
The Pool


-Everyone is over 18

Thank you for taking time to read and vote, special thank you to the woman who inspired me.


Philip moved to the small bedroom community after his divorce. His ex had tried to clean him out, but he didn’t care. He was just happy to close that chapter and be done with it. Many years of rejection and negativity took their toll on him. The few friends he had would tell him he was a good looking man, but he took it as them just being friends. Even being single now for 4 years, he hadn’t really done a lot of dating. He feared he would just be a burden to another woman.

One of his friends, Mary, stopped to see him one day. He was out working around his yard. Even though she was married, she still took a minute to look him over. Philip was a handsome man, just over 6 feet tall, dark brown hair with a little gray splashed through it. He wasn’t a gym guy, but was definitely the type of guy that could pull off a dad bod. She had tried to get him to go out with a few of her friends, but damn he was stubborn

“Hey Mary, great to see you, ” Philip calls to her as he approaches her for their customary hug.

“Hello Phil, you have the yard looking great! “

“Aww, thank you. It keeps me busy and I love to be outside, but this heat is starting to be too much, ” he responds.

” I’ve got a friend that is a member at a private pool. She always tells me how relaxing it is there. They only take so many memberships, and any new ones need to be referred. If you’re interested I could ask her if there’s any openings, ” Mary tells him

As he feels the sweat roll down his neck, he considers her offer. Relaxing by a pool, checking out bikinis might not be a bad way to spend a few afternoons this summer.

” Sure, sounds really nice. Just pass on my number if she can invite me, ” he decides.

” I’ll call her in a bit and ask, I need to run and get stuff for dinner. Did you need anything at the supermarket?”

“I’m good I think. Thank you for thinking of me. “

Mary gives him another hug and turns to leave. She’s a curvy woman, Phil’s favorite. Her round ass swaying as she walked across the yard. A bulge started to form and his pants started to tighten as she walks around the corner out of sight. He realizes, it’s been awhile since he flushed out his heavy sack and decides to go take care of that.

Bringing up his favorite porn on his phone, he slowly starts to rub himself. As his strokes pick up pace, his mind drifts to the memory of Mary’s ass swaying in front of him. Imagining what her ass looks like under the outfit gets him close to cumming. A few more strokes will have his release. Just as he’s almost there the phone rings, breaking the moment.

“Hello,” he answers.

“Hi, is this Philip? ” a soft female voice answers.

“yes, that’s me, ” not sure yet where this is going.

“I’m Karen, Mary called me and asked about referring you as a member to the pool I go to. I’m actually almost there now. If you can meet me there right away, we’ll get you started. “

Phil thinks for a second, then answers, “yeah sure, I can head right over. “

“Great, it’s at 1653 Maplewood Drive. I’ll wait for you to out front. “

“I’ll grab my suit and head out now. Thank you. “

“No trouble, I’ll see you soon. “

The conversation caused his excitement to lower, tucking his member back in, he grabs his trunks and heads for his pick up. As he pulled up to the address, he sees a beautiful dark haired woman waiting for him.

“Philip? ” she asks as I approach her.

“You must be Karen, ” Phil replied.

“It’s nice to meet you. We should get inside to get your membership started so we don’t waste this beautiful day. ” she tells Phil as she guides him into Otele Gelen Escort the office area. He’s checking out Karen as she’s talking to a middle age man about referring Phil as a member. He explains the basic rules of the pool, and going over a bunch of details. Phil didn’t hear too much, distracted by his thoughts. He hears, no means no come from the pool administrator, and snaps out of his daydream. He pushes a contract to Phil so he can sign on the dotted line and make it official. Phil does his usual, mumble as he pretends to read and then sign after a long enough delay. He welcomes Phil, hands him a copy of the contract, and Phil follows Karen to the pool deck. Damn, what a lot of stuff to go through for a pool, He thinks to himself.

Tuesdays aren’t a busy day, as they enter the pool area, it’s empty. It’s a decent size area. Nice clear pool, loungers, some shaded, and for some reason, a lot of tennis balls. Phil wonders if there’s a tennis court over the high fences and someone is really bad at the sport. A staff member sits in the shade, pretty easy day watching an empty pool. Karen points out a few things to Phil, there’s a small gate he can use now that he’s a member. She reminds him of the two main rules the middle age guy went over, no “going” in the pool, and no means no.

Phil wonders if they let kids in here, he can’t imagine grown ups peeing in a public pool, and there’s that no means no again. This place has weird rules.

“My friend Charliegh will be here soon to join us, maybe it’ll only be us three today, ” Karen tells him, a hint of excitement in her voice. Phil is a little disappointed, he figures this guy will have all her attention. He picks a shaded lounger and lay back to relax. Phil watches Karen lay a towel over the lounger and get things laid out where she wanted them. The sound of the gate unlocking gets both their attention. Where he’s sitting, Phil can’t quite see the gate, but Karen gets excited.

“Charleigh! ” she cries out, running over to hug the new arrival.

Phil’s imagining Charlie to be a tall and handsome man. Someone he could never compete with for a woman’s attention. Karen turns towards Phil, her right hand behind her dragging this guy behind her. As he comes into sight, Phil loses his breath. It’s not a guy, but a beautiful curvy woman. Dark hair down to her shoulders, but her lips just beckoned to be kissed.

“Phil meet Charliegh, Charliegh meet Phil, ” Karen introduces us.

He can barely mumble “Pleasure, ” his mouth felt dry and his ability to converse lost to anxiety.

The two women go over to the area Karen had her stuff, and Charliegh got set up beside her. Once her towel was laid out, Charliegh reached for her shorts and whisked them off, leaving only a small pair of bikini bottoms. Phil was trying not to openly stare at her, but he was hoping the top was just as small. As she raised her shirt, he wasn’t disappointed. But he was shocked when she sat down on the lounger and pulled off the bikini top and turned to lay on her belly.

Karen was also stripping off her shorts and t-shirt, she didn’t take her bikini top off yet, instead she grabbed the suntan lotion and covered Charleigh’s back. Phil couldn’t help but watch as Karen’s fingers, covered the other ladies body, leaving a sheen behind. She even made sure the side of her breasts were covered. As she was finishing up, Phil decided he better jump in the pool before the ladies noticed his obvious appreciation of the view.

He was almost to the pool, when Karen called to him, ” Phil, could you please lotion my back before you jump in?”

Turning around he sees Karen dropping her bikini top beside her as she is starting to Balgat Escort lay down.

“Sure, no problem. “

He approached the ladies, both are laying face down, so he stops worrying about them seeing his excitement. Grabbing the lotion bottle he squirts it in his hands to warm it up.

His hands are shaking a bit as he starts to cover Karen’s back. He’s careful he doesn’t go to far, but reaches down a little, feeling her soft breasts with the tips of his fingers. He spreads more down her lower back, tempted to explore the tops of her ass cheeks, but didn’t push his luck after touching her breasts briefly.

Once her back is covered in lotion, Phil heads over and jumps in the pool, if either of the ladies looked up they would have seen his hard erection in his trunks, pointing the way. The water is fairly warm, so it’s not going to be an instant hard on reducer. So Phil swims around for awhile. Movement catches his eye, and he looks over to see the ladies remove their bottoms as they turn over. He knows he’ll be in the water all day now.

Phil returns home that afternoon and starts making dinner. He still can’t believe the two women were nude at the pool, not that he minded, was just hard to wrap his mind around. As he was waiting for his meal to cook, he noticed the pool contract on the counter and decided he should read it. Right in the first paragraph, this is a clothing optional pool.

“Well damn. Guess I’ll be going as often as I can, ” Phil says aloud.

The next morning, Phil heads to the pool around 11 am. There’s already a few people there. Trying not to be awkward by looking around too much, he does see Charleigh there. Just as he’s about to say hi, a younger guy goes over, naked and unashamed to talk to her. He can’t tell what he says but sees her shake her head no, then the young guy moves on without anything else. No means no, guess it works here, Phil thinks.

“Hey! Phil, isn’t it?” Charleigh calls to him.

“Hey Charleigh! How’s the sun?”

“Well, hot and bright I guess, ” she responds sarcastically. “Pull up a lounger and join me, maybe I won’t have to keep telling these young guys no if you’re beside me,” she says laughing.

“I suppose you’ll only have to tell me no that way, ” I say with a bit of a chuckle, trying to tease her, but he’s sure he can see her cheeks flush a little.

The two lay there soaking up the sun, chatting about lots of different things. Turns out the two had a fair bit of things in common. Most of the other’s had left the pool at this point. Phil decided he’d try to be brave and lose his swim trunks, and lies face down.

“Could I trouble you to get my back please Charliegh?” Phil asks. She sits up and reaches for the lotion. Phil sees her pierced nipples out of the corner of his eye, and is thankful he’s laying face down.

He feels strength in her hands as she covers him in the lotion. She starts at his shoulders and works down his back. As she gets lower, he longs to feel her cover his gluts, however she skipped over them and went down a leg. Working her way back up his other leg, she noticed something hanging down between the slats of the lounger. There was something about talking to Phil, that Charliegh really enjoyed, and when she saw he was excited, she thought she’d try to make a move.

When she got to the top of his leg, she let her fingers drag up the inside, gently grazing his balls. Phil jumped a little at the unexpected event, but quickly got a moan out to encourage her. Charleigh goes higher, slowly covering Phil’s ass with suntan lotion. Phil is moaning nonstop, this is the first time in awhile that he’s had a woman touch him.

Charleigh grabs another handful of lotion Büyükesat Escort and reaches under the lounger, finding Phil’s hard member. She slowly runs her right hand up and down his length, while her left continues to rub his ass. She feels him throb in her grip and picks up the speed of her stroke. Just as he’s about to cum, she stops. Smacking his ass on the way back to sit on her own lounger. A look of frustration crosses Phil’s face, he’s not sure what happened.

“You didn’t think I was going to let you cum so you could nap all afternoon, did you?” she says with in an evil grin.

Phil looks at her, not sure what to make of her grin.

“Weren’t you taught, ladies first, ” she says, slowly spreading her legs, ” let’s see if we can get your tongue working again!”

He doesn’t hesitate and moves to the bottom of her lounger. He moves up towards the apex of her thighs. As he gets closer, she grabs the back of his head and pulls his face to her body. She moans at the contact.

“oh yes, that’s it, ” she moaned out. Phil’s eyes and ears were covered, but he didn’t mind. He just lay between her thighs licking away, hoping to make her cum hard. He didn’t notice that a bunch of people had returned to the pool to take advantage of the afternoon sun. Although it happens sometimes, it didn’t stop the women from wishing they were her, and the guys wishing they were him as they watched the scene before them.

Charleigh pulled him tighter as she tensed up, her legs trembling against Phil’s head. Her moans get louder and louder as her orgasm nears, ” oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuuuuck, ” she cries out.

As Phil sits up with a smile, he notices they have an audience. The envy was clear on their faces. Then he saw Karen had shown up, her cheeks blushed when she noticed Phil saw her erect nipples.

“You better go for a swim, you’re a mess, ” Charleigh says to Phil. His erection is still raging as he gets up and heads to the pool. Karen’s eyes drop below his waist as he walks, then she sits and talks to Charliegh.

Phil sees the women talking, when Karen notices him looking over, her cheeks flush again. He’s pretty sure they’re talking about what she walked in on. After a few laps around the pool, he watches Charleigh walk towards the pool, the sway of her hips is mesmerizing. As she starts to swim, Phil sits on the edge of the pool to watch her.

His eyes try to memorize every curve of her luscious body as she glides through the water. She dives under, resurfacing right in front of him. Water dripping from her hair, cascading off her shoulders. He’s completely lost in lust.

Charleigh doesn’t say a word, just runs a hand up each of his legs as she moves between them. Gently tracing a finger from his heavy sack, up to the tip of his cock. He throbs under her touch. She quickly replaces her finger with her tongue, licking his head and capturing all the precum that he was rapidly producing. See takes him in her mouth and works her way all the way down, staring into his eyes. As her head started bobbing, Phil looks around the pool. Once again, they were drawing an audience. He had a clear view of the loungers they were in, Karen was there, one hand on her breast, the other moving rapidly between her thighs. Charliegh went back up to his head, working magic with her tongue. He moaned loudly, unable to stop the orgasm that hit him like a freight train.

Charliegh looks up at him with an evil grin, “Mine!” is all she said.

Phil was numb from the powerful orgasm, “Yours,” was all he could answer.

“Cum tomorrow again, ” she told him as she made her way out of the pool.

Phil sat there and watched her go gather her stuff. Karen had stopped playing when Charliegh was walking over. The two friends spoke for a moment before Charliegh gathered her stuff and left the pool. When Phil got back over to the loungers, Karen looked up to him, ” Will you take care of me like you did to Charliegh? That looked so amazing and you two have me so turned on. “

“No, I’m sorry, I’m taken, ” he replied as he gathered up his belongings and got ready to head home.

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