


Subject: A Neglected Boy Chapter 7 Please support Nifty to keep these stories fty/donate.html This is fiction and all the characters names are simply fabricated. Comments are welcome and appreciated at jacoblion@tutanota This is my first attempt at writing a story for Nifty and thanks everyone for your support. Thanks Coach Ray and the Nifty staff for all your help. A Neglected Boy Chapter 7 A Neglected Boy, Chapter 7, jacoblion@tutanota At the end of Chapter 6 . . . I decided to roll to my right facing him. His eyes opened and with a cute devilish smile he said “I was just checking to see if you were Ok and if Mother Nature was taking control.” I smiled he giggled, I turned him over and said “Go to sleep” Chapter 7 Kori and I were both sound asleep I think you can call it a dead sleep. At 7 am the alarm sounded and jarred me awake. I shut the alarm off quickly so not to wake Kori. We were both exhausted from our exciting trip to Mystic Seaport. I thought for a moment about how much fun it was to be with Kori as he strolled about the streets of the historic town of Mystic. We really had another hour before we needed to start to get ready for the day. I was looking at Kori as he slept. Without a thought or a second of hesitation I reached over pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around him. I could smell the strawberry shampoo and the sweet scent of his little body almost like honey. Kori stirred slightly and I heard him say “Jake I love you, can we just stay like this for a little while, please, it just feels so good to have you hold me?” I told Kori “Kori I think that’s a great idea. You are so warm and smell so good I just might have you for breakfast” Kori laughed, broke my hold on him, turned and kissed me then turned back on his side. He backed into me and we just enjoyed the warm feeling of being together. I don’t know how to explain the feeling. The feeling of being cuddled like this with a young boy seemed so natural. In addition it was bringing Kori and I emotionally closer. As I lie here I was thinking of how many times I have seen parents who love their kids hug and hold them. Like a dad and his son camping in a tent? I bet some dads love their sons so much that they spoon and cuddle when they sleep. The only difference is Kori is not related to me. Well how about an uncle? I bet that would be the same too. For about another thirty minutes I drifted off into Neverland. I was floating in paradise and would have loved it if it were to stay like this for the whole day. Then I heard Kori say “Jacob I think you got a stiffy.” Kori threw backed the covers and looked at my boxers and laughed. It’s true he said “you can’t control them they just do what they want.” I was so embarrassed and he giggled all the way to the bathroom. I heard him laugh when he started to pee. I was still embarrassed when he came out of the bathroom and I started to apologize. He looked at me and said “Jacob your face is so red. Yesterday you explained that it just happens so I guess it does and it’s Ok with me, like so what, we both have the same the same things, right?” I smiled and thought he had never called me Jacob. Hey Kori “You never have called me Jacob so why now?” Kori said “It’s your name right? And I like it so sometimes I’ll call you Jake and sometimes Jacob, if that’s Ok with you.” I guess we got the name thing settled and I will call him Kori or stud muffin and he will call me Jacob or Jake. I told Kori to go take his shower and shave. He laughed and the next thing I knew he walked out of the bathroom face covered in shaving cream. He is a cute little devil and I love him. As Kori was taking a shower I went to the truck and brought back the box. In that box was the ship he had looked at so many times yesterday. I took the Charles W. Morgan from the box and placed it on the table. In front of the model I placed a note . . . For my best boy Kori, Love Jake. I put my clothes on the edge of the bed and waited for Kori to come from the bathroom. To my surprise Kori walked out in all his glory naked as could be. He grinned at me and said “I forgot my underwear, Ok? It’s no big deal” While he was being a little cheeky he noticed the ship on the table. He looked at me and said “You bought that for Neil he’s going to love it.” Kori, still naked, walked over to the table and while looking over the Morgan read the note. Like a jack in the box he flew into my arms nearly strangled me with his hug and said “I love you, I love you, I really Love you Jake thank you it’s awesome, thank you.” Neither of us really noticed at first but his “thing” inflated instantly. I said “Kory your very welcome I wanted you to have something real nice for your bedroom. Now I think perhaps you should put on your tighty whities and put that thing away.” as I was pointing to his erection. He didn’t turn red and no reply just picked up his tighty whities pulled them up and tucked his still hard penis in. He looked at me smiled and adjusted things. I told Kori maybe while I am in the shower you could get dressed and if you want check out the game room. I showered quickly, dressed and went to find Kori. Kori was in the game room with several of the boys from the swim team. I said hello to the boys and introduced myself. I told Kori I was going to give Professor Alves a quick call to let him know we were on the way and could he please say goodbye to the boys and meet me at the truck. I called Professor Alves my history professor from my senior year at Yale and asked him where we should meet him. The professor said the front door to Harkness Tower and that at 11 am would be good. That was great as now Kori and I had time to go for breakfast at Panera Bread again. I know Kori really liked this place. As Kori and I were getting in the truck a young man approached and introduced himself as Kevin the swim coach for the swim team. Wow was Kevin ever handsome. Maybe six foot, blond hair, blue eyes and a very young but cute masculine face. It was so obvious that he was an athlete. I guessed that we were both about the same age 23 or 24. Kevin was in great shape and I could not take my eyes off him. He offered his hand and then gave me a pass and asked Kori and I to join him at the swim meet later this afternoon. I thanked Kevin and told him it would be great fun and both Kori and I would be there. As Kori and I were in the truck he asked about Kevin. I told Kori that Kevin was the swim team coach and we were invited to join them this afternoon. Kori was excited as he had made friends with all the boys on the team and was looking forward to seeing the swim competition. Of course Kori said we would have to cheer for them. I was delighted to see that Kori was having such a great spring break. We drove right to Panera Bread walked in a found the only open table over in the corner. The girl recognized us and greeted us with a winning smile. She looked at Kori and said, “Well handsome what may I get for you today?” With that grin of his he replied “Miss I would like that waffle thing that I had before but this time may I please have a little more whipped cream? No coffee just hot chocolate and perhaps a little more whipped cream on that also” we all laughed and I ordered the same but with coffee. Kori and I talked about the day and I explained about Professor Alves. I cautioned Kori to be very polite to shake hands firmly and for heaven’s sake don’t stare at his bald head. Kori cracked up. Breakfast came quickly and we enjoyed eating as well as the goings on in the restaurant. It was a mixture of older adults and university kids. With the mixture of ages came a mixture of dress. Some bursa escort of the adults were in period clothes that looked like the forties and that was interesting; some of the young people from the university were either very preppy or almost funky like hippies. We finished breakfast and had time to drive about the university before meeting Professor Alves. It was time to meet Professor Alves. We parked and walked to Harkness Tower. I think Kori was in awe. The look on his face as we approached the tower was solemn, respectful very reverent. I told Kori to smile it was just old and was perhaps the best known building on campus. That was enough to bring him back to life. He smiled and said “Jake this building is impressive” I told Kori to remember it was built in 1917 and is 216 feet tall. Standing at the door was my friend and Professor from my senior history class. He looked real good. Last time we were together he looked so tired and had the expression of someone who was ill. We shook hands and I introduced him to Kori. It was like they had known each other for all of Kori’s life. I couldn’t believe it they shook hands and Kori gave Professor a big hug. With that Professor pulled Kori to him and returned the hug. It looked like grandfather and grandson as they stood there hugging each other. I finely interrupted saying “Excuse me you two have know each other for how long?” Kori and Professor laughed. Professor said “Jacob this boy is like a twin for my grandson thank you so much for bringing him. I miss seeing my grandson so much, the family moved to Florida a year ago. So when you visit me please bring Kori with you I love children.” Kori looked up at Professor and said “Professor I will be happy to come visit you and you can be my granddad while I’m here” Professor laughed and messed Kori’s hair. I could tell this was to be a great day for all. Kori wanted to know what to call Professor and I told him to like me, call him Professor. Not. Professor interjected . . . looked at Kori and said “Kori you can call me “Pops” or “Poppy I would like that very much” and Jacob you call me Stan” I was very uneasy with that. I told Professor that I was not sure I could do that. Professor understood but insisted that Kori will call him “Pops” I hugged Kori and the three of us walked from the tower on High Street over to Durfee Hall on Elm St. It was a good walk and Professor and I talked about my paper. I listened as he was giving his first impressions. We arrived at Durfee Hall where Professor has a small office on this side of campus. Kori could not believe the size of this place. Professor looked at Kori and could see that Kori could not have imagined such a place. Professor said “Kori let me tell you a little about this building. The first four floors have twelve – foot ceilings and wood-paneled walls. I bet you have seen “Harry Potter Movies” kind of looks like that. My grandson loves to cone here. All the living rooms have two windows facing the old campus and big fireplaces. This is where many freshmen will spend their first year here at Yale. I will assume that this is where you will spend your first year.” I look at Professor and he knew something was perhaps a little off. Kori knew that he would never be able to go to Yale. It was so far out of his reach. Professor is a very smart man. He looked at me and said . . . . . . “Jacob I will expect you to see that Kori will have the grades necessary to attend Yale. I will see that Kori will, like you, have a Yale education and there is nothing preventing me from doing that. I think Kori and my grandson are either the same age or a year apart so they will both be here with me. I have no intention of leaving this institution for many more years.” With this statement Professor hugged Kori and said “Kori you will attend Yale and I will hear nothing else, is that Ok with you my boy?” Kori didn’t know what to say. He was as stunned as I was. Kori looked up at Professor and said “I don’t know what to say Profess . . . Pops I mean Yes I will go to Yale oh yes just like Jake.” With that Professor took Kori by the hand and started to explain about things at Durfee hall. He then told Kori to go explore and come back to his office in an hour. Kori went off looking at this and that and was last seen going up the stairs. Professor and I went to his small office decorated like some scene right out of a “Harry Potter” movie. There were books from floor to ceiling, wood-paneled walls and a small fireplace. We discussed my paper at length. It was the opinion of Professor that the paper was well done and would be accepted by the department and receive best rewards for the research. The conversation turned to Kori. I explained as much as I could about the boy. I told professor about his home life, his mother, his grades, just everything I could think of. Professor looked at me with that all knowing look . . . “Jacob I could see the way you looked at him. I could see the way he looks at you and I know there is more to this than you just giving him a great spring break. When you called me and told me you were bringing a student from your school along . . . there was something in your voice right then that told me this kid was special to you. I saw the love in your heart when you looked him and the love he has for you when he looked at you. Boys this age can be hurt easy so be careful not to hurt him. At the same time you need to be careful not to get hurt. Some advice Jacob, make very sure to always put the boy first. Make positive that your actions are always in his best interest. I want to know that Kori will be here at Yale.” I was in shock at the Professor’s statements. He saw right though me and knew immediately that I loved Kori. I also knew that he saw Kori as a very bright child and one that would do well at Yale. Right on the dot one hour to the minute Kori knocked on the door. Kori came in and then told Professor and me all about Durfee Hall. It was very much like Kori had taken notes and written a paper. Professor and I were both impressed with the facts that this kid came back with. It was now one o’clock and we all decide to go for lunch. Professor had to excuse himself as he had another meeting to attend. That left Kori and I to find a place to eat and then go find the swim team. I had a great idea. I took Kori to Yale University dining hall. I was right it was a great idea. He was amazed at the size and the choice of food. Just about anything you could think of. Sandwiches, soup and salad bar, burger bar, Italian, deserts of all kinds. Kori chose Italian, spaghetti and meat balls, garlic bread and juice and for dessert triple layer chocolate cake. I had soup and salad. Boring! We finished lunch and headed for the pool. We arrive about fifteen minutes before the start of the meet. The boys were all milling around and spotted Kori. There were waves and thumbs up and all that stuff. One of the boys started walking toward us when their coach, Kevin, called him back quickly. Kevin looks like he knows what he is doing. There was a bell that sounded and we watched as the boys on his team all grouped up. Then boys from different swim teams all took positions on the platform. The start beep sounded and the boys hit the water like a porpoise. They were good and fast and amazing to watch. Kori was glued to the action. We cheered for each boy on Kevin’s team. His team was sharp and they took mostly first places. The competition was over and all the boys and Kevin came over to us. They wanted Kori to swim with them but we had not brought a swimsuit with us. Kevin said no problem and told the boys to take Kori back to bursa escort bayan the shower room and give him a suit. A Speedo swim suit of course. The boys all left and Kevin sat with me. He has the utmost trust in his boys when they are at the pool. But he told me that kind of trust is only for the pool. As we were talking he was telling me that you never know what they will do. Kevin was laughing as he told me that having 10 boys 11 – 13 in 3 rooms is like dropping into a pit with a bunch of snakes. I cracked up as I could only imagine what 10 boys could play on an easy going coach. Then he began to tell me stories of how important it is to knock on their doors before entering their rooms. You never can tell what they are up to. Kevin had that devious smile and I knew right away what he was referring to. So his boys will be boys too. I asked how the boys took to getting into Speedos at first. Kevin explained that only a few boys ever felt shy about it. He was saying at that age in a group it is more what they have than what they don’t have. The kids don’t seem to notice if it’s small or big. They just have fun in the water. I watched as Kori played ball tag with all the boys. Now it was fun and sometimes hard to find him. The pool is Olympic in size so it’s 50 meters long and with about 50 boys in it. One of the university boys came out and blew a whistle and told the boys it was time. Now they all had to come out and go to the shower room. Geez I would have loved to been in there to see Kori’s reaction as all the boys had to take off the swim suits, dry and dress. Well it didn’t take long and here was Kori with a big smile on his face. He had just had the best time with all his new friends. We all spoke for a moment and decide to go to the university dining hall for pizza. It was tons of fun and Kevin and I watched as the boys as they ate. They were so cute. They each were trying to feed each other at one point. Imagine the pizza is drooping down and one boy is trying to get it in the others mouth. Faces were a mess. Soon dinner was over and we were leaving. Kevin and his boys were going to the movies but Kori just wanted to go back to the Clarion. I think Kori was tired and trying to put things together. He obviously was very taken with Yale. On the way back all Kori talked about was Yale the tower, Durfee Hall, and Professor Alves. Kori was very serious for a few minutes and then looked at me and asked . . . “Jake was “Pops” telling the truth when he said I was going to Yale? Or was it just talk like so many adults like to do when they don’t know what else to say to some kid they meet? So was it the truth Jake?” I had to answer Kori. Professor was serious and I knew he was willing to see that Kori was to have a Yale education. I said listen to me carefully ~~ “Kori Professor was telling you the truth. You will have a Yale degree. What you need to know is that he will never tell you a lie, not ever. You also need to know that he will let you know when you are doing good and when your not on your best game. You will learn to trust him and listen to his guidance. You will always respect him and he will always respect you and be your best friend while you are at Yale. Please remember it.” Kori looked at me and he knew then that his life was changing. That he will be faced with opportunities he would never have dreamed of. He said “Jake thank you so much for changing my life. I never thought I would ever do anything special. I just thought Raven Woods is where I would be. I didn’t know things like you have shown me even existed. I know I am only eleven but I can see that the people you know are important people. Jake I love you so much don’t ever leave me.” Hey Kori I need you to lighten up bud. We are back at the room let’s wash up and see about going for dinner. Go take a look at you at your ship and I want to get a photo of you with it. Oh and I didn’t tell you I got some really great shots of you at the pool with the boys today. Kori’s face was smiling again. I think it was just a little much for him to take everything in today all at once. We were in the room and before I knew what was happing he tackled me causing me to fall backward onto the bed. Then it happened. Kori was kneeling on me, well he had straddled me and was looking directly in my face. He was staring directly in my eyes, I have something I need to tell you he said. I really didn’t know what he was about to say and I was a little afraid about what it might be. Kori said “Jacob, . . . I love you!” and then so quickly he gave me kiss but not on the cheek but right on my lips. I rolled him off me and began to tickle him till he couldn’t breathe. He pleaded with me to stop, I didn’, I told him he needed to be punished for making me think it was something bad he was going to tell me. He was on the floor and I was on top of him tickling. It was not till I thought he would pee his pants that I would stop. Kori got up off the floor looked at me and said . . . “Look at what you did” as he pointed to the tenting in his pants. I laughed and told him to go do something about that and let’s decide on dinner. Off to the bathroom he went. When Kori returned I asked him he liked Chinese food. Of course he said doesn’t everyone? Damn cheeky little Kid. Smart ass. I told Kori I knew of this really great Chinese restaurant where they have really good food. It’s called The Great Wall of China. Kori said “So let’s go the name even sounds good.” Kori and I closed the room door and went to the truck. In the middle he was just like so many times before. I loved it when he was close to me. We drove only a few minutes and arrived at the Great Wall of China restaurant. He remarked that it looked good from the outside so it must be good inside too. I chuckled at his comment. Never judge a book by its cover I told him. You need to sample before making a real decision. We entered and were seated quickly. Kori looked at the menu then at me. I asked “Kori is there something wrong?” With a puzzled look he said “Jake it’s in Chinese, the menu is in Chinese and I don’t read Chinese” I laughed. The hostess was smiling when she gave Kori the menu I guess they do that to many kids. She handed me mine and there were two. I handed the real one to Kori and he smiled. On the menu there were hundreds of selections. Dim Sum, with special picks that all sounded amazing. Fried pork, seven kinds of fried rice, General Tsao chicken, eight kinds of shrimp, all kinds of veggies and as if that was not enough there was my favorite Peking Duck. Kori looked at me and said . . . “Jake I think you better order I know if you order I will like it.” I said “Ok Kori let’s see, we will start with a small bowl of wonton soup, then an order of pork fried rice we will share, medium order of pork Dim Sum, and a large order General Tsao chicken, and some Peking Duck. Does that sound good Kori?” He answered “It sounds like a lot for just two people.” He was correct but I also know how he can eat and with the room we have we can take what we don’t eat with us … if there is anything left. The dishes arrived served by three young handsome Chinese boys. The first boy placed a large round Lazy Susan in the center of the table. The second and third boys began placing the dishes on the Lazy Susan. Kori had never seen this before. I told Kori that this is how we would eat sharing each dish. We had rather small plates and a number of them. I explained that you take a small portion from each of the dishes you like the looks of then you can turn the Lazy Susan to the next dish. Wow this was something else. He looked so amazed at how escort bursa our dinner was served. We tried each dish the smile on his face said it all. He loved each of the selections and was not shy about refilling his plates. All four of his plates were used and he was looking for more. I asked one of the boys (real cute) and he brought us several more. Kori was like a bottomless pit. This boy can put away more food than a grown man and all with a smile. We really were full and happy. Kori said he had never had Peeking Duck but wanted it again. I laughed and explained that if he were to go to Yale he would have to know that it’s Peking Duck. Then I told him I would explain later and show him where Peking was. The ride back to our room was quick and Kori had the idea that we should go to the game room for a few minutes. Down the hall and into the game room and it was the old style pinball machine that Kori liked best. So we had a little competition. Ok so he’s a little better than me. I can admit it. We played several games, first it was best out of three, then I said best out of five. Damn he’s good at this. After we spent about ten bucks I said we needed to go back to the room shower and watch some TV. No argument from Kori. I think he was ready for bed anyway. Back in the room I asked Kori to go take a shower and get ready for bed then we could watch TV or read or he could just go to sleep if he wanted. He undressed and went in the bathroom. I was watching the news and not paying any attention to Kori at all. For some reason I started to listen he was kinda singing softly. I asked him if he was Ok. Kori opened the louvered doors between the bath and the bedroom and said . . . “Jake can you please come wash my hair and back, please, please.” I went in the bathroom and here he was in that big tub filled with hot water and he had found bubble bath soap. I could only see his head. Kori had this huge smile ear to ear and handed me the strawberry shampoo then decided he wanted the apple. I opened the apple shampoo and poured a little in my hand and began to lather his hair. All the time I was working the suds around his head he was humming. Kori was just eating all this attention up. I was in heaven. This kid is so adorable. I told him I needed to rinse him off and took the shower wand and gently washed the soap from his head. Kori said . . . “Jake now my back, Butt, legs and toes.” What I exclaimed. He thinks I am his servant, well I am kinda I guess I am. . . . “Ok Kori head to toe and don’t complain either!” I started to wash his back and he just leaned forward just a little. I got down about as far as I could go and then I washed his face and rinsed it so no soap would get in his eyes. Then down his chest to his tummy and stopped at his belly button. Without noticed he stood up facing me and put his right foot to the top of the tub and said . . .”This leg then the other one and don’t forget the toes please.” I was about to smack his butt when I realized what was staring me in the face. Here only about ten inches from my face was the cutest little dick you could imagine. He was cut and it was all of two inches soft. I snapped out of it and washed down his right leg and then he turned and I washed the left leg all the way to each of his toes. I grabbed the shower wand and rinsed him off then Kori let me know I had missed a few things. I asked Kori . . . “Kori what did I miss I washed you from head to toe and even in-between your toes. There is nothing else sport.” Kori replied as he looked at me and pointed . . . “this and this” . . . he was pointing at his penis and his butt. I looked at him and I was a little shocked that he really wanted me to touch him. At the same time I was delighted but was arguing the point in my head. I made the decision I would. I picked up the cloth put some apple shampoo on it and ever so gently washed his penis and testicles. Those were about the size of grapes. I turned him around and slightly brought the cloth up his crack. All the time he was saying . . . “no, no Jake not fare not like that no cloth just your hand. Jake, Jake.” Well it was all over to soon and I had already rinsed him off for the second time. I put the shower wand back in the holder looked at him and said with a sly grin . . . “Dry yourself off hang the towel get your underwear on get in bed and no argument!” He was flustered a little pissed I think cause I did what he asked but not how he wanted it done. Kori came out of the bathroom and smiled at me and thanked me for washing him. He said it was real nice to have someone take care of him like that. I told Kori that I enjoyed washing him but that it was something special just for tonight. I gathered up my things and went to shower. When I came out to the bedroom in just my boxers he smiled and said . . .”Sexy” then pointed to the spot next to him and told me it was time for TV. I guess everything was alright. We settled down to watch some show he wanted but in reality he wasn’t interested in it at all. He just wanted me up on the bed close to him. Now I admit that I know kids at eleven and twelve are starting to have those feelings. And they have started to find out things about their bodies on their own or with their friends. This was a little different as he was eleven and I was almost twenty four. I thought Kori would start asking questions about his body and sex and stuff and I was all in for that. But what I found out was that Kori had other ideas about his curiosity regarding sex or sexual contact and arousal. I looked at Kori and said . . . “Kori are you ready to go to sleep?” Kori replied . . . “I’m not sure I am ready to go to sleep but I am ready to turn the lights out and just snuggle up to you if that would be Ok with you?” I turned out the lights and turned to hold him. This time it was a little different because we were face to face. He said . . . “Kiss me” . . . nope. I asked him if he knew how the Eskimos kiss and he said yes and I said . . . ” Ok we can do that.” We started to rub noses and then . . . Kori kissed me, hard, a real kiss. I gave in and kissed him back. I felt Kori’s hand move down my stomach and I reached down and held his wrist stopping him from going any further. I looked into his eyes and told him that we needed to talk about this before it goes any further. He said he was just curious to see if it made me get an erection. I told him it did. And then he told me he was hard as well. I said to Kori that we had already talked about when boys and men get erections. That sometimes we can’t help it and that being close and the interaction between us and the touching had caused the sexual response. That doesn’t necessarily make it right. He was perhaps disappointed or confused that I would not let it go further. I knew this had now taken on a whole new course and I was going to have to deal with it. Kori I think for tonight you need know a couple of things that are very important to both of us but especially to you. First you need to know I love you more than anything in this world. Second I need you to know I don’t want anything to come between us that would cause us to not like or love each other. I will let you be curious about things including sex as you find out more about yourself. For now we need to be cool about this. “Ok you little sexy devil?” Kori smiled and knew what I was getting at and it was fine for tonight anyway. I really think I have my hands full with this boy I love so very much. Kori turned on his side and I pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around him and once again assured him I loved him. As the night before we slept sound and I did awake a few times to realize that either Kori or I had erections. But hey “boys will be boys” and you can’t stop Mother Nature. Chapter 8 soon Comments welcome, please continue to enjoy A Neglected ota

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