


Subject: Meat for my Grill (16) This is a fictional story about this hot guy I met one of those online video chat sites some time back. Nate is a very hot and beefy guy that used to video chat for fun. I was a great follower if his page. Because he was hot as all Hell, and was hung like a bull. We chatted for some time, and I even hoped we would eventually hook up. But then his page disappeared. And I haven’t seen him online since. It is a shame. Because I would have loved to get with this hunky guy. This is for you Nate. Enjoy…. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Meat for my Grill (16) Searching for Nate… … I did not see Nate on again. For a long time. So od course I thought the worst for him. I wanted to go sown there and by him somehow. To pull him from his mess. But I did not even know where he was. He’ll I wasn’t even sure if he was alive. The constant abuse from Gonzo and his friends must have been so horrible for him. And I could do nothing for him. “Where ate you Nate” I kept saying “I am here if you need me” “Just answer me man” I had sent messages to the email and texted to a phone number I knew he no longer had. Just hoping that he would somehow answer me. But nothing. So yes I did fear the worst. That fuck Gonzo may have harmed him so badly. And after months of nothing, I did decide I had to go down there. I couldn’t just let something terrible happen to him and not try something. So I got in my car again and drove down there. I thought that I could drive around to see if I could see him. I figured I could try where he used to live. Maybe they had heard from him. I know it was a slim chance. But it was all I had. When I got there to the apartment building he used to live at. The old roommate was still there. He was still a prick. He said he had not heard from Nate but really didn’t care if something had happened to him. I called him a sad fuck and then left. Start g to search the streets in that old neighborhood. “Where are you Nate?” I asked the streets “Please be okay” I then went the the local police station to see if they might be able to help. Again hitting a wall. The woman there trying to be sympathetic. But only scaring me more. Saying that he was more than likely dead. And as she did not know where this ‘gonzo’ lives. kocaeli escort She could not send out someone to check this guy out. I was about to give up when I saw someone I had recognized from his old chat times. i stopped at a Denny’s to get some quick food before I was gonna head back to my hotel and just head back home. It was a girl that I had seen show up in the chats that he was not having sex in. This was like a friend or something. I had forgotten her name and wasn’t sure if it was her. But I went over to ask her if she was who I thought. She was sitting auth another girl in a booth, having some food themselves. They were just chatting up when she saw me looking at her. “Uhmm. Hello” I said as stepped over to them “I am sorry to bother you. But..” “Can I help you?” She said with some concern I did not blame her as she was getting confronted by this stranger that she did not know. I saw her hand gripping the knife that they gave you for the meal there. Ready in a strike grip. I saw this and just stepped back a bit. Then I tried to explain what I was wanting from her as I apologized again for the intrusion. Hands up in an inoffensive stance “I am so Here I my sorry” I said again “Nut I am looking for someone” “And I think you know him” “At least I hope so” I got my lip just before asking here if she knew Nate. Hoping it was her. The girl from his hang out chats. Praying that it was her. And if so, praying she had seen him. “Do you know Nate?” I then blurted out She looked at me for a moment. Seeming unsure of what to do. Had she seen him. And if so she pro ably knew of what was going in in his life. But if it was her and she knew. Would she divulge anything to a stranger about him. I could be one of Gonzo’s buddies. So I had to just try to make her understand I meant Nate no harm. Ever. That I actually cared for him. A lot. So I again asked her if she knew Nate. And trying to make my case as someone who wanted only his safety and security. “Look you don’t know me for Adam” I started “But I used to chat with Nate online some time back” “I know he has been in some dudes straights” “And i just want to make sure he is okay” “Please tell me he is” Her friend sitting at the table looked at me like I was a nut job. But the girl I was trying to talk to sighed. The grip in the knife loosened kocaeli escort bayan and she finally spoke. She then seemed to understand what I was trying to convey to her. Or at least it seemed so. “Yes. I know Nate” she the declared “He was staying with that shit for Brian’s guy.” “Gonzo?” I asked She saw I knew who the guy was. But seeing in my face that I was not find of that name by my tone. So she continued. That was when she said she had seen Nate. That he had gotten out from that goes I me relationship. He had been on the streets for a few days when he looked her up. She said that Nate had stated at ger place for a little bit. But had left when he hooked up with some other guy. But it wasn’t the best situation either. Saying the new guy that Nate had been with didn’t lay either. “A few weeks maybe” she said “But he kicked Nate out fast” She said that the last time she saw Nate was a few days back. They had talked at some length and Nate was trying to find a way to get our of the city. That he was trying to get up to some other guy he had met online. Something about him being the only really nice guy that Nate had ever been with. And I pondered that comment. Hoping as I thought about it that he was talking about me. “So what. Did he leave to go see this guy?” I asked “I guess.” She said “I had given him 30 bucks to help him out” “Not sure how far it got him though” I really hoped that nate had been talking about me. But I know he had spoken to lots of guys online. So the possibility it was me was very very slim. I then asked her where she saw him last. She was not sure. So I thanked her and headed off. I was no closer to finding him, but figured he would maybe try a bus to get him where he was going. And maybe I could find out which way he was headed. So I got to the local bus station and asked the woman there at the counter if she had seen him. Using a picture of him from my phone to show her what he looked like. “Sorry. Don’t know him” she said I sighed. Defeated. I was really thinking I would never find my dear Nate. But as I was about to go. Just give up my search as I had no other options. That was when I heard a voice asking me if I needed some help. I looked around to see one of the cleaning crew there at the station. He again asked me if I was needing help finding some izmit escort one. “Look man.” He said “The girls at the desk won’t know shit!” “They see so many people every day.” “And its never the same girl each day at the ticket booth” “I am here every day man” “All day most days.” I figured I had little other option. So I showed the guy Nates picture and asked again if he had seen him. “Him. Oh yeah” he said “Poor guy. He was a mess” “Trying to get up north” “But the fair was too much” I asked him if he knew where Nate was trying to get to. That was when he told me it was where I lived. My eyes widened and I knew now more than ever I had to find him. My poor sweet Nate. I then asked where he went to after here. Again this service rep seemed to have all the answers I needed. “Yeah” he added “I stopped him and told him that he could try the truck stop” “Might get a ride with a trucker” I asked him where the truck stop was. He pointed me in the direction of it and I thanked him ever so much then almost ean out to my car. The cleaning guy shouting back that he hoped I found him. I got in the car and drove to the truck stop. Hoping someone could tell me what truck he got into if he got a ride there. Although I knee of the stories of truckers that did horrible things to hitch hiking guys. So another scary thought filled my head. “I hope he is safe” was all I said I got to the ruck stop. Stepped in and saw the big heavy truckers sitting around and eating as they waited for the next ride. I took a breath and started to ask around the place. The truckers looked at me like I really did not belong there. I worried one of them might beat me up for being in their turf. Then a waitress came over as she saw me asking around. I swear ahe looked like one of the waitresses from the late seventies (Alice). “Sweatie” she said “These guys won’t know one hitch hiker from another.” “I am just trying to find a missing friend” I said “He may have tries to get a ride out if town.” I showed her the image after she asked me to. She smiled and said that yeah Nate had been there. That he had seemed so sad and had almost no money. She had given him a meal and he did leave with a trucker. “Big blue cab” she said. She gave me the licence plate number and wished me luck in finding Nate. I grabbed sone food to go and some gas there and headed out. I knew it would be a tough find as I was days behind them. But I had to try. I had to find Nate… ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

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