
The New Neighbors


Don’t get me wrong, my wife Diane is wonderful. She has a beautiful face, a firm, shapely body, she’s sweet, kind and deeply in love with me. I wouldn’t trade her for the world. But our sex life had become routine and Diane’s unenthusiastic participation dampened my excitement too. Whenever I’d ask, “what would you like me to do?”, she’d reply, “Nothing, I’m fine.” But it wasn’t true; it’s just hard to discuss something so personal as sexual fulfillment. So, we limped along. We needed something to happen.

And then a new couple moved in next door. They redid their back yard, installing a pool, surrounded by a wooden lounge area. While there were a few trees separating the two properties, we had an easy view of their yard. The woman, Colette, being French, liked to sunbathe topless. And she wasn’t shy; on a few occasions, she’d wave to me on my deck, so she knew I could see her. Her firm, high breasts pointed toward the heavens as she lay on her back. Her husband, Claude, sometimes would lay beside her. He had a well-proportioned body and he wore those tight-fitting swim trunks Europeans love that display the bulge of the penis. Now, I’m not a voyeur but the temptation to look was strong. Discreetly, using a pair of binoculars from the upstairs window, I would watch Colette sunbathing. I’d watch her coat her breasts with suntan lotion and stretch out wearing just a bikini bottom. I’ve seen my own wife’s beautiful breasts innumerable times, but seeing a different set of breasts, nonchalantly exposed, was very enticing. Diane would look at Claude too, when she thought I didn’t notice.

A few weeks after they moved in next door, Colette invited us over for dinner. “You’ve been so helpful to us, identifying all the businesses we should patronize,” she said. “Cooking you dinner is the least I can do.”

On Saturday evening, we went over to their house. After dinner, Colette suggested we have drinks by the pool. We all took off our shoes and sat pool side with our feet in the water. Strange, but the act of removing our shoes, that slight undressing, seemed intimate. That’s when the real reason for the invitation became clear.

“Claude and I are a curious couple,” Colette said. “In our previous house, we had neighbors who shared our sense of adventure. So, I was intrigued when I noticed you watching me with binoculars.”

I was embarrassed, and tried to dissemble. “Oh, I bought those binoculars for bird watching. You may have gotten the wrong idea.”

“Don’t be embarrassed,” Colette said. “I’m flattered that you’d want to look at me. Claude accuses me of being an exhibitionist. And maybe he’s right.”

Diane and I looked at each other. Where was this going?

“There is nothing more beautiful than the human body,” Colette said. “You Americans are so uptight. Europeans are more open about such things. Please join us in the pool. It’s heated.”

With that, she stood and took off her blouse and bra, and stepped out of her skirt. I was well familiar with her smallish, rounded breasts (remember the binoculars?), but seeing them in person, seeing close-up the nipples and the soft brownish areola they nestled in, was even better. In just her panties, she slid into the water. Claude also stood, and took off his shorts and shirt. He was in just his tight briefs. “Please, you’ll find a great sense of freedom. Join us,” he said. Claude dived into the water.

Diane and I looked at each other. It would be awkward, almost rude in a way, to refuse. Could we sit there clothed while our hosts bobbed in the water in a state of undress? We exchanged slight ‘yes’ nods of the head. We stripped down to our underwear, Diane keeping her bra on, and we joined them in the pool. The water was as liberating as Claude said, the warm water easily penetrating the thin underwear. It was an erotic experience and I could see that even Diane was enjoying it.

Colette gave us a big smile and began to chat about usual things, the neighborhood, the dinner, whatever. Conveying that even though she was topless, that we all were in underwear, it was no big deal. Very quickly, we were at ease with this new normal.

“Diane,” Colette said, “you really should free yourself from that bra. Let your breasts float in the water; it’s a wonderful sensation.”

After just a few seconds of hesitation, Diane reached behind her back. Her lovely breasts, larger than Colette’s, were revealed.

“Your breasts are perfect, ” Colette said.

Diane smiled from the compliment. “Thank you, but far from perfect. They’re big and I have trouble getting fitted with comfortable bras.”

The ladies discussed the perils of breasts and bras while Claude and I enjoyed the conversation. Their partial nudity was accepted, casual.

Colette then upped the ante. “I think we’re getting comfortable with each other. Claude and I usually use the pool in the nude – as you may have noticed.” (Yes, I had.) And she slipped off her panties and threw them out of the pool. Claude followed suit with his briefs.

I Levent travesti immediately slid off my briefs. Typical guy that I am, I liked what was happening. Diane watched me do so, and, albeit with a little reluctance, removed her panties too. We were all naked. Discreetly, as appropriate for such an occasion, our eyes examined the other person’s body. Claude’s long uncircumcised penis stretched out in the water, not erect, but not flaccid either. I checked the state of Colette’s pubic area and her carefully trimmed hair. I saw Claude’s eyes surveying my wife. What’s fair is fair.

“Let me refresh those drinks,” Colette said, and turned her back to hoist herself out of the water. Her rounded ass pointed at me, her vagina peeking out from beneath. She returned with cups full of the evening’s “signature” drink, a lovely mixture of pomegranate liqueur and vodka. I stared up at her curvaceous body as she bent over to hand me the drink. I barely needed the alcohol. My head was already spinning.

After a while, Colette suggested we return to the house. She pointed us to a nearby table, where large beach towels were stacked. We each wrapped a towel around our wet body. Inside, we sat on their family room floor, and Colette brought out a board game.

“This is a game Claude and I love to play, and it’s even better with another couple – or couples. You roll a die, and move your piece on the board. Each square has a letter, A through F, and each letter is associated with cards that contain instructions.”

Diane was a little leery. “What kind of instructions?”

“It varies,” Colette said. “It could ask you to reveal some secret, or ask you to pick a partner and perform some act. It can get a little sexy.”

“What if I’m not comfortable with something?” asked Diane, clearly alarmed.

“No problem, but if you decline, you have to remove an article of clothing.”

“I’m only wearing a towel!” said Diane, stating the obvious.

“I see how that could be a concern,” laughed Claude, with a broad grin on his face.

“No thanks,” said Diane. “Kevin, let’s go.”

And she got up to leave. No amount of coaxing from me or our hosts would dissuade her. We gathered our clothes and were soon out the door.

“We’ll return the towels later.”

Once we got home, Diane said, “Well, we’re not going to be invited back anytime soon, I expect.”

I didn’t reply.

“No comment? Are you okay? “

I still didn’t say anything.

“My God, you’re angry! Did you really expect me to engage in sex play with strangers?” she blurted out.

“They aren’t strangers, they’re our neighbors. And they are a sexy, attractive couple. What’s the big deal?” I said. “They already saw you naked.”

“Well, a little skinny dipping in a pool is a far cry from God-knows what they were going to have us do next,” Diane said.

“Look, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Our sex life is unsatisfying. I’m bored with it, and if you’re truthful, I think you are too.”

This time Diane was the one who didn’t reply.

I pressed on. “I love you. I want to have amazing sex with you until we’re too old to do it anymore. But until then, we need to spice things up. The way I look at it, Colette and Claude offered us something new on a silver platter. And you turned it down.”

Diane didn’t reply, and said she didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

We didn’t have sex often anyway, but that night when Diane tried to initiate something by rubbing my chest while we were in bed, I rolled over and went to sleep. A few days went by. The atmosphere was frosty; this couldn’t go on.

“Look,” I said, “we’ve got to get past this crazy situation. I accept your feelings. Let’s forget those sex-crazed neighbors of ours. We’ll work things out ourselves, without anybody’s help.”

To my surprise, Diane did not accept my surrender.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said,” she started. “If I can’t satisfy you, then we have a problem and a problem that we’ve got to fix. I don’t know if another couple in our sex life is the answer, but It’s selfish of me not to try. I’m ready.”

I went to her and grabbed her by the buttocks and drew her to me. I pulled off her clothes, almost in a frenzy. To my surprise, she responded with the same excitement. For once, we had great sex. The anticipation of our erotic neighbors (assuming they’d have us back) excited us both. And I think it excited Diane more than she expected.

I bought a large bouquet of flowers and knocked on Colette and Claude’s front door. He was surprised when he opened it and saw me.

“Pour moi?” he deadpanned.

We both laughed. “No, Claude, as charming as you are,” I said, “these flowers are for your lovely wife. We need to talk.”

Colette joined us and I explained how Diane and I wished to repair the unfortunate end to the evening. I told them Diane was ready.

“Some things take time,” Claude offered, generously. “It’s wonderful that she has come to this of her Levent travestileri own accord. She’s a beautiful woman. It would be sad to think we would not be friends.”

So it was that the next night, they came to our house. Diane cooked some great food from a French recipe book. A lot of good wine was served. Diane had more than her share. But everyone was anticipating – anxious for – dessert. They had brought the board game.

We sat down at the dining room table, and laid out the game. Claude rolled the die first and moved his piece six spaces. The space held the letter ‘C’

I read the first card in the ‘C’ stack. “Who was your first love?”

“Ah,” Claude mused. “Must I confess that there was someone before Colette?”

Colette elbowed him, “Don’t pretend you were a virgin when I found you. An attractive man like you?”

“Well, when I was a senior in the Lycees, our equivalent of high school, there was a sweet girl named Amelie. I met her in chemistry class, and let’s say that we did our share of chemistry experiments, and not in school. She was my first.”

A good-natured answer. The evening was off to a smooth start. I rolled the die next. ‘A’. The A card was more adventurous. “Pick a partner and give him or her a backrub for 2 minutes.”

The evening was too young for me to choose Colette, even though I wanted to, so I did the safe thing and chose my wife. She lay down on the floor, I straddled her hips and sweetly rubbed her back for the 2 minutes.

Colette’s turn. She rolled the die and landed on an ‘F’ square.

“Put on a blindfold. Each of the other players will kiss you. You must identify your partner’s kiss.”

As with all the challenges, if you refused or got a challenge wrong, you’d lose an article of clothing. We tied a small towel around Colette’s eyes. I went first. I held her head and kissed her gently, all the while inhaling her perfume. Diane went second but did not linger long on Colette’s mouth. Claude, the pro, used his tongue and all but ravaged Colette’s mouth.

“, she said, accurately.

“That was too easy,” I said, “Claude is the only one who used his tongue. You had to know that was him. Next time, Diane and I won’t be so timid.”

“I’ll look forward to that,” Colette said, to our amusement.

It was Diane’s turn. Letter ‘D’

I read the card: “All the women line up. Blindfolded, feel their breasts and identify each owner by name.”

As we only had two women, and Diane was one of them, that would be too easy a challenge. Despite Diane’s jocular plea that she be allowed to accomplish that challenge, we put the card back into the deck and chose another.

“Choose a victim. Over your lap, administer a spanking to that person’s backside for 2 minutes.”

Diane smiled broadly. I knew where this was headed.

“My faithful spouse,” she said smiling. “For the many grievances I have over the years, assume the position.”

I lay over her lap, and she was about to swat me when Colette stopped her.

“My dear, you must be out of practice. Since when does one swap a clothed backside? You need to lower his trousers.”

It was my turn to protest. ‘Hey, the card doesn’t say that.”

But Diane responded that the card didn’t say she couldn’t. I was pleased she was getting into the spirit of the game. And so it was that I had to expose my hairy behind. Colette swatted merrily on me for the two minutes. It didn’t really hurt, but the stimulation caused my penis to stiffen. Not an erection, but I hurriedly pulled my clothes back on to hide it.

We paused to refresh the drinks. We switched to straight tequila. Everyone quietly knew that the way this game was going, it would be needed.

Claude’s turn again. ‘B’.

“Choose a partner. Massage that person from the toes to the thighs for 2 minutes.”

“I choose Diane,” he said.

The sexual tension in the room rose; he would be rubbing on my wife.

Diane lay down on her back on the floor. She gathered her skirt up to below the groin, exposing the legs.

Claude began by massaging the feet. That body part, rubbed properly, is very pleasurable. I know; Diane loves to have her feet massaged. Claude was good at it, then slowly began to travel up the leg. He arrived at the thigh and with strong fingers kneaded the skin, inches below her crotch. Her panties had bunched up into the slit of her vagina, making obvious the intimate outline of that organ. Claude’s fingers (inadvertently?) brushed against the fabric of the panties as he massaged the upper thigh. Diane slightly, perhaps unconsciously, pushed her pelvis forward to meet his fingers. She was breathing heavily, her eyes closed, soaking in the pleasure. The two minutes were up, but no one was watching the clock. I was entranced at Diane’s obvious pleasure and didn’t want to deny it to her. Finally, long after the 2 minutes, Claude stopped.

Diane smiled at him. “That was pretty good. Colette, you’re a lucky woman.”

That Travesti levent intimacy broke any remaining reserve. It was obvious where the night would go. It was only a question of how long it would take.

My turn. My die landed on a ‘C’. “How often do you masturbate?”

Yikes. With my sexual frustration recently, I’d done it more than I was willing to admit. So I punted. “Not a question appropriate for mixed company. I’ll remove my shirt.”

Colette’s turn.

“Ask all the men to line up. Blindfolded, identify who among them are circumcised.”

Yikes again. That was me and Claude. We looked at each other. He had a big grin on his face. I looked at Diane. She had an amused, impish grin. So it was.

Colette was blindfolded. Claude and I lined up, and Colette, led to us by Diane, thrust her hand down our trousers, feeling the equipment. I am circumcised; Claude is not. This challenge should have been over in a few seconds. Instead, Colette felt my penis far longer than necessary, examining all elements of that organ. (Not that I am complaining.) Then she went to Claude. She lingered over her task there too, causing Claude to moan as his penis rose to a familiar touch. It was a foregone conclusion that she’d get it right.

Diane’s turn. “What’s an unfulfilled sexual fantasy?”

She paused, thinking, debating.

“That’s too personal. I decline,” she said.

“No problem,” Claude said, but you’ll need to take off your blouse.”

“I’d rather do that,” she said, and unbuttoned the blouse. Those large breasts, cocooned in a lace bra, made their appearance.

Claude’s turn: “Choose any fellow player. Remove one of that person’s garments.”

Not much of a dare, I’d say. Claude looked at my poor wife, clad in her bra. It was a wolf in the chicken coop.

“I’ll remove Diane’s bra,” he said. And he moved to her.

For the second time, they got to see her large naked breasts. But more exposed now, as she sat there topless while the rest of us were dressed (just me without my shirt.) I saw her initially flush with embarrassment. Then she squared her shoulders and her face firmed. She looked almost proud of her naked beauty. This game was achieving all that I had hoped.

My turn. “What is your favorite sexual position?”

That was easy, although I knew I’d embarrass my poor wife.

“I like a woman bent over, nude, while I enter her from behind, clutching her breasts as I do it.”

Claude and Colette turned to look at Diane, to see her reaction. Diane sat there motionless, highly embarrassed as our guests imagined in their mind what that looked like. Sorry Diane.

Colette’s turn: “Demonstrate how you masturbate.”

Colette sat there frozen. “Sorry guys, even I have limits,” she said, and without waiting for us to tell her, she removed her skirt.

Diane’s turn: “What’s the most public place you ever had sex?”

I knew the answer to that. Would she confess it? She would.

“We were once on a Ferris wheel at an amusement park. As we circled, I put my hand into Kevin’s pants. I rubbed his penis until he ejaculated. No one could really see us, circling like that, but it felt very public, as people were within feet of us.”

Colette and Claude looked at each other. Maybe Diane wasn’t the prude they initially thought she was.

Claude’s turn: “How many people have you slept with in your life?”

“That would be rude of me to discuss,’ he said. “I decline.” And he stood and removed his shirt.

Me: “Use your tongue to excite someone of the same sex.”

That was easy. That wasn’t going to happen. Without saying a word, I stood and removed my trousers.

Colette’s turn: “Moon the other players for two minutes.” She was puzzled over this direction. “Remind me what this means?” she asked. (Definitely an idiomatic English expression.) When we told her, she smiled. She rose, turned around, slowly lowering her pants and underwear to tease us, and wiggled her beautiful round cheeks. Claude added to the show by reaching over and squeezing and spreading the cheeks, exposing her intimate parts. The two minutes went by much too quickly. I made a vow that I must get to see that well shaped derriere again.

Diane’s turn: “Put chocolate sauce on someone’s body part and lick it off.”

She smiled and turned to me. I instantly knew what she was thinking but I couldn’t believe she’d have the nerve. My usually reticent Diane?

She went to the refrigerator and returned with the Hershey’s sauce.

“Kevin, you know you’re going to love this,” she said.

I groaned. Yes, she was right, but would she really do this? In front of other people? She, who a few days earlier had fled from our neighbor’s house?

I lowered my trousers and underwear and lay back on the floor. My penis lay across my abdomen. She poured chocolate sauce on it, which already was switching from its exposure to the cool air. She bent over me and with slow, deliberate motions, her tongue circled the head, then the shaft, until she licked me clean. Some of the sauce had seeped onto the testicles, and her tongue followed there too, slurping them clean. When she finished, I was fully erect and moaning.

“Any more and I’ll come,” I said urgently.

“No!” Diane insisted. “Save yourself for later. For me.”

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