out to lick up every bit that remained on my shaft as I slid to rest beside her. Both hands were now stroking my shaft to glean all the cum she could find.

“Yummy,” she sighed as she finished licking off her hands. “But we better get back to work now.” She seemed reluctant to let me go but she slowly stood up and stretched in front of me.

I took the opportunity to catalog the changes that had occurred as we fucked.

The most obvious was the serious increase in her bust! She had started as, perhaps, a B-cup. She was now much larger. I guessed that she was an F-cup. Her waist had shrunk and her abdomen was tight with lightly defined muscles that flexed as she bent to pick up her clothes.

Her clothes were different, too! Her formerly prosaic bra would never have fit her new endowments. But this bra fit wonderfully! Gathering her breasts up, forming a deep, alluring cleavage this bra fastened in the front between her boobs. Those boobs surged upward, just overflowing the cups. It was a cock hardening sight. Even though I had just emptied my balls I felt my cock twitch at the new look.

She slid into a thong and pulled on her skirt. No longer loose and flowing, it was skin tight and required her to hop a few times to draw it up into place. I thought her boobs were going to jump out of their cups!

The skirt was really short. When she stood up her finger tips brushed her bared thighs below her hemline!

She pulled a top over her bra. It was just long enough to almost reach her skirt. Her navel peeked out as she put her arms in the sleeves of her sweater. No longer a cable knit cardigan it was now a red wool item that buttoned up the front.

Alice only buttoned the last four buttons. The sweater, unlike the one she had worn into the workroom did nothing to hide her more than ample bosom. Instead it framed and focused attention on those magnificent breasts which projected outward from her chest.

Smiling down at her self she plumped her boobs.

“If you got ’em, flaunt ’em, I always say!” she grinned up at me. “What do you think, stud?”

“I like it,” I admitted. “You look a lot different.” I ventured.

“Different? How? I’ve been chesty since Junior High. These Double F boobs are my pride and joy! I love the attention they get me. I’ve been thinking about working at a tittie bar. But now I’m not so sure,” she cupped my groin while smirking up at me.

Come on, stud. Time to get back to work!” She strutted out the door. Her ass was clasped tightly by her brief skirt as she flounced down the hall.

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