


Subject: Uncle Will’s Houseguest 23 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how fty/donate.html This story is completely fictional. I hope you are enjoying this story. Please send any comments ail and I will reply as soon as I can. Bill UNCLE WILL’S HOUSEGUEST Chapter 23 Will returned to the bedroom and told Andy, “I’m off to get the bread. Get up and into the shower NOW. You’ll be late for school.” “Yeah, okay,” mumbled Andy. He pushed the bedclothes down to just below his waist but pulled them up again as soon as Will left the room. He was asleep when Will got back from the boulangerie. “Andy!” Will pulled the bedclothes off his nephew. “Out of bed now!” Andy scrambled out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. Will shook his head and went to prepare the breakfast. “What’s up with you this morning? You’re not normally so slow to get out of bed,” Will said when Andy sat down beside him at the table. “Late night,” Andy said before stuffing some bread in his mouth. Will frowned. “It seems like Patrick is a bad influence on you. Maybe I should have a word with him.” “I wasn’t with Patrick last night. He had to attend his sister’s birthday party,” said Andy. “I went to dinner with my friend Pete.” “Pete? I don’t know anyone called Pete,” responded Will. “I’ll tell you all about him this evening,” Andy said. “Can you take me to school in your car? I might be late if I go on my bike.” “Okay. Now finish up and then brush your teeth,” said Will. Patrick was disappointed that he couldn’t spend time alone with Andy after school but he cheered up when Andy suggested they spend Saturday morning on the beach. They chatted for a while as Andy waited beside his uncle’s car and then said their goodbyes when Will approached. “Tell me about this Pete,” Will said as they drove off. “I assume he’s not a pupil here.” “Erm, no. He doesn’t go to school. He’s a grown-up,” said Andy. “Oh?” Will gave Andy a disapproving look. “He’s a nice guy…an American,” Andy began. “I accidentally bumped into him at the supermarket and we got talking. Then I saw him again later the same day and we chatted for longer. I met him by chance on Tuesday, just after Patrick said he wasn’t free to come to dinner…so I asked Pete to join me.” Will’s mouth fell open. “He knows hardly anyone in Antibes and he’s really nice,” Andy concluded. “Okaaay. You had dinner with him but that doesn’t explain why you were so tired this morning,” said Will. Andy looked straight ahead rather than at his uncle when he replied. “Well, I went back to his apartment after dinner and…um, had sex with him.” Will gasped. “You had sex with a virtual stranger! I have warned you…” “He’s far from a stranger. I know a lot about him,” said Andy. “I was certain I could trust him.” “Does he know you’re only fifteen?” Will asked. “Yes, and he knows that sex with a consenting fifteen-year old is not against the law,” replied Andy. “Technically, yes but…” Will was interrupted again. “Legally, yes. He didn’t do anything wrong and I was the one who suggested it.” “Andy, what would your parents say if they knew I allowed you to have sex with adult men?” Will asked. “I don’t suppose they would be any more upset by that than they would be knowing I’ve been having sex with you for a couple of months,” Andy said defensively. “Anyway I don’t need your permission to have sex with others. I’m above the age of consent.” There was silence for the rest of the journey home. “Andy, we need to talk,” Will said when they entered the apartment. “Sit down beside me. Andy sat down and crossed his arms. He was determined not to back down. “First of all, you’re right. You don’t need my permission,” said Will. “However I am responsible for you and I can’t help feeling guilty. I should never have had sex with you but what’s done is done. I enjoy sex with you as much as you enjoy sex with me. And if you want to have sex with others, then that is for you to decide.” Will paused for a moment and then went on. “I wasn’t too pleased when I initially heard about you having sex with Freddy but he is someone I trust completely and you probably couldn’t have had anyone better for your first time. Simon is a really nice guy and not much older than you so I had no objections to you two having sex. But when it comes to others you really have to be careful.” “I know and I am careful, Uncle Will,” said Andy. “And it wasn’t as if it was a first date,” he added with a smile. “We had lunch together before so we have had time to get to know each other.” “Will you be seeing him again?” Will asked. “Definitely. I regard him as a friend,” replied Andy. “Then maybe I should meet him,” suggested Will. Andy pouted and then said, “I suppose it might put your mind at rest. I will phone him later as he’s almost certainly still outside.” “What does he do?” Will asked. “He owns some kind of engineering business back in New York but he’s taken a year off to indulge his passion for painting,” replied Andy. “He’ll be out painting now.” “He must be quite well off if he can afford a year away from work,” said Will. “I suppose he is,” responded Andy. “He is renting istanbul travesti a big two-bedroom apartment in the Old Town and that will be expensive. Anyway, what are we doing for dinner this evening? It’s Friday so I assume we’re going out to eat.” Will smiled. “Thinking of your stomach again?” “Is that better or worse than thinking about sex?” Andy giggled. “You normally say I’m always thinking about that.” Will rolled his eyes. “Go and change. You can come down to the swimming pool with me and work up an appetite.” “Seeing you in speedos will work up my appetite for sex,” smiled Andy. “I might need a quickie before dinner.” Will laughed. “No way!” *** “Is your uncle coming to the beach with us?” Patrick whispered to Andy as Will followed them down the corridor to the lift on Saturday morning. “No. I have to introduce him to someone – my American friend, Pete,” replied Andy. “I’ll explain later.” Patrick nodded, then smiled and said, “Actually I wouldn’t mind seeing your uncle in swimbriefs.” “I thought you were only interested in boys, not old guys,” smiled Andy. The conversation was halted by Will entering the lift with them. They walked through the Old Town to a café in Rue Georges Clémenceau where Pete was waiting. Pete stood up and waved when he saw Andy. Andy and Pete shook hands rather than exchanging kisses on the cheeks. They had agreed in advance that this was best in the circumstances. “Pete, this is my uncle, Will Taylor,” Andy said. “Uncle Will, this is my friend, Pete Bridges.” The two men shook hands. “And this is my friend, Patrick.” “Enchanté,” Patrick said as he shook Pete’s hand. “My pleasure,” smiled Pete. “Please, be seated…all of you.” “Thanks but Patrick and I are going to the beach,” said Andy. “We’ll leave you two to talk business.” “Okay. I hope to see you again soon,” Pete said before giving Will a nervous smile and sitting beside him. Patrick was curious about what was going on but he decided to wait for Andy to explain. “Pete seems nice,” was all he said as they headed towards the beach. “For an old man, you mean?” Andy smiled at Pete. Pete laughed and then Andy went on. “You said a short time ago that you’d like to see my uncle in swimbriefs. Why?” Patrick shrugged. “He looks pretty fit. It might be nice to see what is under his clothes.” Andy smiled. “Although he’s my uncle, I have to admit that he has a sexy body. He’s got a really big dick too.” “You’ve seen it?” asked Patrick. “We live together so, yes, I have seen him naked a few times,” replied Andy. He paused and added, “Pete has a big dick too…and I’ve had sex with him.” Patrick gasped. “That’s why my uncle wants to talk to him,” explained Andy. “You have had sex with an old man?” Patrick wasn’t sure he believed It. “He’s not old! He’s mature…and sex with him was fantastic,” declared Andy. “But…” Patrick didn’t know what to say. “It happened on Thursday night and it was probably the best orgasm ever,” Andy said. “My uncle didn’t approve when I told him and I think he wants to find out if Pete can be trusted.” “Trusted to keep it a secret?” Patrick asked. Andy smiled. “No. I suppose he wants to check that his intentions are honourable.” Andy laughed. “I know I want to have sex with him again.” “Oh,” said Patrick. “Does that mean you don’t want do stuff with me again?” “Don’t be silly.” Andy hugged Patrick. “Of course I shall still want to play with you.” He lowered his voice and said, “I like sucking your cock…but I also like being fucked by Pete’s cock. I can do both, can’t I?” Patrick smiled. “I guess so…but not at the same time.” Andy laughed. He thought that a threesome with Pete and Patrick might be fun but he suspected Patrick would be horrified at the idea, especially with an older man. The boys enjoyed their time on the beach and then Andy suggested that they return to his apartment for a different kind of fun. “If Uncle Will is there, he won’t come into my bedroom,” he assured Patrick. To Patrick’s relief, there was no sign of Will. He quickly stripped off and displayed his stiff cock to Andy. “Do you want to suck me first this time?” “Yes…or we could try a soixante-neuf. That’s where we suck each other at the same time,” suggested Andy. “I’d like to try that,” Patrick said with a smile. The boys climbed onto the bed and got to work. Patrick, still a novice and easily excited, spunked off first. Andy swallowed every drop and then encouraged Patrick to finger his `pussy’ while sucking him. Andy soon erupted in Patrick’s mouth. “I guess your uncle will be home soon,” Patrick said as he got dressed. “I’d better go home for my lunch.” “Okay,” said Andy who was still lying naked on the bed. He got up to kiss Patrick goodbye. “I’ll see you at school on Monday.” Andy wandered around the apartment for a while and then concluded that he’d have to have a late lunch on his own. He got dressed and headed back towards the Old Town, keeping an eye out for his uncle. He decided to have omelette-frites at Le Pimm cafe-bar in Rue de la République and took a seat at an outside table. That allowed him the opportunity to people-watch while eating. After lunch he continued down the street and ended up in the weekly kadıköy travesti antiques market in Place Nationale. He smiled to himself as he remembered René and headed for his stall near the bandstand. René broke into a wide smile when he saw Andy. “Ah, mon jeune ami anglais!” (Ah, my young English friend!) Andy shook his head. “Non. Ton jeune ami écossais!” (No. Your young Scottish friend.) René tutted. “Je suis desolé.” (I am sorry.) He smiled and added, “Did I insult you?” Andy laughed. “It’s okay. Many French people make the same mistake. How are you, René? Busy today?” “Busy this morning but not now,” replied René. “Do you have time to chat with me?” “Yes, of course,” replied Andy. René pulled a ten Euro note from his pocket. “Please do me a favour.” He pointed to a take-away kiosk. “Please go there and buy me a café express and a drink or an ice cream for yourself.” Andy went off as requested and returned a short time later with an espresso for René and a small ice cream for himself. “Thank you, René,” he said as he handed over the change and the coffee. “You’re welcome.” René smiled and took a sip of his coffee. “I haven’t seen you since you started school. Are you enjoying it?” The pair chatted happily for about twenty minutes and then a potential customer started browsing at the stall. “I’d better go. It has been nice talking to you,” Andy said. “I hope to see you next week,” said René. “Sorry, but that won’t be possible,” responded Andy. “I’m going to St Raphael with my uncle next weekend. Maybe I will see you the weekend after.” Andy thought René looked very disappointed when he said, “Okay. I understand.” Andy waved and started to walk away when René called him back. “Here is my business card. Maybe you can call me or send me an email sometime,” the man smiled. Andy nodded as he took the card. “I will do that.” He put the card in his wallet and headed home. “He really does want to be my friend. I wonder if he fancies me.” Will was sitting on the balcony reading when Andy reached home. “Hi, Uncle Will. I was back earlier but then went out for lunch. Have you been with Pete all this time?” “No, I met Louis – Doctor Louis – and he invited me for lunch,” replied Will. “I knew you’d manage on your own but I suppose I should have phoned you.” “It’s fine. I would have called you if I’d been worried,” Andy said as pulled off his t-shirt and sat down beside his uncle. “How did things go with Pete?” “Well, it was a bit awkward at first but I think he’s okay,” Will began. “He said he hadn’t expected any kind of sexual relationship when he first started getting to know but he enjoyed your company. He thought you were mature for your age and liked the fact that you could hold a conversation on many different topics.” Will smiled. “That’s one of the things I like about you too. He said that he wasn’t just after a quick bit of fun. He hopes that the two of can be friends throughout his stay in France.” “I hope the same,” said Andy. Will nodded and went on. “He showed me his passport, a copy of the rental agreement for his apartment here and then used his smartphone to show me the website of his company back in the States to prove that he was a responsible person.” “So what did you decide?” Andy was anxious to know. “I told him that you continue to meet up but you had to be discreet in public,” replied Will. Andy grinned and threw his arms around his uncle. “Thanks, Uncle Will. You’re the greatest.” “Okay, okay.” Will patted Andy’s back. “Does this mean you won’t be wanting sex with me as often?” “Don’t be silly,” smiled Andy. “I will always want sex with you. I love you and your big cock!” He groped at Will’s crotch. “Do you want to do something now? I’ll suck you off or you can fuck me.” “Tempting! But let’s wait until later and we can have a leisurely session in bed,” replied Will. “I love when you fall asleep in my arms.” “Okay, you sexy man!” Will gave his uncle a quick peck on the lips. “Patrick gave me a blowjob before lunch so I can wait.” Will chuckled. “You’re sex mad. You have me, Simon, Patrick and now Pete as regular sex partners. And you will be demanding sex with Freddy next weekend, no doubt.” “What can I say? Guys find me attractive and I don’t like to say no to them.” Andy smiled and realised that his uncle didn’t know that Jean was now giving him more than massages. “And as for next weekend, I want a threesome with you and Freddy. I want to be fucked at both ends.” Will shook his head. “You’re unreal.” “But you still love me,” Andy said before going indoors for a cool drink. He then went to the bedroom and phoned Pete. “You have my uncle’s seal of approval,” he said after the initial exchanges. “That means I don’t have to lie when I visit you.” “That’s great news,” responded Pete. “We will have to get together soon. I’m going off to Paris this weekend to see an exhibition and for a change of scenery. We must meet up when I return. I’ll give you a call.” “Thanks, Pete. Have a lovely time in Paris,” said Andy. *** Andy helped his uncle cook dinner and then they chatted for a while afterwards. “Do you want to watch a movie before we go to bed?” Will asked about nine o’clock. “Yeah – a porn movie,” bakırköy travesti grinned Andy. “I suppose you’re old enough for that, especially since you’re having lots of sex,” said Will. “Anything in particular?” “Pete mentioned that my namesake – the American twink, Andy Taylor – was one of his favourite porn stars. Maybe something with him,” Andy replied. “I have quite a few of his videos on an external hard drive,” said Will. “He’s one of my favourites too.” He plugged the hard drive into his computer and told Andy to find one he liked. Andy found a folder containing lots of videos with his namesake. He was familiar with some of the guy’s partners but laughed when he saw the name Hole Hunter. “What kind of name is that? I assume he gets into Andy’s hole.” He selected that video and soon found that Hole Hunter was a mature black man playing a doctor while Andy Taylor was his patient. Neither Andy nor Will spoke as the video began. A few minutes later Andy gasped when he saw the size of the black cock. “That’s a big one. Thick too,” he said. “Too big for you?” Will asked. “Of course not. If that Andy Taylor can take it, so can this one,” replied the teenager. “Anyway it’s probably not much bigger than yours.” He squeezed his erection while watching Andy suck and later get fucked by the doctor. There was a large damp patch at the front of his shorts when the video ended. “I can see you were turned on by that,” Will said as he switched the computer off. “Yeah. It made me think of that black waiter in the North African restaurant we went to recently,” smiled Andy. “I wonder if he likes to hunt for the holes of teenage white boys.” Will laughed. “I doubt it but he’s not here. You’ll have to make do with me.” Andy went over to Will and found an erection hiding inside his trousers. “This cock can satisfy me. I’m really horny after watching that so I want you to pound my pussy. I need to be fucked hard tonight.” Will smiled and gave Andy a quick kiss. “Go and have a shower. I’ll join you in bed very soon and do my best to give you what you want.” “Thanks, Uncle Will. You’re the greatest.” Andy started stripping off as he left the room. Will was equally worked up after watching the video so no time was wasted in kissing and cuddling when he joined Andy in bed. They went straight to sucking each other’s cock and then rimming each other. Andy was leaking a steady flow of pre-cum when he took his tongue from Will’s hairy arse crack and said, “I can’t wait any longer. Please fuck my pussy, Uncle Will.” “Let’s start with you riding my cock,” said Will. “But facing me, not with your back to me like Andy in the video.” He lay down and greased up his thick 23 cm (9 inch) cock and passed the lube to Andy who applied a generous amount to his hole. Andy then stood astride his uncle and crouched down. Will helped by holding his cock erect and Andy lowered himself on to it, wincing as it penetrated. Then he sank deeper, gasping and then smiling when he was sitting on his uncle’s body with the cock fully inside him. “I love being stuffed like this,” Andy said before starting to move up and down on the fleshy pole. His movements soon became faster. He tweaked his nipples as he fucked himself on the huge cock, knowing that he was liable to spunk off if he touched his cock. Will smiled as he watched Andy enjoying him. He loved having his cock inside the tight arse, especially when Andy squeezed it with his arse muscles. He also enjoyed seeing the teen cock bounce up and down, leaking pre-cum. “You really love being fucked, don’t you?” he said. “I do,” smiled Andy. “Especially being fucked by a big, strong, daddy-type. Or uncle-type. But let’s change positions.” He eased himself off Will’s cock. “I want to be dominated now,” he said as he moved onto his hands and knees. “Fuck me hard and make me cum. Please!” Will moved into position behind Andy and lined his cockhead up against the pink pucker. Then, taking hold of Andy’s hips, he rammed his cock fully inside in a single thrust. Andy gasped and then cried, “Yes! That’s what I want.” “I’m going to fuck the cum out of you,” Will said as he began to pound into Andy’s arse. “You’ll still feel this one in the morning.” “I hope so.” Andy was pushing back against the cock, his own cock throbbing with excitement. It was inevitable that the fast, hard-pounding action wouldn’t last for long. “I’m going to…Oh, I’m cumming!” Andy cried. Will moved quickly to cup his hand in front of Andy’s cock to catch the boy-cum and stop it soaking the bedsheet. Andy whimpered as he shot off several blasts into the waiting hand. “Eat it all up. It’s good protein,” Will said as he held his hand in front of Andy’s face. Andy didn’t hesitate to lick the hand clean. Will then resumed fucking and a few minutes later it was his turn to cry out a warning. “I’m about to shoot. Take my load…aaagh!” Andy smiled, thinking he could feel the man-cream blasting into him. When Will finished and collapsed on top of him, Andy spread himself out on the bed. “Please don’t take your cock out, Uncle Will. I want to go to sleep with it inside my pussy,” he said. “I’ll try my best to keep it in but I think we should move onto our sides,” said Will. “We will both be too hot if I stay on top of you.” “Okay,” said Andy and they eased themselves into a more comfortable position. “Thanks for the great sex, Uncle Will. Goodnight.” “Thank you.” Will kissed Andy’s shoulder. “You were great.” To be continued

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