
The Stormy Trip


They always flirted with the idea of her coming out on a trip with him but he never actually thought it would really come about. He was an over the road truck driver and his misadventures behind the wheel were often the topic when they all sat around talking. She thought she would enjoy seeing the country and getting away from her house for a little while. She was a wife and a mother, stressed out and always in need of distraction. They had been friends for years, they talked a lot when he was driving, she was always good for conversation when he was feeling a little restless on the road.

They were all friends, her, him and her husband. It was essentially her husband that floated the idea of her coming out with him this trip. Although, he thought to himself with a smile, he was pretty sure she wouldn’t be anywhere near his truck if her husband truly knew what his mind usually drifted too when he thought of her in private.

He watched her walk a few steps in front of him and felt his dick twitch a little as he remembered stroking himself to her just a little while ago as he showered in the truck stop. The couple was older than him by a few years. Her husband fell into the role of a protective older brother maybe. But the fantasies he’s had of this curvy, tantalizing woman in front of him are not those of older sister and baby brother. She was the total fantasy package. Sexy ass body with the girl next door attitude to go with it. He would never actually have the balls to do anything though he mused. If her husband didn’t kill him, she just might. She was as bad ass as she was sexy. Take no shit kinda girl indeed.

They spent many nights watching movies alone when her husband worked late and he was always a total gentleman, even if he couldn’t help imagining the bored housewife fantasy as he watched her. Not that it would ever happen, even if he could work up the nerve, her family was always around. He actually kind of had the idea that they knew he didn’t have the balls to make a move sometimes. The freedom his friend gave him in regards to his wife was troubling at times, as if he knew there was no chance of anything happening, as if he was no threat. This troubled him when he thought about it, mostly because they were right. Who in their right mind would be ok with their wife spending a week in a truck traveling around the country with another guy, but here she was, finally on the road, stuck at a truck stop no less. That’s where they were now.

The weather was too bad to drive in so they had stopped and parked for the night. She didn’t seem to mind, she was just happy to be out of the house and away from her normal routine. Plus, they were fed and showered now. It had been a long day, full of stress and bad weather. She was great at keeping him company as he fought the elements and he had to admit, he was glad she was along for the trip. Not even taking into account that he enjoyed the view as she moved around the truck in her tight little tee shirts she was fond off and even tighter jeans. She had a great body and he never missed an opportunity to check her out when he could get away with it unnoticed. She had a figure that turned heads but was completely unaware of it and that made it even sexier.

She had a nice, full figured shape. The curve of her hips, flowing into a great ass he thought as she walked in front of him. This narrowed into an attractive waist that begged for your hands to wrap themselves around it and move their way either down to caress the aforementioned ass or up, over a flat stomach that was occasionally glimpsed as she moved around, to nice, firm and gorgeous tits. They had to be at least D’s he thought, and remembered how he could see her hard little nipples poking thru her sweatshirt as they walked into the truck stop earlier. That image was what had got him started thinking about her in the shower.

As he was thinking this, she hung back a few steps and waited for him to catch up, taking away the chance for him to watch that ass move back and forth but making up for it as she took his arm and hugged him close. He imagined she was longing for body heat because they were both just wearing sweatshirts when the weather called for so much more. He felt his dick react as she pressed her tits to him and he realized she wasn’t even wearing a bra. He could feel those hard little points on him, poking him and was he imagining it, rubbing themselves on his arm a little? She talked as they walked but he only heard half of what she was saying. Her nipples were so hard rubbing on him and because of the wind, she was talking almost in his ear, her hot breath sending tingles down his spine seemingly to culminate at the base of his growing dick.

They finally made it to the truck and hurried inside, him having to adjust himself hopefully unnoticed. They put their stuff away and made themselves comfortable for the night. Eventually they lay in their separate bunks watching tv. She had gotten ready for bed earlier, turning off the lights before pulling her sweatshirt over her head and sliding her pants off and jumping into the top bunk. Even with the lights ByCasino off though, he inconspicuously played the voyeur, watching her silhouette against a sliver of moon coming in from a crack in the curtains that she had drawn closed. He pretended not to notice as her sexy shadow bent down, slowly working and shimming her tight jeans over her full hips, sliding them down her sexy legs and finally kicking them off, leaving her tee shirt on before jumping up with a nice bounce of her tits into the top bunk.

This girl was killing him he thought as he rubbed on himself unobserved under his blanket. He was hard again, feeling his need for a release as if he hadn’t jacked off to her not more than an hour ago. He wrapped his hand around his dick as it poked out the front of his boxers but there was no way to take care of it with her right there, not 3 feet away. He could hear her moving around up there. Finding her place, imagining her body sliding around between the blankets, maybe her tee shirt riding up without a care from her under the cover of darkness, sliding over her ass, bunching up above her hips, panties uncovered… he caught himself stroking faster than he realized. He had lost himself in the moment, in the fantasy. He stopped mid stroke, waited and listened. She had stopped moving, it was quiet in the truck. He slowly released his dick and nonchalantly reached out from under the covers for the small tv on the shelf. He touched it on and was thankful for the broken silence of the movie half way thru that came on the screen.

She moved a little more after that and must have found her place, settling down. He thought maybe she had the idea of what he had been doing but she wasn’t sure. He couldn’t believe he had done that. He smiled a little at the thought though, jacking off to her with her laying right up there. Not that he would of course, but the idea was great. They talked back and forth as they watched the movie with uninterested. The weather was getting worse and he knew that she was getting uncomfortable. He knew from many nights hanging out that she didn’t like thunder and lightning. There had been both, not close, but definitely getting closer. He could hear the nervousness in her voice fighting with the sleep trying to overtake her. After a while, sleep won as he realized just before going down also that maybe the storm was getting worse.

The boom of thunder shook him awake just in time to watch a half-naked body fall from the top bunk. He was confused for a beat before he realized she had more jumped than fell but either way, he found himself stunned when she crashed into him, plastering herself against him with nothing but his blanket between her braless, tee shirt and pantie clad body. Himself in a pair of boxers and socks. She had her face pressed into his chest and he could actually feel her shaking a little. He felt for her, wrapping his arms around her trying not to let the fact that she was barely dressed make it anymore awkward. This wasn’t in fact the first time he witnessed her fear. He remembered a few nights but one stuck out in particular. The storm was bad that night and they were watching tv at her house. Her husband was there that time but had gone to bed. When the house shook from the thunder she actually jumped up out of her chair but she didn’t really have anywhere to go. She looked at me watching her with curiosity on what her plan was to get away from the thunder shaking everything to its core.

“I’m going to sit with you ok?” It seemed like a question at the time but she didn’t wait for an answer. She flung herself at him, simultaneously with the next explosion of thunder. He was sitting there in surprise and she had sat so close she was almost in his lap. Like now, he didn’t really know how to react. She however didn’t seem to have the same problem, then or now. Back then, she moved in close, actually snuggling up, pressing herself into him, hugging his arm, caressing her tits on him, seemingly unawares.

She stayed like that until he left that night, hugged up, her hand touching his arm when she laughed, slapping his thigh playfully a time or two. If he didn’t know any better, it would almost seem like she was flirting with him. He was so turned on by the end of that night that he was sure she had noticed the bulge in his shorts. She seemed to turn it up a notch on one occasion when he thought she had looked down and noticed before he turned away a little trying to be discreet. But again, all that came of that evening was him laying in his bed later that night, hard as a rock dick in hand, imagining watching her as she rode him, palms planted on his chest, feeling her grinding up and down on him. His eyes looking up into her beautiful brown ones as she…. He was looking into her eyes he realized. She had come out from hiding, had raised her head from his chest and was watching him as he thought about the dirty things he would love to do to her. She smiled almost as if she knew.

“Sorry,” She snuggled up closer, and this was about the time he realized, to his horror, that his dick, aroused from his 3 second day dream By Casino of her, actually poked her in her stomach.

He froze, laying there on his side, aiming straight at her with nothing but the thin blanket between them. He had his arms around her protectively yet his body betraying his true perversions. He didn’t know what to do that wouldn’t make the problem even more obvious so he waited, frozen in mortification. But the only acknowledgement she made to this was a slightly raising of the eyebrows and then she seemed to except what she must have assumed was his reaction to their proximity and let it go not even bothering to adjust herself so that she wouldn’t be getting poked.

“I’m not going back up there.” She informed him as a matter of fact. He didn’t bother arguing even if he didn’t fantasize about the very position he was in. He just shrugged and tried to adjust himself so he wouldn’t be poking her without much success. He had the idea that she was trying to get closer to him, trying to make it even more obvious that she gave him a huge hard on but it was probably just his imagination. The television was still on, neither of them really interested but it was the only obvious thing to do until the fell asleep. She lay her head on his chest for a few more minutes, he thought, calming herself before she started trying to adjust herself and get comfortable. She was not gentle or discreet about their bodies moving against each other as she tossed one way and turned the other, trying to find her spot against him in a bunk barely large enough for one.

She was making what could only be described as a ruckus and he landed on the idea that she was feeling playful, being extra rowdy. Giving him a jab in the gut, telling him to scoot over. This gave him the opportunity to lay a little more on his back as he scooted as much as he could, unwrapping himself from her and just leaving his arm for her to lay on when she finally stopped fussing. This succeed in getting his uncontrollable parts away from her imperceptibly. She moved closer at first, maybe missing the feeling of protection when he was wrapped around her, it was still storming outside, but then seemed to except it and flipped with much fan fair around so that her back was to him. She was still on top of his blanket and she apparently realized it around the same time he did because she unceremoniously pulled the blanket up and over her, sliding informally under the covers with him.

This girl was driving him crazy he thought after his initial shock. How could she possibly think it would be ok for her to be under the covers with him, and in what they were both wearing no less but under them she was. She used the opportunity of having nothing between them now to moved back up against him. Her head was laying on his arm. He could smell the clean flowery scent of whatever shampoo she had just used as wisps of hair floated around his face, awkwardly frozen in what could only be described as half confusion, half lust. He thanked all the gods he could think of that he was no longer completely on his side, safe from jabbing her in the back now with his dick that felt like it would burst from how hard he was. She scooted back but was laying more against his side than his front. She paused for a few moments, him not really sure why but he was thankful she had stopped moving around.

He was content to lay there all night, awake, playing statue just wishing for morning so he could extricate himself from the most awkward situation he could think of to have ever had happen to him. He lay perfectly still, neither of them had said anything for a few minutes while they tried to find cohabitation in that small bunk. She lay on his arm, her back to him and then he realized he could feel skin on skin. He was under no illusions that her shirt was covering her anymore. It had ridden up and what he was feeling against his shirtless body was the small of her back, hot and clingy, moving against his skin. Her ass, skimpy panties and all was pressed up against his thigh where moments ago his dick was. Now he was pointing up, harmlessly like a loaded gun pointing in the air for safety sakes.

After a while there was some meaningless chatter between them plus the noise form the tv. They were like that for a little while, he lay stiff and barely breathing for fear of contact. She however didn’t seem to have this problem, chattering away, talking about the trip, the movie that neither one of them was really watching and commenting on the storm. Every once in a while she would snuggle up a little more to him, like a little girl cuddling up to her daddy. With a little time, he started to get himself under control, he wasn’t all the way soft but it wasn’t so blatantly obvious anymore.

She kept moving around, she wasn’t finding her place, she couldn’t find her spot with him lying there like a statute. They seemed awkward, it apparently wasn’t working for her, not being able to find her place against him. Then without warning, she reached back, almost grazing his dick in the process, and grabbed his other arm. The one she wasn’t laying By Casino Giriş on, the one that was laying awkwardly across his body for lack of a better place to put it, and she pulled him forward. He fought the move, knowing he would end firmly pressed up against her, his dick actually lined up just right to poke her in the ass this time, already starting to come to attention at the mere thought. She pulled again, harder this time, not taking the hint, or not caring.

“Come on James, Don’t be a jerk, I’m cold.” She whined and she tugged again like a child, wrestling for her blankie.

“I’m fine like this.” he tried to argue but she wasn’t having it. He had the idea of scooting his ass back away from her to avoid inappropriate contact so began to relent to her demand when he realized to late that he was already against the back wall and there would be no scooting. She succeeded in that moment of cooperation from him to turn him back towards her, essentially wrapping him around her like a favorite blanket. He had been wrong with his guess on where he would make contact with his dick. He was half hard already he missed jabbing her in the ass as she moved up just enough, tucking herself into him, to have it bump on her, graze against her having it coming to rest nestled between two heavenly tight and firm ass cheeks.

This is it he thought horrified as he felt himself grow inevitably stiff, finding acceptance in the situation. He tried he told himself as he felt her falter and pause. There was no denying it, his hard dick was pressed nice and tight, bulging, pointing down, the stretched material of her panties the only thing between him and all her glory. He tried again in vain and if he had to admit, maybe a little halfheartedly to scoot his ass back to make space where there was none, but it was useless.

“I’m sorry.” He started but he wasn’t sure exactly what to apologize about. “I’m not perving on you” he tried again but that felt like such a blatant lie that he didn’t even bother finishing. Instead of getting upset, she seemed to relax in his arms. He didn’t understand any of this he thought to himself, as he waited to see what would happen next.

“Seriously, what are you trippin on?” She asked as if he had just accidently bumped her with his elbow instead of his hard dick. “I’m not worried about it. I know you don’t mean anything by it. I’m a big girl. I know how it works, you can’t always help it.”

As she was talking she was, unbelievingly to James, opening her thighs a little, moving to accommodate him better so they could lay more comfortably, his dick, snug against her ass, resting between her thighs. He was losing his mind he thought trying to understand just how the fuck he had gotten here. She relaxed, finally finding her place, with him wrapped around her. She had brought up the arm that her head was resting on up around her neck. His other arm she had brought across her body and holding his hand in hers, nestled it flat on her stomach. James was at a loss on if to finally for the first time since the he had crawled into his bed that night, relax or just outright, shove her teasing ass to the floor.

He had no idea what she thought she was doing but he was starting to feel like a mouse being batted around for pleasure by a mischievous cat. Yes, a hot as fuck, tee shirt and pantie wearing cat no doubt but he was still just a mouse. He had no idea what was going on, but his little friend didn’t seem to be bother by any of it. Was he making too much of something he wondered? She didn’t seem to care that as they lay there, even thru his awkwardness, he seemed to be getting harder if that was possible. She just moved around, jounced as she talked and watched the tv. She was going about as if there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Maybe it was no big deal, they were very good friends he reasoned. She was used to having him around and probably saw him as a brother, even though he wanted more than anything in the world to slide his dick further between her thighs and find wet, tight pussy… Stop it, he had to actually shake his head a little to lose the image he was working up too. What the fuck he asked himself again. This wasn’t happening he thought. She felt so good laying there. He had imagined all manner of scenarios and fantasized every way there was of fucking her at one time or another but this was just unreal. She was finally comfortable, nestled snug into him, arms wrapped around her, dick tucked up nice, following the crack of her ass.

After a while, not having any other choice but to except the situation, he started to relax, even if only a little. He noticed that every time he would start to go soft, she moved, adjusted herself as if trying to get comfortable until he was pressed hard up against her again, then she would relax. She was playing with him, he knew this without a doubt now and he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. On the one hand, he didn’t like the idea that she was teasing him when he was trying to be respectful of her and her husband. He would not want to mistakenly make a pass at her only to have her flip out. He would never in a million years do anything to upset either of them but damn, how much was a guy expected to take. So that pissed him off. Then on the other hand, his dick was in her ass crack, he was as a hard as a rock and it felt awesome. He was so fucking confused.

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